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German Galven

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Everything posted by German Galven

  1. Thanks @Sheila Bailey!! Although, let's give credit where it's due and acknowledge all the outstanding writers such as yourself for showing me and others learning how to write creatively. I wouldn't have been able to get something like this out two years ago before joining the fleet 🙂
  2. All thanks goes to @Ayiana Sevo for asking me to write a JP with her! Here's hoping for more to follow! I had a blast writing with you and thank you for the opportunity to explore both of our character development!
  3. ((OOC - I've combined both of the players posts. This was all tag style and not a JP. Incredible job you two!)) ((Sickbay, StarBase 118 Ops)) Bailey had worked on her engineering project for most of the day before her body needed sleep. The next day it seemed she had a few tasks to do before she could relax again; not for long. She had a few medical exams to conduct and a meeting with First Officer Nijil to set up. Sheila had rolled into sickbay in her wheelchair rather early ready to start her day. The woman seemed to arrive just as her first patient did. Without hesitation she entered sickbay and was immediately welcomed by Dr. Bailey, who was expecting her. Bailey: Ms. Casparian. Good to see you. Casparian: Hello Lieutenant Bailey, good to see you again as well. I hope I did not keep you waiting? Bailey: Not at all I got here only a few minutes ago. Why don’t you follow me and hop up on a biobed? Casparian: Certainly. ::walks towards the biobed:: With a small hop, she sat herself on the biobed and let her legs casually rock back and forth a bit. Going to medical facilities was not her favorite pastime, but it didn’t make her particularly nervous either. Her inquisitive eyes looked around the sickbay almost with childlike curiosity. Bailey could tell that the woman was maybe a bit nervous, most people were no matter how routine the appointment was. Bailey: ::gathered her tools as she talked:: How are you feeling? Casparian: At the moment, I feel fine. ::chuckles:: Well, except for the bruise on my shin from the chair I bumped into this morning, ::reaches down and rubs the sore spot:: but that’s nothing. She was used to having bruises, sometimes the smallest bump or pinch would cause her to bruise up, and other times, with similar bumps or pinches, nothing happened. It had been like this for as long as she could remember and other than it being not very attractive when showing bare legs or arms, it did not really bother her. Bailey nodded at that. Bruises were normal and nothing to worry about unless they happened without warning or a good wack to a limb. The doctor was sure it was nothing but her mind always went to the worst first as a precaution. Bailey: Do you mind if I take a look at it? Casparian: Not at all. ::smiles and keeps her leg still:: Go right ahead. Bailey: Standard checks. I’m sure it’s nothing. Bailey waved her medical tricorder in a gesture to indicate that she was going to use it and if it was okay. Even if she never directly asked she always wanted to make sure the patient was comfortable with her using it. Romyana had no issues with tricorders, so she returned a smiley nod. Medical tricorders were a specialized variant of the one she used every day at work herself. They were simply scanning devices. Casparian: I know that I bruise up quickly, but they disappear easily too. ::shrugs:: Always been like this. Bailey: Tell me...how have you been sleeping? Any recent health changes I should know about? Casparian: I sleep like a rose, the quarters on the Starbase are very comfortable, I must say! ::turns her eyes up to think:: Anything recent. No. Bailey: Indeed they are. ::The young doctor couldn’t argue with that:: What about your genealogy or speciesology? Sheila had of course taken a look at the patient file but had only really glanced over it. When she saw the note about the genealogy her face developed a small frown. She thought it was then best to ask during the appointment. Casparian: ::nods:: My Grandmother is Vulcan, so I’m… ::hesitates:: mixed. Romyana assumed that the Lieutenant had received her medical files and was therefore familiar with her medical history. Especially the peculiarities that came with her having mixed Human and Vulcan heritage that made her physiology slightly different than normal and the problems this had caused in the past. Long, long ago. That made more sense based on the rest of the file notes now. Bailey: Thanks for the clarification. Now when you were four you were admitted to the hospital? Casparian: Yes, I was admitted into hospital when I was four, because I had suddenly developed some serious complications after a simple infection. That was when the diagnosis was made. ::looks at the tips of her shoes:: It took a year to heal. I don’t remember much of that time. The way it was explained to me was that because my liver is more like a Vulcan one it is built to process copper-based blood cells, but with the rest of me being mostly Human, I have iron-based blood cells and my liver has difficulty coping with that. ::frowns:: An unhappy mix of genes, I suppose. ::upbeat:: I would rather have had pointy ears! She gave a small laugh. This just confirmed slightly for Sheila that Casparian was in fact given a diagnosis of Chronic Cirrhosis of the liver. Now just for some basic questions so Sheila could understand how the illness affected her new friend. Bailey: Chronic Cirrhosis of the liver? Casparian: Yes, and because I was still so young, after treatment, the liver could adapt and it stabilized. It has been for all those years now. Bailey: Good, good. I have some basic questions to ask you about it if you don’t mind? I want to understand your experience with it in order to tailor your care. Casparian: Naturally, feel free to ask me anything. I’ll do my best to answer. This didn’t come as a surprise to the ensign, she always had some sort of check-ins with physicians to monitor her condition and she hadn’t expected it to be any different this time. Bailey: A number of symptoms can occur as well as indicate the severity of the scarring. Tell me how do you typically feel on average? Casparian: I feel fine. I’m not particularly tired, not nauseous, no pain. I try to eat healthy and I don’t drink alcohol or synthahol for that matter - just to be safe. Bailey: That’s great to hear. Nothing sounds too severe then. Casparian: Indeed, I don't really notice anything of it in my daily life, except for the easy bruising, but that comes and goes. ::shrugs:: Bailey: You also don’t have any skin or eye discoloration from what I can see so no jaundice. ::slight pause:: If you don’t mind I would like you to lay down flat on the biobed. I would like to do a simple test to check on your liver. Sheila gave Casparian some time to adjust herself on the bed. This also gave Sheila s minute or two to adjust herself as well so that she could perform the test. Casparian: Um, okay. ::calmly lies back on the biobed