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Jona ch'Ranni

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Everything posted by Jona ch'Ranni

  1. Great job @Aribelle Tagren in training. You are a wonderful writer. I know we'll have great fun simming together in the future.
  2. @Jo Marshall Yeah, sure, it's the programmers' fault. My father always said that is a "PICNIC" problem. Problem In Chair Not In Computer.
  3. Have to say I agree with this. Enterprise hold a close place in my heart. While I wouldn't categorize it as my favorite series, it was the first series that I actively followed from the very first episode. The buildup anticipation of the first episode didn't lead to disappointment. Loved it and still love it.
  4. It's 2022 (or 2399) and it couldn't get here soon enough! Get outta here 2021, we don't want you anymore! Every time the calendar flips to a new year, we get an opportunity to reflect. It's a natural moment for rekindling optimism and purpose, as well as a reminder that the future has yet to be written. It's only logical to apply this perspective to our science-fiction universe. Each new incarnation of Star Trek is greeted with the same sense of surprise and enthusiasm. We're excited to go on a new adventure, not knowing where we'll finish up, but ready to grab on for dear life through all the twists and turns. The power of a new "Season 1, Episode 1" is that it may set the stage for a whole season. It is a pivot point that establishes the tone of the series. Will it be about exploration and science, or about conflict and danger? As the key characters are introduced in the pilot, we ask ourselves: Is the commanding officer an experienced professional or a newcomer to the game? An opening episode establishes the momentum that will propel the audience into the wide unknown and keep them coming back week after week. "Emissary" from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine emphasized a less sophisticated, more frontier arena than the series that came before it. It introduced creatures that had been shown briefly in TNG but would now play key roles in the stories. What about the opener for Star Trek: Enterprise? The crew of the Enterprise NX-01 was full of hope but had no genuine experience with the perils that lay ahead. The Vulcans were painted in a different light than they had ever been previously. Meanwhile, Star Trek: Lower Decks provided us with a behind-the-scenes peek at the crew that wasn't the greatest but yet got the job done - frequently with frantic antics. But which of these series premieres was the BEST? Don't forget to persuade us in the comments about your pick!
  5. Nice job, Sera and @Isabelle Basilia! You two did great! Welcome to the SB118 family!
  6. I'll have you know that the Polar Bear Club was invented by Andorians and Earth just stole it from us. I've simmed my character glacier-diving into frigid waters on the holodeck in the past and it seems like the daredevil cold-acclimated thing to do. Of course, anyone is free to join me - antenna, no-antenna, all are welcome.
  7. The Movember Foundation aims to raise awareness of men's health issues including suicide prevention and cancer support. Through fund-raising and charity efforts, they hope to change the face of men's health. One way to show support is to grow a bit of facial fuzz during the month of November. Soul patch? Glorious Klingon beard? Muttonchops, anyone? As we look at the Star Trek universe, there are many examples of facial hair across the galaxy. Each species and, indeed, each individual, has their own preferences. Most Tellarites are seen onscreen with full-length beards. Many Klingons seem to prefer it as well, including our favorite Klingon, Worf. One of the easiest to spot examples of "good-beardedness" is Commander William Riker from The Next Generation series and accompanying movies. Beginning with the second season of TNG, Will sported a beard for over a decade on the small and large screen. He shaved it during Star Trek: Insurrection much to Troi's delight who said "Yuck!" when he kissed her. In the Mirror Universe, Spock wore a mustache and goatee. Actually in the different visits to and from that universe, we see multiple characters with facial hair that their normal counterparts from our reality don't have. Is there something about the forces of evil that push the villainous to wear a beard? Probably not. Most likely its just a visual cue to the audience that this isn't your normal Spock or Bashir. Benjamin Sisko grew a Van [...] beard during his tenure aboard Deep Space Nine. His son, Jake, commented that he liked it. We have to agree! And don't even get us started on Doctor Leonard McCoy! In Star Trek: The Motion Picture he was forced out of retirement and returned to the Enterprise with what looked like an outfit and facial hair straight from the 1970s. To be fair, the movie was released in 1979 - so, yeah, kind of! Join in the fun, let us know who your favorite unshaven character is!
