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Everything posted by Serala

  1. This sim from @Esa_Darkkdust is a great picture of some of the challenges facing one of the classes of people on the world Lanaxa that the crew has gone to assist. It is very well written and I felt it deserved a mention here. Great job, Esa! (Trigger Warning: Some parts of this might be triggering for some people as it deals with indentured servitude and forced poverty and the issues that arise from that. We hope this won't trigger anyone, but please read with caution.) ============ ((Indentured Servitude Slums, Meranta City, Lanaxa)) A morning mist had fallen on the slopes of the mountain that played home to Meranta City. Few of the residents scurried their way around the streets, making their way into the castle or out into the fields for work. For Jurog, her morning consisted of splitting what little food she had left between those under her care, portioning out more for those that had caught the illness and those that were younger than she. She had only turned seventeen a few weeks ago, finally able to get her own food packages from the stores, but the her parents had gotten sick with the illness, and it wasn't long before they were both gone, chun an taobh thall… To the beyond. Today, however, word from one of the Seirbhiseach who worked in the Talla a 'Bhaile had reached her that the people from the stars were arriving. Eager to be on time, she hurried through her routine, tending to the small ones, who would only go out and cause trouble on the streets the moment she left. Once outside and on her way from the lean-to she called home to the Capitol, Jurog saw a shimmering blue light in the distance and moved closer to investigate. When she saw people where the light once was, she ducked behind one of the buildings. They had just appeared out of thin air! Trembling, she crept closer, her curiosity getting the better of her. She almost jumped out of her skin when one of them spoke to her - it was a voice she recognised. The one that had spoken to her on the video screen! But then, she couldn't be sure. The screen was old and had been repaired by whatever means they'd managed to pull together. Sometimes the voices wouldn't be so good. Levinson: Jurog Ka'ala, I presume? Jurog peered at the figures, squinting almost, her poor eyesight letting her down in this most crucial of moments. Her parents had never been able to afford the corrective procedure, or the fancy eyepieces that the Uasail wore. It wasn’t until she crept a bit closer that their faces began to come into focus. There were two blue ones, both with pointy ears, and four yellow ones. One with spots, two small purple ones, and one with something that looked like a big water wing on his wrist. Inside she giggled. Perhaps he didn't know how to swim? Ka'ala: ::Meekly:: Yes, are you the people from up there? The ones that call on the video screen? Levinson: Indeed. It is good to speak to you face to face, and your agreeing to help is appreciated. T'Prana : Greetings. 101: Hello! 000: Hello… Kiax / McKnight: Responses Jurog shrank away slightly, intimidated by the smartly dressed space travellers. The masks they wore were frightening, like the ones the guards wore when the air grew acrid. They seemed friendly, but their exuberant salutations were not something that she had ever experienced before. She couldn’t help but notice that none of them looked the same, except for the two small ones… Though one of them looked to be more assertive than the other. Ka'ala: Hello… Levinson: Ms. Ka'ala has agreed to assist us with our search for the source of the virus. I believe having a local guide to the area will be beneficial. Jurong nodded, earnestly, strands of her matted hair falling across her face. Ka'ala: A great many of us are sick, and many more are dying… We are desperate. People say you are the ones who stopped the ground shaking. If I can help you, maybe you can help us. 101 & 000: Responses McKnight / Kiax: Responses Levinson: Could you show us around, perhaps? Knowing where and how the food and water are kept and distributed, as well as knowing the areas where people usually socialise around might help us rule out likely sources and ways of transferring the virus. Ka'ala: I can show you the taigh-stòir bìdh ((food storehouse))… But the guards might turn me away. I have already had my weekly food package… The river is nearby, which is where we get our water. After that I can take you to the square, and the market. Levinson: Response 101 & 000 / T'Prana: Responses McKnight / Kiax: Responses Jurog smiled weakly, and started leading the group down the hill toward the fields where the Agri-hangars were. They were several, large, dome-roofed buildings that separated the slums from the fields. Each one had two guards with pike-shaped weapons stationed by the entrance - their purpose simply to dissuade any of the Seirbhiseach from breaking in and stealing the produce. The food that they were given was strictly regulated by the Uasail, and only provided to them once a week in a boxed package. As they approached, Jurog slowed slightly, moving closer to the one with the pointed ears. She couldn’t remember her name from the conversation on the video screen, and was too afraid to ask again. Ka’ala: The guards are there to stop us from taking the food. Can you talk to them? They are often unkind to us and I… don’t wish to receive a’ bualadh ((a beating)). Levinson: Response 101 & 000 / T'Prana: Responses McKnight / Kiax: Responses As the group edged closer, the guard closest to them turned aggressively toward them. The physical bulk of the man was capable of snapping Jurog’s comparatively brittle frame into many pieces if she strayed any closer. She moved closer to the pointy eared one, and the one with the spots. They seemed to be the ones in charge - hopefully they would be the ones to protect her if the guards got angry. Guard 1: Halt. No Seirbhiseach are permitted to enter the taigh-stòir bìdh outside of the harvesting hours. Levinson: Response 101 & 000 / T'Prana: Responses McKnight / Kiax: Responses Guard 2: And how do we know that you’ll keep your word? That little thief was in here last week, pilfering extra grain for her little band of lowlifes. Jurong shook her head, defiantly. Ka'ala: No. You lie! I was never here! Levinson: Response 101 & 000 / T'Prana: Responses McKnight / Kiax: Responses --- MSNPC Jurog Ka'ala Citizen of Lanaxa Simmed by: Lieutenant Commander Esa Kiax Chief of Operations USS Astraeus A239511ED0
  2. And the Adventure continues.... ========== (( Ruins of the Replicator of Gen’tronic )) Wyla couldn’t help but look up at the large and imposing, yet impressive structure around them. It was stone, but felt ancient and looked as though it had survived for millennia with, as far as she could tell, not as much deterioration as she would have expected from a structure as old as Nibble has made it out to be. The immense chamber was lined with dozens of alcoves along the left and right walls, the stonework had fine details carved into them and looked eerily beautiful. At the back of the chamber however sat an immense machine? It looked like a machine of metal and stone and crystal. That rose up over ten meters high and took up a twenty meter section of the floor. Sleek, if partially crumbled steps lead up to it. And there in the middle of the device, was a spine shaped piece of what Wyla could only say, looked like armor. Avae: Is…is that? ::She asked weakly from Twibbles back:: The troupe of twibbles approached it, though Ribble, Swibble, and Kwibble’s eyes were on those alcoves while they walked. Nibble: I believe it is! This arcane device is ancient, but should still be functional since that barrier is still working. Pwibble: What barrier? He asked puzzled but Nibble smiled. Nibble: There’s a magical barrier protecting it. I can see it. Give me a moment and you should too. The twibble’s eyes glowed a moment as did her talisman and a few seconds later a glowing barrier shimmered into view. Wyla felt a tingle in her eyes. Nibble must have given them all the same sight she had. Kwibble: How do we get the artifact? They stepped up to the platform to inspect it for a moment, with Nibble in the lead. She studied the barrier for several long moments while the rest of the group waited. Her guardians took up positions around her and warily looked about the dark, ominous chamber. Only Wyla’s diminished light from her medallion offered any illumination beyond the barrier that shielded the artifact from them. Nibble: I think..if we touch these runes here in the right ord…oops. The twibble touched one of them and the room began to rumble. Twibble: Oops? Niibble…what did you do? The adorable twibble spun around and shook her head. Nibble: I didn’t touch any of the runes, I promise, there’s just this weird web… She wiggled and minute, almost imperceptible strands of filament waved like cobwebs. That’s when the chittering started. Click, click clack. Tink, tink, tink tink tink tink. Like the sound of dozens of metal boots on stone echoed through the chamber and everyone seemed to realize the sound was coming from above them and all around them. Wyla slowly turned her head to the side and strained to glance back up at the ceiling while flattened to Twibble’s back. Eyes. Dozens of sharp, red eyes moved like a swarm down the walls. When