and waits for Bailey to be ready too.:: Doctor Bailey sure was being thorough. The chief medical officer on the station where Romyana had done her cadet cruise had simply looked at the file, nodded, asked if she was fine and told her to come back if anything changed. Admittedly, she preferred Bailey’s approach - it felt more reassuring. Bailey: I’m going to give a few hard taps to you midsection on the side where your liver is. It shouldn’t hurt plus it should be fairly quick. Just tell me when you're ready. Casparian: Okidoki. I’m ready when you are. ::smiles comfortably:: Bailey: No pain? Bailey had given a few precise taps to Casparian’s abdomen. In doing so she couldn’t feel an enlargement of the liver, no unusual sounds. Everything seemed fine. Sheila had known it would be but as a doctor this was a reassuring piece of information. Casparian: No, didn’t hurt a bit. ::places her own hands on her abdomen, just below her rib cage, clasping her fingers:: What’s the verdict, Doc? Will I live? ::laughs:: Bailey: ::Small laugh:: Of course you will. Romyana had been calm and quiet during the test so the doctor could concentrate on palpitating her midsection, which felt pretty uncomfortable but certainly not painful. To Bailey this meant that she was in a fit mental state as well. Quite good. Now it was done, the ensign figured she could be a bit more lighthearted and joke - after all, it was nice to have a laugh at work sometimes, also for medical officers. Casparian: I assume you will want me to come into sickbay for regular checks? How often were you thinking? ::props herself up on her elbows:: I’m good with anything you propose. Bailey: I think we can start with just a regular yearly check. If we need to have more we can Casparian: Allright. ::sits up straight and speaks in a more serious tone:: What about you? Are you okay? I mean, now that I see you at work, I realize how difficult it really is for you to move around in these gravity conditions. Sheila leaned back in her wheelchair at that. For a moment she could feel every rough contact point her exoskeleton made with her body. Her body felt numb with the slight sudden shock of someone actually carrying for her in her work environment. Bailey: I’m doing as well as I can. I won’t lie and say I have an easy time. However I want to thank you for helping me. For half a second Sheila wanted to tell Casparian about her uncle. How she wasn’t 100% in a good place. But the need left as quickly as it came. No, she was going to tell Nijil first. But she could smile knowing she had such a great friend with her. For a fleeting moment it seemed as if Sheila was going to say something else, though Romyana could have been mistaken and replied amicably, while bringing her legs back to dangle over the edge of the biobed and pushing herself off it with a tiny hop. Casparian: Oh, you mean the other day when Rustyy and I tinkered around to improve your forearm crutches and leg braces? That’s alright, it was really no effort. I think they turned out pretty good. Bailey: You are helping make things better. Casparian: ::speaks with a serious and genuine tone:: Thank you Sheila. I appreciate the compliment. Of course, the same goes for you. Romyana watched as the Aleysian woman settled herself back in her wheelchair. It was impressive that she'd decided to join Starfleet knowing that she’d have to work and live for the most part in much more difficult conditions than many other species. The young Ensign doubted if she would have been brave enough to do the same if she were in Sheila’s position. With that Sheila returned back to a professional manner. Their appointment time was almost up. Bailey: With that I think you're all set to go. On your way out your welcome to schedule your next appointment with one of the nurses. ::At that she paused. Deep breath.:: as a friend before you go mind if I offer a hug? Casparian: Okay, I'll do that. ::glances back at the door listening to Sheila’s question:: That is awfully nice of you! Of course you can. With that the two women gave a short embrace. Romyana was not used to receiving affection like this, her parents were not the cuddly kind, it was something she missed growing up. After, Bailey smiled giving a small two finger wave, her middle and pointer finger waving. The appointment went well, no reason for more appointments at this moment in time. Patient seemed to be in both fine physical and mental health based on her exam results as well as reactions to said test. It was a smile knowing she had a great friend. One she cared for as well as one that cared for her. Casparian: I’m sure we’ll catch up again later. ::heads out of sickbay:: Ciao! The appointment went well, the Doctor seemed not only very knowledgeable but also very caring towards her patients, which Romyana appreciated a lot. And Sheila had said she considered her a friend, that was a very nice compliment to get and she shared the sentiment for the Elaysian woman. Life on this Starbase was looking better by the day. ------ Lieutenant JG Sheila Bailey Medical Officer Starbase 118 Ops M239512BG0 "Ta-er al-Safar" - the Canary; No woman should ever suffer at the hands of men - (Quotes) Sara Lance; Legends Of Tomorrow Ensign Romyana Casparian Engineering Officer Starbase 118 Ops O239703RC0 * * * Live your dreams, don't dream your life * * *
  4. "German, you need to get back to your ship! "Arlil said, "It’s too late for me now…" That was not what German wanted to hear as he entered into the central chamber where the Borg Queen mainly operated in the ship that was surrounded deep inside an enormous Borg city known as the Unicomplex. He was determined as hell to finally lay to rest his obsession with saving his sister. "I’m not going back until you come with me." German exclaimed in a manic state, "You know this!" "You need to or what I’m capable of will be your downfall. I’ve kept the Collective at bay for too long because I am the Collective. What these drones will do to you will be your fault." A drone simply walked past the Denobulan as if he wasn’t even there. German could feel the intensity of Arlil’s words as her head and upper body was lowered from the ceiling and connected securely onto her waiting body with the tubes unfastening from her and slithered back up, as they disappeared from view. He knew that much she was to the point of no return, but was too stubborn to admit it as he approached her into the green hue. "My downfall is not even close to happening. There’s still a piece of humanity in you or else you’d already have me assimilated." "You know as well as I do that your immune system is strong enough to hold off on being fully assimilated, German." She said as she smiled softly to him, "A physical trait that..." It was then her voice turned into the Collective and responded, "We will adapt to. We will add your biological distinctiveness to our own." Being in front of Arlil when she and the Hive Mind spoke together gave him chills as he backed up with one step, but was stopped by a drone as it put its hand on his shoulder and fully grasped it from behind