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Addison MacKenzie

Executive Council member
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Everything posted by Addison MacKenzie

  1. Captain MacKenzie checking in! "Step right this way and let me show you our newest airlock!"
  2. Welcome, welcome! Such a fun class!!
  3. This year's theme for USS Artemis is "Pokemon Gym Leaders." We have: - Properly named all avatar files and uploaded them to the wiki. - Properly named our category on the wiki. - Properly categorized our category on the wiki.
  4. While I know this sim has already gotten its own separate feature, I have to highlight this bit by @Hallia Yellir. ...I'm so proud. 🤣
  5. Rest assured it does not. 🤣
  6. Nice job this week, Will @SRaga! Welcome to the fleet!
  7. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet!
  8. Sometimes I wonder if I'm Ever gonna make it home again It's so far and out of sight I really need someone to talk to And nobody else Knows how to comfort me tonight
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