the first came into view her heart and stomach both sank simultaneously. The eyes were multifaceted and sat atop the sleek, deadly body of an eight legged frame. Ribble & Swibble: Spiders. Why’d it have to be spiders! A loud roar rumbled from Twibble, who sensed the fear in his subordinates. While Twibble hadn’t faced these foes before, he knew that several of those with him had. Twibble: Steaady yourselves. Protect Wylaa! The rally roar of the large lion bolstered the others who gripped their various weapons at the ready. Nibble wasted no time and hurled lightning, orbs of fire and rays of ice at the inbound arachnids. Sadly, the rest had to wait until the arachnids drew closer, which didn’t seem to take long as several just leapt from the walls and landed all around them with metallic clangs. Despite the height, none of the spiders seemed phased and Wyla squeaked in fright as several landed on top of Twibble. She batted at those she could reach while the others scrambled to defends themselves. Twibble raked his claws on those he could reach and flung them several meters away, for them to land with a clatter, only to flip themselves back right side up and chitter towards them again. Ribble: Ee gads, there beeth so many of them! Ribble exclaimed whilst he swung those climbing axes about violently, each swing cleaved through several of the metallic spiders that continued to fall from above them. Kwibble: I hate these spiders! Kwibble and Swibble swapped back and forth between groups of arachnids, their blades cut through them easily enough but made loud clangs. Two dervishes of twibble fury. Ribble caught one spider in mid air as it attempted to fall on him and he tore it in half. Pwibble used his anchor like a bat from a sport that sent many spiders into the air back whence they came with loud thuds and clangs. Libble patched some stings and scratches in Twibble’s hide, and swung her medkit backhanded to knock a spider off of the lion’s rear. Everyone fought so hard, Wyla felt somewhat useless. And there were so many, she wished that they had something to help keep the spiders at bay. Or had more help to get the artifact from the machine while they held them off. The light from her medallion flared and made everyone startle a moment when a sliver of light formed vertically in the air just at the base of the steps. It looked like a tear in the air, but shimmered with a blue light, a familiar blue light. Nibble: Someone’s teleporting in. She warned. Twibble: Greaat, what now? The blue sliver disappeared with a pop and Wyla stared at a quartet of new figures. More Twibbles!!! ‘Ave no fear! The Artificers are ‘ere!’ Four twibbles emerged from the column of blue light before it faded. All in gold uniforms. All with toolkits on their sides, though the one that spoke had a beaten old thermos that hung opposite his toolkit. And he wielded a large cutting tool that sparked at the tip. The one next to him had a big smile and wielded a different tool as a weapon. Wibble: See! I told you I sensed they were in twibble! Then there were the two smaller twibbles standing beside one another. They had artificer devices on their heads and worn around their belts. Each was worn on the opposite side of the other one so while they stood beside each other, they looked symmetrical. Twipple: Oh that’s a lot Mibble: of spiders but Twipple: d..don’t worry we’re Mibble: here to help! The older, scruffier looking twibble with the thermos stepped up and grinned. Dwibble: ‘lright lads. Take those spiders apart! While Wibble ‘an I get that shield down! The quarter rushed into the fray, up the platform to help the others, who cheered with excitement and Wyla couldn’t help but grin a little at the cute new arrivals. The larger of the two immediately moved to study the runes on the machine. Several tense minutes passed, or so she felt, with their group fighting back the spiders. Which seemed fewer in number that descended from above. Maybe there was a limit to how many guardians this place had. She hoped. A loud whirr sounded and they looked back to see the barrier in front of the Spine fade. Which resulted in a chorus of cheers from the twibbles. Dwibble: Told ‘ya. Nothin’ that good ole ingenuity can’t fix! The machine whirred to life, the stone and metal all around them began to glow as light flowed out from the machine into the stone like LEDs in the stonework. It was beautiful. Then she felt it. A tug on her body and a moment later she looked behind her to see a long metallic limb that touched her back. The Spine of Paralysis Removal was held in a limb-like aperture that, once the shield was lowered, moved the spine out of the casing. She felt the metal against her back as the machine clamped the artifact to her back. Wyla gasped and heard the clicking sound of the metal from the spine shaped device as it spread around her. Like links, folding over one after the other to form a suit of armor around her entire body save for her face. It lifted her off Twibbles back and held her aloft in front of the machine. Nibble: The machine has chosen Wyla!!! Nibble exclaimed excitedly and for a moment, everyone seemed to be able to relax. Maybe her hopes had been warranted. She smiled at the twibbles below her, then convulsed. A sharp pain in her back made her cry out. Libble: Oh no, something’s wrong!! I think her body is fighting the artifact. An echo not heard since the first chamber they’d ventured into after the twibbles found her suddenly sounded around them. Showing signs of rejection and vitals are showing a slight drop but are still within normal parameters. She felt her body grow colder and the light from her medallion dimmed significantly. Libble: Hang on Wyla. The alcoves all around them began to glow as her light dimmed and the rumbling of the machine grew louder. Each alcove brightened and a moment later a metallic skeleton, or another metallic spider emerged from every other alcove. A sense of dread fell over the group as they realized where the guardians had come from. Every twibble formed a ring around Wyla while she was held in the air just above them by the machine. Either she would blend with the artifact, or reject it. She only needed time. To be continued….? ================================== Lieutenant JG Wyla Avae Chief Nurse Keeper of Twibbles as unconsciously simmed by Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga Second Officer/Chief Tactical & Security Officer USS Astraeus NCC-70652 Astraeus Staff Member Writer ID: A239410TR0 https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Toryn_Raga
  3. Now, here is a Romulan who clearly has his priorities straight.... 😂 (Bolding for emphasis my own.)
  4. The continuing adventures of Wyla Avae and the Twibbles.... (( Bay of Sickness )) The black sand beaches of the Bay of Sickness seemed to span on forever as the small troupe of theirs traversed it still, Wyla had lost track of any semblance of the passage of time. Since Nibble joined their group, they’d had it a bit easier, despite there being more fights. Almost a dozen since they had first set furry paws onto the beach and more of those formidable skeleton mages had accosted them. Or maybe it was the same one coming back, she couldn’t say for certain. The tallies for Swibble and Ribble was in the hundreds at this point and the two were quietly bickering with one another as they walked, eyes focused on the sands ahead and around them for any signs of movement. Swibble: It doesn’t matter how many zombies were on that walking pile of fish bones. That still only counts as one! Ribble: Methinks thou dost protest much because thou knowest thou art losing! The pair nudged one another, which annoyed Sylara enough to hoot while Pibble kept them on course. She was grateful they were so skilled otherwise she knew they’d have gotten lost a long time ago and that thought terrified her as much as any of the monsters that were trying to get her. Libble now stuck closer to Twibble, who’s massive paws left deep imprints in the soft sand and made the loudest squeaks. Both Twibble and Wyla were looking worse for wear. As everything seemed intent on getting to her, which meant Twibble had been fighting the hardest. Kwibble and Nibble covered their rear, quietly conversing from time to time. Wyla looked the worst of them all. Bags under her eyes had started to appear on her face and the more of those monsters that got to her and drained her life force, the weaker she felt. Libble’s healing seemed to have diminishing returns the longer they journeyed. Pibble called out from ahead of them anxiously. Pibble: This isn’t good. The group quickly joined Pibble who stood in front of a towering cliff that rose up above them. There was a slender path barely wide enough for a normal sized twibble, with solid, jagged rock on one side and a drop, who knew how deep on the other. Wyla groaned seeing it as there was no way that poor Twibble was going to be able to cross that, with or without her on his back. Avae: Hnn..what do we do? ::She murmured and squeezed his fur:: Ribble: We climb up! Verily! ::he looked around at everyone and deflated a little:: No? Fine. Twibble: We’ll fiigure something out. Maybe Nibble has some magic that caan help us? Nibble: I can certainly try. Let me think for a moment. The sage moved up to the narrow path and surveyed it for a moment while Twibble laid on the sand to rest a