him. His head turned to look at the drone and then quickly went back to glance at Arlil where she was now approaching him and raised her hand towards him. He brought his elbow back with quick force and precision that he connected with the drone’s nose which caused it to fall over. He stepped backwards again and then dodged another drone as he sidestepped it, causing it to stumble forward into Arlil which knocked her down as well. It appeared that the collision brought her back to reality as she presented a worried expression. German went into protection mode and stepped forward to help her back up, but Arlil raised her hand. "No German. Please, leave because there’s Cube ships heading over here. They’ll stop at nothing to protect me." "That’s what I’m doing too! My sole purpose here is to save you, Arlil!" "Save the little girl you once knew. Back in 2377. She’s the one that needs protecting." "Wait, do you mean..." Before he could even finish his sentence, he was transported into a Sphere that was about to fly off into space. He tried to fully grasp what she said and then heard her voice as if she was right there with him. "I’ve set the temporal coordinates to 237710.17. All you have to do is produce a tachyon pulse after you go through the transwarp conduit that leads to Earth. Farewell, German." How he was to even know what to do or even pilot the Sphere was beyond him, but as soon as he sat down in a bulky chair, the space object jolted forward and then millions of streaks of light zoomed past the viewscreen in front of him. In just a matter of seconds, he was now several lightyears away from Earth when all of a sudden, an Odyssey class Starship warped to a grinding halt in front of him. He was being hailed, but German did not want to answer it as a display in front of him appeared with guided instructions on how to out maneuver the enormous ship. He reached for the command to bolt out of there and saw that the Federation ship’s torpedoes were launching towards him, but the maneuverability of the sphere dodged the weapons fire at ease as it took off suddenly. German activated the tachyokinetic device that Arlil had set the temporal coordinates which caused a controlled emission of chronometric particles that generated a temporal vortex to form in front of him. He exhaled softly and remembered what Fleet Captain Sal Taybrim had said to him a while ago that still resonated with the scientist. "German…" Captain Taybrim said as he looked at the Denobulan and spoke softly. Empathetically and yet with a far deeper warning tone than even his last statement, "I’m not worried that your plan won’t work. I’m worried it will." "It’s what I need to do." He said softly as he closed his eyes as he went through the vortex. When he opened his eyes back up, he saw that vortex he generated was still open so he emitted a antitachyon pulse towards it to collapse the vortex so the Odyssey class starship didn’t have the chance to pursue him any further. Seeing that he was successful, he now had to figure out a way to slow the Sphere down, but was unable to cause the speed to diminish quick enough as he entered the atmosphere and saw that he was right above North America. He had enough wherewithal that German knew how to somewhat steer the ship and it started to slow itself when he centered on California. San Diego to be exact as he set the location to his childhood home. What struck him odd was why no ships were coming towards him when he noticed on the display that at some point the Sphere cloaked itself, but as he got closer to the ground, the decreasing speed allowed it to momentarily decloak as his house came into view. Goosebumps formed on his skin when the viewscreen zeroed in on the structure and saw his younger self at 15 years old was approaching his front yard and saw himself approach his little sister. She then ran into the house as expected, but then German shook his moment of distraction away when the Sphere was practically on top of the house. He tried to make it to stop, but it was too late and crashed into the back of the house causing debris of splintered wood and shattering glass all around it as the ship came to a heavy thud. Nearly frozen and shaken to the core, German wobbled his way as he stood up and right when he turned to find the exit, a drone that was hidden from his view came out of nowhere and injected nanoprobes into his neck causing him to collapse and gasp for air. The sense of dread overwhelmed him as he looked on as the drone exited the ship as his veins started to pulse profusely which caused them to bulge out as his skin started to turn dark shade of palish green. It was then that he realized before he was fully linked with the Hive Mind that it was his own doing that caused his sister’s abduction and eventual assimilation.
  5. ((StarBase 118 – Academy Campus Green)) ::Romyana was sitting on a bench enjoying the view across the Academy green. She was told she would be met here by someone to escort her to her new duty post. She already knew she would be staying on the Star Base instead of speeding off on a star ship, but that did not make her any less exited. Quietly Romyana reminisced about the unique experience of the Final Exam that she had completed two days ago. At the time she was convinced she had failed, but to her delight she passed and with a pretty good grade too!:: Dal: Ensign Casparian? I am Commander Ishreth Dal. Welcome to StarBase 118, Ensign. ::She turned her head to see who had called for her. An Andorian man wearing a Marine green Starfleet uniform and three pips on his collar, ranking him Commander.:: Casparian: Sir. ::as per the training that was systematically drilled into each Cadet in the first weeks of the Academy, she stood to attention when addressed by an officer:: Thank you Sir. I am looking forward to meet the rest of the crew. ::Romyana's eyes flickered from the Andorian's eyes to his antennae and back. When she realised how silly this must look, she tried to control it and focus on the Commanders eyes, but each time the antennae moved she couldn't help but looking at them.:: Dal: We are very pleased to have you join our senior staff. I am here to bring you up to date on the current mission our crew is working on as well as bring you to meet Lt Commander German Galven, our Chief of science. Casparian: Yes, Sir. Please lead the way. ::Romyana was nervous so her answers were brief, but she made an effort to sound strong and confident. This came easy to her as she had a relatively low and carrying voice for a human woman. An excellent voice to shout orders with, her father once said.:: Dal: Commander Galven’s team is working on an antidote to a deadly poison known as Silicon Platinochloride. When inhaled it destroys the membranes of blood cells, causing terrible internal bleeding. ::He drew in a breath, antennae curling downwards:: Have you heard of this chemical before? Casparian: No, I can't say I have. It sounds like a horrible way to-- ::she let her sentence trail off:: Is it lethal to humanoids? ::Romyana visualised the effect of the chemical on the human