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SB118 Ops: Quotations of the Week!

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Not truly a quote, but it had me snickering:


(OOC: A perky Kaitlyn Falcon…  What horror have I unleashed upon this world!?)

the horror, the horror!  ;-)

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Andersen: Yeah! Stay in Character! ::Pause:: You have something useful...::gesturing to herself:: You have Ninja Doc!

Ninja doc will save us all!!! :z:

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Targs just wanna taste the rainbow...


::Reaching into his pocket, Antero pulled out a bag of Rainbow Riddles he had been hanging onto in case of an outbreak of sweet tooth. He was glad Mirra wasn't here to give him a hard time about always having food in his pocket. Who didn't like Rainbow Riddles though? Fun colorful little pieces of candy, and they all had a riddle on the inside of the wrapper. ::  ~Antero Flynn


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If the pulling the shirt down was the 'Picard Maneuver' is this the 'Andersen Maneuver'?


:: once certain her quarry was out cold, Freya stood up tall and adjusted her skirt back to a more modest length. She was contemplating making a vow never to wear a skirt again, and never to use a holodeck again.::  ~Freya Andersen


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I won't lie; I always enjoy when Kaitlyn's tougher moments get noticed.  ::Smiles.::



::Taelon looked to Falcon. Today was bloody bizarre, he reflected - it’d been only a few minutes ago she’d been wielding some broken metal pipe and been about to brain a Targ with it.::


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Zinna: So, what do you have in mind because we can't just walk in there and start pointing fingers?

I loved this - it's the perfect summary of the whole Oma-Saan problem!  :D

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From Tatash: For a second, Tatash wondered if she’d gone mad, then he remembered that she was pretty [...]ed crazy as standard. This was probably something beyond a lapse of sanity.  

Hey!! I resemble that statement!!! 

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Posted (edited)

Ok, guys - seriously, the series of posts connected to bringing Vondaryan back was incredible!  I loved them ALL!

Here's a nice excerpt from Dr. Ezo:

::Order given, Mirra felt a near audible buzz fill the air as every hair along her arms stood on end. She was fighting hard to hold back on crying out in tormented misery. The tri-corder clutched in her hand suddenly let out a shrill warning chime as his heart rate and blood pressure had spiked above normal. The sudden shift had her preparing to shriek out the order to cut the waves, but before she could verbalize the order, she felt a shock wave so strong it brought her to her knees. 
::The seemingly electric buzz that had flooded the room moments before was notably absent. But, by the Grace of the Gods, it had worked. Laying prostrate on the floor was their missing Liuetenant. Momentarily struck motionless with shock, Mirra quickly snapped into action and scrambled to her feet and bolted to Trellis' side, checking his pulse and clutching his arm tightly, confirming to her scattered sense that he was good and truly there.::

So riveting!  Great job!! 

Edited by Sal Taybrim
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Posted (edited)

Tatash: ...Just remember, if your boy needs an uncle… all-be-it an over-protective hulking reptile of an uncle, I’ll always be here for the three of you. 

I want an over protective hulking reptile of an uncle for my kids!! Do you rent out your services??

Edited by Mirra Ezo
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Whittaker: :: to Taybrim :: I think given the situation, Diego's physical examination can wait. :: beat :: Just don't tell Doctor Ezo I said that. :: a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 

Oh you are SO overdue for a physical Mr. Theo Whittaker. :devil:

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PNPC MCapt Hughes: "Sniffing out trouble"

All of the imagery with the Mushroom ladies and all other references to the goth club. Oh the hilarity :w00t:


Underneath he wore a simple black coverall, adding a handful of puddle water and ruffling his hair to give it a rather impressive set of short spikes. Combined with his black boots, he fit the image of aging Goth who should know better quite well.


- Dan has just described my brother to a tee!!!!

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Greyson: It's still in pretty bad shape, but we left an army of minions and turtles to deal with it.



Tatash: I’ve caused enough trouble for one day. Computer tells me Taelon is on the flight tower with Flynn and Falcon… Oh and Greyson? That nickname dies here; Marines don’t hide in their shell when trouble brews. Remember that.


Oops. In my defense, I couldn't think of another lingo for marines. They wear green, so turtle seemed to fit.

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Technically not a quote but....as someone who was 100% a Satan-worshiping goth in high school -

This vampire club thing is hilarious and ridiculously accurate. Keep it up, it's made my entire week! I love it xD

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Zel: I'm only a probationary officer!  You're a full officer!  And they trust you more.  ::He added a sage nod to finalize that::

Are you implying that Zel isn't trustworthy? :ermm:

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::innocent whistling::  :whistling:

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This exchange between Diego and Theo:

Whittaker: He liked late 20th and early 21st century popular music. He once played a dreadful racket that I think was called You Spin Me Round... or something akin to that. It was horrendous.
Beyett: Ahh I see. My father never really listened to music that much, but my mother.. That's another story. She was into the early 21st century music too. She like this "Justin Bieber" guy.

Truly a dark time in musical history....

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::Sirs?  Sirs?!  These were Starfleet people?  Janker ogled them in shock.  Since when did Starfleet get all 'I'ma shank you' in personality?::

Hahaha poor Janker...he must be new around here....

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Hughes: We c…

 ::A sudden sensation washed through Hughes, an odd feeling of dread as one of the turrets off to the side twitched towards him. Both human eye and machine eye locked against each other as two sudden realisations hit both of them. First, triumph for the machine as the perfect  lock was established on it’s quarry, the second came from Hughes as for the first time in his career he had made a grave error of tactical judgement.

 It didn’t last for long as the weapon let out another fearsome blast of energy and caught the human directly in the chest, throwing him back to the ground with a horrific finality. There was no pain, death as swift as the fall of a guillotine blade as the veteran marine fell backwards to the floor with a look of indignation on his face.::

...this is one of those princess bride "mostly dead"moments.....right? :(

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2 hours ago, Tatash said:

He dead.

Can we give him a Viking funeral befitting a warrior?! 

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Mirra Ezo said:

Can we give him a Viking funeral befitting a warrior?! 

Only if you wear a metal bra and pigtails!


Horned helmet as well, standard.

Edited by Tatash
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::wonders if we have a viking church on SB118??::


We do have a Bajoran Prylar who did the last several ceremonies

1 hour ago, Trellis Vondaryan said:

I think a modern Viking ceremony would be putting Hughes in an empty torpedo, blasting it into space and then blowing it up. That's how I imagine it, anyway.

That actually sounds incredibly metal and cool.

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