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Everything posted by Taelon

  1. In which Theo's really glad his pjs aren't embarrassing.
  2. Despite being female I play almost exclusively male characters, albeit ones that fall just about everywhere on the 'manliness' scale (for lack of a better way to describe it.) I'm not sure why I do this, honestly, but I find myself more comfortable writing and playing as male characters. I tend to identify with them more easily, as well. As for sexuality, I do tend to struggle to play characters that aren't my sexuality, though it took me a long time to realize that. I'm asexual and haven't ever felt genuine sexual attraction to other people, so honestly I don't quite understand how to portray it and haven't yet found any good resources to help me in that regard. I always try to let a character's sexuality and personality develop as I write them, so they sometimes surprise me in the ways they change from my original plan.
  3. I'm just waiting for someone to pull a red alert on Team Hangover, honestly. Hungover Whittaker trying to XO while still wearing the tiara would be a nice complement to Taybrim in his skivvies.
  4. I probably shouldn't be giggling with delight at Whittaker's terrible luck this mission. I shouldn't, but I am anyway.
  5. The selfish part of me screams holodeck. While I'm not really into putting 'me' into most RP scenarios, the sheer fun of that thing can't be denied. Besides, imagine how cool that thing would be from a school perspective. Sudden history and literature are the best classes. That said from a society point of view, I'd say warp drive - both for getting us out there to Mars but being able to explore beyond our own solar system, but also for the energy revolution that thing represents. I'd love to be able to take a day trip to Saturn and have my car run endlessly off a tiny crystal fragment.
  6. I'm so sad I missed out on the murderous tribbles. They're the one thing I never knew I wanted >____> (Also catching the CAG in his shorts, but for, uh....different reasons.)
  7. That is one very legitimate question.
  8. Honestly, when I first read the sim where he woke up with Duchess licking him, I thought he was getting peed on. Definitely turning into Basil Hobbs and the Very Bad No Good Day, isn't it?
  9. Considering the alternate is having your bum out in front of Raisillius, the answer is yes.
  10. For some reason, this tiny scene from the TNG episode 'Relics' destroyed me as a kid. Pretty much all the other stuff mentions did too...Star Trek yanked a lot of emotions out of me in elementary and middle school, apparently!
  11. Technically not a quote but....as someone who was 100% a Satan-worshiping goth in high school - This vampire club thing is hilarious and ridiculously accurate. Keep it up, it's made my entire week! I love it xD
  12. Can we post training quotes? Well I'm going to do it anyway. >___> Goes to show how, uh...well the training simulation went that this happened to Savan: It was utter chaos exciting all round, but Savan got the worst of it.
  13. StarBase 118 OPs! Which means I get the Excelsior class ship, aka the best one Thanks for the welcome, all! Training was a lot of fun and I'm excited to get started with the fleet proper!
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