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Genkos Adea

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Genkos Adea

  1. I think crossing a swan with a tribble is how we got that damned goose in the first place
  2. Congrats! It was a pleasure
  3. Genkos tends to wear high collared jackets (often linen) with contrasting sashes. Very simple, elegant, Betazoid clothing
  4. Congrats and welcome!
  5. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet!
  6. Genkos Adea, checking in! Who turned my sickbay into a cartoon? All the medkits have big red crosses on them and I'm suddenly wearing a mirror on my head...
  7. Congratulations and welcome aboard !
  8. Yeah it has to be Picard really. No question.
  9. (specifically uttaberry tea)
  10. I think a hearty thank you, well done and congratulations go to @Jo Marshall and @Quinn Reynolds for their recent JPs starring the above PNPCs. For those not ofey with the deep intrigue on the Gorkon, Jo's brother Orson and Romulan officer Valesha (Vee) snuck off ship stealing @Tasha MacFarlane's precious Unicorn shuttle. As far as the crew are aware they have betrayed Starfleet and are on the run. Unbeknownst to our characters, however, they have gone deep undercover with a plan of the Admiral's, and we have been getting regular updates via fantastically written JPs which explain in fabulous detail the escapades of our various double (or even triple) agents. The superlative writing and plotting of these JPs is a great testament to both writers involved and speaks volumes as to why they have risen so high. Congrats to both of you. We're not worthy. Sycophancy aside, I look forward to welcoming both officers back to the Gorkon with stern looks and discomfort as everyone tries to reconcile their feelings with what they now know.
  11. Sweet sassy molassy. Fantastic. A huge thank you to all who nominated me, and a massive congrats to my fellow winners.
  12. A huge congratulations to all the winners and a massive thank you to those of you who nominated me for the Pathfinder
  13. Genkos is wearing a dark turtleneck with a high lapelled royal blue jacket. He's also gone a bit Skarbek by growing a bit of scruff for the occasion - no mean feat for a Betazoid!
  14. I'm sorry if you lost any lunch....
  15. I'm not going to copy and paste the four parter joint post as it's very very long, but I would like to say that it is an absolutely amazing piece of writing from the pair of them. @Jo Marshall @Cory Stoyer Finally Cory has stopped being an [...]!
  16. But also Yiggs and 'Kos aboard the Skarbek
  17. I'm sorry to lose Doctor Stabby McStabFace....
  18. Genkos has arrived in style in a formal jacket and trousers combo, in bright Betazed colours, and with a more elegant version of his trusted cane.
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