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Star Trek Beyond discussion – SPOILERS!
Hutch replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Trek Discussion
Star Trek Beyond discussion – SPOILERS!
Hutch replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Trek Discussion
Well I finally got around to watching the film this evening. I went in with pretty decent expectations, excited by some of the things I'd read, about interesting bad guys, and 5 year missions. Suffice it to say I was very disappointed. Karl Urban was once again the absolute highlight for me and the Spock/McCoy scenes were the best. But other than a few, brief choice moments (Sabotage, "skip to the end") I thought it was a pretty poor effort. The first two films got away with massive plot holes by just being ridiculously entertaining, but not this one. 5/10 but still a better film than Nemesis however. -
((First Officer's Quarters, USS Constitution-B)) T'Mar: Commander... ::T'Mar was alone. The bowling event had ended and she was preparing herself to meditate and get some rest. The reality of the situation had sunk in as she looked at the pip on her desk. She had made it to Commander. FULL Commander! There was a part of her that told her excitement was illogical. Earning a new rank was inevitable if she was performing at top efficiency and consistently so. But another part-- one that was much larger than T'Mar would ever admit to -- was overwhelmingly excited. And she yearned to tell someone!:: ::But who was there to tell? Liam was off who knows where. She hadn't spoken to him since they all left the Gemini. Jaxx? She had only really opened up to him once and she had never really formed a relationship with him. Besides, the life of being an Admiral was a busy one and it had taken him far away. Jalana already knew, and presumably Sun had heard as well. And then there was her former lover.. Bolani. :: ::The Vulcan/Betazoid's woman ached when she thought about Zage. The man she had chosen to love instead of the man she had been bonded to. Their relationship just couldn't withstand the distance that occurred when she transferred off the Apollo. She had heard from him every now and again, but nothing in so long that she had decided to end what was already over.:: ::She lit a candle and closed her eyes, absorbing what her emotions were telling her. Today had been a first great step for her. She was starting to open up and possibly make more friends. Something she had always struggled with, but no longer. But now, she wondered.. was it time to be open to the idea of another relationship? There was nobody in particular and she was not yet due for Pon Farr, but there was something distinct about being open to it. She had trusted Zage with so much of her. Opened up to him with her deepest feelings and connected with him like nobody else. And he so easily threw that away. Was she really ready for that?:: ::Not yet.. but maybe one day...:: END ------------------------ Commander T'Mar First Officer USS Constitution-B Community History Team Co-Facilitator/Training Officer http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=T%27Mar A238908T10
Well I'm me, so I would definitely be telling the chief to get that other version to get back in the buffer. After all, that's the imposter, right?
(( Jalana’s Quarters - USS Constitution )) :: The evening had been enjoyable, as Jalana spent it with her senior officers in SB 11’s own vintage Bowling Alley to celebrate promotions and the handing out of Service Ribbons. She loved that part of her job, it was one of our favourites. To see the smile and pride in people’s eyes the moment she rewarded them for their hard work. She preferred to not do it in ceremonies but in between to make it real surprises, but every now and then a party was just the right place. And seeing T’Mar handing out the Ribbons -as reward for her great work during the mission in Jalana’s absence- made her realize that T’Mar would eventually become her own Captain one day. Though she hoped that to be some time away, just as much as she was excited for her to take that step. :: :: Now that the party was over she returned to her quarters, tired but happy. But as life played its cards, the happiness did not last long. As she stepped into the darkness of her room, the memory of her Romulan visit flashed through her mind. A juicy Trill curse left her lips. She hadn’t contacted Selene yet. To be honest she had entirely forgotten about it until now, thanks to the sudden events of her father’s heart attack. :: :: Knowing herself, she was aware that if she went to sleep now she’d forget it in the morning, so after turning on the light in the living room she stepped to her desk and plopped down in the chair behind it. Rubbing her eyes she leaned back. :: Rajel: Computer. Open connection to Captain Selene Faranfey, USS Doyle. (( Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Doyle-A )):: Selene was reeling after the loss of her friend, and now she needed to put in a notification to the next of kin. Not to mention she didn't have a First Officer now, Cody had an emergency that he needed to tend to, and didn't know how long it would take. :::: When her screen lit up with an incoming message from the Constitution, specifically from the Captain and her friend, Jalana. The accept button was pressed without much thought. ::Faranfey: Good evening Jalana.Rajel: Hey Selene. Looks like you have a lot on your plate. Faranfey: Much to the dismay of Alex. I worry he'll forget my face by the time I am done the pile of work on my desk.:: For a brief second she wondered if Sun had taken Alexander with her, but then she remembered having met Alexander Bishop before. That sounded very much like there was something between Selene and that Alex. She would have to ask about that later. :: Rajel: What happened? From what I know you work off your things as they come up. :: As if that was always possible. Jalana herself had a pile to work through left, despite being back all day. That might be because she spent most of that day with Jerry on SB 11 instead of working.. :: Faranfey: It all piled up, we ended up forced into a slumber by a non-corporeal entity, and my FO had an emergency, so it's all on me. But it's late, and you called me. What's up?Rajel: Well first, I have missed that opportunity for a while but congratulations to your new rank. It's good to finally see you receive what you deserve.Faranfey: Thank you, I guess this is what happens when best friends are Captains, different parts of the galaxy earning our promotions... Congratulations on yours as well, by the way.Rajel: ::grinning:: Thank you. It's oddly comforting to share that with you. ::chuckling::Faranfey: You didn't just get notice of my promotion and need to congratulate me, did you? Of course that's not a bad reason for a call though. I know if you hadn't called, I would have contacted you, but you first.:: The Trill nodded, leaning back slightly. She wondered about where to start. That Romulan she had found in her quarters had been a quite impressionable event, not only because of the mystery how she had found a way to get in, but also because of what she had said. Jalana had even considered that hallucations played tricks on her, but the activity in the log busted that. But nobody could say where it had come from. ::Rajel: Well you are right. That's not the only reason I called. I had a visitor a few days ago and she asked me to give you a message.Faranfey: A visitor, with a message for me? That's strange. Who?Rajel: A Romulan, she didn’t give me her name, but it appears that she comes from your time. :: Selene's eyes narrowed, it couldn't be. The only Romulan that came to her mind that knew who she was and was from her time, had died trying to save them. For a moment she thought it wasn't possible, but then she thought about her situation, and that of John Nugra, and took a deep breath. ::Faranfey: I might know her then, but I'd need more information. What was her message?Rajel: ::Leaning slightly forward:: Selene, what is the Eye of the Harbinger? Faranfey: Wait, what? Repeat that?:: Selene had to make sure the woman said what she thought she said. If she did, then the message had to have come from Shiarreal, as they had discussed in great detail the Eye, and even chased leads on it for a time. Before survival was the only course of action they could take, and the Eye was moot. ::Rajel: The Eye of the Harbinger. I have never heard of it but you apparently should know about it. What is it?Faranfey: It's a way to focus energy between dimensions. Why?Rajel: The woman didn’t tell me anything, but she said to tell you that it isn’t a myth. It’s real. Faranfey: Did she give you any more information?Rajel: ::Shaking her head.:: No, nothing else. At least not about that. :: Getting the information that it was real, in the world the way it was currently, was a bit disturbing to her, but she tried not to let it rattle her. ::Faranfey: Thank you for the information.Rajel: Of course. I’m sorry it took me so long, but I had other things on my mind that suddenly came up. You look tired.:: Selene nodded, she had almost forgotten that she also had news. She felt like she was in a constant shift, losing one close friend, finding out another was alive. If she dwelled on it, it would be too much. Especially having to deal with the emotions all the time, but she couldn't dwell, and that's why the nightmares came. ::Faranfey: We lost Colonel Nugra in the line of duty, I still have to notify his next of kin, so it's not public knowledge yet.:: The words hit Jalana like a fist in the stomach and her mind went blank. She opened her mouth a few times but closed it again as words escaped her every time. :: Rajel: That… that is impossible. He was here not that long ago. Faranfey: I know, sometimes I feel that way too. I mean I was there with him before it happened, he was fine, his normal protective Gorn self. And then he was gone.:: Jalana swallowed. She knew how dangerous life in Starfleet could be. But it always hit others, not yourself. Just like illnesses and tragedies. What a silly thought. She knew more than many how untrue that was. Her friend was dead. She tried to take a deep breath, but it came out as a mere shudder. :: Rajel: How did it happen? Faranfey: That slumber we all took, it was forced upon us by a being who needed help, he was being attacked by memory parasites that were trying to wipe away his existence. In order to conserve his energy, he forced them into a dream state. :: She paused for a moment to take a breath, everything was in a report she could easily forward over to her friend, but reading it from a report was so stale. She sighed before she continued. :: Unfortunately we got too close, and he pulled us all in as well. Once we were in the dream, we were stuck. The being, we called him Lucky, couldn't release us without releasing the parasites and dying. So we need to devise some sort of distraction. There were only two of us with the memories that would be able to distract the parasites.Rajel: And he was one of the two? Faranfey: I had already lived my life, I survived the Hunger, and it was my crew we were trying to save, it seemed appropriate to me. Nugra disagreed. We debated it for as long as we could before the parasites found us in the dream and attacked Lucky again. Nugra leapt into action, and Lucky released his hold on us...Rajel: But it was a dream.. Faranfey: We woke up to find him gone. :: She was still investigating how he had been on the bridge one moment and then dead in the Marine area. :: I was as shocked as you are. :: Selene was leaving out details, like her begging for Lucky to save Nugra, and the alternative Nugra, but they weren't necessary to repeat. ::::Sighing Jalana ran a hand through her hair. She couldn’t believe that he was gone. :: Rajel: Will there be a funeral? Faranfey: I believe so, if Nugra's daughter doesn't plan one, I will.Rajel: ::nodding:: Just let me know when and I’ll see that I come. And… I’m sorry. I know he was a close friend to you. How is Sun taking it?Faranfey: Oh... I haven't told her yet... That's going to be a tough conversation.:: Her other self, more sensitive and sweet, but was also close friends with Nugra. While Selene's Nugra was long dead, she had bonded with Sun's Nugra as well, now they were both gone. And even though Selene was envious of how easy the younger self had things, she didn't like the idea of having to relay the news. Her brother would be a more suitable choice, as he catered more to the younger version of her. ::Rajel: Please tell her I’m sorry. Faranfey: :: She looked at her friend, not sure what to say. Finally settling on the easiest. :: I will. :: Selene then turned her thoughts to her curiosity on why Jalana and Sun weren't talking, wondering if something happened. :::: There was a silence, filled with thoughts, what-ifs and memories. With the whole talk about death, a fracture of the conversation with the Romulan found its fleeting way back into the Trill’s mind and she just had to ask. :: Rajel: The woman, the Romulan… she called me a legend. :: It took Selene a moment to adjust to the sudden change of subject, they were now back on the Romulan, and her message. ::Faranfey: Yes.Rajel: Do you remember when you told me that I… your Jalana is dead? ::Just talking about it sent chills down her back. She heard once that it meant someone walked over her grave. Maybe there was a bit of truth to that, she wouldn’t know. The thought that she would die somewhere remote without Rajel going to the next host just sat ill with her. :: Faranfey: I remember. :: She inhaled deeply, this was not the conversation she wanted to have, thinking about three close friends that she lost. While she still had an alternate version of one of them in front of her, it still pained her to think of Jalana's death. It was another trade for her life, so many traded for her life. ::Rajel: Well, she said I died trying to get a message out. In the Hokela System. I know you can’t tell me details and with all that has changed with your coming here it might not even happen, but… ::A thought filled pause passed with Jalana lowering her eyes to her hands..:: was that message important? Did it get where it was supposed to arrive? ::Another pause in which she looked up.:: Was it worth it?Faranfey: It got where it was supposed to go... she saved lives. :: Selene thought about her friend, the one from her future. When she last spoke to Jalana, she told the truth, she had never seen Jalana again, but that didn't mean they didn't keep tabs. Jalana lost Viktor the same way that she lost Andy. She didn't know what happened to her friend's child, it was something that didn't come up in messages between the two of them. It was the last message that her friend wanted to know about. The one that allowed Starbase 118 to try to get civilians out while pulling in reinforcement ships. The one that prevented the battle from being a massacre that only lasted hours, instead the