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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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23 hours ago, Mirra Ezo said:

Martantathru: Good! ::he barked out.:: I hope Chennel finds us. Then I wouldn't have to deal with you and I could go back to work.

That's it. I'm punching him. Out an airlock. :devil:


She's not joking folks. FEAR THE MIRRA

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Whittaker: :: half sarcastically. :: I just hope that neither of them mind us dropping by unannounced.

Come on in!! Just...uh...avoid Flynn's room for...obvious reasons....:whistling:

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Ezo: ::She glanced back at the aforementioned weenie, her voice dipping down to a low growl.:: Trust me...we confirm our suspicions? We'll draw straws on who gets to hit him first...


Where's the love? ::chuckle:: 

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Martantathru: Let me stop you right there, ::he spoke tiredly to Mirra.:: I understand how easy it is to become infatuated with… someone like myself, but honestly. ::he set his hand on his chest..:: You don’t have to worry about my safety.

....I'm sorry Captain, I have no idea HOW he got shoved into the warp core...must have been a terrible accident....:whistling:

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He probably deserved it.

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Tatash: The best bit is, as soon as we leave this station we're going to be skipping on Starfleet judicial process and no doubt that'll be seen in a poor light, poor enough that we'll likely be arrested even if we succeed. So, basically I'm asking you to come with me, assist a fugitive, throw away your career and likely get yourself killed to protect and secure a floating junkpile we call home.

So...like a regular Tuesday on Ops then...?

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Dal: ::Emphatic:: We should make our base in sickbay - it is as well defended if not better defended than the Hub, and between Mirra and myself we have the authorization to call for an emergency medical transport through the Hub's defenses using the sickbay's transporter. All we have to do is convince the computer system to listen to us.

If that witch of a Bolian bombs my Sickbay, I'm taking her down with my bare hands. 

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Though the sweet talking, and pretty words, to the unit was surely odd to anyone besides him. And that kiss! When at long last he’d reset the computer and reinitiated the standard gravity levels. Rustyy had kissed the panel with a cheesy grin.

What did I say about letting Rustyy alone in Engineering?! :ermm:

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21 hours ago, Mirra Ezo said:

What did I say about letting Rustyy alone in Engineering?! :ermm:

Oh lord....

"Confessions of a Starfleet Engineer" springs to mind..... :whistling:

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Tatash: I don't have any more intelligence to offer you, we don't know how many enemies we are facing and we don't know their capabilities. Strip away the ideal of Starfleet from yourself and take away the notion we are defending the Federation. All of us have family and friends, people we care about on that station. Each of us are risking everything for our home, not because of an edict issued by Starfleet Command but because we know what we do is just and correct. Even if we succeed and come back as criminals to face the wrath of the JAG rather than heroes, remember that when those people you love needed you, you gave everything to defend and protect them. There is no greater selfless honour and no more worthy sacrifice.

Mic: dropped. 

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Martantathru: All I know is that she sssaid that she had an unlimited number of men to combat the scarce number of officers -

So, who else sees Burke from Aliens in this scene...?


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Kasun: I have a PhD and an MD! I’ve written and published countless papers for over 65 years in neuroscience and psychiatry, fields that are far more fraught with potential ethical issues and vulnerable subjects than your field ever would. Do you really think that yours would be far more accepting of blood stained research than mine?

Yeah!! Take THAT Mr. Macarina!!

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Whittaker: :: eyeing Martantathru with no small amount of annoyance :: Do you ever shut up?

No idea. But if you figure out how to make him, let me know. 

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""he would have had no idea where to start beyond posing as a hired stripper "" - Flynn


Really? That's where he would start, eh? LOL

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What do you call a station full of enemy soldiers? A target rich environment.

Positive thinking - I like it!

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Trel’lis: Crap! ::beat:: How I HATE that woman!!!

Battle cry for the entire mission.

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Taelon: ::He laughed, softly:: It, um, takes over several minor systems. Mostly things like alarms, communications, things like that. And it, um, plays music. Very, very loudly.

Well, they won't hear Theo's team coming....

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Taggart: Birthday, sir. Nineteen today…
::For most people a good Birthday would be cake and maybe some gifts. For a hot blooded Soldier who was the first to offer himself up for the mission, Tatash couldn't think of a better gift then a live fire exercise:: 

Everybody wants Tatash at their birthday party... 

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Zel: At least it's not a two-story hold.  I hate getting shot from above.
Flynn: ::A small smile at the comment:: From where do you prefer to get shot?

Oh the game you could make answering that question, Flynn... ;-)

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:: All he could do was hope that Mirra was alive and well- and making Chennel's life a living nightmare. ::

Oh I am SO on that.

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Tatash: I do. It means she's kept her alive and mostly unharmed. ::He paused:: I only hope Mirra keeps that viper tongue in check.

Yeah...um...so...about that....:ermm:

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Whittaker: :: to Tatash :: Major, how do you think we should proceed?
Tatash: With maximum and overwhelming violence.

Always plan A.

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::The station rumbled, cutting the Marine off cold.  Sal immediately tensed.  What was going on with his station?  His heart raced as he scrambled to figure out what that terrible rumble was from.::

Taybrim: What are they doing to the station?!

It's probably for the best you don't know....:ermm:

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::Something large and green appeared in the furthest corners of his line of vision. Panic - they’d been found! And when the tail appeared and the face of an animal become more defined… Still panic - they were being attacked by Godzilla!

Yeah...he gets that a lot. :w00t:

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Her eyes widened in deep, yet still fuzzy confusion oO Oh no...the Gods screwed up...and sent me to Gorn heaven!!! Oo

The food's good though!

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