body. Impressions of her lungs filling up with blood, gasping for breath and finally slowly suffocating in her own blood shot through her thoughts. It sent shivers up her spine.:: Dal: Yes, it is known as Death Fog. ::he tipped his head slightly as they entered the lift and he keyed in the correct deck.:: It is illegal in the sector. Heavily illegal in the Klingon Empire as it has a particularly strong effect on Klingons. Casparian: Hm, interesting. ::she nodded thoughtfully:: The Klingons would be especially grateful if Commander Galven and his team succeed. Are they close to finding the antidote? Dal: I am not sure where they are in their research, but I can try to answer any general questions you have. ::The turbolift came to a gentle halt and the door slid open. Romyana stepped forward but then came to an abrupt halt. She had never been here before, so she wasn't sure which direction to turn next.:: Casparian: Where do we go from here? Dal: To the left, come, I will show you. ::He waved her forward, walking quickly enough to be efficient but slowly enough that they could still easily converse.:: Casparian: Commander, I do have a question about the chemical actually. Where does it come from? Who has developed it? Dal: Originally it was a by-product of deuterium mining methods using old fashioned cobalt explosives. It does not naturally occur within the natural galaxy that we know of. The current poison is manufactured by criminals and refined to increase toxicity. ::His soft voice had a deep undercurrent of distaste. His expression was still quite calm – that was expected for higher rank Andorian clans that emoted with their annetnnae while generally keeping their facial expression blank. Ishreth had been raised with this tradition impressed upon him strongly, but he had also worked for two decades with non-Andorians and a bit of that had rubbed off. Every once in a while his lips would twitch or his brows would perk, but mainly his face stayed calm. His antennae however curled with a deep dismay and flexed for a few times like a massive frown. As they slowly relaxed he spoke again.:: Dal: Any other questions, Ensign? Casparian: No, Sir. No more questions for now. ::she gave him a quick almost apologetic smile and pushed her auburn shoulder long hair behind her ear.:: Dal: I’m sure Commander Galven will be able to give more insights, both scientific and otherwise. ((Cybernetic/Robotics laboratory & testing facility - 8th Level, Deck 529, Starbase 118)) ::When the sliding doors opened Romyana was positively surprised by the sight of the lab. It was not just any science lab, it was full of the latest technology. She had expected lots and lots of glass vials containing brightly coloured chemical substances, in an otherwise sterile room, but instead there were several robotic like creations and a multitude of machine parts scattered around the workbenches. She could see two people further in the back but her eyes now focussed on a Denobulan man approaching. He had a funny looking smirk on his face. He must be the Chief Science Officer that Dal was talking about earlier.:: Dal: Commander Galven, please meet Ensign Romyana Casparian. Ensign Casparian, Commander German Galven. ::He offered polite introductions.:: ::Romyana blushed as she listened to Dal introducing her. It had been Cadet Casparian for so long, that it was now strange to hear anyone call her Ensign and it would probably take a few weeks before she would really get used to that.:: Galven: ::grins:: Pleasure to meet you, ensign. I suspect the journey from the bottom of the base was a smooth ride and the Commander filled you in, yes? Casparian: Yes, Sir. Dal: I ran down the basic information on the Silicon Platinochloride. I will let you fill in the rest, Commander. Galven: ::nods:: Very well. ::moves to the side, then extends his hand outwards for her to walk more into the room:: Allow me to introduce you to a couple of other people. Lieutenant Junior Grade Karen Stendhal and our brilliant civilian scientist, Taelon. ::The Denobulan's smirk had now formed into a reassuring grin. Whilst Dal made to leave, Romyana used the moment to take everything in and she moved her head from left to right looking around the place like a child in a candy shop.:: ::Careful not to stumble over any of the Robotics scattered around the lab, she took some tentative steps towards the two other crewmembers.:: Casparian: Hello Lieutenant Stendhal, Mister Taelon. I am Romyana Casparian. Pleased to meet you. ::she paused shortly to take in the tall man's unique looks:: What are you working on there? ((OOC - Like I said before @Romyana Casparian, I'm very excited to see what you have to write because you've shown just from your first couple of post aboard Ops that you're a valuable member of the crew! Keep up that enthusiasm and infectious positive attitude!
  6. I'm happy with what we've gotten already because anymore prequels would just be too much with what we have already. That being said, if I had to choose, I picked someone else from the names shown. I would really like to see more of Captain Christopher Pike because I enjoyed the one from the Abramserve, but then Discovery's Pike happened and I would absolutely watch a show based around him and his Number One.
  7. Being a recent transfer to Ops, I really enjoyed this bit of story arc regarding @Taelon. Great sim! ((Starfleet Intel HQ – London, Earth)) (time index: several days into shore leave) Once he’d looked at Earth from a frieghter’s window and been in awe of its beauty, its sparkling blue seas and rolling green. It’d been a contrast to the reddish dust and green clouds of his birth planet. The Academy had been the first thing he’d truly done on his own, and had seemed almost magical. Now he was back - and not as a welcomed newcomer. Now the looks he got were dark. They thought he’d done something he hadn’t. Taelon wasn’t sure what they even wanted him to reveal at his point; he’d told them as much as he could. Except he hadn’t, he knew he hadn’t. He’d been on a ship in contact with the Klingon military, seen the lists of dissidents and spies, even helped identify some of them. He’d helped Kaskis Ril for 15 years. The last time he’d seen Kaskis, she’d knifed him in the gut. For most people, this would have ended any loyalty they’d had. For Taelon, well, he’d deserved it, hadn’t he? He’d been lying to her for years, claiming to know nothing and to be some exile from Federation space. The fact she’d have skinned him alive for his command codes didn’t factor into his thought process much, but it did come to him on dark nights. He’d seen enough as part of her crew to know how Klingons got information out of people. If they’d discovered he was a ranking Federation officer from 20 years in the future... But they hadn’t. Instead he’d been a loyal follower, the bounty hunter’s mechanic and medic of sorts. He’d been with her for a long time, and that knifing had hardly been the first time she’d struck at him in what he considered justified retribution. He could use her backing now, he thought, standing in the