Federation put in a gallant effort that lasted days. The ship Selene was on, USS Victory carried a number of civilians away to safety. It was likely that message that kept Selene alive, instead of fighting on the front line against the monsters, but she didn't have it any easier, having to euthanize several of her crew after finding out they were infected. :: :: The knot in her throat did not dissolve, but knowing that she had died saving lives added relief. If Rajel couldn’t be saved, it was a little comfort to know that it had not been in vain. It was strange. Logically she knew that it was a different universe and that things did not necessarily come this way in this one, but it was still her. Jalana sunk back into her chair with a long exhale. :: Rajel: That is good. :: She did not expect Selene to tell her anything more, just in case it could happen again, so she was surprised when her friend continued. :: Faranfey: Remember what I said about the battle of Starbase 118? Remember when you found out about me... I wasn't at the battle, I had to battle hunger infected people on the USS Victory. :: She stopped, her brother's ship was pulled in as reinforcements to the station, something she didn't want to mention to her friend, it wouldn't be fair to lay that burden on her. It was the right decision, no matter how much Selene had hurt because of the loss. ::Rajel: Yes, I remember. That must have been difficult. Faranfey: The Jalana of my future, was important to so many people. Even when things were bleak, she still saved lives. But, even if she hadn't, Jal, she was important to me. :: Her eyes started tearing up, she swallowed and shook her head before continuing. :: You are important to Sundassa and I. Don't doubt yourself.:: Seeing that look in Selene’s eyes made Jalana’s throat close up. She wanted to be right there in person and hug her, hold her friend and tell her that everything would be alright. But she was many light years away, so that wasn’t possible. She still couldn’t stop her hand from reaching out and touching the screen as she felt the familiar tingle in her nose. :: Rajel: You and Sun are very important to me too. WIthout you I wouldn’t be here any more. :: There was a moment of silence as Selene tried to think about what that meant. There were a few times that Selene remembered pulling her friend back from the brink before they got separated. ::Faranfey: Do you mean that time we went through the gate and you were inadvertently poisoned?Rajel: Sun can tell you the whole story. Things with Viktor went a whole lot different in this universe. Faranfey: I remember you told me that much, but it seems like a sore spot.:: Jalana raised her hand and rubbed over the bridge of her nose, yawning slightly, before blushing. :: Rajel: Sorry, it was a long but good day. I should get some sleep. :: Selene nodded, she was right, it seemed like the topic touched a nerve. She'd have to look up what happened with Viktor, last time she was too preoccupied with getting back to Alex before he forgot he asked her out. ::Faranfey: I understand, you get some rest, I still have a lot of work to do. Good thing I am used to long periods of wakefulness. :: She laughed. Long periods of being awake was alright, but avoiding sleep would do her no good. :: After that slumber, I am not exactly anxious to get back to it. Goodnight Jalana.:: Jalana was about to cut the connection, when something else popped into her mind and she leaned forward. :: Rajel: Sun… ::She prefered to call her friend by her real name, even though Selene might be just as real to her as her birth name by now. :: … please be careful. She said that Sentinels have their eye on you. I don’t know who they are but it doesn’t sound safe. Faranfey: Sentinels? I'll keep my eyes and ears open. Thank you for the warning.:: Jalana nodded and placed a hand on the screen. :: Rajel: Talk to you soon. Faranfey: Of course. Get some sleep, I'll talk to you soon.(( Jalana’s Quarters - USS Constitution )) :: After that the connection ended and the screen changed back to the rotating Starfleet emblem. This conversation had been a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. The loss of Nugra stung in her chest, but knowing that her friend knew what to look out for and hopefully stay safe was a relief. She also had learned more about her future self, that might never happen. What was meant to be a message for her friend, a quick and simple call had turned out to be more complex.:: :: After the long day with her date with Jerry and the bowling evening with her crew, not to forget this call now, she felt tired and pushed herself from the big desk chair. As she passed the living room table on the way to the bedroom, she spotted a few PADDs lying on the ground. Furrowing her brows she bent and picked them up. She could have sworn she’d kept them on her desk before leaving. Well, maybe seeing Jerry at the time had made her careless and she didn’t notice them fall… all the way to the table. :: Rajel: Computer, was anyone in my rooms while I was gone?Computer: Negative.:: Jalana shrugged slightly and placed the PADDs on the table and headed to the bedroom. She’d better get some sleep. Her mind was clearly playing tricks on her. :: ------Captain Selene FaranfeyCommanding OfficerUSS Athena, NCC-97780Academy Commandant - Starbase 118 AcademyExecutive Council - Captain At LargeWriter ID: A239001SF0& Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution BImage Team FacilitatorA238906JL0
(( Shuttle Tyderion, Perimeter of Starbase 11)) :: Na'Lae folded her arms across her chest and sat back in her seat. The journey from Earth seemed to take forever. She was anxious... excited... and slightly scared. This was no freighter she'd been assigned to. A Galaxy class starship was for her a huge undertaking. It wasn't so much the technical aspects of flying such a large vessel. It was the responsibility that came with it. Once the flagship of the federation, the galaxy class's crew compliment was enormous. She wasn't used to carting that much luggage around at a time. And coupled with the fact that she would need to learn the faces, the procedures, and the customs of her new crew, she was a tiny bit out of her league thus far. :: :: She pulled out her PADD from her sea bag, and pulled up a few pictures of Johan. Mostly of him commanding his freighter; they always seemed to bring confidence to her mind, watching her father do what he was born for. It made her spirit lift back to it's usual position. She smiled, putting the PADD back into the bag. She pulled her hair back into a messy tail, and stood up. :: Pilot: We'll be arriving shortly ma'am. Mandak: Perfect... It's been a while since we left... Is that... :: She smiled as she leaned forward through the [...]pit area. She found herself instinctively sitting down in the second seat next to the pilot, watching in awe as the Starbase came into view. It wasn't the base that caught her attention though... It was the Constitution, and her massive glory. All 42 decks were calling her name. She felt a rush of energy all at once, knowing that she needed to be on that ship; that her life was about to begin. :: Mandak: We going to the Constitution I hope? Pilot: Well I'd orders to set down on the Starbase ma'am... :: She pulled up the comm stack before letting him talk further. :: Mandak: USS Constitution, this is Shuttle Tyderion, requesting to land... :: she mouthed the words sorry to the shuttle pilot...:: Conny: Tyderion, cleared to bay Two High. Slow approach pattern advised. Mandak: May I? :: looking to the pilot, who was still figuring what to do...:: Pilot: I mean, you basically already are so... :: He sort of put his hands up in desperation, signaling his transfer of control to her. :: :: She Rubbed her hands together, and got her bearings about the control panel. oO You could just be appropriate, just this once... NAH...Oo. Lae wasn't a hotshot by any means, but there was the random occasion where she'd run outside the lines a bit. This was one of those occasions. She took control, and moved the speed indicator up a bit. :: Pilot: I'm pretty sure they advised low speed approach ma'am... Mandak: They did? Hmm... :: They were making their way pretty quickly to the suggested bay, and noted that the door was opening. She moved the speed up even higher, moving quicker and quicker towards the bay. her eyes widened a bit as she waited for the right moment. The proximity alarm began to go off, sending the pilot into a panic. :: Pilot: Ma'am, give ME CONTROL! NOW! Mandak: Live a little will you? :: She punched in a 180 maneuver, turning the shuttle about face as they continued to move backwards at a ridiculous speed for landing. The rear of the shuttle breached the force field, and she threw on the rear maneuvering thrusters, just long enough to stop the shuttle, having her land ever so gingerly on the deck. She looked at the console with a satisfied look, then having forgot about him for a second, over to the pilot... :: Pilot: Get out... Mandak: Alright, alright... Sorry... :: The rear hatch opened, and she began to step out. :: Pilot: You forgot something... :: he launched her bag out the rear door onto the floor at her feet. :: Mandak: I said Sorry! :: The door closed as the words came out. This was why she typically chose the more reserved moments in life. :: :: for now though, she would need to find her quarters and get settled. Word around the ship was that the senior crew was enjoying some much needed time off from their most recent adventure, at something called a "bowling alley". She wasn't entirely sure what that all meant, but she was eager to find out. More so eager to meet her fellow shipmates, and see what new horizons awaited her. She dressed down in her quarters, wearing a simply skirt and top. She let her hair out for the evening, being that the occasion wasn't to be neat and tidy as typical duty might call for. She breathed deep, took one last look at the PADD with her father on it sitting on the table, and walked through the doors into the corridor. ((Short while Later, Starbase 11 Bowling Alley)) :: Lae made her way to where she'd asked about the Conny Crew. The folks at the Starbase were quite accommodating to her questions, and seemed to know all about this famed crew. Just from that alone, she felt like she was walking into an adventure already. She breached the doors to the Alley, and could see that the place was packed, with people eating and drinking, and throwing things. She found it quite peculiar, but at the same time fun. throwing large balls at objects down range. Seemed similar to a game they would play back home, but the lights, music and everything else about the place seemed to have any down home experiment beat. She asked around, and was soon pointed over to where the Conny crew was playing. :: :: She spied about for a moment, picking out the first officer from the manifest she'd reviewed. She was intertwined with other members of the crew, but now was as good a time as any to get involved. She made her way over. Giving a light tap on the arm, she introduced herself.:: Mandak: Ma'am, Ensign Na'Lae Mandak, reporting. T'Mar/Anyone Else nearby?: [Tag] TAG/TBC Ensign Na'Lae Mandak HCO Officer USS Constitution-B O238901VL0
Easily Wrath of Khan. Admittedly it's a riff on every submarine battle ever, but that's exactly what they were aiming for and that's what they achieved! The whole thing is well-crafted and tense.
constitution Unique Quotes in Sims - USS Constitution-B
Hutch replied to Rykel Rior's topic in Appreciations
We'll assume the two facts are not related, Captain..? Rajel: ::slightly blushing:: Well I had a really nice day, and am in a good mood. ::Then she remembered.:: I forgot to tell you. Nate was transferred so I gave him his already.- 553 replies
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((Chez Georgio, USS Constitution-B)) Georgio: ::grinning brightly:: Oh, him! Red hair, beard, ugly uniform. I'd love to get my hands on that one. So many possibilities! ::Truth be told, Kael thought it was an ugly beard, too. But she didn't feeling ripping on her dad today. She simply smiled.:: Wilmer: So is there anything special I have to do to maintain this look? Georgio: You can do this yourself at home. Use some mousse spread it in both palms and then just run your fingers through it and play around. You can have it as wild or tame as you like. The gloriousness is that it looks high maintenance while it is really simple. ::He winked at her.:: Wilmer. Awesome! Georgio: Magnificent. You're only missing some sparkles and you'd be visited by dozens of leprechauns a day looking for their gold. ::He had heard about that from another crew-member during his make over and found that quite charming.:: Look look. ::He gestured to the big mirror on the wall:: ::Kael walked over to the giant reflection panel and took herself in. The hologram did good work. She was impressed.:: Wilmer: Kickin'! :: She giggled in childlike glee. It was something that she rarely did, but when she did it, it was always genuine.:: Georgio: Now listen, darling. This is a work of art. Georgio is possessive of his work and no other should lay hand on it. So when you want to refresh the colors, you come to auntie Georgio. Clear? ::She saluted him.:: Wilmer: Yes ma'am~! Georgio: Fabulous. Now hop on, little dumpling and show your dad. He'll fall in love with it, I'm sure. ::Kael was about to respond, when her commbadge went off.:: N. Wilmer: =/\= Cmdr. Wilmer to Cadet Wilmer, come in please. =/\= ::Kael was confused, but tapped her badge.:: oO How could he already know about my hair? Oo ::She wondered.:: Wilmer: =/\= Go ahead, dad.... =/\= N. Wilmer: =/\= Could you report to our quarters? I have something very important to tell you. =/\= ::She couldn't even respond before he closed the comm. That was a bad sign. Her father only forgot pleasantries when the news was bad. Kael looked concerned as she made double time to their quarters.:: ((TImeskip, exactly one hour, outside the academy classroom)) ::It was horrible, it was terrible. The Delta Quadrant? What was he thinking? Why had he accepted that post aboard the Darwin?? She would have to leave everyone again. First her mother disappeared and she had to leave the Morningstar. Then the Apollo was decommissioned. Now they were leaving the Constitution for the Darwin??:: ::She wondered if she would ever have a home that was permanent.:: ::But before she left she had one more person to see, one last goodbye. She ran at breakneck speed from her quarters. She had to do something, had to say something before leaving. It felt like she was always leaving without saying proper goodbyes. But not this time. This time she was going to do it right. This time she was going to say how she felt.:: ::Before long she was waiting outside the instruction room for academy training. She was the first one there, as she had hoped. She needed to catch him, but make time back to the shuttle bay before they were to depart. Her father had given her just enough time to say what she had to say. She didn't want him to have to call and remind her.:: ::It was then that Oz walked up.:: ::Kael sprinted over to him, as he came from half way down the empty corridor. She placed her index finger on his lips and stopped him from asking the next obvious question.:: Wilmer: Look Oz. Don't talk. Listen.... ::She paused, somewhat out of breath.:: Wilmer: I swear if you say anything I'll lose my never, y'dig? ::She removed her finger.:: My dad accepted a new job in the Delta Quadrant. I guess he's mission specialist or something, on the USS Darwin. And I have to go with him. I don't want to, I want to stay. I love everybody on the Constitution. I love... ::She stopped herself. Edited herself, and then continued.:: Wilmer: You come and see me if you have a free semester between academy years, okay? And there's always subspace communication through the MIDAS array. That's better than nothing..... ::She leaned in, jumping up on tippy toes and kissed him full on the lips. It was her first. She had no boyfriend, ever. She often expressed no affection. But Oz deserved to know that he was less annoying than all the other boys.:: ::She blushed in total embarrassment. And then, in true Kael fashion, she placed her favorite mask of boredom back on her face, and gave a two fingered twitch of the hand.:: Wilmer: C'ya round, dork... ::And she punched him in the shoulder. She would leave him no time to say goodbye. That would have been too hard. But that was the way she did things. That was the way she liked it. Anything else would have been not her, somehow.:: ::She would see that boy again. She knew it.:: ~Not the End~ ((OOC - this will be my last sim aboard the Constitution. I have really enjoyed simming with everyone. And I will miss your writing Jess. You have been an awesome Captain, and I owe my growth as a writer to your excellent examples. See you all around the galaxy!)) Cadet Kael Wilmer As simmed by the lovely Lt. Cmdr. Nate Wilmer HCO USS Constitution-B E239107NW0
