Sal Taybrim Posted July 16, 2019 Posted July 16, 2019 Making good first impressions, that Daniel Cain is! 😂 1
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted July 22, 2019 Posted July 22, 2019 Quote Zel’s favorite thing even before hot tubs, was not getting killed. 😂
Reema Poq Posted July 27, 2019 Posted July 27, 2019 <quote>Ops’s crew needed that perfect harmony of someone who was strong, experienced and trusted. That was a diamond in the rough. A diamond that Sal Taybrim was looking directly at.</quote> helloooooo new XO! 1 1
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted July 28, 2019 Posted July 28, 2019 That was a great line, if I do say so myself. Thanks, Doc! (And Sal, of course ) 1
Sal Taybrim Posted September 4, 2019 Posted September 4, 2019 What not to hear in a shuttlecraft: Quote Zel: Well, yes to a point… Poq: ::her head swiveled to Zel, her eyes widening:: To what point? Zel: Shit… hang on! Poq is having so much fun! 1
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 Quote Termine: I've heard many fine officers ask that question - hell, i've even asked it a few times myself, but staying home doesn't keep you safe, and it certainly doesn't stop the universe from changing you. At least in starfleet you can say you're changing the universe back. Great line @Dante Termine! 1
Sal Taybrim Posted September 26, 2019 Posted September 26, 2019 Malko: Nope, nice try. I've never seen any of your ugly mugs before... Dante? hey now, we just confirmed he had a pretty face... 😂 1
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted September 29, 2019 Posted September 29, 2019 Quote Just now Vlokinth noticed he was in the Narendra just for a few hours, but it looked like much more time. And he also realized that he was among a major terrorist attack on his first day. But now was time to focus. Welcome to Ops, @Vlokinth 🤣
Sal Taybrim Posted October 10, 2019 Posted October 10, 2019 Quote Waiter: Hello good sir, what can we get you this fine morning. ::overly perky.:: ::Rustyy cringed a bit. To early for someone ~that~ loud and cheery. He hadn’t had enough coffee to deal with the general public. Something he learned while working with the civilians in the commercial sector.:: Hael: Coffee’s fine. Waiter: Any creamer, sugar, spices - Hael: No - ::he cut the man off.:: Jus’ … coffee…. Waiter: Alrighty, one plain Jane, nothing fun coffee. ::he tapped a Padd for the order.:: coming right up. ::The man smiled while Rustyy mock mimicked the snarky waiter. He wasn’t exactly wrong after all.:: Hael: Yea’ Yea’ Yea’, wha’evs. ::he huffed a chuckle.: Come on, coffee is *always* fun!
Alastriona De Troyes Posted October 11, 2019 Posted October 11, 2019 ::Arridor glanced at his companion.:: Arridor: Your phaser is set to stun, isn’t it? Groond: You want me to kill them? Arridor: No, you idiot. I wanted to know if the proprietor is still alive. Groond: Oh. ::He glanced at his phaser.:: Yes, it’s set to stun. ::Arridor relaxed somewhat.:: Arridor: Good. I don’t want to antagonize him. Groond: He won’t sue us, will he? Arridor: I hope not. There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman. 1 1
Sal Taybrim Posted October 16, 2019 Posted October 16, 2019 Quote Malko: And when I asked for Chocolate Infinity Cake, the replicator must have misunderstood -because it began making 'infinite chocolate cake'. I attempted to verbally cancel the process, but it was locked in some sort of request loop - leeching energy from the floor. The pot-lights dimmed in my office menacingly. At first I tried catching the fountain of cake in whatever empty vessels I had around the office, but they quickly filled. By that time the cake had begun spreading across the floor. I rolled my pant legs and waded through the molten flow, armed with a decorative letter opener. By the time I got the access panel open, well, the cake was threatening breaching the room. I wasn't sure what I was looking at in there, but I steeled myself and flipped a bunch of breakers until I saw the cook light die out - and finally the cascade of cake ceased. Shovel by shovel, I packed the viscous maroon sludge into the refuse chute - and attempted to scrub any traces out of my office and skin with diluted cleaners I stole from the sanitation closet. Ultimately, I was able to dispose of the cake batter, but I could not disguise the incident or my shame. Please - have mercy. Best. Confession. Ever. 1 2