moment. The others took up watch around them. Kwibble: Be wary everyone, last time we stopped those things came at us. She said confidently, sword in hand, whilst looking back the way they’d come from. Swibble and Ribble stood at the ready to their left while Pibble and Libble covered the right. A few minutes or moments at least passed and Ribble seemed to be staring at a spot on the mountainside further away from where they rested and the lone, precarious path. Avae: Ribble? Ribble: I dost believe I see something. There. ::He gestured with one of his climbing axes:: After a brief discussion the group decided to investigate Ribble’s finding and Nibble studied it for several moments. Nibble: I believe, yes, there’s a passage behind this portion of stone. Nibble took a moment and gestured, a soft glow formed around her hand before it illuminated a faint crease in the stone that eventually flared and rumbled as the stone door shifted back and to the side to reveal a dark passage. Swibble and Ribble exchanged glances, grins and both tilted their heads back and proclaimed. Both: Secret tunnel!! Wyla couldn’t help but giggle softly at their silly outburst, as the passage was revealed and noted the not so subtle head shake from Twibble, followed by a lengthy feline sigh. Twibble: And theey’re my second aand thiird in command because? She giggled and nuzzled against his mane. Wyla’s light filled the passage, for several meters, to give them a view ahead. The ground was solid stone, which was something at least. Zombies and skeletons couldn’t come at them from below. She hoped. But she remembered the last time they were in tight spaces. She hoped there wouldn’t be anymore fighting. But part of her knew better. Twibble: If you’d be so kiind, Pibble? Pibble took the lead once more and they all followed, with just enough room to walk in their usual formation but much closer than before. It was almost uncomfortable. So Ribble and Swibble moved to the front with Pibble. While Libble went to the back with Kwibble and Nibble. Nibble: We’re getting close. Up ahead should be the ruins where the Spine of Paralysis Removal is located. It was made long ago by the Replicator of Gen’tronic. An old kingdom that used to exist here. The Replicator was their greatest smith. It is logical to assume that the great smith may have created defenses that may still be functional. We should proceed with caution. Wyla nodded as Nibble spoke of the ancient ruins they headed towards and possible dangers. There was a loud rumbling behind them as the stone moved to once more cover the entrance to their little passageway that started to ascend slightly. A final echo of Ribble and Swibble’s voices emanated from the closing stone door before being silenced completely. Secret Tunnellllllllll!!!! To be continued…. ================================== Lieutenant JG Wyla Avae Chief Nurse Keeper of Twibbles as unconsciously simmed by Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga Second Officer/Chief Tactical & Security Officer USS Astraeus NCC-70652 Astraeus Staff Member Writer ID: A239410TR0 https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Toryn_Raga
  5. Part 3 of the Twibble Saga ... ============= (( Shattered Halls of Cata Maran )) The halls seemed to go on forever, like a labyrinth of the same stone worked to resemble the familiar corridors of the ship she’d called home for so many years. Except, as they progressed the stone was more cracked, more sparks showered them as they passed, more passages that had collapsed entirely. Wyla was finding it harder to focus on everything. They had been in so many fights. The darkness all around them just outside her protective light had repeatedly managed to send shades through. Harming themselves in the process just to get to her. Her brave, wonderful protectors through all of that were still with her. Even after they’d nearly lost Ribble to a swarm of shades because he stood between her and them, tearing the shadows apart while they reciprocated. Libble had healed him as she did, only for Swibble to smack him, then hug him, then tell him that she still had a higher total of vanquished shades than him by two. These protectors didn’t lose their joy and hope. It helped her to keep on, even though all she could do was lay there on Twibble back. Her poor Twibble. Even his beautiful fur was showing signs of the battles fought. Some of the shades had started to manifest magic during their last battle, they hurled orbs or beams of darkness that oddly burned when they hit you. A few patches of fur were singed slightly but the powerful lion still carried her on. Pwibble: There! The exit of the Halls! The navigating twibble proclaimed, their anchor pointed in the direction ahead where a faint light bloomed still. Wyla smiled a bit and looked up at the exit. Maybe they were close to the artifact now! Avae: Good news! Thank you Pibble, you did so well to get us through all of that. The twibble beamed a smile at her and the others rushed with vigor out of the open doorway. The light grew brighter for a moment so she shielded her eyes and when her vision cleared again she looked about. Where she had hoped to see a bright open sky was that ever present and oppressive darkness. Only her own light showed the terrain around them. Sand? She heard the crunch of sand beneath Twibble’s claws as the troupe continued onward a few meters from the exit to the Halls. Wyla looked back, seeing an oddly Akira shaped mountain side, with several peaks broken and piled like hills of rubble. Swibble: Finally! Warmth! Ribble: Thou art nary going to letteth that rest, are thee? Swibble slowly turned back to Ribble and blepped ever so slightly, their tongue stuck out just enough to get the point across before the pair exchange childish gestures with one another. Wyla couldn’t help but giggle. The sound must have been odd, or something because she felt all of their eyes on her and she blushed a little. Avae: W..what did I do? Twibble: You laaughed Wyla. The fiirst time since we found you. Libble: He’s right. It’s a great sound. And see, the light is brighter! She was right. As Wyla looked up she noticed her illuminatory bubble had extended a little bit. Letting them see more of the terrain. They were indeed on a beach. The sound of heavy rolling waves filled the air, and she could smell the sea. But it was otherwise eerily quiet. There were no birds. And the sand looked black, but it squeaked when they walked. For a moment, it reminded her of the party on the caldera. With sand so soft it squeaked too. She missed being able to feel the sand under her feet. To be able to curl her toes into it. The light flickered. Twibble: Wyla…Wyla…aare you alriight? Sickly groans echoed around them as the sand shifted, bubbling up or rising as figures, dozens of them emerged from beneath. Bodies. Glowing red eyes. Corpses. Libble: Oh no…I know where we are. Swibble: Well, tell us!! She demanded while holding her blade in hand. All of the twibbles readied themselves and moved to defensive positions around Wyla and Twibble. Libble: The Bay of Sickness. (( Bay of Sickness )) The horde of risen corpses shambled towards them all, their clothes tattered mixes of gold and red and blue and teal. Ribble, Sylara and Swibble covered the left flank, fighting with blade and fist, claw and beak. As each zombie fell, four more rose up. Ribble had started using the pair of climbing axes that, to this point, had just hung from his belt. The incorrigible pair called out each felled enemy, adding to their tallies. Pwibble swept aside several in front of them with each swing of that anchor, but more just rose up behind them. Libble bolstered them all with her medkit and patched up wounds. While Kwibble fought hard to cover the right flank, that sword cleaved several. While Twibble spun in place, slapping, clawing, biting and roaring at each zombie in turn. They moved down the beach, a constant slog of a battle but they were moving forward. Not losing ground. A bright burst of dark fire erupted suddenly in between Ribble and Swibble that sent both of them into the air a few meters before they hit the sand again. Singed. All eyes shifted ahead to a tall figure, skeletal, eyes glowing bright red but more crisp than the zombies. Wyla squinted to see them and could swear that they were made of metal bones. The right arm was a large crossbow, with bolts that seemed to magically replenish and burned with a dark green fire at the tips. The left hand glowed with an orb of darkness, more magic. Skeleton: Fools. If we fall, we will always rise again. They gestured and the dark orb burst dozens and dozen of black tendrils that struck the already defeated corpses. Each one touched was enveloped in the tendrils that wrapped around them, being lifted back to their feet, their eyes aglow once more. Swibble: ::She picked herself up off the sand:: Fvadt! Wyla cringed. Her brave protectors got back up, stood around her and readied for more fighting. For the first time since she woke up here, they’d stopped moving forward. She saw the skeleton’s ballista arm point in her direction and fire. It flew so fast towards her she didn’t realize she’d yelped until it exploded a couple of meters in front of her. She winced and waited for pain that never came. Bravely she opened an eye and saw the most beautiful shimmering dome of energy around them all. Vibrant