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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Taelon: No, I just know Theo and the Major. ::He huffed.:: They probably charged right in.

Well...um....you see...:ermm:

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On ‎07‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 9:35 PM, Sal Taybrim said:

Yes, yes I do.  Both in and out of character.

We're all terrible people..... :D

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Narg’in: Who- who are you? ::the fat man yelled from his much too small hiding place.::


Taggart: Pizza delivery! ::Taggart blasted the other bridge officer as the Orion went for his sidearm. The pistol clattered away onto the deck and the man slumped forwards over his console.::

hehehehe yes!

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Taggart: Pizza ::He mused:: Who’s hungry?


::She huffed a chuckle, with a roll of her eyes. That boy - was just that. A boy. A nineteen year old pup with a really big gun to play with. That attention span quite obviously still in training. Though given his earlier shot, only when he didn’t feel like there was any pressure.::

I love this little bit - gives a really realistic bit of character to our gruff marines.


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Ryan:: I do hope so sir! I’m quite keen to make a good impression. :: He couldn't deny it. After years of studying and his almost meaningless trope aboard the constitution, filling the gap before today. Ryan had dreams and ambitions. He had his family also, his child's care to consider. But his dreams had lead them to space. This was day one. ::

Day one on Ops: beamed into a warzone, got shot at, had to convince senior staff to lay down and get medical treatment... don't worry it's all downhill from here!

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Whittaker: If Admiral Hauke understands that rules should be bent at times, then we might strike it lucky. :: beat :: If she doesn't... well it's been honour serving you. I wanted to tell you that in case she reassigns me to a waste transfer barge. :: there was a sadness to his humour. ::

We are going to have such a cool trash barge!!!

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On ‎13‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 3:16 PM, Mirra Ezo said:

We are going to have such a cool trash barge!!!

USS Sass.....?

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  On 5/13/2017 at 9:16 AM, Mirra Ezo said:

We are going to have such a cool trash barge!!!

USS Sass.....?

I dunno, I prefer USS Sassbucket

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Tatash: =/\= I'll give you a beer as an apology for blowing up your nice computer core as well?

I think you'll need like...a keg for that...:ermm:

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"Mirra, why is half the crew in detox?"

"Something something apology, something about beer and something about 'only one'..."


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Whittaker: :: muttering to himself :: One does not take biscuits with green tea.

Well he did say he needed to lighten up a little...:w00t:

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::Antero Flynn. Aelia had met him in passing once, and not in person. She was speaking to Mirra over a subspace comm when she'd been stationed on the Columbia. There was a half naked Risian in her room at the time, and some explanation about it being holo-movie night and Flynn took that term "Make yourself at home" far too literally. He'd flicked a "Hello" her way and called her Sweet Pea. From anyone else, it would be maddening. From him? Half reclined on Mirra's couch with a mouthful of junk food, it was somehow endearing. She'd heard he was stationed here, but hadn't had the chance to officially introduce herself yet. The ongoing joke that he was doing his part to populate the universe seemed to be extremely accurate. However, she was keeping that little bit to herself.::

Yep, that sounds like Flynn alright

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Tyva: ::She wrapped her arms around Major Dal and clung to him like a barnacle filled with love.::  Daddy!  I missed you Daddy!

The very best sort of barnacles. 

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Silveira: The nerve of these people... ::Turning to Trel’lis:: And to think I knew them all when they were still Ensign’s… The only ones missing are our two legged Iguana and the Air Head. ::He winked and offered his hand to Trel’lis.:: Now for a proper introduction since I already know this lot well enough. Vitor Silveira, Security Specialist.

Can their code names next mission be "Two Legged Iguana" And "Air Head" ??! No...? Okay....

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Ezo: ::raising an eyebrow:: ~Keal's Pub...where they serve real alcohol and have seen so much of us we literally have a reserved booth...? We keep this up and we're going to get a reputation for being drunk renegade officers...~

This would certainly never, ever happen... :whistling:

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Jakarn: Amazing the people you meet at the [...]-end of space, isn’t it? ::His gaze turned to Taybrim, watching the man through half-lidded eyes.:: Tell me, Captain, is your crew as chalk-full of empaths as I’ve been told? 

You have absolutely no idea...on both accounts...

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Whittaker: :: somewhat testily :: Mirra is making a full recovery, mother. She's already back to doing what she does best: being sassy and throwing side eye everywhere.

She'll stop sassing when she's dead. And even that is up for debate...:w00t:

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47 minutes ago, Mirra Ezo said:

She'll stop sassing when she's dead. And even that is up for debate...:w00t:

Is there a Betazoid afterlife where she'll continue to be sassy? :shifty:

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6 minutes ago, Trellis Vondaryan said:

Is there a Betazoid afterlife where she'll continue to be sassy? :shifty:

If there wasn't before, there is now.

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::Ah, Maxwell, the guy who punched Martantathru.  No one asked Zel's opinion on the matter, but his opinion was clear: Martantathru should have been punched (and stunned and tied up) and whole lot sooner.  Starfleet slapped Maxwell on the wrist, but Zel would have given him a medal.::

Oooh he's not the only one who feels that way. 

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Marines: tough love.  :2665:


Tatash: Stop picking fights with Klingons, Private. You're squishier then they are, and I don't want a bit of drunken banter turning into scraping you off a bar floor.


::Taggart couldn’t help the grin that slid onto his lips.::


Taggart: Aye, sir. Duly noted.


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