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Which DS9 character, excluding Sisko, would make the best Captain?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Which DS9 character, excluding Sisko, would make the best Captain?

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Welcome to another edition of the Poll of the Week!

Once again this week we'll be recasting the Captain of a favorite Star Trek series and this week we'll be focusing on the crew of DS9. Who do you think, other than Ben Sisko, would make the best Commanding Officer of DS9? Would it be Major Kira, the former freedom fighter of the Bajorans, or one of the two Dax hosts? What about Worf, or Doctor Bashir? Or would Miles O'Brien have made a good leader for the crew at DS9? Or maybe even someone not on the list, such as Garak or Quark?

So vote and tell us the reasons why you voted for who you did. Our mad scientists here at Poll of the Week are standing ready with clipboards in hand ready to take notes on the results.


Hmm. To be honest I think Kira or Worf. Both showed strong leadership skills and were often in command.

Though who would I want to watch the most no matter how unusual it might be? Garak.

heck, I'd watch any trek that featured Garak. He's the metaphorical bomb.

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Dax. Because of her lifetimes of experience.

And, I've got to support my fellow spotties. :)

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I'd vote for Odo. A perfectionist like him would make an excellent Captain. But it might not be overly pleasant to be a member of his crew ;p.


I said Bashir but I think Odo would do a better job and make a most excellent Captian... I voted for Bashir to make it much more Interesting or corny(depending on how you look at it.)... like when Bashir does the 007 holodeck programs... I mean he is playing that part but it is really ... bad kind of quirky acting.. but also interesting in that ... it is a takeoff of 007.. so he could do the whole thing like that ---((it's been a long day.)) besides I did not have time when DS9 was on and Voyager was on and STtng./..were all on every week,, So I had to compromise with one of them (DS9) ,, back in 90's and so on...I admit that Voyager was first runs and Star Trek Next Generation was in reruns but I did not see the next gen show for show..so time budgets were invented and installed into my week routines... and DS9 often lost... Only to be watched in reruns... but even still have not seen all of them..


I'm going for Kira. Worf was undoubtedly a good captain, but he was not subtle and didn't have much nuance. And in fact, we saw a couple times where he did the absolute wrong thing out of vengeance.

Kira had a mission, a motive, and the experience to lead. She was strong when she needed to be, but diplomatic all the way. I'd follow her anywhere :)

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I would have to agree, though Kira didn't always make the right or most 'diplomatic' decisions but I always empathized with them and understood her reasoning. She never did anything that just made me say 'well why the heck did you do that'? She had the rhyme and reason necessary for a good, yet dynamic Captain.


I admit that mine was a trick answer. I voted someone else because I never liked DS 9 since I was always hoping the whole show would be recast, so almost anyone else would have been better. I can't say there was one character I liked on that show although the idea of a space station was a good one.

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