dock. Despite his towering height, Taelon’s body language was hardly intimidating; if anything, it made his answers seem worse. He tugged at the edges of his sleeves, worried his lower lip, and held himself closely, tucking his arms up against his sides and curling in around himself. He struggled to maintain eye contact. This was quite normal for him when he was uncomfortable, and with the added stress, his nervous ticks grew worse; already he’d nibbled through his lower lip, blood visible on his tongue briefly. All this did, however, serve to make him seem evasive. About halfway through he seemed to realize that and tried to steel himself, but DeMarcus’ looks and body language made him shrink back and fail. DeMarcus: Do you deny you worked with this cult, despite having evidence that you were on Zeta Iomis IV? Taelon’s rising panic was clear to everyone watching. He saw Sal Taybrim and locked eyes with him briefly and that seemed to give him some measure of comfort; he took a few steadying breaths before he replied. Taelon: I’ve never worked with the Cult of Molor. Zeta Iomis IV was thought to be one of the hideouts for the Screaming Warriguls, so Captain Ril wanted it investigated. I merely - we merely did what she ordered. That might well have been the longest he’d gone without a small stutter, and this only seemed to make DeMarcus more doubtful rather than less. DeMarcus: That is convenient. Would you care to elucidate on what you were doing on the IKS Qulp’law? Taelon: I was - ::He stopped, fingers twisting together so tightly that his knuckles popped.:: I acted as her mechanic and maintained the crew’s w-weapons and assault vehicles. ::He stopped again, biting his lip before adding-:: I, I invented some new tech for them as well. To help with the - to help with their work. I’ve documented my time with them for the Temporal authorities…. DeMarcus: Seems convenient. Taelon clearly didn’t know what to say to that; he lowered his gaze again before he managed a reply. Taelon: W-well, it’s the truth... The Intelligence officer’s look was one of disgust. He paced, each click of his heeled boots echoing. DeMarcus: Also convenient that you left the Narendra and shortly thereafter the cult was able to infiltrate the ship… Taelon gawked at him, his gaze going to the crowd - to Sal, to others he’d talked to before. Whatever he’d guessed he was accused of, having put the Cult on the Narendra wasn’t included in that. He stammered. Despite his timid nature, it was clear he was offended. Taelon: Why would I - I’d never tell a group of killers where my colleagues were! Especially not after - not after - He fell silent, shaking hands holding the edge of the dock. His knuckles were white. DeMarcus: ::More forcefully:: Someone had to leak security details! Someone had to tell the Klingons! Taelon: Whatever it is I’ve done, or - or you think I’ve done… I wouldn’t h-hurt other members of the Federation - DeMarcus cut him off with a scoff, the man’s posture growing more intimidating. DeMarcus: Like you weren’t responsible for the death of undercover operative K’Tomj? ::He smiled with a vicious expression. He knew the Starfleet intel operative was killed after contact with the Qulp’law.:: Taelon’s mouth opened, but he said nothing for a long moment, eventually clicking his mouth shut. He looked around the room again. It was true he’d killed the man. It’d been a routine job with Ril’s crew up until he saw the reports afterwards. Taelon: I didn’t - I didn’t know about him. It was just a routine bounty, until we saw his intel… DeMarcus/Any: ? Licking his lips nervously, Taelon’s gaze dropped yet again. He didn’t know, how could he, it wasn’t like that at the time - he was keenly aware of his responses repeating over and over. But they were true. How could have known about a spy who was emplaced years before he’d even joined Starfleet? He should have seen the clues, but at the time it’d been a hostile planet and people had been quick to start shooting the moment things went south. He didn’t know what to say any more. Taelon: I’ve studied the cult under Captain Ril for years. And I might - I might make things you people - ::He stopped and quickly corrected himself.:: I might design things that, that the Federation doesn’t like, but I don’t - the Cult wants to hurt people. I want to p-protect them…
  8. Congrats buddy! You were fun to train! Welcome to the fleet!
  9. I voted for Seven of Nine. I doubt she'd even want a gift and the task explaining to her about the concept of gift giving/receiving would be a mission in itself.
  10. German, being a Xenobiologist and just in general a curious Denobulan, is completely intrigued with most if not all holidays. Earth based and elsewhere! Nalni doesn't care all that much about such frivolous occasions She's always finding a way to work more.
  11. Find a weakened cube and lure the Collective in by assimilating myself and play mind games. Troll them enough times and then send them through a temporal rift!
  12. I was just amazed with how @Sheila Bailey described her character's emotions in such a way that it was completely genuine. Amazing work Aly! ((Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth)) Bailey: ::Mouth dry:: Umm.. one of my wheels is stuck. Do you think you could help me out? Galven: ::kneels down:: Of course. What do you need me to do? Bailey: I’m scared Glaven. I’ve not been this scared since the rainy seasons back on Elaysia. Sheila gave a low whimper. The rainy season back home was no fun, it made everyone hot, flushed, dry mouthed and dizzy. She was feeling a bit of that now and only wished that being back on the academy campus hadn’t made her so paranoid. Must have all those discouraging memories that were coming back. Now Sheila was thinking about her time back home and the discomfort she had felt during the rainy months. Some felt the effects more but others could function just fine in the increased humidity. They did have medications available to reduce the ‘sickness’ that came with it but such things weren’t available off world. The federation medical servius hasn't approved it’s use off Elaysia. For Sheila she never took the available medication. Instead spent hours in a cold shower with lots of cold drinks. Suddenly looking for her water bottle it wasn’t there making her mouth go even more dry and numb. He felt for the woman. Since he was kneeling, he was now eye level with Sheila and wanted to help her curb her anxieties. Galven: Sheila. Look at me. Nothing is going to come after you. I’m right here. Guess what? Sheila didn’t say anything but look at German with sad looking eyes. Her head felt heavy and her eyes like they were about to close. She suspected she had forgotten how hot it could get on Earth. Back during her last mission she had experienced similar things but they had been cleared up quickly the moment she had something cold to drink. Galven: I’m scared too, but you know what’s keeping me going? Bailey: Yes? Sheila wasn’t confused only had a small lack of being able to think. Galven: You are. You’re helping me and let me help you ::grunts and unjams her wheel:: Now that wasn’t so bad now was it? ::grins wide:: Sheila tested both wheels of her chair being satisfied that both were moving smoothly. It however didn’t get rid of her scared feeling. She felt it in her head, mouth and her shaking hands. What if those people were still around? With the way they had looked at her it creeped her out more than she thought it would. No one had ever looked at her like that before. The look had been so sharp and glaring. Bailey: I’m still scared… ::Sheila’s sentence trailed off as she gave the Denobulan a small strained smile.:: Galven: How about this... Would you like to take my PADD and then you can be our navigator? The destination marker is located west of here in that direction. What do you say, Lieutenant? Bailey: It would give me something to do. Reaching to take the PADD her hands were so shaky that she wasn’t even sure she could push herself at the same time. Sighing she took the PADD placing it on her lap before folding her hands close to her pelvis. Bailey: ::Voice still wavering:: I hate to ask this but my hands are so shaky, would you mind pushing me in my chair? Galven: Response Bailey: It would make me feel safer if you would. I honestly don’t know why I’m scared. Those three men, the way they looked at me, its creeped me out. A wave of dizziness washed through Sheila as Galven took hold of the back of her chair in order to guide her to the new meeting spot. Sheila looked at the PADD as they moved, giving Galven directions. It didn’t take long for them to get to the monument. Sal settled a soft smile on his face as he strolled up to greet them, giving time for Prudence and Rustyy to catch up. Taybrim: A lovely day on the Academy green, isn’t it? Hael/Blackwell: ? He nodded, offering a wave towards German and Sheila Taybrim: Yes, there are our new crewmates. ::He smiled, an easy, casual smile – the sort of genuine expression coming from a person who truly liked other people.:: Good afternoon Commander Galven and Lieutenant Bailey! Hael/Blackwell: ? Bailey: Hi. Galven/Taybrim/Hael/Backwell: ? At this moment Sheila had started tuning out the conversation. She knew she had to pay attention as the conversation was about introductions and the mission. For Sheila however the more she tried the more she felt the heat and nausea creep up now that the adrenaline was disappearing. Just like when it was raining hard back home the chatter pulled her in and out. She wasn’t going to pass out but her eyes were so droopy, her mouth so dry. Sheila’s head hurt bad, was hard to keep up so it flopped so her chin was resting on her chest. A second latter however she fell out of her chair. What a way to make an introduction to her new Captain. Galven/Taybrim/Hael/Backwell: ? The shock of landing on the floor sent a shooting pain through her body. Her eyes went wide and the conversation quieted as most of the officers around her got down to her level. Bailey: ::weakly:: Water….. Galven/Taybrim/Hael/Backwell: ? Lieutenant JG Sheila Bailey Medical Officer Starbase 118 Ops M239512BG0 "If you want to harness your power, you need to learn to control your fear." - Sara Lance; Legends Of Tomorrow
  13. That's cool! An alternate version of the word. Could be regional. Thanks @Jo Marshall 😄
  14. I chose shark because so many were killed after the release of the movie "Jaws" that I would see fit to repopulate. Also Hamster is misspelled. There's not a 'p' in the word.
  15. ((OOC - Special shout out to @Edward Spears, MD for such creativity regarding when Dr. Spears woke up!)) ((Mess Hall, Starfleet Academy, The Other Human Planet)) Yito: We keep investigating then. Something is trying to tell us something either some form of being or Ed subconscious. Blair: Yeah, but unfortunately the universal translator doesn’t speak mural. Laxyn: No but our minds might. They do show us something that we know in our real lives. I did wonder why they didn't leave us with all our memories intact but I assume that they just don't know how our minds work and wanted us to experience this shared experience as a base of communication. And now they seem to be trying to figure out how our memories can help us. If they are not familiar with our brains and minds, it would be difficult. Spears: I agree. Whether this is one of our minds, or all of them, the common root is that these beings seem to be using our collective experiences to send us messages. But how confusing would our memories be if these entities don't experience the universe the way we do... Yito: Has anyone else had flashbacks/forwards? I know Ed had one earlier of a painful memory .:: She looked to Ed to explain. :: Laxyn: I had a few. ::She admitted meekly:: Just now I had a painful one I don't quite understand.. earlier when I was alone with Alex I had one that seemed to want to tell me something. My theory is that it was about who they are - something we haven't met yet... and that their balance is disrupted. Maybe... these probes are the reason for that. Spears: Yeah. I've seen a few things that must happen after this point in time. The memories I experienced felt completely real, and they were emotionally painful... Yito: What if whatever is trying to communicate with us is in pain but doesn’t know how to describe it to us. Blair: What if you’re right? Laxyn: It would make sense. If they don't know our minds, they might also not know our language. So they dig through our memories for something that ... feels like that they want to say, no matter the context of that feeling. Yito: Pain can come for so many different reasons but feel very similar if not the same. Spears: I agree with all of you. If they experience reality differently from us then they might not know how to differentiate between different kinds of trauma. Blair: The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. A Starbase, as starship, and a probe. Tie those images with the memories of pain. I really think Yito’s right. Laxyn: I agree. Now if we only knew how to utilize it. Spears: If only we knew what was happening outside of this... Construct... Blair: I’m just theorizing here so bear with me. But what if the image of the bridge is true and we are the crew of that starship, the Constitution. ::pause:: Maybe something we’ve done has inadvertently done harm to whoever these beings are? Laxyn: Do you think that could be the reason why it is _us_ that is here? Yito: Would make sense. We do seem to be the senior officers. Spears: The Galaxy-class is an exploration vessel. I bet the Constitution has launched hundreds of probes in her time... Blair: The big issue would be figuring out what damage was done, and how we can fix it. Especially from in here. Laxyn: ::a deep breath:: That's the big question. Yito: They keep showing us pictures, memories maybe they will lead us there. Spears: They seem to change the nature of this reality, or at least the mural, when we make the correct kinds of connections. Laxyn: What do you want to tell us? What can we do? The image changed again. It was still the bridge, only now there were different people occupying