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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Because as much as he wanted t9 pretend he was a Rockstar he really was a boring old man in a little blue body.

But he's such a CUTE boring old man in a little blue body!


Meeks: Yeah, dying isn’t exactly on my list of things to do today.

I like Meeks' attitude! <3

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Sheila smiled in that sad sort of way as she leaned heavily on her crutches. She was disappointed that she couldn’t give a solid answer on that subject. Disappointed with that empty sensation where her chest was too loose. Yael was smart, knew what he was talking about, gave straight answers which Bailey sadly couldn’t seem to give in return. 

This is the sort of character exposition that really helps us connect with a PC.  Wonderful work!

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Borq: Rules? ::pats the man hard on the shoulder:: The only rule is to be a warrior! 

The first rule of warrior club is... :D

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totally enjoyed this whole conversation!


Yael:  ::not above bribery::  I'll give you a cookie.


Boy:  Nope.


Darn it.


Yael:  Alright.  You wanna do this the hard way?  I’m calling Operations.


The antenna stayed back, but the kids demeanor didn’t change.  He was dedicated to his cause.


Boy:  Do what you ‘gotta do.


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Posted (edited)

Kherys canted her head, attempting to interpret the emotions she felt from the woman.  Sometimes it was difficult - they were jumbled together, a mix of things that shifted so quickly, one couldn’t be distinguished from another.  It was like mixing the colours of paints - too many, and they would all turn to a muddy brown, losing their distinguishing hues. 

@Alora DeVeau This bit of description was a great way to describe emotions. I completely  connected to this metaphor. 🌈 

Edited by Sheila Bailey
Fix formatting
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DeVeau: The tide, hm?  The tide of people?


Even if one couldn’t see, one could hear.  Those voices that murmured, some shouted as they called the attention of others further away.  Laughter mingled with irritation, excitement was tempered with cries of disappointment from children who weren’t getting their way.  Lives shifted past them, yes, very much like waves in an ocean.  

I love the imagery here! <3


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Meeks: You know how to find me. My number is 867-5309.


Zorkal: I’ll remember that.

I see what you did there, Meeks >.> :D

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Meeks: Oh, trust me, you’re gonna get hit... a lot. Don’t worry about that.


Yael:  ::taking a breath, steeling himself::  Okay.  But if I cry, you can’t tell anyone.

This amused me.

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It felt good not to be made of glass.

Yeah.  I get that.

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Tony watched the technician closely as he approached with the needles, then paused. Having steeled himself to the concept of becoming a human pin cushion, he set his head back and gave the technician a nod, indicating he could proceed with the procedure.


Meeks:  What’s the worst that could happen? I may get better radio reception?

There could be worse things!

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I absolutely loved this exchange!


DeVeau: Oh, nothing much.  I just want you to have one of my babies. 


Talas’ internal monologue froze for a moment as his mind attempted to comprehend the information he had just heard. ‘I just want you to have one of my babies’ he repeated over and over again in his mind. His focus shifted from one extreme idea to another, does she mean a baby baby, can Bajorans and Humans have babies, is this some kind of experiment. What on earth could she mean? Talas’ thoughts came to a stop when the pair entered an office with desk and a few chairs. Then Talas noticed what he could only describe as a wall of plants and he connected up the fact the she mentioned xenobotany as her job. oO her babies… and relax Oo


Alora picked up a pot containing a violet coloured plant, which was as far as plant descriptions would go for him, he expected Alora could give him minute details about it, she brought the plant over and showed it to him.


Talas examined the plant, seeing fuzziness that he had an urge to reach out and touch, the purple petals looked were ruffled which Talas liked the look of, he immediately thought of a place in his quarters the plant could sit.


Talas: ::Smiling:: Thank you, Commander, it looks lovely. I’ve not looked after a plant before, I’ll do my best to look after it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

DeVeau: Sure!  I’d love to!

Nalni: Ok. ::pats the air up and down:: Calm down. 

I crack up every time Nalni tosses some ice water on DeVeau!

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Foster: I appreciate that, Lieutenant.  And I’ll get the changes ready for you to approve.  ::he offered a soft smile.:: You have a good day.

And that was that.  He was happy to help.

Maybe this would be the push he also needed to help himself.  Who knew?

Love how advancing one characters personal plot can in turn assist another player with a character of their own. <3. 

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Drinks were easily fetched and soon they were all seated around a table with a beverage of choice.  The heady aromas of chai spices mingled with Sal’s citrus forward beverage and the light wood and peat notes of the scotch.  It was like a mini vacation for the nose.

Love ❤️ the description of the drinks. 🏝️

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Yael:  Always care for your holographic horse.

DeVeau:  Just so it won’t eat you in the night?

Yael:  Yeah… wait.  What?


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  • 2 weeks later...

As Inertia floated them above the floor, Rue had the brief thought that it was not the drop that was frightening - it was that sudden stop at the end.

This is exactly what Alora says too!

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Yael:  ::as they parted::  It was nice plummeting to my doom with you.


Blackwell: Let’s do it again sometime! ::and she waved cheerfully and was on her way:: 


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Maxwell: So... um, the palthana juice is good if you've no tried it?

Was he stuck for something to say? Yes. Was he convinced he'd faded into the background along with everything and everyone else? Also yes.

I audibly 'awww'd at this... scared the cat even! ❤️


Talas: ::tone changing, to an attempt a flirting:: Might I say, madam ::attempting to sounds like Zorkal for ‘Madam’:: you’re Pagh is on ::very loud, high pitched:: FIRE!

There is a Bajoran pop song for this.  You know there is!

  • Haha 2
17 hours ago, Sal Taybrim said:

There is a Bajoran pop song for this.  You know there is!

To the tune of this song: 


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Posted (edited)

Oh great, he opened his fool mouth and now the Andorian was looking at him.  The real Andorian.  He was like the cut rate version you got off Space Wish, a vague approximation of what you really wanted.

I just adore Wyn's little snippy internal dialogue.  You're a real Andorian to me! ❤️

Edited by Alora DeVeau

Foster: Ok, look you people.  I’m sober, I’m a medical genius and I have an open sickbay.  Before we start locking people up in some sort of insane drunk tank experiment can we come on down to sickbay and let me do some scans?!

You didn't say please!


Foster: Again, quick medical scan can help,  Just come down to sickbay, I’ve give you all a cookie.

So simple.  So easy.  Please come… Please?

But you didn't say it out LOUD!


Then again Wyn didn’t want to see that dour Rekarian drunk.  Might be the end of the world if that happened

I want to see this happen!  We must make this happen!

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