(( USS Conny - Main Engineering )) ::It seemed almost surreal when a mission ended. It was hard to pinpoint the moment it even began. The course of events was always the same though, a mission briefing with the captain followed by task assignments and duty posts. There was always the air of excitement depending on task assignment and it was generally a good anxiety.:: ::Then at some point between briefing and completion, you found yourself hanging on a limb, over an abyss… on fire. Questions racing through your mind like “How did I get here?” and “What does it all mean?”.. Or “Did I turn off the lights when I left?”. In quiet moments after a few drinks, you hear the things people think and you realise it’s not just you.:: ::Then after a blink or two, a duck and run.. It’s over! You find yourself wandering a corridor trying to make sense of what happened, how you even survived. Yet amid the calm and austere environment of the Constitution, only a handful of people suffered the trial of fire. 90% of the crew only knew by rumour and gossip the bare outline of their escapades and within the next day or two would even forget the name of the planet they had visited.:: ::Lerayn. Sindri knew already that eventually he too would forget its name. When he had scraped through 10 more worlds like it, each time repairing his physical damage but carrying the wounds internally forever.:: ::He had run into Rustty on his dawdle through the corridors, and they talked the surreal talk of normalness. They spoke of things trivial. They laughed and slowly regained their composure through observing routines, pleasantries and ribald ribbing. They carried on.:: Hael: At least Shore Leave be here’s now. Take’r easy for the next day or two. Sindri: I don’t know what scares me worse, going back to Lerayn or going on shore leave on SB11 again.. They may still remember my face ::He chuckled:: At least I didn’t use my own name. :: Rustty sighed and smirked he was definitely curious.:: Hael: You be usin’ oth’r folk’s namer so’s not to get into trouble’s eh? ::chuckled.:: Sound I ask’s? Sindri: Let’s just say there’s at least one sandwich counter that may not want to hear your name again. Besides, they shouldn’t serve Rom Ale with sandwiches, that's just asking for trouble. ::His expression dropped. A long, annoyed huff.:: Hael: I’s’a also be ‘earin’ you’s done done used my name down there’s on that Sulban’s planet. ::he set his hands on his hips.:: If’n’s you’s keeps that up’s I’m’a gonna have’ta be changin’ my name - an’ I done grown rather a’tached to it. ::he mocked sternness for as long as he could muster, which wasn’t very long.:: Sindri: Well I must admit, it was just fun until your name got that "Lieutenant" attached to it.. I think its a penal code violation now to continue using it. Hael: Ah hell’s, ain’ worse than wha’ I’s’a done already’s. But come on’s, break it up’s a bit an’ use someone elses, eh? ::he smirked.:: Sindri: Agreed. I can promise not to wear your name out.::he grinned widely:: And it’s not personal, I usually just pick the one who definitely has an alibi so they can’t be blamed after it’s discovered. Maybe next time I’ll be a ….”Hopper”?? Hael: ::choked on air.:: If’n ya wanna die, I suposin’ you can use ‘ers… But I wouldn’t tell no ones tha’ Sindri: You right.. Besides I don’t know if I can be masculine enough to pass for her? Hael: ::leaning against the doorframe.:: Gotcha plans fer this ‘ere shore leave? ::chuckled.:: ‘Side’s not goin’ to particular sandwich shop? Sindri: Plans? ::He stared blankly at Rustty for a second.:: I don’t know. I suppose I might think of something yet. ((OOC - No tags yet.. TBC) Ensign Dag Sindri Engineering officer USS Constitution C239211DS
constitution Unique Quotes in Sims - USS Constitution-B
Hutch replied to Rykel Rior's topic in Appreciations
Reynolds: Yes ma'am. Just like the flowers they used to make opium out of.... also so smooth- 553 replies
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((Restaurant, Starbase 11)) ::Loleh sat alone at a tiny table located in the corner of the restaurant. The whole place had a quaint feel to it. There was a mixture of different cultures, which made sense as the restaurant specialized in serving famous dishes from different Federation worlds. Surprisingly, she had found a traditional Al-Leyan dish on the menu. Despite her instinct telling her not to try it, she couldn't help but get a taste of home. She specifically requested that they make it for a native. Similar to the Thai dishes on Earth, she found that most places replicated Al-Leyan dishes at a much lower spice level for non-natives. ::Before her, she held a PADD with an old book called "Night". It was dark and sad, but she found herself intrigued in learning more about Earth's dark history. The fact was most species had their own dark histories. Her own still lived in the idea of conformity. Of course, there was always their history with the Klingons as well. She took a sip of water and read as she waited for her food to arrive.:: Waitress: Excuse me, miss. Your food is ready! ::Loleh had not even noticed the woman approaching. She couldn't even smell the food before her, but she smiled just the same. Clearing her area for the dish, Loleh nodded to the woman.:: Rejock: Thank you. Is this made for my tastes? Waitress: Yes, they assured me it was much stronger than usual. Rejock: Thank you so much! ::As she took the first taste, she was happy to have it be almost exactly how she remembered it. Of course, her mind wandered back to the time that Lan had tried her food. :: Rejock: oO Oh Lan.. Oo ::It was then that it struck her. It couldn't possibly be! Was it her season? Already?! She had no desire to procreate, but if it was her season, it would only get worse. The problem was mating outside her species was frowned upon. Loleh never gave it much thought because she didn't see the need in mating. There were many others out there having children, why should she? But maybe that was about to change...:: TBC ----------------------- PNPC Lieutenant junior grade Loleh Rejock Science Officer- Astrophysicist USS Constitution-B as played by: Lieutenant Commander T'Mar First Officer USS Constitution-B Community History Team Co-Facilitator/Training Officer
Gestures, in love, are incomparably more attractive, effective and valuable than words.~ Francois Rabelais(( Trill - Laxyn Residence )) :: Time was one of the few things one never had enough of. One of the things that one needed more of, no matter what. But sometimes there was too much time and there was no way to fill a cosmic time account balance and use it for later. If so Jalana would have some extra hours on it now to use on something important. :::: The silence in the room was eerie. At some point her mind had turned off the receptors for the steady beep coming from the life-signs scanner monitoring her father in his sleep. Strong and in exact intervals, just like its owner. It had become a background noise and then it was gone. Not really, just not heard any more. She waited now for him to wake up, after having slept a couple of hours. Her own tiredness wasn't important in the light of her worry for the man who looked so tiny in the king sized canopy bed. :: :: A moan drew her attention to the source. He was waking up. Steps hurried closer and to nobody's surprise her mother entered the room, looking to the bed first and then to Jalana. She nodded to her mother, who then walked over to her husband sitting down at the edge, while Jalana stepped to the medical equipment on the other side of the bed, checking for all the details which were streaming in now that his body began to return to consciousness. :: Caline: Hey. :: Her mother's voice sounded soft and warm, as if she didn't want to overwhelm her husband with a sound too loud for him. Jalana smiled slightly, she had seen that almost every time when a loved one woke up in sick bay or a hospital. :: Vivan: Caline. ::There was a pause.:: Why am I home? Rajel: ::Turning towards the bed.:: Because I told mom to bring you here. :: His head jumped around so fast, she thought he'd become dizzy from the motion. His gray eyes stared at her as if he'd seen a ghost, then it whipped around again to look at his wife. :: Vivan: What is she doing here?:: A dagger sliced through her heart as he asked the question. Not even to her, but her mother. He did not even do that? :: Caline: She is our daughter, and she is the best doctor we know. Vivan: Pah! Caline: She dropped everything the moment I called her.Vivan: ::grumbling:: Should have stayed where she was. :: The older redhead looked up to Jalana, her eyes full of sadness and the attempt to apologize for his behaviour as she had done the rare times Jalana had been able to talk with her ever since her father had kicked her out. The younger Trill just nodded slightly. She knew her mom tried, but he was just pig headed. No doubt where Jalana had gotten that tendency from. :: Rajel: I'm here to make sure, that you'll get better. :: He did not say a word. :: I can do that without you talking with me, but it'll just lead to me having to stay longer than you want me to be here. So talking with me would be -Vivan: You still talk to much. Rajel: ::smirking:: See that wasn't hard. Now let's see how you are doing, shall we? (( Timeskip )) :: After that little intermezzo with her father -in which he had spoken more words to her than in the last 10 years combined- Jalana had taken the results with her and let him get some breakfast and talk with her mother. The results looked good and the doctors who had done the first response and first treatment had done well to make sure he was stable. Seeing this she would not have to come here, he had been in good hands. But she knew how scared her mother had been and still was. So she didn't regret coming at all. :: :: When she heard her mother leave his bedroom next door, she gave him a few more minutes and then decided to return to the lion's den to have the doctor talk with him. Quietly she entered and saw him sit in his big chair at the window. He was fully dressed in suit, as she had always seen him in. He was a proud man, who didn't want anyone to see him in his sleeping garb, not even his family. The silence was deafening. And Jalana had the intention of popping that bubble. :: Rajel: How are you feeling? :: For a while nothing happened and she believed he had decided to stop talking to her again, before he finally spoke, but not in the way she had expected. :: Vivan: Your mother said you are a Starfleet Captain now. :: She looked over to him and nodded, before realizing he couldn't see it. :: Rajel: Yes. Vivan: What about your... dream. Being a doctor. Rajel: I am. I was Chief Medical officer, earned my doctor degree and Starfleet thought I was the right person to command a starship. ::Silence, for another minute.:: Vivan: And you left your ship, because of me. :: There was no way to say it any differently. And one didn't lie in this house. Ever. :: Rajel: Yes. :: When he did not say any more, she walked over to him and pulled a chair from her mother's vanity, to sit down next to her father at the window. There she sat in silence with him, giving him time to mull things over in his head. :: Vivan: How is it? :: The question came so sudden that it felt like a gunshot. :: Rajel: How is what? :: He turned his head and looked at her, for the first time in many years, without the usual obvious disgust and disappointment. :: Vivan: To be joined. ::he paused:: Your mother told me. :: She couldn't hold back the smile. She was the first in her family to be joined, no matter how far back one would go in the Laxyn family tree, nobody had done that. It was something to be proud of, and she was. It felt good to see him show interest in something she did or had achieved. :: Rajel: Exciting, overwhelming, fascinating, fantastic, scary... everything at once. I have so many memories that I know are not mine, but they feel like they are. I still get that confused sometimes. :: He was quiet again, before he reached to the little table on his right and took a book from it. She recognized it immediately. It was one of hers, no Olen's. And it was not one of these dreaded fiction works that ruined his life, no. It was one of his early works. :: Vivan: When your mother told me your name, I remembered I had this. Is that the same Rajel? :: She took the book he held out to her and gingerly held it in her fingers, her fingertips brushing over the worn leather. It was old, so old. And it was in great shape, obviously taken care of. Her dad had such a big library that she had never seen all of his books. She had no idea that he even owned this. :: Rajel: Yes. He was the first host. ::She remembered how much these books had meant to Olen, how painful it had been to have to let go, to write something he never liked to earn a living and to then be awarded for that hated work. So much pain - She raised her eyes to look at her dad.:: The first of Six before me.Vivan: That is a lot of memories. ::As she handed the book back to him, he put a hand on the top of it and pushed it back.:: Keep it. It's yours, you should have a piece of your lives. :: Speechless about that gesture she looked at him, only seeing a blur through the veil that lowered over her eyes. Her throat closed up and she had to bite her lip to keep it from quivering. Jalana reached out and put her hand on his, covering it as she squeezed gently. No words in the galaxy would have expressed how much this small gesture meant to her, how it washed over the mine field of hurt and rejection that had built up between them in the last decade, soothing the soil which had been turned to ashes in the wildfire. :: :: Maybe not all was lost. :: :: Maybe. :: -----Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution BImage Team FacilitatorA238906JL0
