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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Taggart: Anything catch your eye? Besides my roommate that is. ::A wink::

Mostly the roommate, if Gaz is honest.

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Courtesy of Mr. Silveira:


When politicians and military work together you can be fairly certain that something is going to hit the deflector dish and smear all over the hull.

Because the proverbial fan and manure weren’t enough to describe what was going on.

So true.  So true.

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15 hours ago, Sal Taybrim said:

Courtesy of Mr. Silveira:

So true.  So true.


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Bomba: Ah, Starbase 118.  The largest base in the sector.  ::He smiled again, it was an expression that settled easily upon his features.::  I am extremely excited to be here, though I wish things had happened a bit more slowly - it seems that everything just went whirlwind fast!  ::he said it with an air of excitement and without a hint of apology.  Bomba understood that the crew of StarBase 118 were close to their former Captain, but in Storm’s mind the man had broken the rules.  Besides, he counted himself as more attractive, more charming and more able to win people over than most anyone else.  There was no way the former commanding officer could hold a candle to his brilliance.::

Can Bomba be soaked in gasoline when Sal brings over that shiny bright candle...? Please...?

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This bit from Rustyy:


::So instead he sat down to talks about family visiting and lesbians.::

Who doesn't?  :w00t:

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Ezo: ::nodding slightly:: Understandable. I'm going to give you the booster just to be extra cautious, ::stepping away for a moment, she returned with a loaded hypo, administering the vaccine in one swift motion.:: I need you to report to me immediately if you experience any sudden intense headaches or nausea. Oh, ::with a "silly me" expression:: And if you began bleeding from your gums, or discover any facial lesions, I want to be the first to know. We've had the intensive care unit refitted to support radiation poisoning. 

LOL oh so much sass!

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Pepper popped her lips at the question. It was fair, most didn’t understand her fascination. There were a lot of reasons why. The little creatures did so much good for each world, they were all unique - in some ways even different within the same species. Some were beautiful in color and others… beautiful if seen through beer goggles.

Kids, drinking and bugs... don't mix.

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Talyx: oO They would go for a lot on the markets wouldn’t they? ‘Specially the mixed one. Oo :: The rarity of whatever he was should up his price.  The Risian and the Terrans might also go for something, though the Risian would need to be tested first, who knew what he was infested with. :: oO Dirty, gross ants. Always swapping their bodily fluids with each other. Disgusting. Oo

He has a standing appointment with penicillin showers. He's good.

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Whittaker: How are the Klingons reacting to the Romulan situation? Rubbing their bat'leths with glee?

Daily. But that's entirely unrelated.

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Maxwell: Zel, believe me pal, there is no other time I’d ask you this. But you need to put your hand in my trouser pocket….

Oooh no, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven or eight times....

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::Tatash felt his fist clench as the moron looked over Mirra in a way that could only be described as lecherous to the extreme. No one looked at his sister like that, not unless they wanted it to be the last thing they ever saw. If it wasn't for Hawkes' words still ringing in his ears he'd already be tipping the table on it's side. Strike two, for Captain Bomba.::

Nobody messes with Mirra's giant, scary lizard brother. 

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On ‎12‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 5:38 PM, Mirra Ezo said:

Maxwell: Zel, believe me pal, there is no other time I’d ask you this. But you need to put your hand in my trouser pocket….

Oooh no, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven or eight times....


Thought that was staying quiet as a plot-twist....? :D


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This quip from Flynn:


::Begrudgingly he opened his eyes, but Zel was not who he had expected to wake up with. He struggled to bring his mind back to reality as he had done so many times before after an adventurous night out. He supposed he could have done worse. The man did have a certain roguish appeal and that seemingly accidental charm.::

Five bucks says this isn't even the third time something like this has happened...

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This bit from our true leader:


Yes, Bomba was more destructive than a drunken teacup targ and an incensed diva.

Yet not by much....:ermm:

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Whittaker: :: hesitantly :: Well... I did take the Piloting 101 module during my second year at the academy. It did contain small scale starship piloting lessons. I've never flown a vessel the size of Columbia before... but I could it in a pinch. :: he was reasonably confident he could, even though his instructor for the module described his abilities as 'distinctly' mediocre.

He'll only have himself to blame if he scratches the paint...:whistling:

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Posted (edited)

::She let out a deep relieved sigh. It wasn't Bomba. Since the briefing, even before the catastrophe at the Hub, she decided to avoid being in any kind of private space with Captain Bomba. The way he looked at her made her less than comfortable. And even with years of practice keeping an even expression around unpleasant types, he was a real strain to her shields. He wasn't even all that lecherous, he was just...disgustingly sure of himself and almost..waiting for Mirra to realize what a perfect male specimen he found himself to be. It was mentally nauseating.:: - Ezo

She gets all the luck with these fella's ;) 

Edited by Rustyy_Hael
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Posted (edited)

Zel: Flynn not into parties?  That's like saying Romulan Ale won't give you a hangover...

Worst.Hangover.Ever. :wacko:

Edited by Mirra Ezo

Pitee followed behind Izirae, meak and shaking like a chihuahua who really had to pee. The place stunk worse than the dreadnaught. It smelled like a hot day inside a gym locker with a can of sardines left in a bowl of chunky milk.


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Pran: What Doctor Ezo doesn't know won't hurt her. :: beat :: Besides, as long as I don't over-exert myself, I should be fine.

Remember that 40 light years thing?? She WILL have her doctor senses tingling that someone is willfully ignoring medical advice.

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:: As Tulo-Varr walked back to the ship, he wondered whether the Syndicate would allow him to set fire to Damarkus for crimes against fashion. ::

Well... maybe...  Those are big crimes to criminals.

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There was also some strange equipment artistically piled in the corner which Parvosi couldn't figure out if it was used for exercise or pleasuring oneself in a bedroom.  And he really didn't want to know.

Oooaky then. No on touch anything in Sal's office until he's disinfected the place post Bomba. 

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Flynn: Are there any bad situations Zel DOESN’T have experience with?

I am not exactly sure we want to know the answer to that question...

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