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Robin Hopper

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Everything posted by Robin Hopper

  1. Welcome aboard - glad to have you with us! Hope you enjoyed your Cadet Cruise! 😃
  2. @Harrison Kiani - Loved this little piece of narration! From the sim: Ensign Harrison Kiani - Mask On/Off
  3. Hello and welcome / welcome back! Good to have you all with us. I expect you'll enjoy getting to play at your new posting and getting to know this awesome (not-so) little community! See you around the Fleet!
  4. Well done, both of you! Congratulation on completing your Cruise. I hope you enjoy your placements in the fleet!
  5. @Wil Ukinix, while my PC might find your EMH and his antics irritating, I personally love it. And this interaction with the Vulcan superhero, T'Senara, made me chuckle. Excellent work with her response being both somehow brash/confident and also deeply flat and uninteresting.
  6. Hiya! Glad to have you with us @Cirus Almonaster V & @Evan Ross. Hope you enjoyed your Cruise and are excited about your new postings! See you 'round the fleet!
  7. Thanks folks - this has been a fun scene to write!
  8. Hiya @Marty Tucker and @Atan Drei! Welcome to the Fleet. Hope you enjoyed your cadet cruise and have fun in your new placements. There’s lots of great folks on every ship, so I’m sure you’ll make some awesome new friends.
  9. Well done @Holly Berry and @Alessandro Ferrucci! Congratulations on completing your Cadet Cruise and graduating from the academy! Now the 'real fun' can begin. Welcome to the fleet!
  10. Love this question! My PC is from Theta VII which is an "Old Frontier" colony, primarily peopled by the descendants of Earth Humans. A terraformed mining world (that, over time has grown to be something more, and centered around a space port rather than just mining), I have described it as being somewhat akin to the iron-mine rich Minnesota in terms of its clime and culture: I've also included other nods to Minnesota (e.g. naming the Capital City "Port Hibbing" after Hibbing, Minnesota). Given that history, and the hundreds of years for Human / Federation accents to sort of 'standardize' (plus my Face Claim's native Californian accent) I guess I like to imagine Hopper having a relatively "neutral" accent, with occasional hints of a typical Midwest accent -- at least when speaking Fed Standard. One of her parents is also Centauran (from Alpha Centauri aka Velestus) and has taught both her daughters to speak the Centauran language as well... So I imagine she speaks Centauran with a fairly authentic accent, given it's how she was taught the language. Not sure how well this answers your question, but I enjoyed thinking about it!
  11. I'm specifically including the opening to this sim - as it segues partway through to a different location and scene, but this first part, inter-cutting between narration and relevant quotations is so unique and striking that I felt it simply had to be appreciated here. Nice work @Nathan Richards! Full sim available here: Lt. JG Nathan Richards - Open and Closed Doors
  12. Writing with Renirs is both a joy and a terror.
  13. This sim by @Wil Ukinix is quite impressive - not only for its breadth and attention to detail, and its seamless blending of Prime and Mirror Universe lore from various Trek series, but also for the fact that it is a solo sim. Kudos for this awesome, engaging, and thrilling read!
  14. Welcome to the fleet @Lhandon_Nilsen! Hope you have a blast with your new assignment.
  15. @Vitor S. Silveira: If that isn't quintessential Sil, I don't know what is lol.
  16. @Ensign Sadar that quote warrants a 😨 reaction, but that isn't an option! 😆
  17. Well done completing your Cadet Cruise - and welcome to the fleet, both of you! Wherever you land, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun!
  18. Brilliant quote from @Nathan Richards (or rather, his 'evil' Mirrorverse counterpart!) Original Sim: Initiate Nathan Richards - Eternal
  19. Congratulations to all of you -- and very well earned!
  20. Welcome to the Fleet proper! Hope you enjoyed your cadet cruise!
  21. This exchange, particularly this punchline from @Savel was brilliant!
  22. In just under the wire, Gabriel Osuna - Chief Security Officer for the USS Artemis - attempted to sneak by event photographers into the Awards Lounge. "I'm just here for the food..." he explained, when cornered. Asked about his suave attire, he responded by laughing and claiming, "My wife dressed me."
  23. Welcome to the fleet Sadar & @Madison Marsh. Hope you both had a fun training cruise and enjoy your new postings!
  24. Congratulations on completing your Cadet Cruise, @Enzo Solari and welcome to SB118! Have fun on your new posting!
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