- 1
((WestPoint, Betazed)) ::Kalos stepped on to the pad and seconds later he materialized at the WestPoint. A large complex build by and for the wealthy of the nation. There were a few skyscrapers with state of the art apartments and for those with even more money there were large villa’s located at edge of the river. At least one of those belonged to his parents. He made his way to the river, crossed a small bridge and then found himself in front of a large steel gate. The gate was closed and a security guard wearing a company uniform stood guard. :: Guard: Evening sir. How may I help you? Kalos: Is this still the Fiorr residence? Guard: Yes… but unless I haven’t been informed Mr. and Mrs Fiorr don’t have an appointment with anyone tonight. So…. Kalos: They aren’t expecting me… but could you tell them their son would like to see them… Guard: Their son? ::The man sighed, Kalos feared if that was because he had instructions to tell him they didn’t want to see him but it turned out to be something different:: Guard: Why don’t you do me a favor and take those stories elsewhere… You know how many people come by here every week telling me they are family and want money? Kalos: Really? People on Betazed do that? Guard: You have no idea Mr… Kalos: Fiorr… Kalos Fiorr… He looked the man in the eye and grabbed his ID from his jacket, and handed it over:: oO Great start… didn’t even think I’d need this… Oo Guard: Hmm… well looks like you put a lot of hours into this, this one is the best looking ID I have seen so far… ::the man took another look at the card, then looked at Fiorr again and finally turned his attention back to the card. :: Guard: I hate to admit it, but you do look like the old man… Kalos: I do? ::Kalos never compared himself to his father, and although he had a few pictures of him he never saw any similarities, especially not in his jaw-line:: oO I guess I should check that out with Georgio when I get back… Oo Guard: Wait here… ::The Guard took a few steps back, walked to a small column next to the gate and Kalos could tell he was talking to someone but it wasn’t loud enough to listen in. :: (( 5 minute time skip)) :: The longer the talk endured the more worried Kalos became. If the guard was talking to his father he should have come out by now or told him to leave. Kalos was pacing left to right and back while waiting for the outcome when he suddenly heard a woman:: Jovala: Oh my… it really IS you isn’t it…. ::The voice came from the fence, and as he looked through the metal bars he spotted a woman he hadn’t seen for a long time. It took him a moment to realize he was looking at his “little” sister that wasn’t so little anymore. She was a full grown woman. The colorful summer dresses Kalos remembered had been replaced with a pantsuit and the long ponytail was now transformed into long dark curling hair:: Kalos: Joval… is that you? ::She nodded at the guard who opened the gate and then she walked towards him:: Joval: Ofcourse it is, what did you expect? Kalos: I had so many scenarios running through my mind I wasn’t sure WHAT do think… Joval: I can image that… When Jona called in we thought you were another lost son looking for money, but when he mentioned your first time I was intrigued. Father told me I would be disappointed but… here you are. Kalos: Yes… Here I am… 25 years late… ::Kalos wasn’t sure what do to. Take an extra step forward and hug his sister or keep some distance. He still didn’t know they really wanted to see him even though the mentioning of being disappointed if he wasn’t family seemed to be in his favor:: Joval: … But nog less welcome, you might have been out of sight but we still talk about you at least once a week. Wondering what you were doing but none of us had the guts to check in. Afraid you might have gone rogue and ended in drug syndicate or worse… oO Well looks like they had high hopes for me after I left… Oo ::Feeling sorry for himself was Kalos strong suit but he decided to ignore those feelings. He couldn’t blame them for assuming something bad happened, he was the one that broke contact after all. :: Kalos: I did climb up in the ranks of an organization… ::He took off his jacket and proudly showed his sister the uniform he’d grown so fond off. She stared at it for at least half a minute before she replied:: Joval: Starfleet?! You! ::she started to laugh out loud, slapping her knee:: You actually made it into Starfleet! I had no idea you took fathers advise! And frankly I don’t think anyone did, well father wanted to believe you could turn around but … well never mind. ::she tried to stop laughing:: You did what none of of us thought was possible and you seem to be doing it well ::she pointed at the pins on his uniform:: So, you are a chief engineer now? Kalos: Nope… Joval: No? But that color says you are… at least.. I doubt you made it to security or tactical. You couldn’t beat me in a fight when we were young so you taking out Klingons or Jem Hadar seems unlikely. ::While Kalos shook his head Joval paused the inquiry for a moment:: that is YOUR uniform right?! Kalos: Ops… Joval: What? Kalos: Ops… I am the Chief of Operation on a Federation Starship. Joval: Ops? What’s that? Being the boss of nothing? Kalos: I am a sort of liaison between science and engineering on the bridge and serve a second officer… Joval: You’re joking? Kalos: You of all people should know I don’t have a sense of humor… that never changed. Joval: Well then… Mr. second officer. Let’s show mom and dad its really you. They will be surprised to see you… Kalos: you sure they won’t mind? Joval: Mind!? You are family Kalos! ::She grabbed his hand and then give him a hug. He tried to hug her back but then she was already letting go dragging him towards the mansion behind the new opened gatehouse:: oO This is it… Oo TBC =============================== With great pleasure written as: Lt.Cmdr. Kalos Fiorr OPS officer / second officer USS Constitution-B http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php/Kalos_Fiorr As simmed by: Lt. Cmdr. Alexander Williams Chief Tactical Officer USS Constitution-B News Team member Writer ID:A239006AW0 http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php/Alexander_Williams
"To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart." ~ Phyllis Theroux (( Trill - Laxyn Residence )) :: While being in space it was easy to forget about time. Boardtime did not replace the sight of dawn and sunsets, the biological clock used to find its rhythm. On a starship that clock took a while to adjust and slowly began to use shifts instead. The problem with that was, that once the body was used to that, it was difficult to pull out again. So it could happen easily that once one sat foot on their home planet after a long time gone, the body did not agree with day and night cycles any more. :: :: This was what happened to Jalana. After years away from Trill, she had arrived in her own felt midday which had been actually early night on Trill. So she had eaten late and talked for a little while with her mother who needed someone to keep her company. Afterwards she had retreated into her father's study. As soon as she entered it felt like she was sixteen again. Nothing had changed in the dark overpowering room, filled with dark wooden bookshelves, packed with knowledge of several lifetimes. Her father had never been joined so he had convinced himself he had to learn as much as possible to have a shot against the combined knowledge of a host. The same dark wood went through the whole furnishing, combined with black leather on the seating arrangements and dark green leather on top of the overloaded desk of a hard worker. :: :: It had taken a while in the big threatening chair behind the desk until Jalana had stopped thinking about that it was her father's and she had no room in here, while she went through his medical file. It had been a gut-wrenching experience. It was a miracle that his doctors had not force checked him into a hospital or a spa. The red headed Trill had gone through everything and filled half an old-fashioned notebook with notes and thoughts when she finally closed it and turned her head to the blinds in front of the window, rays of light shining through them. :: :: She rubbed over her face and along her neck to the back of it to massage it slightly. It reminded her of the time when she'd been a practising Medic. Long nights, little sleep, forgetting to eat and stubborn patients. What a time that had been. She missed it sometimes. :: :: She now leaned back and brushed her hand through her hair. What a long night it had been. Sometimes when everything became to quiet she had gone into the master bedroom to check on her father, but he had slept well through the night. She had just been so focused on her work, that the constant beeping of the vitals had become background noise which at some point she had not heard any more. It happened easily, but it hadn't made her less nervous to not hear the mechanical heart beat indications any more. :: :: She herself should get some sleep, but she was not sure if she could actually find the rest she needed for that. Maybe she should check how the supply run on the Constitution was going, but then thought T'Mar would possibly think Jalana didn't believe her to be able to do that simple task. So she scratched that thought. Her mind wandered to Jerry. They had a really nice time together when she had been called away and just now she realized, how she regretted that. Biting her bottom lip she looked to her father's computer and reached out to establish a connection with Jerry's personal terminal. :: :: She was not really surprised to be notified that nobody picked up. He most likely was working or enjoying himself in a holodeck. So she decided to just send a message, not realizing that the dark shadows around her eyes and a slightly paler complexion than she already head would make her look exhausted. With the press of a button, she started the recording. :: Rajel: Hi Jerry. ::A tired smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.:: I finally have a few moments to think of anything other than my father and I want to apologize to drop you like this. ::She raised her hand slightly as if to interrupt him, even though they did not talk in real time.:: I know you understand and you would want me to focus on this. But I have enjoyed spending time with you and hope we can continue that once I'm back. My father is at home and he has slept ever since I arrived. I went through his file and want to slap the doctors for not making him retire, but then I realize that he would never follow a doctor's order anyway. :: Once more Jalana's hand ran through her hair, getting stuck halfway in a nest of knots and she sighed, pulling her hand back and tried to hide that strand behind her ear. :: Rajel: And of course I called you looking like a mess. Well, guess you owe me a messy look of yours now. I hope the supply run doesn't cause any problems and make sure T'Mar is taking breaks she has a habit of getting lost in work and believe she doesn't need rest. ::Raising a hand to her mouth she hid a yawn and wondered if the same went for her.:: Sorry about that. It's been a long night. The sun is coming up now and I have not slept, because my body is on Conny time. I should catch up on that a little, before my father wakes up. I have yet to speak with him, so ... ::She had not told him about the tension between her and her father, and not the moment to do that now. :: ... that'll be something. I'll talk to you soon I hope. :: She tiredly smiled into the camera one more time and pressed the key to end recording. She quickly put in the destination of her message and sent it off. She felt too exhausted to go to her bedroom, so she leaned back in the big chair and closed her eyes. Just a few minutes. Or a few more... :: -----Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution BImage Team FacilitatorA238906JL0
I enjoyed the first two films - they were well-made, very entertaining sci-fi action films. But, as has been mentioned before on here and elsewhere, they don't really feel like Star Trek films. Both of the first two had parts that did hit the mark, though. In particular the second film with the role reversal of Kirk and Spock's death was very well done. In Wrath of Khan that signaled the end of a very old friendship but in Into Darkness they used the same event to mark the beginning of that same friendship - until that point, the 'new' Spock and Kirk had never built up the mutual respect and had no reason to particularly like each other. Anyway, the new film - it looks like there might be a bit more Kirk/Spock/McCoy going on, and that in my mind was the primary relationship of the originals. I really hope they build on that. Otherwise, I agree with the general opinion - looks entertaining but still missing that Star Trek spark. It was a show about people, not flashy explosions. Also, I totally agree on the Enterprise. It's been relegated to a piece of scenery, which means there's no impact anymore if people do blow holes in it, or destroy it. There is zero emotional connection.
All my characters set out to be different and unique in some way, but inevitably they all end up inheriting some of my own character traits as I become more comfortable in writing them. ive been role playing in one capacity or another for about 18 years and it's hard not to have a fleshed out character who is totally different to me. I've done a lot of live role playing and you really have to concentrate on staying in character at events and I think that has taught me a lot. One of those things is that I'm a crap actor. with SB118, my first character was Jhen Thelev, he was definitely similar to me, and deliberately so. I wanted a character to be my eyes and ears in experiencing this world. As I was more concerned with the present I didn't really go into his background much. My current character, Sinda Essen, is very different though. I've written her to be the product of her background and upbringing and to have a very particular outlook. It is harder, because I still find her exhibiting elements of me - I'm much nicer for starters!