  8. Few would argue that Star Trek is just a TV show or movie franchise. The far-reaching effects of our favorite science fiction universe have been felt within the very fabric of society. It has touched the minds of young and old and inspired pioneers in all fields of human endeavor. October 10th - 16th marks Earth Science Week, an international event organized by the American Geosciences Institute which helps the public gain an appreciation for Earth sciences and encourages responsible stewardship of the planet. It builds understand of fields such as climate change, impact from agriculture and industry, and highlights our responsibility in maintaining the delicate balances of Earth's natural systems. To coincide with this event, let's examine the impact of science fiction on science and technology fact. The most direct influence Star Trek has had would likely be upon the field of astronomy and space exploration. In the 1970s this was felt when NASA received thousands of write-in requests by Star Trek fans to have the prototype space shuttle be christened Enterprise. The campaign eventually succeeded and many of the main cast of The Original Series were even on hand for the unveiling. Many astronauts have credited Star Trek with kindling a desire within them to explore the stars. This week William Shatner, Captain James T. Kirk himself, flew aboard Blue Origen's rocket and became the eldest man to travel to space. Computers, robotics, and artificial intelligence have also benefited from the universe of Trek. From the interactive computer aboard Starfleet vessels to Lieutenant Commander Data - a cybernetic lifeform, we have witnessed advanced intelligences that blur the lines of what life is and how it's defined. Questions about artificial sentience are already being asked in the real world now as well. No one can deny the similarities between the Enterprise computer and the likes of Siri, Alexa, and Cortana. Many individual episodes feature plotlines that deal with real-world environmental issues. It might be something as varied as planet-wide weather control equipment on Risa going on the fritz or a meteor set to impact a planet and the need to disrupt its path. Even Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home was a commentary on the effects of mismanagement of Earth's species and resources. Science fiction has provided a medium to explore some of these "what ifs" even before they've happened to shed light on our response as a species.
  9. Welcome (and welcome back) to the group! You both did great in training and you'll be great additions to the Fleet.
  10. "Going outside is highly overrated." - Ernest Cline, Ready Player One
  11. Welcome to the fleet, Kryn and Ar'Gorvalei! You both did great in training!
  12. Thanks, @Alieth! Glad you enjoyed the sim. Note: The Gralaa wolf's name in the Andorian kid's cartoon that he remembers from his childhood is named Clev R'gathu Wolf. Clev R. Wolf, for short. Thought you'd want to know.
  13. September is a month where the world remembers those lost to violence: the beginning of World War II in 1939, and the tragic events of September 11th in 2001. In reality, conflict makes up a large part of modern society. Many love to escape into science fiction to forget such realities. But part of what makes Star Trek so visceral is its portrayal of dangerous conflict. Star Trek has not been shy about developing storylines that examine conflict — between individuals, peoples, planets, and empires — and the fallout of such conflict. The Maquis, freedom fighters introduced near the end of the TNG series, played a larger role in DS9 and VOY. Made up of former Starfleet officers and Federation civilians rising against the oppression of the dismissive Cardassians and rule-oriented Federation made many viewers take a hard look at real-life events happening around them. Perhaps it made some uncomfortable because in the right circumstances, they could almost agree with the Maquis and their methods. In the Enterprise series, a Xindi probe carried a devastating attack on Earth out. This precipitated a season-long story arc where Archer and crew had to respond to the attack. In the end, they found the Xindi to be responding (sort of) defensively. As someone misinformed them that the Federation would destroy their planet. Khan Noonien Singh is many times highlighted as one of the top baddies of all of Star Trek. In Star Trek Into Darkness, he causes mayhem and destruction in London and Starfleet Headquarters. However, was he just protecting his brethren from the hands of the manipulative Admiral Marcus? Was he justified in his actions? There are dozens more examples of conflict, some large and others small, that have pierced the hearts of the fans, and we want to know which ones jabbed at your soul the most? One of the above? Was it the duo-chromatic aliens in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" (TOS)? Perhaps it was the attack on Yorktown Station in Star Trek Beyond? Or shadows of the Dominion War in DS9?
  14. Welcome, Sival! You did great in training. You'll be a great asset to your new ship!
  15. Women's Equality Day is celebrated in the United States on August 26th. That is the anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave women the right to vote in elections. That initial step in 1920 has since led to a flurry of civil rights measures that have worked to provide fair and equal access and representation to all. As our eyes fall on the universe of Star Trek as depicted in the television shows and movies, we see a galaxy that increasingly has been represented as a galaxy of equals. It is a place where anyone can attain power and authority based solely on merit. Many women have featured prominently in positions of authority and power - (unfortunately) forward-thinking for our time, but treated as commonplace in the universe of Star Trek. Kathryn Janeway, depicted on-screen by Kate Mulgrew, is a sterling example of a women entrusted with power. She served capably as the commanding officer of the USS Voyager and later was promoted to the admiralty. Janeway was a force to be reckoned with that could stand toe-to-toe with the Borg and managed to return her crew safely from being stranded at the other end of the galaxy. She is a fan favorite which is perhaps why the character is set to return in the upcoming series Star Trek: Prodigy. Doctors Beverly Crusher and Katherine Pulaski, performed by Gates McFadden and Diana Muldaur respectively, provided role models for many youths. You never got the impression that either would fail to speak their mind or act in an assertive manner when needed. Crusher was even tasked with leading Starfleet Medical for a year, a testament to her skill and ability. The long list of other powerful women in Star Trek is extensive. From Admirals Nechayev and Cornwallis to scientist Carol Marcus and the villainous Romulan Sela, we see women filling every role available in the universe - true equals, as they should be. The question posed to you is who's you're favorite?
  16. Each award winner listed is fully deserved of they honors presented them. Three cheers for our amazing group of command-level officers and staff members. Thanks for keeping this place running!
  17. Congrats, everyone! I'm sure it was a tough selection for all of these because of the number of great writers in the fleet.