blue that had coalesced around them somehow. Kwibble: Yes!!!! I knew she’d make it! Wyla looked to Kwibble who excitedly gestured with the ancient sword of hers to an outcropping of rocks by the shore to their right. Standing atop it was a lone twibble in blue, with similarly pointed fur to Ribble and Swibble though she had a cute little fur ponytail. She held a small talisman in hand that glowed with light, rectangular-ish in shape that looked like the newer Tricorders. Their other hand outstretched towards Wyla’s group, the limb also aglow with the same blue energy as the barrier around them. N: I would have been here sooner but I had to find a replacement. ::She held up the talisman:: Kwibble: You’re in twibble now you shiny metal monster! ::She called out to the skeleton ahead:: Wyla smiled at Kwibble’s enthusiasm, despite the terrifying sight around them. The shield eventually lowered and the mage with the ballista arm turned its focus onto their new arrival. Avae: ::she whispered to the lion she clung to:: Who’s that? Twibble: Niibble. She blinked. Avae: Are you asking me to nibble you, or that you’ll only tell me if I let you nibble me? Or you’ll tell me after you finish nibbling on that zombie? I’m confused. There was a rumbling chuckle from the lion, which was a little awkward given that he had a zombie in his mouth at the time. Twibble: ::He spit out the zombie:: Nibble’s her name. She’s our Sage. The Antosian’s mouth opened into an ‘oohhhhhh’ and she nodded. Now they had magic of their own. Maybe they could get through this after all. To be continued…. ================================== Lieutenant JG Wyla Avae Chief Nurse Keeper of Twibbles as unconsciously simmed by Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga Second Officer/Chief Tactical & Security Officer USS Astraeus NCC-70652 Astraeus Staff Member Writer ID: A239410TR0 https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Toryn_Raga
  6. This is a continuation of a sim by @Toryn Raga that I previously posted here, and it just gets better and better. ========= (( Shattered Halls of Cata Maran )) The darkness was utterly oppressive around them as Wyla and her small troupe of twibbles progressed away from the isolated room they’d found her in. It felt like hours, but as she thought about it, there was little here that made it easy to tell the passage of time. And she’d been distracted by the soft fur of the lion beneath her while the other twibbles flanked them. Thankfully the hallways were wide enough for all of them to walk side by side. Swibble and Ribble had spent much of the journey so far nudging each other and taking turns teasing or one upping one another while the cute bird on Ribble’s back just stared at them like a guardian that had long since tired of their foolishness. They were to her left. Pwibble was just ahead of Twibble and her. While Libble and Kwibble flanked her on the right. She noted that all of them seemed to be uneasy, despite their lighthearted natures, particularly when they passed through chambers large enough for the light emanating from her medallion to not completely illuminate the space. And she couldn’t blame them, in those chambers she could see the defined borders where the shadows pressed against the light. Like greedy hands trying to push through a wall or paper mache. The corridor they were currently in opened up to another of those large chambers and she gripped the fur of Twibble’s mane a bit tighter. Whispers echoed throughout this chamber and made her shiver slightly. Separating the ventral and dorsal roots. Heart rate and respiration remain within acceptable parameters. She felt an ache in her back then and a soft whimper escaped the paralyzed Antosian clinging to the lion’s back. The whimper drew the attention of the others who moved closer and place a hand on her legs or arms and gave her reassuring looks. Libble: It’s alright Wyla. This is part of the journey! And we’ll do everything we can to protect you. ::She said reassuringly:: She smiled and nodded at Libble and then they pushed forward. The chamber made her uneasy, aside from the whispers an occasional spark burst from a wall or ceiling beyond the bubble of light she made, that let her see the surfaces. A mix of panels, bulkheads and loose optical cable but all stone. Separation complete. ::beat:: Doctor Solok, go ahead and sever the brainstem. Wyla gasped from the tug she felt to her back but when she looked behind or reached behind to rub her back she couldn’t feel anything different. A faint glow ahead looked to come from another corridor up a few meters ahead. And she felt a little better. Brainstem is severed. Placing the Cerebral Cortex on life support now. Primary brain dysfunction in four hours. Vitals holding within normal parameters. Avae: H..how long until we reach the artifact? Pibble: Well, uh, no one knows! We know where it is, we just don’t know when we’ll find it. That didn’t make her feel any better. Making the incision. The whispers returned but this time there was a lingering echo that was unlike the others. These were malevolent. The shadows pressed more aggressively against the light she emanated and a low growl rumbled from Twibble. The troupe all stopped and she realized why. The light from the next corridor wasn’t visible anymore. The twibbles all spread out from around them, each either drawing their weapons or taking up defensive postures. Wyla whimpered. Avae: What’s wrong? Twibble: The daarkness doesn’t want us to progress. Hold tight, Wyla. All around them the shadows pushed, hammered, pierced the light until several passed through the border. Burning and trailing smoke as if in pain from the light of her medallion, but they charged at her. Shrieking at her. Wyla gasped as one of the shadows got within a few feet of her before a lion’s claw slashed it asunder. Avae: My face….wh…why did it have my face? She asked, shaken from the sight of a barely humanoid form, with her visage but twisted and terrifying. Twibble: They’re trying to snuff your light Wylaa, don’t let theem get to you. Ribble: Back, ye foul monsters! Ribble cried out punching and kicking shadows that passed within reach of him while Sylara bit or clawed at shadows that attempted to descend on them from above. What started as a handful of shadows soon swelled to dozens and the Antosian gripped the mane she held onto and tried to make herself as small as possible while the melee went on around her. Swibble cleaved several shadows with her blade like a whirling dervish. Libble had her medkit out using it to block or smack the passing shadows, between moments of calling on its powers to mend the wounds her fellow twibbles sustained. A shadow clipped Ribble, which sent clouds of stuffing onto the ground. But soon after the wound mended from a glowing light from Libble’s medkit. Kwibble held an ancient looking sword that she had told Wyla was called a Chon Blade. Apparently it had, at one time, been able to open magical portals to allow instant travel across great distances, but the magic had long faded and only worked in specific shrines. It sliced through shades easily enough. Pwibble fought back against the shades both with the tiny runabout that flew around as his command, firing little beams of light, small orbs of orange that burst in minute puffs of magical power and even rammed shades on occasion. And by fighting similarly to Ribble, punching and kicking with skill or with the handheld anchor that they wielded. Wyla felt helpless as her brave twibble guardians fought all around her and held tightly onto the lion beneath her that slashed and bit and roared. Then she felt the abrupt cold chill on her body. She gasped from the sensation and shivered. Her head snapped to her side and she stared into the face of a shade. Her face. It shrieked and she felt life slowly drain out of her body. The light of her medallion flickered all around them. Blood pressure seems to be falling, Doctors. Slowly, steadily – but falling. The lion roared and a hoot sounded above her before Sylara swooped down and clawed the shade off her. Another pair managed to grab her, making her cry out in a whimper of pain and sorrow before both were destroyed or knocked away from her. Administer the Leporazine. Fifteen ccs. Twibble hissed at the shades like a hypospray and several began to fall. The battle raged for minutes? Hours? Eventually, no more shades breached the light bubble, which was a little smaller than before. Each twibble seemed out of breath, even Libble, who took a moment to go around to each and heal them before healing herself. After Wyla was mended of course. Avae: I..I’m alright, Libble. Thank you. Libble: Of course! You’ll get through this, just hang on a bit longer okay!? She could only nod and lay against the lion’s mane as the troupe headed into the next corridor after a brief rest. A final whisper, unheard by Wyla or the others, sounded from the chamber behind them as they left. oO Please stay with me. Oo To be continued…. ================================== Lieutenant JG Wyla Avae Chief Nurse Keeper of Twibbles as unconsciously simmed by Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga Second Officer/Chief Tactical & Security Officer USS Astraeus NCC-70652 Astraeus Staff Member Writer ID: A239410TR0 https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Toryn_Raga