constitution Unique Quotes in Sims - USS Constitution-B
Hutch replied to Rykel Rior's topic in Appreciations
"He didn't mind playing second banana and he knew his limits." I found myself wondering how one plays second banana - it it like backup bass guitar?- 553 replies
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(( USS Conny - Holodeck 2)) :: The mission was long and grueling, but finally it had come to an end. Rustyy could not be more pleased, able to finally sit and relax. Take in long deep breaths without fear of something falling apart, frying, shocking, zapping, shattering, or simply refusing to function. He was now ready to blow off some steam and do something fun. Dressed up as best as he could, in a long sleeved, graphic T -the punisher symbol against the grey colored shirt- and blue jeans that supported only one rip in the knee and frayed cuffs from where his boots always rubbed. It came from having a narrow waist and short legs, they just didn’t make pants that fit him right. Standing outside the holodeck, Rustyy waited for his friend -best friend- to join him in a little bit of goofing off. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he twiddled the toes of his boots together in deep thought. Best friend had a great deal of meaning to the engineer, not something he shared lightly. But he didn’t have another word for the budding relationship. He had found someone who he counted on. Which didn’t sound like much, but he had low standard so he would never be disappointed, so he could never be hurt. But now, now he had found someone who would listen when he talked and would *let* him talk. It was a frightening aspect for Rustyy to think he was letting his guard down with someone. But he would have to trust. Admittedly, it was a nice warm fuzzy feeling to think someone thought of him as more than just the fix-it man. Someone who wanted to hang out with *him* and bring him out into the sunlight rather than let the machine continue to take control and pull him down into the dark recess he had been heading. A shaky smile spread onto Rustyy’s lips as a voice pulled him out of his sullen reviere. :: Foster: Hey there! ::grin:: ::The doctor’s voice was bright, brash. That tone was re-appearing more and more as time went on. It was the biggest indicator that some of the pain of the past was being salved. And somehow he had figured that this holodeck exercise would be the perfect next step in the healing process. Something that nutty counselor had said about ‘facing your fear’ - which they were interpreting literally in this case. He waved casually, dressed in sturdy hiking boots, comfortable jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue flannel button down and a satchel slung across his chest. It curiously looked both alien and perfectly comfortable on him.:: Hael: Hey! ::a more genuine smile replaced the shaky uncertain one.:: Glad’ya’s could make’it. Foster: Wouldn’t have missed this for the world. ::He winked, striding up beside Rustyy.:: Though I did decline the hipster glasses Georgio offered me for the venture. I heard zombies like hipsters. Hael: Ha! That wouldn' be no good. ::paused.:: though I reckon I would'a turned down 'bout anythin' he'd' want to put on me. Just ain' into the same thin' ya'kno'? ::he chuckled looking down at his own cloths.:: Foster: Yep. I hear ya.::He nodded in assent:: I don’t really go for… flamboyant. Besides, the last thing I need is zombies chewing on my breeches because I had bad fashion sense. ::He cracked a smirk.:: Hael: ::refraining from laughing to hard.:: Ya, no good. ::clearing his throat.:: Let us be getting this show on that there road, eh? Foster: No time like the present. ::he nodded in sober agreement, steeling himself for the cheesy wonders of the holoprogram to come.:: :: Rustyy grinned, turning to the control panel and imputed the program coding and opened the door. He held out his hand for Wyn to enter first then stepped in behind him letting the doors close. Foster dusted the front of his shirt off and stepped through with his chest puffed out. He traditionally had weathered scary stories and haunted houses with a sense of cheeky bravery and expected this to be no different. The scene was frozen, tall looming trees that almost looked like kindergartners drew them glared above them. The moon shone through, covering the path ahead of them casting pitch black shadows on either side of them. The soft glow of artificial lights could be just barely made out in the far distance, belonging to an older styled, scattered, village just recently introduced to electricity. Rustyy could feel the excitement rising up into his facial expression as he looked around. It was very much unlike where he had grown up added that little flare on the unknown and unexpected.:: Hael: Ohf. This is gonna be fun. ::excitement could be heard in his voice as he shoulder checked his Andorian accomplice.:: Foster: Huh. ::He looked around, eyes narrowing to collect the details of the dim setting.:: This does look interesting. Shall we see what this program has to throw at us? Hael:Boo'ya. Computer start that there program. :: The computer chirped and the setting came to life in the most animated way. Owl woods and creaking branches filled the air along with a howling breeze that seemed to swirl up the dirt at their heels whipping thru like a snake in the trees. The air smelled sickly sweet like rotten meat with a hint of gingerbread and sugar under laying it all. :: Hael: ::Paused.:: You uh... Wanna lead? Foster: ::He had his antennae craned forward trying to catch every squeak and scratch as they rustled through the grass. With a pause, he turned and offered Rustyy a grin:: Sure. ::looking about:: Ok, let me get this straight. ::looking behind him, where a vehicle sat by the side of the road, stalled and dark. The scent of burned oil still lingered on the breeze:: We’re stranded here with this broken down truck. And our goal is to get the parts we need to fix it and get out of here before bad things eat us. Anything I’m missing? Hael: ::shrugged and smirked.:: Nope that sounds 'bout right. I reckon I do know there be a few ringers, but ain't sure exacts. Just not everyone's gonna try to eat us and not everythin' is bad... Foster: Well, we have a doctor and an engineer - sounds like we’re a shoe in for success. ::he considered this a moment:: I suppose I shouldn’t jinx us, though. Hael: Better knock on wood or somethin' I wanna get outta here withou' [...]in' myself ya'kno'? ::he chuckled.:: Foster: Should have worn the yellow pants ::he winked, but leaned over and knocked on the post with the roadsign that read: Malorvillle - 10k:: Hael: ::he looked off innocently.:: Or brown... ::pause... Snicker.:: ::Wyn smiled merrily, enough to offset the creepy atmosphere that was permeating the holodeck. They had just lived through one ghost ship - yet somehow facing a cheesy, melodramatically overblown version of one was therapeutic:: Foster: Hey, brown works, too! ::grin!:: :: Rustyy shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans, heading off towards the lights of the city. He scuffed his feet as he looked around. It was hard to see beyond the shadows and hard to hear anything over the howl of the wind. Though it could have been there was nothing to hear. :: Foster: ::Antennae twitching as he looked to the darkened horizon:: There it is again. ::pause:: Don't suppose we have a weapon, do we? Hael: ::giving Wyn an astonished look.:: Weapons? I didn' think 'bout that. ::chuckle.:: Guess we gonna have to improvise, eh? Foster: ::He looked around, before crawling into the back of the broken truck:: Well, guess what? We’re in luck, all redneck style. There’s a toolbox back here, a tire iron, a bushwhacking knife, a big ol’ flashlight and ::he picked up a box and it opened it with a creak:: A handgun with what appears to be exactly six bullets. Hael: ::Turning on his heel and scooting back to the broken down car. Peeking over Wyn’s shoulder to seen everything.:: Well’s who gets wha’ eh? Divy it up with rock, paper, scissor? ::he counted in his head.:: Each gets two thingies. Foster: ::he shrugged:: Up to you - I’ll give you first pick. ::he looked around:: I’m guessing this program’s gonna be a bit like a game - we’ll just find stuff we need along the way - if we look carefully enough. ::Then again the other option was to run and scream like idiots, which was equally likely.:: Hael: ::to many choices… He folded his arm across his chest and played with his nails with his teeth.:: Um… Well’s I’s’a take that there revolver. Foster: I’ll take the flashlight. ::he nabbed the most useful instrument he could see:: And the bushwhacker. Hael: ::loading the revolver.:: You think we gonna find bigger toys ‘long the way? ::he spun the cylinder, waited till the sound stopped and [...]ed the hammer all the way back. Only good type of gun, was a readied gun.:: Or just ‘nough to get through? Foster: If this program doesn’t give us a shotgun so we can blast the heads of zombies at forty paces, I will be sorely disappointed. ::He hoisted the small toolbox and offered it over to Rustyy, keeping the tire iron in the truck before he hopped off the back.:: I mean it promised cheesy thrills and scares, right? And this is our way of unwinding, right? It just *has* to have a shotgun… ::Rustyy eyed the doctor, taking a half step back and overly dramatically holding his hands up. He chuckled and bobbed his head, all zombie movies had shotguns. But it was going to be a slight fight over who gets it first.:: Hael: ::playfully.: You ain’ gettin’ no bloodthirsty like on me now, is’ya? ::Wyn looked up, blinking totally innocently:: Foster: Me? No! I’m not bloodthirsty! I’m a doctor! I’m just looking for some… what’s the word? ::A grin:: Oh yeah. Catharsis. ::Rustyy’s face fell like a 10 pound bag of potatoes, just the dumbest look imaginable plastered to the front of his face. Indeed, what’s the word? Take a guess, any guess. If Rustyy’s brain had to come up with an answer, it was going to be “fun”... It wasn’t even close to the meaning, yet similar enough to work.:: Hael: ::smirking.:: oh yea’s me too. ::he shoved the revolver into his waistline.:: Foster: ::A huff as he clicked on the flashlight and started moving towards the town:: After how long in that nebula, with all the patients and the scaredy cats and the life sucking aliens… I *need* catharsis! Hael: Well’s, lets get’s move’on then. ::eagerly.:: I’m’a ready to have’s some fun. ::walking up next to Wyn and resting his elbow on the man’s shoulder while looking around. He really didn’t understand boundaries.:: ::Wyn’s head twitched to the side, antennae catching the movement of a sudden elbow. If it were someone else he might have dodged; though his dodge reflex was highly dependant on both trust level and his personal judgement of how hostile a person was. In this case the trust level was high and Wyn had never seen Rustyy Hael get hostile at anything that didn’t blatantly deserve it. Still, his human upbringing bristled at the sudden movement and subsequent touch. A reaction that was immediately overshadowed by his instinctual Andorian desire for closeness. Boundaries in Human life were clearly defined. Some people had much lower boundaries than others, but Wyn had always found the majority of humans to be rather guarded. Andorians, on the other hand had a unique closeness bred from necessity. Sticking together in a group meant warmth. Warmth meant survival. Therefore Andorians built groups. Married in groups. Lived in groups, created bigger groups to define family and even bigger groups to define clans. There was something so ingrained in him to crave closeness to others that it left him feeling empty in his day to day life. So without realizing it, he leaned even closer towards Rustyy, as the both of them took in the surroundings moving their heads in stereo.:: Foster: ::A small cough, maybe they should, yanno, move…:: I’m ready too. Let’s move out. ::Pause. He wasn’t delaying just to stay in the radius of warmth, nooo…:: So, what now? Hael: ::snapping his freehand.:: I’s’a gots me an idea. ::proudly.:: We gotta make bets. Foster: Bets? ::He turned his head, antennae craning so close they almost brushed the tips of Rustyy’s ears:: What kind of bets? Hael: ::[...]ing his head and smiling devilishly.:: Wha’ ev’r come to mind ferst. Just somethin’ to do as we goes along. ::removing himself from Wyn’s personal bubble and pointing at him while they walked.:: Like, who screams ferst. :: How close those antennae got to Rustyy didn’t go unnoticed. He … Just… wanted… to… touch… That would be wierd though, right? For him to just reach up and touch them. Hell he didn’t even know what they were for, just that they would cool and something he didn’t have. He mentally swatted at his own hands.:: Foster: Oh you’re on. ::Wyn’s competitive streak bubbled up, making his eyes shine:: And who bags the first zombie. Hael: ::patting Wyn on the back excitedly.:: Who ev’r losses the most bets gotta buy first… two rounds! Foster: Deal. ::a nod, he started to head down the road towards Malorville.:: ::Birds squalled viciously against the darkened, cloudy sky. The echo mingled with the rustling of dried leaves to create a spooky backdrop, just enough to send a shiver up one’s spine. They had walked about a half a mile without seeing anything - just taking step after tense and careful step through the scary woods when a light shone on the horizon.:: Foster: ::He paused, antennae twitching:: Do you see that? Hael: ::goldfish brain snapped to attention.:: See wha’? Foster: Looks like a cabin… ::He narrowed his eyes. Yes, definitely a cabin up on a hill.:: Hael: ::his eye lite up and his careful steps turned to childish bouncing.:: Yep it do! Lets go see wha’ be in there! Foster: ::drily:: You know it’s not going to be good… ::And yet they would go towards it. Of course they would go towards it. It was practically in the script - and probably the only way to beat the game.:: ::Rustyy didn’t want to get too far ahead of Wyn, so he bottled up his excitement up tightly, or as tightly as he could… The cabin came more into view, and the path leading up turned into a winding path through a swamp and dead trees. A thistle bush they were coming past shook.:: Hael: You see tha’? Foster: What’s the new that versus the old that? ::He looked around and suddenly his antennae went tense as he heard… something... ::It jumped out into the middle of their path, a “chick-chick” noise and big glowing red eyes looking right at them. Two big teeth, chewing on something red. It hopped closer and closer in a matter of seconds.:: Hael: ::jumping back:: Eeek! Foster: ::He sucked in a quick breath:: Is that a kidney… or a spleen? ::Narrowing his eyes and getting clinical.:: Hael: A wha’?!? ::he looked at Wyn, he wasn’t sure exactly what those things were, only that he had them and didn’t want to lose them to… that.:: Bet! Ferst one to touch it! ::he pointed at it like a scaredy-cat.:: Foster: Are you serious?! ::he turned towards Rustyy looking a bit incredulous:: It’s a monster! ::A hasty cough as he stepped backwards.:: I’m only touching it if I can do it with my machete. Otherwise you do it. ::Rustyy stepped quickly to the monster chewing its content heart out, reaching his hand out as far as he could reach and crouching down. It