Sal Taybrim Posted October 25, 2019 Posted October 25, 2019 Quote Maxwell: Computer, why can I no get intae my office? Computer: The office of the Chief Tactical Officer, Lieutenant-Commander Artu- Maxwell: Aye, I know who he is. He's me. Open the door. Computer: Unable to comply. Alpha-Two Clearance is required to access this office. Max shook his head and laughed to himself. There was literally two people on the entire station with Alpha-Two clearance, and Max knew instantly which of the two was responsible for locking him out of his office. Maxwell: oO Alright, Sal. You win. Shore leave it is. Oo Dang skippy, Max! 😁 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted November 2, 2019 Posted November 2, 2019 Quote Hael: Good thing you go’ me then, eh? I know this ‘ere place like the back of me hand. ::He looked at the back of his hand… it looked like… his hand. Good enough. Rustyy smiled.:: 🤣 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted November 2, 2019 Posted November 2, 2019 Quote Karen was getting really mad at the two Ferengi. Stendhal: Of course I'll do everything..Pay? You don't need to pay anything... I'll pay you some kick in your bum if you try to come back here without any permissions. Get out of here!! Do you understand? OUT! OUT! It’s official, I like Stendhal already! 😂 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted November 2, 2019 Posted November 2, 2019 Quote Zel: You mean people were less jaded back then? ::This was a novel concept to him. He figured people were always equally jaded because life always sucked, just in new and different ways.:: Why do I relate to Zel so much?! 😅 2
Sal Taybrim Posted November 3, 2019 Posted November 3, 2019 Quote Malko: Say - you think the food here can read your mind and tell if you liked it? This is both hilarious and terrifying all at the same time! Next time I'm gonna be careful before ordering Betazoid cuisine! 1
Sal Taybrim Posted November 3, 2019 Posted November 3, 2019 Quote Foster: Ok, for starters – the Constitution had 42 decks and it was a pretty big ship. The Apollo-A had 45 decks and it was a very big ship. ::he paused for emphasis.:: This place? It has two-thousand seven hundred and sixty five decks. ::He emphasized each number with flair.:: Oh yes, he will freak out. ::Ah so it was the size. Size mattered to the EMH did it now? Rustyy smirked a little but his expression was one of care and familial humor.:: TWSS? 1
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted November 12, 2019 Posted November 12, 2019 Quote Karen looked around, her mates was talking about this strange Klingon Cult, and that didn’t sound a pretty thing to her… For a second in her mind appeared the picture of a couple of swearing and screaming klingons ringing door by door , Bat'leth in their hands and cutting the heads of who didn't agree or with who refused to happily embrace with the cult. oOArgh!Oo Haha! Great imagery here! But yeah, they’re definitely not that kind of cult. 🤣
Sal Taybrim Posted November 14, 2019 Posted November 14, 2019 Quote Termine: It call's to mind the Klingon expression "Don't heed the wardrums until you see their banners and blades. If the Empire doesn't believe these rebels to be a threat they're happier to remain ignorant and cast aspersions rather than do anything proactive. I've read intel reports that suggest that says some of the chancellors think that doing anything proactive would be akin to meeting them in battle — Thereby elevating them to the position of a respected enemy. So, they sit in a self-made ignorance. That's it, Dante's writing the next ship report! He gets it, perfectly!! 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted November 21, 2019 Posted November 21, 2019 Quote Maxwell: Aye, contact Crewman Paradi. That boy can get you a single peanut ae your choice out ae a bag at forty-thousand kilometres. Now THAT is accuracy! 2
Gogigobo Fairhug Posted December 8, 2019 Posted December 8, 2019 Quote K'Maarra raised her weapon again and sighted down the corridor. If "Something Terrible" came after her, she would turn it into "Something Dead". 😂 1
Sal Taybrim Posted February 10, 2020 Posted February 10, 2020 Quote Sol downed the rest of her drink, setting the glass on the bar, next to the box containing her pip and her ribbon, studying them both. Maybe Dr. Foster had been right back in sickbay after they had gotten off that ice world. Sol looked up as the Captain stepped off the stage. What most of the crew probably hadnt noticed was that it was already preset with instruments, and now a band was making their way out on stage. There would be plenty of music and drink for the night. Hopefully the hangover the next day wouldnt be that bad for most of the crew. Very poignant! Also yes - one heck of a hangover!
Rustyy_Hael Posted March 3, 2020 Posted March 3, 2020 This guy she was draped over smelled like a Romulan. lol! Didn’t know Nijil had that Romulan cologne! @Sal Taybrim
Sal Taybrim Posted April 17, 2020 Posted April 17, 2020 Quote Just around the corner was rickety old plane with barely enough room for the three of them.:: Foster: Please tell me we’re not flying in that thing. Hael: Please tell me we is! ::he countered with a cheesy grin.:: ::Snerk!::
Sal Taybrim Posted April 22, 2020 Posted April 22, 2020 Quote Stendhal: Hallo to you, my beautiful and favourite people! She smiled at Rustyy thinking oO slang me something now! Please! Oo Slang me baby one more time?
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