  7. Great sim from @Toryn Raga. Prepare for laughs. 😂 ======== ((Surgical Suite 1, Deck 12, USS Astraeus)) The moment was finally here. Her surgery. It had been a week, or two since both she and the Chin’toka had been broken. Many days of fear, sadness, brief flashes of anger, depression and a refusal to accept her fate. She didn’t want to be, no, couldn’t be paralyzed and the love the crew had shown her had kept her from falling into that dark pit of despair. And hope. A flicker of light in the dark that her best friend Liz had given her. But now, staring down at the floor of the Sickbay knowing that in a few minutes once the sedatives kicked in, that she’d have her spine removed was terrifying. At least, until everything went black. (( A Dark Place )) Wyla sat on the floor. Or what she thought was a floor. It felt like stone and was cold. Her legs limply laid across it with her back up against the wall. She shivered and rubbed her arms with her palms. Avae: Why is it so dark? Don’t worry! We’ll protect you! Aye, verily you shall have my strength and my fists! And my blade! And anything we need, I can get it for us! And I can guide the way. We’re family, Wyla, we’ll look after you! You are strong and tenaacious! The voices emanated from the darkness and she startled at their abruptness, but there was something soothing about them all. Avae: Hello? Who’s there? She called out, slightly afraid because she couldn’t move. She was paralyzed. Even in her dreams now, it seemed she was useless. Then there were eyes. Several eyes. Softly shimmering like little black beads. A faint flicker of light backlit them all and Wyla’s eyes widened in surprise for standing before her were Twibbles! Libble: Don’t worry! We’ll protect you! Twibbles she had in her quarters or that had been standing watch over her in her isolation room. The first one that had spoken was in medical teal uniform from the Kirk era of Starfleet. It even had an old medkit hanging from it like hers did. But the voice sounded feminine. Ribble: Aye, verily you shall have my strength and my fists! The second was two plushies in one? Or so it looked. It was the Twibble she had with the 2398 uniform. Red collar. But at first glance it had wings, which it wasn’t supposed to have. Then she realized the Sylara plushie was sitting on its back. Swibble: And my blade! Another Twibble in red, but with long, dark hair on its head and the fur on the sides of its cute fluffy little face was slightly pointed. Wait, so was the last Twibble too! Kwibble: And anything we need, I can get it for us! This Twibble was in gold, 2398 version as well, with a cute little toolkit slung over its body but it had bright, ocean blue fur on the top of its head. Pwibble: And I can guide the way. We’re family, Wyla, we’ll look after you! This Twibble was also in Gold, but had a tiny little Runabout hovering in front of it that seemed to be wanting to fly away in a specific direction. Twibble: You are strong and tenaacious! This Twibble was identical to the very first Twibble she’d ever seen and collected. . They stood with the others as adorable as she recalled when she first saw it and it had a warm smile. They all were smiling. Avae: You’re all Twibbles? ::She asked hesitantly:: They nodded in unison. Avae: Oh…well, um, why are you all here? Twibbles in unison: To help you walk again! The Antosian blinked and stared at them. This was definitely one of the weirder things she’d ever experienced. Avae: How? Ribble: By with an epic quest, of course! Pwibble: Yes, follow me. I can guide us to the ancient ruins where the artifact lies! Avae: A..artifact? The same Twibble nodded. Pwibble: Yes! The Spine of Paralysis Removal! The Antosian giggled at the silly name and looked at each of the adorable fur covered beings. It was certainly surreal. An epic quest sounded like a lot of fun. And for a moment the light in the room brightened. But as realization hit and she glanced down at her legs, unable to move them she frowned and the darkness started to oppressively push back in towards her. Libble: Wyla you mustn’t let the shadows consume you! We can help! We just need to get moving. She looked up and still frowned. Avae: But how? I can’t move. The original Twibble stepped forward. Twibble: Then I’ll be yourr legs. The Twibble stepped forward and that cute ball of fur in a red uniform changed, growing much, much larger until she was face to face with a massive lion. The face looked more like the new Twibble that Liz had gotten her, but it towered over her on all four, powerful legs. Part of its mane and fur around its front legs was the same red as the uniform save for four perfectly spherical patches of gold where pips should be. She couldn’t help but stare at the big cat. And had to fight back the urge to give him scritches. He leaned his front half down in front of her to let her grab onto him. Twibble: Cliimb on, Wyla. The Antosian nodded and nervously grabbed fur. It was so soft! She eventually managed to pull herself up, with the help of the other twibbles who moved around to help push her up onto the lion’s back. She took a moment to lay there and nuzzle the fur. Avae: So soft. Twibble: Of course. The real thiing is much better. A soft giggle escaped Wyla and she noticed the room got brighter, or more specifically, the light emanating from her pushed back the shadows. It was then that she looked down and saw a heart shaped medallion with an image of the Chin’toka inside of it. At the moment it was glowing as brightly as a warp core and she could see the whole room. An empty stone room with one door. As she settled the lion looked up at her and she nodded. The Twibble all gathered around them with the one with the shuttlecraft in the lead. Avae: So, uhm. What do I call you? Twibble: Whateveer you want. We’re your guardiians. It’s up to you to name us. She looked at each of them in turn starting with the one with the medkit. The voice sounded so familiar. Actually, they all did and some were feminine and others masculine. Avae: Libble. ::She pointed at the one with the medkit:: Libble: Libble it is! She noticed the twibble with the dark hair and fur pointed like ears also had a dangerous looking blade on their side. She grinned and pointed at her. Avae: Swibble. Swibble: Fvadt. Sure, Swibble. The other twibble with pointed ear like fur and the wings on their back laughed at Swibble, so she pointed to him next. Avae: Ribble!!! He immediately stopped laughing and looked at her, then received a punch from Swibble, who’s turn it was to laugh. Ribble: Verily? Well then fine, but I betteth though hast a worse moniker for mine companion! He gestured to the large owl that climbed up onto his head and looked at her. She grinned and shook her head. Avae: Nope! She already has a name. That’s Sylara! A soft, but powerful hoot sounded like a laugh and Swibble was literally rolling on the floor. It was entertaining seeing the round twibble laughing like that. She looked to the next twibble, the one with the ocean blue fur and gestured. Avae: Kibb….Hmm, no. Kwibble! Kwibble: Oooh, thanks! The Antosian had two left to name, so she looked at the one with the tiny runabout and giggle. Avae: Pibble! Pibble: Oh, okay. And lastly she looked down at and curled her fingers into their fur. Avae: Easy for you! You’ll always be the original Twibble! ::she giggled softly:: Her only response was a rumbling chuckle and a roar that echoed in the whole room. Avae: Well, I’m ready. Let’s go! The Twibbles all assembled, though it took Swibble and Ribble a moment to stop nudging each other before they filed in beside the lion and Wyla. Libble: Oh, one important thing Wyla. That medallion is your light. No matter what, we can’t let it go out. Avae: ::She looked at Libble with concern but held the medallion in her hand:: What happens if it does? Twibble: Then the daarkness will claiim you. As ominous as the lion’s deep voice made that sound she managed to hold it together and nodded. Avae: Okay! I guess, let’s go. With that the door opened. Not into some bright light or some wide open expanse or whatever she might have expected. But pure darkness, that was only pushed back a hundred meters from the group thanks to her light. A ten foot wide corridor of stone, worked in a way that reminded her of starship corridors. She felt an uneasiness welling up inside of her but the presence of the thick, but soft fur between her fingers calmed her. She sat on the back of Twibble, her legs hanging useless behind her on his back. Let the quest begin. ((ooc: I decided on something silly, but oddly appropriate for Wyla, given her nature and obsessions to show her side of things during the surgery. Expect more parts as I can manage to write them.)) ================================== Lieutenant JG Wyla Avae Chief Nurse Keeper of Twibbles as unconsciously simmed by Lieutenant Commander Toryn Raga Second Officer/Chief Tactical & Security Officer USS Astraeus NCC-70652 Astraeus Staff Member Writer ID: A239410TR0 https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Toryn_Raga
  8. soooooo trying not to crack a joke about pirates and parrots. But I agree, I love this sim. Neshala sighed and looked up at her author... oO Really? Oo