jerked its head up, making him fall backwards and crab walk back to Wyn.:: Hael: You do it… ::he said in a state between giddiness and fear.:: ::The Andorian gave a short sigh. Rather than have this break down into a complete schoolyard discussion he decided to brandish the bushwhacker and run forward, taking a mighty swing at the crab-walking monster. It made a hideous gasping sound and promptly broke apart in a minor explosion of blood and gore that smelled exactly like the inside of a camping toilet that hadn’t been cleaned in two years.:: Foster: ::his antennae curled downwards:: Eww… that was disgusting. Hael: ::Taking a deep breath and standing up straighter.:: Smells like the insides of’a whale durin’ the middle of summer… Yum! ::he snickered.:: Foster: How you know that… don’t tell me. ::He took in a light breath, trying to avoid the smell as much as possible.:: Well, if it’s a game like the program promised, I’d say that’s our ‘tutorial monster’ ::The giant rat or the kobold of horror games.:: Hael: So that there be the easy one? Id’a hate to see what wicked thing them have done come up with fer the rest…. Not really! Come on! ::he started up towards the cabin again, doing his best to avoid the guts and chunks of fur Wyn had made explode across their path.:: Foster: Careful where you step. ::he intoned, picking his way through the path.:: ::The sound came again on the way to the house and two more furred spleen-eating crab creatures hopped out. Both were equally easily dispatched. Just enough to make the intrepid heroes feel all confident and powerful as they took their first steps upon the creaky staircase that led up to the cabin door.:: Foster: What do you think we’ll find in there? Hael: ::looking at Wyn with a growing smile.:: Talkin’ pictures or ghosts inside suits of armor… ::he grinned.:: Oh! Maybe we get’s our ferst zombie. Vampires? I dunno. I’s’a just be hopin’ it be cool and I can shot it and you. ::he eyed the blade.:: can hack it to pieces. Foster: Sounds cool ::He grinned, confidently stepped forward and tried the door handle.:: ::And the game immediately threw him for a loop, turning the entire welcome mat area into a gigantic slide that was headed straight for the dark and spooky basement. Wyn yelped, his voice fading as he slid downwards following by a nice selection of curse words.:: ::Rustyy watched, frozen and dumbfounded as his comrade disappeared before his very eyes down under the building. He dropped down to his knees, look for a flicker of light from the flashlight. But the consuming darkness left him only blinking. He leaned in as far as he could.:: Hael: Wyn! Can’ya hear me? I’m’a commin” fer ya! Foster: It’s wet down here! ::He yelled back up with disgust in his tone:: ::Rustyy didn’t wait. He didn’t have a rope and knew that they wouldn’t get very far through the game if he went down the darkened slide…. Wyn has ALL the fun! He snickered, clearing the “welcome” matt and barreling through the door. It slammed open letting loose the biggest group of eight legged freaks. They scurried out of the door surrounding Rustyy, crawling up his legs and dropping down on top of his head, sliding through his hair and down his shirt. His skin crawled, literally.… Okay something wet would have been a lot more fun than this. :: Hael: ::swatting madly at himself.:: To hell with this! ::he didn’t do bugs. He turned right back to where he had come from to see it blocked by large, coarse haired, slim dripping pinchers and glass, angry looking, dozen twitch eyes. As manly as manly could he turned and screamed, his hands out on front of him as he ran in the opposite direction.:: I’ll’a get ::cough, choked on a spider.:: I’m’s comin’ fer ya! ::He tripped on the bottom of a staircase, catching himself just short of getting a face full of tiny little black spiders. He scrambled, giggling and about ready to [...] himself. Gosh he hated to run. He moved quickly up the stairs, the squish-squish-crunch sound making him hungry. :: ::Down in the basement Wyn’s antennae twitched, picking up the sounds from the top of the cabin.:: Foster: Who’s coming for you, Rustyy? ::He picked himself up from the big puddle of cold water he had fallen into and started to let his eyes adjust to the near-darkness. It had been a while since he put his hypersensitive senses to the test; but within a few seconds his eyesight adjusted, able to pick out details of the cobweb covered basement.:: Oh Gods… what is this? An abattoir? ::Easing gingerly around the big central wells in the floor, he stopped short, eyes fixating on the central structure - a pedestal topped with a shiny oaken coffin. He swallowed a swear:: What’s that we said about Vampires… ? ::Clamping his mouth he edged up towards the rickety stairs that led up towards the kitchen, rushing up them in a few bounds, before checking the wooden door at the top. Rattle. Rattle, click. Locked:: Foster: Rustyy? ::A hoarse whisper:: Rustyy? ::On the second floor, it apparently wasn’t made for someone to walk on. Massive holes in the floor and creaking floorboards that snapped and crackled under the pounding footfalls. He mis-stepped, on a turn. There was no floor, only ceiling. Rustyy caught himself before he landed on the main level, on one of the cross beams, his fingers straining to not let him fall. He wasn't sure of the drop.:: Hael: Son of’a mother lickin’ uncle! ::he threw words together in slight frustration.:: ::Wyn’s head whipped around as Rustyy’s feet suddenly appeared a few meters away, sticking out of the ceiling:: Foster: I didn’t say come through the floor! ::He rushed over towards where the feet were aimed at:: Uhm, Rustyy… how good are you at jumping? Hael: ::relieved sigh.:: Uh...Not too’s bad, eh. Why’s you askin’? ::He grunted, keeping as best grip as he could.:: Am’I gonna die if’n I’s’a fall staigh’ down? Foster: Well, no… you’ll just land on a coffin… Maybe a Vampire? I’m sure it’ll be fine! Hael: ::his face lost some color. He just had to go and open his mouth from the get go! :: Well’s… If’n I be wakin’ ‘im up… We gotta way out? Foster: Not really… the door up to the kitchen is lost, unless you wanna try climbing the slide. ::he knit his brows, standing nearby:: ::Well they weren’t going to have much of a choice. Rustyy lost his grip and fell on the foot of the coffin, sending the occupant up, over and out of the thick wooden coffin and into his lap. Dust coated him and he coughed. The body rolled off and up, hissing at them. Rustyy pulled the revolver from his waistband on instinct and shot once. Twice.. Three times.:: Hael: ::cheeky to Wyn.:: Can’ kill no Vamp with silver bullets. ::chuckle.:: Darn it. Foster: I thought that was werewolves. Isn’t Vampires a steak to the heart? Hael: ::shrugged.:: Truth be told… I dunno. Ain’ never been to good with - ::The very angry Vampire like man, who Rustyy had so rudely woken up from his beauty sleep -lord knows he needed it- lunged at them. His long fangs barred.:: Vampire: I vill keel you both! ::he screeched around his teeth.:: Hael: ::slightly urgently.:: Not to rush… But try the stake! ::Wyn pushed Rustyy backwards. Honor? Nobility? The steadfast belief that blue blood wasn’t good for snacking? Whichever it was he went for the defensive posture:: Foster: I don’t have a stake! I have a machete and a first aid kit! See if you can find something wooden around here! ::Oh yeah… Rustyy looked around, his engineering eyes doing more than necessary. There, under the kitchen table was something that looked exactly like a stake. He scooted across the floor and grabbed it, jumping up and holding it out to Wyn.:: Hael: Here ya be!::he smiled proudly.:: Foster: ::He held his hand out and suddenly a nice sharp round hunk of wood appeared. There was a bad joke in there somewhere.:: Wow… convenient. ::Turning to face the hissing monstrosity.:: Come here bloodsucker… Vampire: Bloodsucker? You little worm! ::Wyn struck forward, thinking this would be as easy as exploding furry crab monsters. Wrong. The Vampire struck him hard against the shoulder, tossing him into Rustyy and sending them both tumbling backwards into the muddy wet pit at the back of the basement:: Hael: ::landing hard on his butt, water soaking in. It was a nasty squishy I-need-to-wipe moment.:: Wyn! You be okay? Foster: ::Coughing and spluttering. Somehow he had managed to keep hold of the stake.:: Yeah, in one piece. ::Thought he was slow to get to his feet. The safeties were on; but that didn’t stop a program from ringing one’s bell from time to time.:: Hael: ::standing up and pulling Wyn with him.:: Tag team it? You go left, I’s’a go right… I’ll’a be yer distraction. ::he crouched down ready to spring.:: Go! Foster: Now? ::he blinked in surprise, realizing that Rustyy had already gone and he launched himself forward to catch up. Heading left.:: ::The vampire went for the first thing that moved - which was Hael. Dashing forward with an unearthly grace, it reached out to grab the engineer by the shoulders, pulling downwards to expose the tender neck area.:: Hael: ::A sharp pain erupted from collar bone.He felt his neck suddenly exposed and swung his hand out:: Waaa! ::through gritted teeth and a smile.:: Soooo’ry man, ain’ into the bitin’ thing. Too kinky fer me. ::He did his utmost best to keep the Vampire’s attention on him until the moment Wyn was in position to take the monster out. He looked over the tall Vampire’s shoulder and smirked.:: When ev’r you be ready there, Wyn-wyn. Foster: Rustyy! ::It even surprised Wyn how loudly he could yell when prompted. It also surprised him how quickly he was to immerse himself in the program. The instant a friend was in danger his adrenaline spiked and he was jumping to the rescue:: You back off you undead fiend! ::The vampire turned, dropping Rustyy like a sack of potatoes before focusing on the little Andorian. Wyn gritted his teeth, and before he really realized just what he was doing he found himself lurching forward to not lose the element of surprise.:: Foster: Take that for biting my friend! ::The wooden stake buried itself into the vampire’s chest, guided by an expert knowledge of biology:: Hael: ::the sudden notion that he should never anger the CMO came in a flash as he watched the Vampire turn to ash in a dusty puff of smoke. He picked himself off the floor, patting his butt off.:: Nice aim there ol’ boy! Foster: ::trying his very best not to look as panicked as he felt. He sounded amusingly nonchalant:: Thanks. You ok? ::antenna craned forward, trying to remember if getting bitten by a vampire meant you turned into one… Or no, that was a werewolf. You had to be dead to become a vampire…:: Hael: Now we just gotta find a way outta ‘ere. ~*~ tbc ~*~ A JP by: Lieutenant Rustyy Hael Chief Engineer USS Constitution A239202RH0 ~and~ Lt Commander Shar’Wyn Foster Chief Medical Officer USS Constitution-B
(( Starbase 11 - Ferengi Crab Shack )) Sinda: Too many let-downs in the past. McLaren: Hmmm? Sinda: Sorry, the reason I don't make plans. Too many things go wrong, too many disappointments. But if you don't plan... ::she shrugged again.:: McLaren: :: Sol nodded. :: They cant go wrong if they dont exist... but what about on missions? Sinda: Out there in space, on a mission it's different. That's the job, it's what I do. But it's not who I am. McLaren: It isnt? But when who are you? Sinda: That's the question, isn't it? ::she leaned back in her chair and looked at the white-haired Terran:: Outside of Starfleet I haven't got a clue who I am. I mean, when you look at me, what do you see? McLaren: :: Sol sipped her drink again :: Superficially, I see a pretty half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian woman. Though given the gravity of the question... I'm going to assume you didnt mean it like that. Sinda: I didn't mean it as a heavy question, but yeah, aside from the physical stuff. ::she gave a wry smile:: Although bonus points for calling me 'pretty'. McLaren: I didnt think so... :: she paused again, considering Sinda. :: I see a person who's driven. Whether that be by duty, or something more, I dont know. If were were to ask me to guess, I'd say something more, but that would only be a guess. I see a person who keeps herself closely guarded... :: Sol paused and Essen sighed. All this time she thought she'd managed to change her attitude. :: Sinda: Is it that obvious? McLaren: You say you dont like to make plans because they can go wrong, and end in disappointment. But I dont think thats the whole story... Sinda: No? So what do you think? McLaren: I'd say that its because they end in pain. Maybe not physical pain, but pain. :: Ess stared at Sol for a moment in astonishment as the other woman calmly sipped her drink. Finally, Ess shook her head and chuckled. :: Sinda: Now I see why you're Chief of Intelligence. You got all that from, what, one mission and a game of darts? I don't think anyone has summed me up so accurately before. You ever consider counselling? McLaren: :: She chuckled. :: Oh that has nothing to do with being Chief of Intelligence… and everything to do with working in a pub for a couple years. :: she paused :: No, I dont think I’d do very well as a counselor… I’m rubbish at giving advice. Sinda: Probably for the best. But apparently I'm not all that guarded after all if you can see through me that easily. Guess I'll have to try harder in future. McLaren: :: She grinned :: People just have to know where to look is all. Sinda: Seeing as you know all about me, how about you? Let's see... :: Essen folded her arms and studied the Terran opposite her. :: Sinda: You're ambitious, you want to do well in Starfleet. But you're hesitant, especially around the senior officers, maybe not sure of your place just yet. I reckon that will change now you're a department head, too. You're always observing, that much is obvious! As for making plans? I've no idea, maybe you've not been on the Conny long enough yet to have had the chance? McLaren: :: Sol nodded. :: Not bad… not bad at all. :: She shrugged. :: I probably am a bit hesitant… Im still pretty new… to all this :: she gestured around :: Sinda: What? Sitting in Ferengi restaurants on alien planets with pretty hybrids? ::she shrugged and smiled:: You’ll get used to it. McLaren: As for plans… I dunno. Sometimes I make them… sometimes things just happen… Sinda: Can’t argue with that. Things that ‘just happen’ are sometimes the best ones. :: Their conversation was interrupted as the waitress returned with their meals, placing the hot food in front of them. Ess leaned forward and breathed in the aroma. :: Sinda: I have to admit it smells, and looks, a lot better than I was expecting. I was worried I was going to just end up with a big slug crawling round my plate. But this actually looks like a seriously good steak. :: Sol poked hers with her fork, almost as if she was testing it. She had to admit, it didnt smell horrible, but smell was only half the battle. :: McLaren: I mean… I doesnt look nearly as bad as I was expecting… :: she sawed a piece off with the fork and popped it into her mouth. Her face was a mixture of interest and disgust all rolled into one. :: Sinda: Any good? McLaren: Well… its not the worst thing Ive had… yours? :: Ess sliced off a chunk and chewed it, nodding slowly. :: Sinda: It looks like steak, it smells like steak, it even cuts like steak. Shame it tastes like slug. McLaren: That is unfortunate… :: she took another piece of her tubeworm. :: Well… we can say we’ve had Ferengi food. :: she took a drink :: Not that thats saying much… :: Ess poked the food around her plate for a bit. :: Sinda: Not quite as successful as I’d hoped. McLaren: :: she laughed. :: It could have been worse... Sinda: Still, here’s to new experiences. :: She held her iced water glass aloft over the table and clinked it against Sol’s own.:: McLaren: :: Sol nodded. :: New experiences. Sinda: So, what now, Sol? We have an entire planet at our disposal, granted most of it’s empty. And a spaceship in orbit. And we have no plans. ::she quirked an eyebrow:: Anything could happen. McLaren: Anything? :: she grinned. :: Sinda: You're the first person I've opened up to in a long, long time. Tell me I'm wrong, but there's more going on isn't there? McLaren: You are pretty observant yourself… :: she nodded. :: Yes, there is. Sinda: Just so long as you know I'd fly a million light years away from anything serious. I don't do commitments. ::she gave a faint smile:: Far too much like planning. McLaren: :: she smiled. :: Of course. Like I said… sometimes things just happen. Tbc! Lieutenant (JG) Solaris McLaren Chief Intelligence Officer U.S.S. Constitution NCC-9012-B C239210SM0 & Lieutenant-Commander Sinda Essen Chief Security Officer USS Constitution-B R238401JT0