  18. Welcome @Kivik! Glad you're here. You did great at the Academy. Looking forward to seeing great things from you.
  19. With confirmation that Q, portrayed on-screen by the talented actor John de Lancie, will return in season 2 of Star Trek: Picard, our thoughts turn to the sly jokester. The near omnipotent Q of the Q Continuum has been a thorn in the side of Starfleet for many years. Since his run-in with Picard and crew in the first episode of TNG, Q’s acerbic humor and trickster nature have caused many headaches for our heroes. But it does make for great storytelling! After all, how do you face off against an almost unbeatable (and unbearable) enemy? One of the moral questions that meeting the Q has postulated is, “What if I was given their powers?” This question was explored in the episode “Hide and Q” when the powerful being gave Commander William Riker a taste of the Q’s power. It is said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Is this always true? Could a lowly human (or Andorian, Tril, Denobulan, etc.) be trusted with the Q’s power? Or would they go mad with power and devolve into the selfish and conceited use of their unthinkable might? Riker struggled with being able to control his use of his newfound powers but, ultimately, he eventually decided to reject Q’s power. In another TNG episode, “True Q”, we meet Amanda Rogers. Initially, we are led to believe that she is a normal human but soon find out that - unbeknownst to her - she is a Q. As she begins to explore her powers with Q’s help, she finds it increasingly difficult to avoid using her abilities. She makes the decision to return with him to the Q Continuum to receive further training in the use of her abilities. So, when faced with the same decision, what would you choose?
  20. The Star Trek franchise is a living thing. Shows have come and gone over the years and each incarnation has added to the rich flavor of our favorite sandbox universe. When a show completes its original run, there are always mixed feelings - a sense of completeness, sadness, nostalgia. Once we've worked our way through the stages of grief and hit acceptance, we move on with our lives. We have little choice to do otherwise. But what if ... The trend has been up-ticking in recent years where studio executives will bring back popular shows for additional episodes - with some successes and some spectacular failures. True, there has been some distance from some of our favorite shows and the present day. Actors have moved on, aged, and we have lost some along the way. Some storylines have not aged well and may not work in the current social environment. So let's change the rules! Imagine a timeline where a Star Trek show from the past got one extra season. Which series is the lucky one to get another chance to wow us? Would you tune in to see Kirk and Spock seek out new life and civilizations during their five-year mission? What about seeing more of the continuing mission with Picard in the center chair of the Enterprise-D? Do you want to see what Kira and the gang are up to on DS9 as they recover from the Dominion War? Should there have been an extra season nestled in among the others that provides more details on Voyager's return home? Did Enterprise end before its time? Maybe you feel that all the series ended just where they should! Take our poll and extra credit to anyone who provides details in the comments on which storylines they want to see from the bonus season!
  21. The reality of command is that sometimes the tough choices must be made. There are more lives at stake than the hijacked crew and ship. Ask the Cardassian Gul to continue with his escort mission and assure him that you will do the same. Invite him to return to the sector at a prescribed time to carry out a joint mission to recover the missing crew and deal with the pirate problem. After leading the rest of the convoy to the nearest Starbase, return and feign a ship-wide systems outage to lure the pirates in. The distress call can be the Galor warship's cue to lay in wait and spring the trap on the attackers. Jam their communications so they cannot inform their compatriots of the deception and injure the hostages. The goal should be to disable the pirate ships so that they can be questioned on the whereabouts of the missing merchants and recover them if possible. Secondary goal should be to arrest and rehabilitate the pirates to send a clear message that piracy will not be tolerated by either government.
  22. Thanks, Lox! Your castle has been delivered by the way. Some contents may have shifted during shipping and handling. It was like that when I found it. No I don't have a tracking number in the system and no you did not purchase the additional insurance.
  23. A common trope in Star Trek is time travel. Securely in the realm of science fiction, this process is achieved several times through the series and movies. Whether it is an anti-time anomaly, the interference of powerful aliens, or an unexpected accident, time travel features prominently in the storylines we’ve come to love. Why is time travel such a popular subject? Each of us wishes we could jump to a new time, "putting things right that once went wrong and hoping each time that the next leap will be …" (wait, wrong show). The truth is that the past (and the future) fascinate us. So often we are taught that the past is immutable, and the future is untouchable except abstractly by our present actions. But what if we could directly effect the past or future? What if our decisions could ripple out to change the present instead of the other way around? One of the most popular episodes of TOS was “City on Edge of Forever” which found Kirk and Spock chasing McCoy through an alien time vortex to 1930s Earth. The captain is forced to choose between preserving the timeline and letting a woman he has fallen in love with die. It is these kinds of heavyweight moral decisions that make for great storytelling and time travel is one way to increase the stakes. But time travel adds another layer of complexity because it is a way that we could make the familiar – like Earth – more alien. Imagine being able to visit the Middle Ages, the time of Caesar, or the 60s. Time travel could also allow us to see events that are only mentioned in passing within the Star Trek universe but that could be explored and expanded upon to make the “history” more real. The possibilities are endless.
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