  9. I really enjoyed reading this sim. It's a wonderful read about a surgical procedure being done to restore mobility for one of Astraeus' nurses who was left paralyzed following the previous mission. Well written by @Elizabeth Snow & @Solok. I am posting both parts here for continuity. Part I ((Surgical Suite 1, Deck 12, USS Astraeus)) After slipping into her surgical scrubs and sterilizing, Elizabeth stood next to her best friend as the woman drifted off to sleep. When the Antosian woke up, she’d be a different person than what she had been during the days after the accident. oO If she wakes up. Oo She sighed. There was still that fear of ending her best friend's life lingering in the back of her mind. The constant battle. oO She will wake up. Oo Elizabeth was determined not to let that fear become a reality. Solok stood at the foot of the surgical bed, dressed in standard-issue Starfleet scrubs. He was aware of the personal connection between the CMO and the patient, and although this was typically reason enough to seek out another physician, planetside, Solok knew altogether too well from his own experience how differently things played out in Starfleet. He had operated often on colleagues – on friends – in the past. It was, quite simply, part of the job. Stenner: She’s fully out, Doctors, and her vitals are stable. Solok nodded acknowledgement of the nurse’s report, then turned to Snow. He was there to assist his superior, as best he could. Solok: Shall we proceed, Doctor? Elizabeth looked at Doctor Solok and she nodded. oO You’ve got this. Oo She took a deep breath before speaking. Snow: Let’s begin. Solok: Mister Stenner, remain vigilant in your observation of the patient’s – ::he glanced very briefly at Snow:: – of Nurse Avae’s vitals. Stenner: ::nodding:: Yes, Sir. As Stenner kept an eye on Wyla’s vitals, Elizabeth tapped a few buttons on the cover that was slid in place on the biobed covering her back. Snow: Separating the ventral and dorsal roots. Solok looked over at Stenner, then to the readout of Avae’s vitals over the surgical bed, and then back to Snow. Solok: Heart rate and respiration remain within acceptable parameters. It wasn’t an easy task to be done and took all of Elizabeth’s concentration. If she didn’t get the right area she could do more damage than good; setting them back a ways. Snow: Separation complete. ::beat:: Doctor Solok, go ahead and sever the brainstem. Solok, standing on the opposite side of Avae’s unconscious body, leaned forward with a look of utmost seriousness on his face. He was almost always expressionless, by non-Vulcan standards, at least. But this was something else: not the absence of expression, but the expression of absolute focus. He had never severed a brainstem before. The medical ramifications of the act were, of course, profound. But in practice, it was a relatively simple procedure. Solok: Brainstem is severed. Once the brainstem was severed she heard Stenner call out. Stenner: Placing the Cerebral Cortex on life support now. Primary brain dysfunction in four hours. Vitals holding within normal parameters. oO Good. Stay with us, Wyla. Oo They moved the cover out of the way and Elizabeth took the exoscalpel from Stenner. Snow: Making the incision. Solok watched Snow as carefully as she appeared to be watching Avae. Part of his job in the operating room was to insure that Snow remained up to the task. But she was clearly a skilled surgeon, and the Vulcan saw nothing to make him reconsider his assessment. Solok: A masterful cut, Doctor. Although I am puzzled as to why you opted to make the incision by hand. Would not a computer-operated scalpel have been more reliably precise? Elizabeth looked at Solok and smiled. Sure she could have used the computer to do it for her, but some things she just liked doing herself. Snow: Thanks. I could have, but I guess I’m a little old fashioned sometimes and prefer to do things myself once in a while. Solok nodded. Solok: I understand. I am of a similar opinion, when I must treat my slug. It showed just how Vulcan he really was, that he was the only one in the room – or in the tales that were told of this moment, later on – who did not understand why what he had said could be construed as unusual or humorous in any way. Elizabeth smiled and heard a slight chuckle come from Stenner. She had to say she has never heard that one before. Snow: Slug? They were interrupted – mercifully, perhaps – by Stenner. Stenner: Blood pressure seems to be falling, Doctors. Slowly, steadily – but falling. Solok turned back to Snow. Solok: Standard medical protocols would indicate treatment with Laporazine until blood pressure could be stabilized. But this would require at least temporary cessation of the procedure. ::Pause.:: How do you wish to proceed? oO Slow and steady wins the race, right? Oo Though she wasn’t thrilled at pausing the procedure, it was something that had to be done. Hopefully, they wouldn’t encounter any more hiccups as they progressed, but the way Wyla’s immune system was going to react to the new spine was another concern at the back of her mind. Snow: ::nods:: Administer the Leporazine. Fifteen ccs. Solok: Mister Stenner. At Solok’s order, the man prepared a hypo with the required drug. Solok watched Avae’s blood pressure continue to drop, but did nothing to rush Stenner’s work. Better slower and accurate than faster and – Stenner: Fifteen ccs Leporazine, Doctor. Solok took the hypo from the nurse, pressed it against Avae’s neck, and administered the drug. All three of them seemed to be staring at the data monitor, watching her blood pressure, almost willing it to stabilize and rise. Time passed. Eventually, Stenner was the one to speak first – almost elatedly, but certainly with relief. Stenner: Blood pressure is stable, Doctors. Stable, and rising to normal levels. Solok turned to Snow. Solok: We shall be able to proceed shortly, Doctor. Once Nurse Avae’s vitals are within acceptable parameters. If you wish to use this time in some other way, I will remain here to observe the patient and can alert you when she is ready to continue. Snow: Thanks, Doctor, but I’ll remain. Sickbay would be just fine and if they needed her, they knew where to find her. She wasn’t leaving Wyla’s side unless there was a very great reason to do so. ((Time Skip – 20 minutes later)) Now that they had Wyla’s blood pressure under control. Elizabeth and Solok carefully removed Wyla’s spine and placed it, carefully, inside the genetronic replicator and she activated the scan. As she waited, she looked back at the woman laying on the table. This was one procedure she never thought she would be doing. Especially not on her best friend, but here they both were. Now they were approaching the part that concerned Elizabeth the most. She said a silent prayer to the four deities that the woman's body wouldn’t reject the new spine. oO Please stay with me. Oo Solok: Fascinating. Solok’s description caused Elizabeth’s head to snap towards him with a look of bewilderment. Wyla was lying on the table with her spine removed. Of course she knew that Solok and Wyla weren’t close like she and Wyla were, but what could he possibly find fascinating about any of it? Snow: Hardly. Solok: I do not wish to offend, Doctor Snow; I am aware the patient is a friend of yours, and of course, a colleague to us all. ::Pause.:: But this procedure, despite being entirely unorthodox, is a remarkable thing to observe. Simply from a scientific perspective. How does it work? Although not technically an emotion, wonder was something Solok strove to keep from inflecting his voice. Snow: Well, the genetronic replicator scans the object placed inside. Then, once the scans are complete, it replicates the object and then it’s grown into a replica after it is placed inside the body. Solok: A complete replication of biological material. A perfect substitution. It is an elegant solution to an ancient medical problem – perhaps the most ancient medical problem, that the body sometimes fails beyond our ability to repair it. ::Pause.:: Apparently, there are many developments with which I must become familiar, outside of my own specialty. Part II ((Surgical Suite 1, Deck 12, USS Astraeus)) {{Time Skip}} The beeping of the machine caught her attention. Now that the scans were done she hit the button to start the next phase. Stenner: Two hours and a half until primary brain dysfunction. Snow: Mr. Stenner, go ahead and inject her with twenty-five ccs cervaline. Solok: You anticipate rejection? Snow: I have taken that into consideration. Hopefully, the injection will help her body to accept the new spine. But I am prepared for it if her immune system decides to get aggressive with us. Solok: A logical course of action, Doctor. And what is our recourse to be, should her immune system reject the new spine? Snow: We’ll have to get aggressive with immunosuppression. There were, he thought, only two real options: even more radical immunosuppression than would be produced by the cervaline, or to find some alternative to the new spine. But it did not seem Avae had many other options than this one, if the goal to be achieved was restoration of ordinary movement. Solok: Understood. I am prepared to assist, whatever the outcome. Snow: ::nods:: Thirty more minutes and then we can begin the implantation. Solok nodded. He turned to Stenner. Solok: How are the patient’s vitals, Mister Stenner? Stenner: She’s stable, Doctor. Doing fine. The Vulcan turned back to Snow. Solok: How long do you wish to wait before determining whether cervaline therapy will be a viable solution? Not