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USS Thor - 'The Lost Colony' Best Quotes!

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There are many times that I love small snippets of SIMs so deeply that they could be a reason to throw the whole post to the appreciation forum, but as I would basically spam that place every time any of you sends an email, I will open a thread just to include those great moments that can be read in the Thor.

To initiate it, I would like to highlight this moment from @Alex Brodie


The two exchanged impassive looks…sometimes the best option was to say nothing, although there was a little relaxation in her muscles – maybe AU twenty-five with some twenty-six – it was very slight though. Alieth would be a welcome addition to the poker games.


I don't know why, the scene play in my head as the perfect comic moment, without the need to say anything and I chuckle every time I read it. Good job, Brodie!


What other moments have you enjoyed? Share them with everybody else!

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I just love how we all were picturing these giant tunneling ant creatures, and then out of no where here comes Teller with this:


The creature that emerged from the darkness in front of the team was the stuff of childhood bad dreams.  A large central body that seemed covered in chitinous armored plating moved with incredible grace and ease in the confines of the tunnel, for which of course it was the perfect size and shape.  On its forelegs, an array of long, savage looking claws seemed to find purchase on every rock face, easily digging in to the solid stone with each movement.  Two perfectly black eyes sat a half meter behind a long, prehensile snout that seemed to sniff the air constantly.  Geoff was immediately reminded of a story he'd been read in his youth, of ancient people who tunneled deeply into the ground and hoarded their treasure.  To their ruin they had awoken something, and it's name always stuck in his mind.  
Teller: =/\= It's a damn dragon. =/\=


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I must said that, image wise...HE IS right :P


it was a super cool piece of description indeed, we need more of this around!

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I'm re-reading some stuff for a SIM and this peal from @Quen Deena has come again:




Flynn: Now then, I guess I owe you some names. ::she aimed a thumb over her shoulder at Rick:: He’s Rick Armiger, he’s our Chief Doctor. ::indicating herself:: Ellen Flynn - and before you and the blue guy get all “take me to your leader,” you’re talking to her.


I know this has been praised in discord but it make me chuckle every time. Good job here :D 

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Sirok: =/\= This ship has a Typhon Shield Device. Its main function is to override the Typhon expansion anomalies, a kind of temporal anomalies. Perhaps we can force it to work with the chronitrons. The problem is, in order for it to work, we have to use almost all of the ship's power to generate the antichronitrons needed to counteract the anomaly. We would be unable to dedicate power to help the away teams. Besides, the anomaly is such that it could cause damage to the bussard collectors while we perform the procedure. =/\=

^^^^ @SirokTechnobable over 9000 👏👏👏


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I shared this on discord too but this retort KILLED me 🤣 @Geoffrey Teller



Flynn: =/\= Watch your step - visibility’s not great and the ground’s uneven. Don’t touch the walls. =/\=

Geoff unconsciously flinched away from the wall, turning his helmet towards it and casting a deeply suspicious scowl at the rock face.  To his eye, it appeared no different from any other part of the wall, stretching off into the darkness in either direction.  

Teller: =/\= Thanks for the tip.  Don't tell me - you guys just painted? =/\=


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Falling into formation with their rescuers, Geoff tried to encourage conversation - desperate for any information about these people.  
Teller: =/\= So, you folks get guests often or....? =/\=


...only once every 200+ years... 🤣

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Kortho: We should be able to make it work … our list of impossible things to do isn’t that long after all. 

Engineering secrets here @Brell? I LOVED this quote 

  • Haha 1

Garcia:=/\= We’%@# !#@ land*( site. Pr$@#d with ca@#$!. =/\=

Teller: =/\= Copy that, land site, pound with cage, over. =/\=

Damn that radio interference. Laughed far too hard at this.

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Even if technically isn't a "Lost Colony" quote:



Teller: Well, in the interest of assisting a fellow officer, fine.  But if he starts asking questions, you better pretend I take a lot of head wounds so my memory isn't that clear.  


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