the stations and consoles. Saveron seemed to be seated centrally. He seemed older, more mature. Laxyn: Is... is that Saveron? ::She pointed to the center chair.:: He looks ...strange with short hair. Yito: He seems older, with 3 pips. There are also others I’ve seen here. Spears: And some newer faces. Blair: If our theory is correct, I would assume they are the rest of the crew. Laxyn: If this is what is happening now... then Saveron has command instead of me. The screen... that looks like a starchart. Can either of you identify where this is? Yito: No, but the computer may have it on file. Spears: Doesn't look familiar but... That portion of the chart identifies the Klingon border. Blair: ::Alex shook his head:: Sorry it doesn’t particularly look familiar to me, but I’ve never really studied starcharts. Laxyn: Do... do you think they are going into Klingon space? ::Her face lost most of its colour:: Yito: That would be against the treaty :: Was that still in effect? :: Spears: I thought we were doing alright with the Klingons? ::Or was that information out of date...:: Blair: That’s what I’ve learned in classes, but that information may be out of date. Pretty much everything else here is… Laxyn: I hope not. But you may be right. What IF this is where these beings are? Yito: But if the probes cause them pain what will a large ship do? Spears: Nothing good, I'm guessing. In medicine the idea is to avoid doing more damage while working to solve the illness or injury that already exists. If the Constitution barges in there, not only might it hurt these beings significantly, maybe even irreparably, but it could also cause diplomatic repercussions with the Klingons... But Saveron is a reasonable person, right? He wouldn't order the ship into Klingon space... Right? Laxyn: Well... Blair: I’m sure we can trust him, but maybe we need to find a way to help from here? Yito: I don’t know what we can do to stop them from here. Spears: I don't think there's much more we can do from here except assure these beings that we'll try to help? Laxyn: Just how? Yito: Can we somehow communicate we got their message? Maybe they’ll wake us up. So we can tell the others to stop. Spears: If they understand that we understand and that it is in our nature to help, they might simply let us go. I wonder... Yito: Unfortunately I don’t think we fully understand us. Our missing memories is an indication of that. Blair: And if we don’t fully understand ourselves, we couldn’t expect these beings to understand us. Spears: Hang on, I'm going to try something. Yito: What have you in mind? :: Intrigued. :: Laxyn: If you would tell us what... Ed closed his eyes and focused. Spears: ::Muttering:: Come on. Come on. Find a memory of me helping someone... And then it came in flashes. Ed could hear his characteristic laugh as he treated bruises, burns, cuts, broken bones, and more. Different faces. Different species. And not just Starfleet members. Then the more complicated things. Lystra's hand; a mystery he still hadn't solved, but one he hadn't given up on. Then a memory of the first patient he lost under his care; something he still lamented and strived to better himself because of. Finally there was a feeling of calm that came along with the memories slowing down. Ed felt a pain in his temples and scrunched his eyes. ((Sickbay, USS Constitution-B)) As he opened them, he was no longer standing in front of the mural. He was lying down on something relatively firm, a bright light overhead. The room smelled sterile. The scent was at once familiar and comforting. He could hear the gentle beeps and tones of a medical scanner. Then the more urgent tone of a tricorder. A head appeared in the beam of light looking concerned and relieved all in one. Malyz: No I haven't yet. He just woke up on his own. Ed tried to speak, found that his mouth was dry and a little lame, and then tried again. Spears: Oz... Am I back? He felt back, but it was also like he'd just woken up from, well, a coma... Ed looked over to the side and saw that Jalana, Alex, and Seja were all prone on biobeds of their own. OK. So maybe it wasn't just a coma dream... Malyz: You sure are, boss. ::Oz smiled.:: Spears: Like I'm in a fog bank. Also thirsty. Ed blinked and looked around. Things started to clear and click into place. Memories unlocked that had been hidden to him while he was on the other side.
  16. Do science classes count as recreational? German would definitely open up an Exploratorium first on Denobula and then expand onto the other planets. Have like wormholes that connect to each one. Maybe even play around with time travel. Only like the past 5 minutes tho... 😏
  17. Welcome to the fleet, ensign! Job well done! 😀
  18. Congrats to Gorkon and the Conny! Great job with the pictures! Winners clean up the mess, right?
  19. As of right now when I checked to see if there was an exact release date, IMDB and everywhere else says 2020. So pretty much everything except for the Short Treks will be out next year. Sensory overload! 😱
  20. ((Ravenna’s Dorm- Starfleet Academy, San Fransico, Earth- Dream)) Ravenna sat in a pile of books taller than her standing height. Each spine revealed another medical or science-based text and the smell that drifted from them wrapped her in a blanket of comfort. The fire crackled on the opposing wall and the whistle of the tea kettle pulled her from her dream world. Tea for dad and hot cocoa for herself. Daniel had ducked into the library to ask Ravenna if she wanted marshmallows, only to find that she had disappeared in the two minutes he had been gone. It wasn’t uncommon, and though he would never tell her, he always knew right where she had ventured off to. Daniel: Little Blackbird? Where did you wander off to? Ravenna peaked her head out from behind the books in time to see her father walking in with a tray of drinks and nighttime cookies. She ducked back before she thought he could see her, but she hadn’t been quick enough. Daniel sat them on the side table and took up residence in the chair he sat in ever night while he read to Ravenna, or any more, she read to him. I Daniel: Blackbird, whatcha doing in the stacks again? Ravenna: ::giggling:: Picking out a book to read. She carefully climbed out from the tilted stacks and revealed her selection for their bedtime story. Daniel was always perplexed by how Ravenna’s mind worked. It was a true gift and where he knew his wife hated it, he loved it. He could talk to her and have intelligent conversations with her, but since she was so young, she had an innocent and simple way of looking at problems. Some of the problems he had spent all day going over, she had asked one simple question that made everything click. Many of his colleagues had laughed at him, but when he was ever asked about who his best friends was, he would genuinely respond that it was his daughter. Daniel: Are you sure you want to read… ::checking the title page as the name had long worn off the spine:: Gray’s Anatomy? Ravenna stared at her dad. She would have thought that it was obvious. Ravenna: I’m going to be a doctor