having performed a transplant of this magnitude, I am uncertain as to how we should proceed. With less significant internal tissue grafts, it is customary to readminister cervaline approximately every four hours. But this is no simple tissue graft. Snow: We should know once the growth process begins whether or not the body is willing to accept it. At least we have a head start in suppressing the immune system if it does decide to reject it. If that happens, we can administer the cervaline in smaller doses every couple hours. Solok: A perfectly rational plan of action, Doctor. Let us proceed. {{Time Skip - 30 minutes}} Solok: Any time you are ready, Doctor. As Solok held the container, Elizabeth carefully took the noodle looking spine of the container with her instruments and placed it inside. After it was adjusted into its place, they carefully slid the cover back into place. Snow: Closing the incision. ::tapping a few buttons:: Solok looked to Snow and nodded. After the computer closed the incision it was time to begin the growth process. Soon they would have the answer to whether or not the implant would be rejected or not. Of course she was praying that things would go off without a hitch. Snow: Ready to begin the growth process. Is everyone ready to proceed? Solok: I am ready as ever. Stenner: So am I, Doctor. What do we do? Snow: Just keep monitoring her vitals and let me know the second something happens. Elizabeth tapped a few buttons on the cover and the growth process began. Solok faced Snow, prepared to assist. Solok: I come to serve, Doctor Snow. He paused, as there really was nothing more to say. As so often in complicated medical procedures, the team of highly trained, highly capable physicians just had to wait. It wasn’t long after that Stenner called out what Elizabeth had felt was coming. Stenner: Showing signs of rejection and vitals are showing a slight drop but are still within normal parameters. Snow: ::nods:: How long has it been since the last Cervaline injection? The Vulcan did not need to consult a chronometer, as he had a well developed chronological sense. He spoke evenly, dispassionately – matter-of-factly. Solok: 22.543 minutes, Doctor. Stenner: Should I terminate life support? Snow: We’ll wait until her vitals are stabilized. The computer emitted a brief alert. Solok: Mister Stenner? Stenner: Her blood pressure is falling. Seventy over forty and falling. Snow: Twenty ccs Laporazine. Solok prepared the hypo himself. He spoke as he pressed the hypo against the side of Nurse Avae’s throat. Solok: Twenty ccs Laporazine, Doctor. Administering now. {{Time Skip - 40 minutes}} It had been a long battle trying to stabilize Wyla, but they had managed to finally get her stable and remove the woman from life support. It was the worst and slowest forty minutes for Elizabeth as she wasn’t sure whether Wyla was going to make it. Thankfully, the woman had and the Cervaline was now doing what it was meant to. Snow: Thank you, Mr. Stenner. Have her room prepped and ready. I’ll take over vitals. Elizabeth took Stenner’s place as he went to tend to the task she had given him. Solok: Commendable work, Doctor Snow. On Nurse Stenner’s part – and your own. Snow: You did a great job, Doctor Solok. At least now her body is starting to slowly accept the new piece of it. Though we’ll need to keep her on round the clock supervision. I'd say with a few more treatments of Cervaline that she will be okay to begin physical therapy next week. Fingers crossed things continue to improve. The Vulcan glanced from the CMO’s face to her hands, but did not see anything unusual about the placement of her fingers. Solok: Continued improvement seems likely, with an at least 82.4% chance of full recovery. ::He paused.:: In sickbay, perhaps even more than in Engineering, the odds do not frequently climb higher than that. That was true, but there were always those few cases that went above those odds. It might have been wishful thinking on her part, but Elizabeth felt certain that Wyla would be one of those cases. Snow: Sometimes people have a way of surprising you. ::smiles:: Solok nodded, then turned and departed the operating theater – leaving Snow to attend to her patient – but more than that, he surmised. She would be watching over her friend. Thinking on this, he prepared to resume his duties in sickbay – but also to contemplate the question, whether anyone might feel inclined to watch over his bedside were he in a situation comparable to Avae’s. He doubted it; it was, after all, most illogical. Most illogical, indeed. {{Time Skip - 20 Minutes}} (( CMO’s Office, Sickbay, Deck 12, USS Astraeus )) Now that they had gotten Wyla settled back in her room, Elizabeth sat at her desk to finish the report. She could rest a little easier now knowing that the worst of it was over and that her best friend was on the mend. Though Wyla still had some work to do before she was back in action, Elizabeth planned to be at her side every step of the way. ============== Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Snow Chief Medical Officer USS Astraeus NCC-70652 D238803EH0 & Lieutenant Solok Medical Officer USS Astraeus R237908S10
  10. Going to kick off the new quotes thread for the Astraeus with one from our Vulcan doctor, @Solok. I just love me some dry, Vulcan humor 😂
  11. Congrats on passing to both of you. Well done!!!
  12. Between my PC, Secondaries and PNPCs, I have actually written as several of these. There are some I know are beyond me, like Science (mad respect to those who can write for that dp), but if it was a matter of being kicked out of the FO role and having to pick a new duty post (Serala started as Security and Tactical), I think I would want to go back to Strategic Operations, a role I wrote for Serala before becoming First Officer. It was a very interesting role to me that combined some of the duties of Intelligence and Tactical to provide an overview of whatever situation we were heading into, along with a bigger picture of the campaign region we're in.
  13. Although I am using @Kettick's sim for this post, credit really goes to all the writers in this scene ( @Oddas Aria @Freck @TLea. It's a hilarious spin off of the old "Who's On First?" routine, and actually starts with that. Great job and a fun read... ((The Beach, Denali Station, Ring 42)) Kettick: I never understood the one about Who, What and bases, but apparently humans find it hilarious. Captain Oddas tilted her head sideways slightl. Oddas: ::puzzled:: Baseball? T’Lea: How did you get baseball out of that? Freck: What in the world is “baseball”? The Remmilian tilted his head backwards, trying to remember his rather disjointed conversation with Ryan, before nodding. Kettick: I think I remember 'baseball' being mentioned, yes. Although I can't say I know anything about it. Have you played, Captain? Oddas: Played, never - I'm afraid I'm not particularly athletic. T’Lea: Baseball… that’s the one with a long stick and people run around the circle tagging each other with a ball? Freck: Wouldn’t that just be stickball? Or something? I think I heard of that one. Kettick: I thought the name had something to do with primates and their tendency to climb trees. But I could be wrong; I rarely took part in this kind of activity back at the Academy. Remmilians did not have sports, per se, and while he could see their interest for training purposes, the competitive aspect was completely lost to him. Oddas: response T’Lea: What’s the one where you throw the ball at people and try not to get hit? Freck shrugged. Kettick shared his frustration. Kettick: Is that the one with the ballistic weapons that fire paint balls? I think it's called paint balls. Or paint tag? Oddas: response T’Lea: I think that’s the one where you use your feet and kick the ball at people standing in a big net. ::beat:: Dodge ball! That’s the one I was thinking about. Brutal and slightly cruel in certain curriculums. ::pause:: We should choose an official Denali sport and have a friendly annual game. Kettick chose not to comment. Although if someone entered a competition against Commander T'Lea and believed it would remain friendly... well, he guessed the Universe did noy need every idiot it produced. Freck: Maybe we could have a tournament of sports to decide the official sport? Assuming we can weight the scores properly, it might work. The Remmilian scrateched one of his feelers against his faceplates. Kettick: Wouldn't that method weight the choice in favour of the game with the most accomplished adepts, instead of the most popular? Oddas/T'Lea/Freck: Response Kettick: I believe Medical would have a few choice words to say about the inclusion of some Romulan or Klingon bloodsports. From what I understand, they already consider Parrises Squares as borderline. Oddas/T'Lea/Freck: Response Kettick: I cannot say I practice any sport, unless you count the standard physical fitness program. But I suppose since I am looking into leisure time activities, I will have to investigate the subject.
  14. OMG!!! Dying over here!! 🤣
  15. Got a great chuckle from this one @Gogigobo Fairhug
  16. @Kettick I'm slain. just .... 🤣
  17. I soooo resonate with this sentiment 🤣
  18. Congratulations, y'all. Great job and welcome to the Fleet.
  19. 🤣🤣 I have never laughed so hard. Maybe it's just because I play Karise, but I really loved reading this from @TLea ...
