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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Taybrim: ::Deep breath in:: Ok - and this is merely my personal curiosity talking.  You're not required to answer - is there anyone you romantically fancy?

- Aaron Samuels. It's Aaron Samuels. (Mean Girls reference!)

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::Tatash chuckled a little. Taelon was an amazing officer and Tatash was quite fond of him as a friend, but under that stammering veneer was very much a budding mad scientist that no doubt wanted to see how one of his creations was faring::

He's not wrong.

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Shortly after Flynn moved into the Helm Chief position, his staff began referring to him as "Casanova". Neither he or Mirra knew the reference, and had to look it up. Once he discovered the meaning behind the name, he refused to answer to anything else for a week. 

Color me completely unsurprised.

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Flynn: Does the cake really need a marine detail? 


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Rostov ::finishing of his cranberry juice.:: Ok, couple of  really quick questions. Is this an everyday occurrence ::nodding towards Flynn and the cake.:: and if so, where is the nearest emergency exit? ::grins

Yes, and good question...  >.>

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Taybrim: For an integral negotiation with one of the most noxious criminals we have yet faced, which you both handled with poise and incredible grace, I hereby award you both the diplomacy ribbon.

"I got felt up by Wannis and all I got was this diplomacy ribbon"

And probably like...three decon showers....

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23 hours ago, Mirra Ezo said:

"I got felt up by Wannis and all I got was this diplomacy ribbon"

It was hot.... said nobody ever.

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::Mirra let out a squeak of laughter high-pitched enough to make Aitas wince. Seemed the CMO was having far too much fun with all of this.:: 


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Whittaker- ~ Please don't kill me ~


feels like a common thought 'round here... lol

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Whittaker: And if they want to "accidentally" purge Doctor Ezo's meal plan from my replicator file, that would be lovely as well. :: winking ::

Bring it.

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Tatash: Well the difference is, if I get drummed out of Starfleet off the back of this nonsense then I can return to Ghdar with my chin up and pick up my former career where I left off. The Hegemony has always complained about Federation bureaucracy and they would just shrug this off as a prime example and pat me on the back for lasting this long surrounded by weird, hairless mammals. You're too valuable here and this station -needs- you, now more then ever... I'm expendable by comparison.

Hey!! I...uh...resemble that statement...? 

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Chennel: This station is now under new management.

Can we file a complaint against that...like...forever? :ermm:

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Ezo: ::grumbling:: Hate coffee...never again..::grimacing slightly:: You're beard is scratchy. How do you live with scratchy hair all over...?

Nijil: ::completely deadpan.:: It’s grown on me. ::the painful tongue-in-cheek comment was to much to pass up.::


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Maxwell: Must be where all the cool officers hang oot….

Ah c'mon man!! ::facepalms::

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Taelon: If I find out you sacrificed yourself, I’m telling Mirra!

You heard the man. 

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Maxwell: Can we stop by a chemists on the way? ::A smiling pause:: A’ve got a headache that’ll make a Nausicaan cry like a baby…


Great description.


Also - I empathize.  This was me earlier today >.<

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:: The room erupted with brilliant red beams of light, burning out their retna’s in the process. Rustyy couldn’t help but wonder and wunder… If they turned those phaser down, they could cook some of this meat… A growl gurgled deep in his gut as he crossed his arms.

Besieged by criminals... no reason not to have a nice grill out!

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Tatash: Aww, Out of time, real shame.
Brimar: That sarcastic tone is exactly the sort of attitude that got you into this mess Major. We reconvene in three hours.

*sniffsniff* Mirra is so proud...

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::Rustyy scrunched up his nose. He didn’t mind much, but ugly ladies feeling up his girlfriend was something he did mind. Those were his engines! Well property of Starfleet, commanded by Sally, and he was just maintenance man but still - that was his lady friend. Not that he’d slept with her or anything…


Um...no one let Rustyy be alone in engineering...ever.

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Martantathru: Good! ::he barked out.:: I hope Chennel finds us. Then I wouldn't have to deal with you and I could go back to work.

That's it. I'm punching him. Out an airlock. :devil:

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