(( Starbase 11 )) :: They returned to their table and Jerry popped one of the Rejya into his mouth. Jalana watched him for a moment with a smirk on her lips, before she grabbed one herself and placed it on her tongue. The warmth began to melt the outer layer, a sweetness began to slowly fill her mouth, it had a slightly bitter component harmonising perfectly. Once the smooth layer was gone a saltiness joined in a perfect balance to the sweetness until a hard core was left. Biting down it broke apart and the spicy interior gave it the extra zing. The taste that was put together with all ingredients now mingling was like a song on her tastebuds and she smiled, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the taste of her childhood.::Milsap: Say, these are pretty good. Now, what did you say they were?Rajel: The center is pepper spiced heart of a Prenar - a bird that lives in the tropical parts of Trill. The sweet part is chocolate with extract of a, Une - a flower that is comparable to a Terran forget-me-not which gives it that bitter nuance. And the salty part are Guno eggs. Milsap: A bird heart, flowery chocolate and Guno eggs. ::shrugging:: Still beats the heck out of Rocky Mountain oysters. What’s a Guno, anyway?Rajel: A fish. ::Smiling:: I have no idea who got the idea to put all of these together, but it’s a heavenly taste. Milsap: Can’t argue with that. On Earth some fish eggs are considered really good, and salty and sweet is always a good combination. Now a spiced heart? That’s a new one on me.:: She took a piece of a blue … meat? She was not all too sure what it really was, but her curiosity got the better of her and it smelled not too bad, so she took a good bite of it. Just a moment later she coughed and grabbed a napkin, turning to the side to hide that she was spitting it out. :: Rajel: This was… ::she grabbed her glass and gulped down half of the water content.:: … anything but. ::She coughed and laughed at the same time.:: Milsap: ::laughing:: Glad I skipped that one. ::He speared one of the green cubes with his fork and took a bite, chewing thoughtfully.:: Now this is interesting. It’s like square asparagus, but somehow...minty. Not sure I wanna know how they did that.:: He put his fork down and took a sip of his tart teakle juice.:: Milsap: So, how’s the new rank treating ya so far? Rajel: Oh wonderful, I was even visited by the Grim Reaper, though his congratulations have been rather cold. ::grinning:: Milsap: ::chuckling:: Yeah, you sure had some good timing, getting promoted just before we found the ghost ship. ::He suppressed a shudder as he remembered the events on Unity. :: Rajel: Quite, but that is life. We don’t always have a choice of timing… ::She thought about what he had gone through and how worried she had gotten. She had left the bridge and run to Sick Bay to see if he was alright and had found out that Foster used a Tribble to get the entity leave Jerry’s body. :: … or who has which part in it. Milsap: ::nodding sadly:: Yeah, I do regret Petey havin’ to give up his life for me. If there’s any consolation there, it’s that he didn’t have to live long with that thing in his head.Rajel: I’m sure Petey would be happy to know it was for such a good cause. He saved your life. :: Jerry fell into contemplation as he continued to eat. It was still sinking in just how close he had come to death. It made him realize that waking up every morning couldn’t be taken for granted, and when you had something to do or say, putting it off meant taking the risk that you’d never get the chance. He looked up at Jalana. Ever since their dance at the holiday party he’d felt there might be something between them, but he wasn’t sure exactly what. He’d been trying to work up the courage to broach the subject with her and discuss it, but the time never seemed to be right. His recent brush with disaster made him realize there was no time like the present. He put down his fork and took a deep breath. ::Milsap: Jalana, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. I….Ezirah: =/\= Constitution to Rajel =/\= Milsap: oO Great timing you got there, ship. OoRajel: ::Placing her fork down she gave Jerry an apologetic look.:: Sorry. ::She then tapped her badge.:: =/\= Rajel here. =/\= Ezirah: =/\= Apologies for the disturbance, Captain. We received a high priority call from Trill for you. =/\= Rajel: ::furrowing her brows:: =/\= What is it about? =/\= Ezirah: =/\= I can’t say, Ma’am, it’s personally for you. =/\= :: That changed Jerry’s annoyance to concern. A high priority call was almost never good news. ::::She gave Jerry a look, even thought it was not really meant for him, but she couldn’t look at herself right now. Something wrong wrong and she wondered what. She looked up and gestured to one of the waiters. :: Rajel: Excuse me, do you have a comm station in your restaurant that I could use? Waiter: Of course. Right over there. :: She looked to the terminal and nodded with a quick thanks. :: Rajel: =/\= Relay it to the Comm station near my signal. I’ll take it here. =/\= :: While she said that she stood up from her chair, nervous. Something in her stomach had turned. There weren’t many people who would call her from Trill, which made it only worse. :: Excuse me for a moment, please. Milsap: Sure, take your time. I’ll be here when you get back.:: Jerry waited a few seconds before deciding to follow Jalana. He had no intention of eavesdropping, and he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d do if there really was an emergency, but something told him he just needed to be there. :::: Jalana walked over to the Terminal and gave Ezirah the ID just in case and just a moment later she looked at her mother’s face. Immediately her stomach plummeted down into the core of the planet. Her mother’s eyes were red as if she had been crying, shadows under her eyes were a clear sign of not having slept in a while. :: Rajel: Mom, what’s wrong. Laxyn: Your father… ::Her voice broke off and Jalana could see how hard it was for her to hold it together. :: Rajel: What is it mom? Laxyn: He had a severe heart attack. :: Immediately she felt faint and thought her knees would give in. Quickly she grabbed the sides of the terminal. Thousand questions came to her mind, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments. What to do first, for how long, what to never do.. Forgotten all the years in which they hadn’t spoken. What if… :: Rajel: How is he? Laxyn: Still at the hospital. They sent me home to rest. But… Rajel: I know. ::She didn’t have to think twice. They were at shore leave. She was not needed here.:: Prepare an extra room for him. I’ll be there soon. Laxyn: Sweetie, you are busy. Rajel: I’ll be there soon. ::She repeated. Her mother looked at her for a longer moment and then sighed with a nod. Jalana nodded as well and closed the connection.:: Milsap: ::He was pretty sure he already knew the answer, but asked anyway.:: Everything all right?:: She had not heard him coming and jumped slightly. Her fingers were shaking and she formed fists with them in an attempt to hide it. :: Rajel: I … I have to go. Milsap: Back to Conny? I’ll come with you.Rajel: No… to Trill. My father.. :: She raised her hand to cover her mouth as she felt the tears coming. She knew that medicine was far enough to help him, it had come so far. But if it really had been severe he could still.. No he mustn’t. :: Milsap: What happened?Rajel: Heart attack. I have to … I have to go and… ::She began to shake all over.: :: Jerry’s face fell. He knew the call would be bad news, but not that bad. ::Milsap: Is he…?Rajel: What? No… no he is not, but they don’t know yet… :: Before he even realized what he was doing, Jerry stepped up to Jalana and gently grabbed her shoulders. :: Milsap: Is there anything I can do? :: As he grabbed her, Jalana’s head temporarily stopped spinning, the thoughts backed off into the background and there was almost calmness and silence in her mind. She looked at him, into his eyes and it took her a moment to realize what he had said. :: Rajel: I… don’t think so. I just have to leave right away, he needs me. Milsap: Are you sure you want to go alone? Will you be ok?Rajel: ::Confused:: I’m not the one who is sick, Jerry. Milsap: ::in a calming voice:: I know, but news like this has a way of throwing us off our game. You’re bound to have a lot on your mind right now.Rajel: I… There are hundreds of thoughts in my head, things I have to think of, to do so I can leave. Milsap: Talking it through might help you sort things out. Tell me what you need to do.Rajel: T’Mar, I need to tell her. I need to pack. :: Okay maybe not hundreds of things to do. But two that were very important. Three. :: I need to find a ship with Slipstream that docks here.. I can’t fly for days until I get home. :: Finding a ship with a slipstream drive? That at least was something Jerry could do. ::Milsap: ::grinning:: Well I can help with that last one. Let me worry about finding a ship while you take care of your other business.:: She looked at him in surprise to even offer that. Why did he do that for her?::Rajel: That would be a big help. .oO What now? Oo. Milsap: Might be a good idea to head back to Conny after all. She’s got everything we’ll need to get you ready and on your way.:: She nodded, yes, that was a good idea. Down here they couldn’t do anything. She raised a shaky hand to her communicator. :: Rajel: =/\= Rajel to … uh.. Constitution. Two to beam up, into my quarters. =/\= :: There was no question, no inquiry, no hesitation. The next moment Jerry and Jalana were engulfed into the blue light and were transported from the restaurant’s comm station, to her spacious quarters. :: -------JP byLieutenant JG Jerome MilsapAssistant Chief Medical OfficerUSS Constitution-BC239208JM01& Captain Jalana RajelCommanding OfficerUSS Constitution BImage Team FacilitatorA238906JL0
(( U.S.S. Constitution - Deck 27 - Intel Suite )) :: Sol pulled herself out from underneath the console after having disconnected it from the computer systems. She pulled the chair back over and loaded the data from the Unity onto it. :: McLaren: oO Now lets see what secrets you hold... hmmm? Oo :: She tapped the console and began a security sweep of the files. She sipped her tea as she waited for it to complete. The console beeped when it was completed, finding nothing malicious contained within the files. Of course that didnt mean anything, but it was a good indicator. :: McLaren: :: she tapped the console, bringing up some of the Unity's logs, saving the rest of the encrypted Intel data for last. She skimmed the last logs... :: oO Lets see... Oo Computer: "Captain's Log - Stardate 9521.5 Our passenger continues to keep me in the dark about just why we have to keep hopping around the Nebula. Leave it to Intelligence to be as cryptic as possible. Engineering is preparing to hook up their new toy to my ship, Im not looking forward to the problems that could cause. And the crew is restless, theyve reported seeing apparitions around the ship. I dont think its serious... but I havent been able to shake the feeling that we are being watched by something here." :: Sol closed the log and brought up another one. :: Computer: "Captain's Log - Stardate 9534.2 Ever since we arrived in the nebula strange things have been happenng. Members of the crew have been disappearing. The Intel officer says he knows nothing about it, but I dont believe him. Ive called off the test of the device, theres no point in carrying through with them until we figure this out." McLaren: oO Well this is... unsettling. Oo :: Sol closed the log and pulled up the final one. :: "Captain's Log - Stardate 9535.7 This will likely be my final log as Captain of this vessel. Most of the crew is gone, we're being attacked by some entity. The jefferies tubes have been barricaded by those of us that are left, and there arent many. I doubt it will help. We've lost main power, and I'm not sure our distress call got out before power dropped.. I can only hope it did." :: Sol closed the log and skimmed the other senior officer logs, finding similar stories throughout all of them, though some ended sooner that others, and much more suddenly. She copied the crew logs onto an isolinear chip after being sure they were safe for interaction with the Conny's main computer. She plugged them into another console and compiled a report for the Captain and XO. She sent that away, and then turned back to the other console, bringing up the encrypted Intel data. :: McLaren: oO Now what was the spook hiding? Oo :: Sol started her slice into the data, trying to extract whatever she could, but any time she tried, the data self deleted, leaving her back at square one. She sighed, sitting back staring at her tea, now near empty. She yawned. :: McLaren: oO This is getting me no where... whomever this spook was, he was prepared. Oo :: Sol compiled another report on the Intelligence data, and filed it away. She removed the data from the console and initiated a wipe so it could be reconnected to the computer systems and stood. She yawned again. oO Time to call it a night... feels like I havent slept in a week... Oo :: Sol deposited her cup into the replicator and left the suite. :: --- Ensign Solaris McLaren Intelligence Officer U.S.S. Constitution NCC-9012-B C239210SM0