someday, just like you daddy. Daniel felt the pride swell in his chest. Daniel: You are going to be a fantastic doctor, Blackbird. Now, should I quiz you or are we reading? Ravenna looked at the fireplace for a minute while she contemplated her options. She knew this book pretty well already, but perhaps, for the time being, it would be best if she just read it some more. Ravenna: Reading ::she punctated the decision with a nod:: Daniel smiled at his daughter while she climbed up onto his lap. She was growing like a weed and sooner rather than later he would have to get her her own chair. Maybe a matching one so they could sit side by side in the library. He dreaded the day that she wouldn’t be his little cuddle bug anymore. It broke his heart to even think about it. The rest of the night was spent reading up on bodily functions and looking at anatomical diagrams. Occasionally Ravenna would hop up and inspect the teaching skeleton that stood in the corner. Any other child would have found that eery glow from the fire reflected in the skeleton’s eye sockets creepy, but Ravenna didn’t seem to notice. The fire alarm went off mid skeletal inspection and as Ravenna made her way back to her father, the fire alarm morphed into an alarm clock. ((Ravenna’s Dorm- Morning)) Ravenna woke with tears in her eyes. Sometimes she was thankful that she still remembered her father. Other times, she wished she remembered less because maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much. She pinched herself. No, every memory with her father was a cherished memory. Ravenna made her way to the bathroom to get ready for class. The eyes that looked back at her were her father’s. She teared up a little more. Surely, being a first-year, she would get harassed for crying. It wasn’t like she could hide the puffiness. She finished getting ready and walked out the door. This marked the start of a new adventure. ((Memory- Ravenna (five years old))) Daniel was standing next to the front door with his bags all packed. Ravenna sat on the bottom step poking the bags as though they had personally offended her. Elizabeth stood in the doorway with her arms crossed. No one said a word, but the air between the adults was so thick you could feel it in your grasp. Ravenna looked up at her dad and then to her mom. Daniel was hunched over and his usually relaxed demeanor had somehow soured. Elizabeth looked mad. Ravenna could tell something was wrong, but she couldn’t know the extent of it. Ravenna: Why are these out here? ::she poked the bags again for good measure:: Daniel: ::glaring at Elizabeth while Ravenna wasn’t looking:: Well, Blackbird, I have to go away for a little while. You see there are some sick people who need my help. :: he attempted to sound nonchalant about the situation, hoping that if he didn’t sound agitated then maybe Ravenna would be okay.:: Ravenna looked up at Daniel with tears in her eyes. Ravenna loved her mother dearly, but her dad was the one who took care of her. ::her desperate pleas ripped at his heart in a way that no one could ever imagine:: Ravenna: Daddy, no! You can’t go! :: she sprung up and grabbed his legs:: I need you to teach me, please! Daniel moved Ravenna’s little arms so he could kneel down to her level. He whiped away her tears as the fell. Daniel: ::trying to control his voice:: Oh, Birdie, don’t cry. Please! I’ll be back before you know it. Ravenna: Take me with you! ::She was sobbing now:: I can help the people too! He rested his hands on her shoulders as she pled with him. Daniel: I wish I could, but I need you to stay here and keep your mama company He pulled her close just as he felt the tears well up in his own eyes. He looked up at Elizabeth his jaw clamped shut. His tears hit Ravenna’s hair. There was no way he was going to willingly leave his daughter behind, now, he knew Elizabeth would have to pry her away when his taxi arrived. Daniel: Please, Little Blackbird, please don’t cry. :: he was rocking the two of them back and forth.:: He had sat on the ground with Ravenna in his lap and he was still rocking back and forth when the taxi arrived. The elderly driver got out of the car and was putting Daniel’s bags in the car. Sadly, it didn’t take him long enough and it was time to go. Elizabeth: Come on, Ravenna. It’s time for him to go. Ravenna yelled and clung to Daniel tighter as he stood up, still holding Ravenna. He was almost afraid to put her down. Now the thought of his little girl being all grown up before he sees her again came to mind and he wasn’t afraid of showing everyone that he was crying too. Reluctantly, he stood her up and looked his little blackbird in the eyes. Daniel: Now, I want you to behave for your mother while I’m gone. :: he leans over and gives her a kiss on the forehead: Daniel hopes that just like ripping a bandaid off, this will make leaving easier. He knows he’s not fooling anyone. Elizabeth comes down the steps only to snatch Ravenna away and hold her back so that Daniel could leave. Before he turns he says one thing to Elizabeth that haunts Ravenna. Daniel: I hope you’re happy. Elizabeth’s grasp on Ravenna tightens and she yelps. Her shoulder hurts from a mixture of how she is being restrained and struggling to get loose. Daniel turns and opens the car door. He looks back to Ravenna one more time before pulling away. Elizabeth lets go of Ravenna, who bolts into the non-busy street and watches as the car carrying her father fades into the distance. She screams after him and it’s enough to alert the neighbors that there is something going on. Many take to their porches to watch as Elizabeth yanks Ravenna back toward their own house. Ravenna ran inside and locked herself in the library. A mug of hot cocoa and a plate of cookies were set out on the side table with a letter: Little Blackbird, I am so sorry I had to leave you. Just know that I will see you very soon and that I love you more than anything in the universe. I hope that someday you can forgive me for making you stay with your mom. Someday, I hope you can understand why I left. I’ll be back soon. I promise. With All my Love My Dearest Blackbird, Dad Ravenna tucked the letter into her pocket and climbed up into the seat. It was so much bigger without her dad sitting there with her. She ate half of the cookies and drank her hot cocoa, which was still warm. Ravenna stayed locked in there for three days. There was a replicator that she used for food and water and a bathroom was attached. She didn’t want to see her mom. She needed time.
  21. Now that was a fun class! Welcome to the fleet ensigns!
  22. Campaigner ENFP-A Diplomat People Mastery Traits: 75% Extraverted 74% Intuitive 51% Feeling 88% Prospecting 60% Assertive Other Campaigners are Robert Downey Jr, Robin Williams, Willy Wonka, Quentin Tarantino, Jennifer Keller, Drew Barrymore, among a couple others.
  23. Congratulations @Ravenna Carter and @Kel Terran!! That was a fun class and I enjoyed training you two! Welcome to the fleet!
  24. That was a fun class! Welcome to the fleet, ensigns!
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