  20. I literally just read this and laughed because it resonated. 😂
  21. This entire exchange between @Dekas and @Kettick gave me quite the chuckle. For the record, I like Kettick's plan. Well, both of them 😂
  22. Mirrorverse Spock. I mean, goatee, pointed ears??? All he needed was a pitchfork. 😂
  23. @Valin Dermont Yet more sarcastic wit from our loveable Dermy. I just can't get enough of this. (( Main Engineering, Deck 14, USS Chin’toka )) Dermont: We 'ave a couple of days ta get things fixed. Tractor modifications are gonna take time anyways. We'll likely only get one more run at this thing... Peters: We have to stabilize the antimatter containment fields first… That was the whole point. Get out of dodge. Slow down and fix things. Then come back at it once the everything was fixed and the modifications complete. They could move much faster than the star, after all. oO Well, as far as we know, eh? Oo Ral: If we have to dump the containment vessel or the warp core we won’t have the power to do anything. Dermont glanced around the bay at the others, frowning. Dermont: More reason ta stop movin' fer now. Regroup and get repairs done. He put a hand on the console in front of him as another smaller shockwave rocked the ship. Just being near the thing was dangerous. The older engineer could name six different ways they could be destroyed simply by being in proximity of the star, without actually trying any of their (highly unlikely to work) plans. Peters: Uh-oh. :: turning to the trio of engineers closest to him. :: Valin, damage control. Wyatt, keep working on the containment fields. Jamie, make sure the SIF (Structural Integrity Field) doesn’t collapse. Any questions? Dermont: Understood, sah! Ral: Yes Chief. Dermont glanced over and saw Ral's hands flying over the console. LIkely he was trying to either re-route power or layer multiple containment fields over one another in an attempt to keep the fields in place. But both of those plans relied upon emitters. If the emitters to the containment field were damaged... oO Which is why there is redundancy 'ardware installed. Unlikely everything would be busted...right? Oo He couldn't let himself be wrapped up with what other engineers were already assigned to do. His job now was damage control. He knew full well Dark...eh, Kiax...would already have organized damage by highest priority and shifted crews there. However, he was ultimately in charge of those teams. So he headed to a side locker and grabbed a blank PADD and headed over to the situational display in the center of the engineering bay entrance. Not too long ago, that very console blew up and was obviously trying to kill him. Having failed that, Dermont didn't think it would try a second time any time soon. Peters: What happened? As Dermont approached he couldn't help but see the Bynar ensigns lying on the floor, already surrounded by a medical team and the Chief. He wanted to dart over, but one more person would just be in the way. He took a deep breath and set the PADD on the console and uploaded all of the current damage control status updates onto it. Linking it to the sit display, he would be able to hopefully work and help direct at the same time. He pushed the conversation happening just a couple of meters away to the back of his mind and tapped his commbadge. Dermont: =/\= Dermont ta McGregor. =/\= Dermont grabbed a toolkit from the locker just inside the bay. McGregor: =/\= ::A slight grunting sound.:: Aye...go ahead, sah. =/\= Dermont: =/\= Ya sound busy already, and not ta add ta yer plate, but yer DCT needs ta manually inspect plasma conduits fer the next thirty-six meters from yer location. Ya got a kink in the 'ose, lads, but I can't see where. 'ave fun. =/\= He tossed the PADD and his thermos inside the kit and pulled its straps over his shoulder. McGregor: =/\= Aye sir. Finkley wanted ta crawl some more, tubes today, dincha Finkley? =/\= The communication ended as Dermont headed for the access lift to take him up to deck thirteen and the battery compartments. There were issues Ral: Chief! ::grabbing Peters attention back:: The field is down to twenty seven percent. Another hit could take us below fifteen percent and a breach. The auxilliary fusion generators are online but the damage to the plasma network is making it difficult getting the power to the right places. The only way I can do this is to divert power from life support and bring additional field generators online. It’ll require your authorisation. oO What? No no no lad. We're not in an life threatenin' situation...yet. Slow it down, just a tad, eh?... Oo Peters: I’m not prepared to authorize taking life support offline, Wyatt. I can authorize some power from non-essential systems, but we’re not going to mess with life support unless we have to. Ral I understand Chief. I’ve already diverted as much as I can from non-essential systems. I’ll see what I can do from here but it may need a manual patch to feed more power to the field generators. Their voices faded a bit as Dermont stepped onto the catwalk wrapping the core on the deck above. He saw Crewman Novek monitoring a console and glancing up at the core, then down and back up at the console again. The movements were not inherently hectic or worrisome and there was no panic on the Vulcan's face, but something about it made a knot form in Dermont's stomach. Novek was nervous and that made Dermont nervous. Pushing that back down he made his way towards the station that monitored their battery compartment. It looked like about sixteen percent of them were suddenly offline. He wanted to see if there was an immediate, obvious problem. He ran a diagnostics and found that for one the new was good. A backfeed caused the monitoring stations to believe the batteries were drained and dead. Inaccurate readings causing the system to automatically shut down connectivity to said batteries and reroute the systems they used elsewhere. Which of course causes a slight drain to everything else. He shook his head and began the rather simple process of initializing the connections to the batteries. After a few moments he convinced the station that all of the batteries were working fine (which they actually seemed to be), and he headed back down to see how the "trying not to blow up" emergency was going. Peters: =/\= Engineering to bridge. How close are we to the neutron star? We need to back off a bit more before something else hits us. =/\= Isa: =/\= We’ve already backed off some, Commander. Do you think we’re still in danger? We need to be as close as possible to get the kind of readings we need. Not to mention our efforts to make contact with the life in the star. =/\= Peters: =/\= Affirmative, sir. If we start now, we’ll be able to get the tractor beam modifications done in a day or two. The damage to the plasma network will require some clever rerouting of power to enhance the tractor beam, if that's the plan we're going with.. =/\= Isa: =/\= Very well, Commander. Do what you need to do to make it work. The tractor beam is a high priority item. =/\= Dermont listened to the exchange tight-lipped. In other words, they were not going to stop the ship so they could complete repairs on the systems they needed to access while they were at a full stop and the core powered down. On top of that, they needed to fix those repairs and begin modifications to the tractor beam. While flying. Near the neutron star. oO Oh, but we've backed off. There's no danger ta be 'ad...safe as babes in baskets... Oo Peters: =/\= Copy, commander. Peters out. =/\= ::The chief turned to Dermont as he came down the lift. :: You heard the lady. I’ll watch the structural integrity field. Take Ral and go work on the tractor beam. There was an expression in the other man's face, but he couldn't tell what it was exactly. He simply nodded. Dermont: Yessir. Glancing around he didn't notice Ral anywhere. Not surprising. As he headed out of the bay towards the tractor room, he tapped his communicator. Dermont: =/\= Dermont ta Lieutenant Ral, meet me in Tractor Control. DCTs will 'ave ta worry about keepin' us together. We've got plans. =/\= Dermont slid into the turbo lift and frowned as the other man didn't respond. Dermont: Deck Sixteen. =/\= Dermont ta Ral. Respond please. =/\= As the moments ticked by and the turbolift opened, he began to worry. The young lieutenant was practically leaping at the opportunity to be involved in every single project happening on board. He'd likely try to repair a conduit with one hand while holding a PADD with the tractor modifications with the other. A few moments later he found himself nodding to the technician behind the monitoring station for the tractor beam controls. He Dermont: Wait until ya get a load of this. ::The engineer access the files regarding the modifications they were going to be working on.:: Tech: Sir...that's something else. But we have an integrity issue around the main tractor emitter. There's a field in place around it. I reported it a few moments ago. We can't use it...not how it is. Dermont: Ya love givin' bad news is that it? Bah. We'll get it sorted. He tapped his commbadge. Dermont: =/\= Dermont ta Commander Peters. 'Ave you seen Lieutenant Ral, sir? =/\= Peters: =/\= Ral is non-responsive. You two get started on the tractor beam modifications. I will catch up as soon as I can. Any questions? =/\= oO What in the bloody 'ell does that mean? Oo Dermont gripped tight the edge of the console and fought with every fiber of his being to not just have the computer give him Ral's location and rush immediately there. He knew there were lots more people on board the vessel and everyone had a task to do. Ral's care was not his responsibility. At least not at the moment. He would need to trust others to do their jobs. While he did his. MacNemar: =/\= Response =/\= Dermont: =/\= We've got a teeny integrity problem 'ere. I take it we'll not be stoppin' fer a proper repair job? =/\= Peters: =/\= Use whatever you have to for sealant, then get started. Soon as you can, folks. =/\= Dermont: =/\= Of course, sah. We're on it. Well, MacNemar, the list o' modifications star 'ere in the tractor room and include everythin' between 'ere and the phaser emitters. Shall I send ya the list, we each take a team and split the difference? =/\= MacNemar: =/\= Response =/\= oO Marvelous. Begin phase one o' plan Long Shot... Oo
  24. And this is why I absolutely love reading sims from @Valin Dermont ... 😂 The internal monologue and his snark are just so funny to me.... and this one... and yet another in the same sim ... and yet one more...
  25. Another great line from @Kettick 😂 I'm not sure if Neshala should be offended or not. Good thing she's not there. 🤣
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