(( Captain's Office )) :: Jalana did not sit down, she didn't like the big desk between herself and her people when talking with them. Instead she sat down on the little couch to the side and patted the seat beside her with a smile on her face. She was curious, and it appeared talking under four eyes was the way to go. :: Rajel: Come on, sit down. ::Akoni appreciated that the Captain was so genuine and considerate. However, that didn’t matter much in the current situation as she held back a frown. She eyed the spot wearily before slowly lowering herself onto the Starfleet regulated (if slightly more comfortable that her own bed) seats.:: Soriano: I assume this is about the purged code. Rajel: ::turning to her:: I am curious and it appeared to me that you didn't talk in front of everyone so I thought that we could have a chat between us two. Soriano: oO One on one, great. Oo What would you like to know? Rajel: Well for starters, tell me more about that information you got. What was it you gave Dag and Rustyy? Soriano: Well, ::She took in a deep breath and leaned back:: back when we were first looking for data on the Unity, Chelin managed to pull out a coded file, the one with the entity as Kalos and I found out later. While we knew we were battling ghosts, were never bothered to think or revert our thoughts back to the fact that all this started from an archive code. I called a friend that was helpful enough to give me the insight to realize that we needed to purge the code from our archives, just like we would a virus or malware content. :: Jalana perked up and leaned in slightly. It was good to have friends, that had answers when oneself didn’t have any. She herself had asked her own a few times when she was stumped, and sometimes that was all it needed to get an idea. Mulling it over, brainstorming and some marbles started to unstuck. :: Rajel: That is great, Akoni. Who is it, so I can thank him? Soriano: His name? ::She paused. She couldn’t lie, but if there was anything she’d learned from the Vulcans, including growing up with her best friend, it was that you could manipulate the truth, and that wasn’t lying.:: Tom. Rajel: It is nice of Tom to help you. Have you been friends for long? Soriano: Just a good friend as of recent. Helped me with my acclimation to the Conny. He’s a good guy. ::Well, that was kind of a lie…:: Rajel: ::Smiling:: She sounds like it. But we got off trail. Soriano: ::Shaking her head:: You’re right, my mind is wandering. Anyways, when I looked back into the decrypted file, I noticed that the file was not entirely nameless. It was more of a project file than regular file, called Alpha 1835. As soon as I read this, I contacted Dag and told him he should try purging it. I haven’t heard back from him since then. Rajel: ::nodding:: From what I heard they are working on restoring power and have been able to drive off the entity. So that must have helped Dag and Rustyy. Soriano: I'm honestly very glad to hear that ::she sighed in relief. Any little contribution to fixing the problem usually went a long way when helping each other.:: Rajel: I tried to get some information from SFI but I didn’t get anything apart from being told that all the information is classified. I’m glad that someone else got something useful, since they are no help. Soriano: Yeah, they are sure are trouble ::she muttered. Silence fell over the two. Akoni wasn't completely inept at starting nor holding conversations, despite the rumor that often followed the science department, but in this situation, she almost wished the Captain would just pardon her before she really had to dig a hole out.:: :: Jalana leaned back and pulled her skirted legs up the couch, wrapping a hand around her booted ankle. She leaned her arm on the backrest and tried to hide a yawn. :: Rajel: How are you feeling? Did that entity get to you as well? ::Akoni mentally sighed in relief yet again at the shift in the topic. She felt her composure relax once more.:: Soriano: It probably spooked most of us, but… ::she recalled the deathly horrifying moment where she'd ran from the not-really-a-child-but-more-like-a-demon-spawn, and the her brave encounter in which she was prepared to fight back against the other creature. That one should have scared her even more, but the Gods knew that Akoni would rather face monsters than children any day.:: I don't think it took too much of a toll. Is… Is it true that a crewman died? I heard someone talking about it in the hallway. :: It didn’t come to a surprise, that people were talking. News like these traveled faster than light on a ship, no matter the size. Anyone could pick up on it, tell a friend, a colleague and it spiraled from there. News, especially bad ones, never stayed confined. Her voice dropped slightly, as regret filled her. :: Rajel: Sadly it is true. Senior Chief Petty Officer Riyao has been victim to the entity on the Unity. It apparently got all of his energy in the end. Soriano: ::Akoni dropped her head.:: oO Just like the woman we found in the dark. Oo :: There were men and women who were losing their lives in such honorable ways. But to what extent?:: I was afraid it was true. I heard he was a nice man. Probably had a family and people that loved and cared about him. It's just… ::sigh:: Do you think it was worth it? ::She waved her hand towards the view of space. The Stars were barely visible as various gases shifted and floated gracefully around the Constitution as it drifted around the nebula.:: :: Jalana followed the gesture and looked out of the window, the discharges danced their way through the shifting and billowing gases, something that one would never see if they had stayed on a planet. It was a terrifying and stunning view at the same time. :: Rajel: It’s difficult to say in some moments. When we are losing a life it is one of them, that makes us wonder if it really is a better existence than if we had stayed where we were. But all the other moments, new worlds, species, cultures… We see so many things we could have never imagined had we stayed confined to our planets. I believe it is worth it. I’d just prefer that everyone would get out of it in one piece. ::She smiled wryly and looked back to Akoni.:: How about you? Do you think it’s worth it? Soriano: I wouldn't have joined StarFleet if I hadn't believed in adventure and sacrifice to pursue knowledge and wisdom. The opportunity to travel and just to experience things is worth it's weight in gold. :: The Trill watched Akoni as she spoke, tilting her head slightly as a smile danced over her lips.:: Rajel: I believe you have your answer then. Soriano: ::smiling to herself:: I suppose you're right. Rajel: And now that we have the gloomy part out of the way. Have you been able to settle in on the Conny before we got thrown into the deep end? Soriano: I think I’m getting pretty comfortable here. I’ve been getting along great with the rest of the crew, though, ::she shrugged and exhaled through her nose:: I’ve been so busy lately. Even before this mission, I was working on sending my reports on time and dealing with officials concerning the Romulan-Klingon battle cruiser scare from the time jump. It’s a lot to deal with going on at once. :: She could say that again. Jalana couldn’t help but smile. She didn’t think that she ever had nothing to do, ever since joining Starfleet. It was a rarity to have quiet times, but these times were lived to the fullest. Mostly because it was not clear when to get them again. :: Rajel: I can agree with that. Soriano: But you’re a Captain! You’ve got this all figured out. I’m not good at multi-tasking. Rajel: ::laughing:: Oh, Akoni. ::She continued to smile.:: I am glad it looks like I have figured it all out, but just between the two of us… I’m winging it. ::Akoni barked out a laugh with her entire body, crossing her arms over her stomach as she leaned back against the couch.:: Soriano: Well than you make it look really easy! ::She regained her breath as Jalana went on.:: Rajel: I have just recently become CO, even less time as a Captain. I have to admit that multitasking is one thing I am good at though, which I assume comes with the job of being a Doctor. ::Akoni raised her eyebrows again, surprised to hear the new fact. Though it would make sense since, just as she said, she was good at multitasking with such fluidity.:: Soriano: So what you’re saying is that I should drop science and become a doctor ::she joked::. A doctor, a Captain, and a therapist! Rajel: I might be new to being a Captain in this life, but I assure you, that I do what I have to do to protect the crew. And I have the greatest trust in everyone on board to help me with that. ::Akoni felt a true smile grace her features, wiping away any of the lines of worry that had found their way onto her face from the past events. She felt awed and inspired by the woman across from her. Akoni knew she had serious issues with trusting others, mainly due to her lack faith in people taking care of and respecting her. But perhaps in her time on the Conny, she could learn a lot from this marvelous woman sitting next to her.:: Rajel: ::Smiling she leaned forward again.:: And what are your plans? Soriano: Well, hopefully we’ll live through until we leave the nebula, so I’ll probably be preparing a quick status report on the ion stor- Rajel: Oh, I meant once we are back out of here, but go on, it’s always good to know what your intentions are on the job front. ::Smirking at Akoni.:: Soriano: Aha, oh ::Akoni leaned towards her knees and ducked her head, running her hand across the back of her neck while her cheeks tinted a slight red.:: Always ready for duty Captain ::She joked::. I’d like to spend some more time on the viewing deck. Watching the stars while listening to my Vulcan lyre songs usually gives me good peace of mind. ::Akoni inclined her head towards Jalana.:: What about you? Rajel: I don’t know yet, other than relaxing and doing anything but reading stories about ghosts. ::she chuckled:: But if you are interested in music, maybe we could meet up and do something together. I’m playing the Trillian Flute and I’m sure it would sound nice together with the lyre. Soriano: Really? I had no idea that you were interested in music instruments. What was it called? A Treel Floot? Rajel: ::Chuckling:: Close. A Trillian Flute. It is an old traditional instrument on trill. A wooden air instrument, well breath more than air, I’ll have to blow it for tunes. ::grinning:: :: Akoni thought about all the instruments she’d seen in her lifetime, but when she tried to think of any that required breathing through it, her mind went blank.:: Soriano: Tunneling air to create vibrations and therefor music… that is quite wondrous! We must play together after this is all over! Rajel: I would enjoy that. Of course only if you would like to, don’t feel obligated because I’m your captain or something. I prefer to be seen as an equal. Soriano: Posh! I have no doubt that your musical talent is better than mine. I’ve been playing the lyre for 10 years, and I’m still on a beginners level. Rajel: ::grinning:: Who knows, maybe it’ll catch on, just let me know when. ::She paused and clasped her hands. :: Well, I can imagine you have better things to do than sitting around here, chatting with me. At least while we are both on duty. Soriano: oO Right… work…. Oo We should return. Rajel: I really can’t wait to read that report on what happened down there in detail. I keep hearing bits and pieces, so I’m looking forward to the full picture. Soriano: It ought to be quite interesting ::She agreed, feeling weary again.:: :: Jalana got up from the sofa, brushing over her skirt to bring it back in position. Akoni followed after her and swiped a few stray hairs back into the already-falling-apart bun.:: Rajel: Well then let’s head back out and get back to work. ::Walking towards the door she looked over her shoulder to Akoni.:: Oh and thank Tom from me for his help. ::She smiled and then headed back out to the bridge. :: ----- Ensign Akoni Soriano Science Officer USS Constitution-B C239210AS0 & Captain Jalana Rajel Commanding Officer USS Constitution B Image Team Facilitator A238906JL0
((USS Constitution-B, Sickbay)):: It was impossible to tell whether minutes or years passed in the darkness, but Jerry was sure of one thing: this guy was terrible company. :: Milsap: oO Ya know, if you're gonna set up shop in someone's head you should make sure you have some conversation skills. Or at least bring a pack of cards or somethin'. This is ridiculous. OoEntity: oO Hungry. OoMilsap: oO Yeah, you said. Repeatedly. Oo:: Jerry wondered if he was hungry, too. He sort of felt what he could call hunger, but where he was headed he didn't think it would matter. He really hoped he wasn't already dead, because if he was dead and hungry there were bigger issues. Like, what do the dead eat? The only thing that came to mind was brains, and Jerry had seen enough of those in his day to know they were really unappetizing. While he contemplated which afterlife might offer the best sandwiches, his mind registered what he could only think of as a tingling sensation. ::Entity: oO Scared. OoMilsap: oO Son, you only have two modes, hungry and scared. It got old like two minutes after you got here. Oo:: Now the light was back, even brighter than before. The tingling sensation increased, almost like a mild electric shock. It faded after another indeterminable time. ::Milsap: oO Ha, how'd you like that, fool? No, wait, let me guess. Scared, right? Or maybe hungry. It's always a surprise with you. Oo:: Silence. ::Milsap: oO Don't tell me you're sulkin' now, son. Although it might be nice to have a new emotion in the place. Oo:: More silence. Jerry mentally searched for the entity but could no longer sense its presence. Apparently he was finally alone. Something about that bright tingly light made it go away, buy why? How? Suddenly he remembered the entity had only left Riyao for good after he was dead. So, that's what the light was. But shouldn't he have crossed over then, to some kind of afterlife? Maybe this was the Limbo he'd heard of. Or maybe there really was nothing, and he was just gone. But if that was the case, how could he still think? ::Milsap: oO Welp, something tells me this is gonna be boring. And I still don't have a sandwich. Oo:: He sighed, if you could call it that. Another short eternity later he could swear he heard something, faint and far off. There were voices, some urgent, but he couldn't make out the words. There were beeps and pings and buzzes. Overall it reminded him of things he'd hear in the sick bay.Sick bay, that was where he should be. His boredom gave way to sadness when he reflected on what he was leaving behind, the people he was letting down. Wyn. Of course Wyn would be fine, when it came to medicine - especially microsurgery - he had more talent than anyone Jerry had ever met. But Jerry liked Wyn, and enjoyed working with him, as hectic as it could be at times, and he would miss it. Tox. He wouldn't be able to camp with him again. Dial. He wouldn't get to help her become a full doctor. Jalana. What about Jalana? He liked her, sure, and he got the impression she liked him too. That dance they had at the holiday party was really nice. But it's not like they worked together every day. What made her pop into his head? ::Rajel: Hey Jerry. It's me, Jalana. :: Jalana's voice was much closer than the others but still sounded distant and unclear, almost like he was hearing it through water. ::Milsap: oO Oh, great, now I'm hearing things. Well, as far as hauntings go I guess I could do a lot worse. OoRajel: You might realize that I have never talked with an unconscious person, because I have no idea what to say. It's kinda useless to ask how you are, or how it feels, or if you have ice cream where you are, since you can't answer anyway. :: Unconscious? So he wasn't dead? Or was he just imagining all this as some kind of coping mechanism? Either way, at least it was someone to talk to, even if he didn't get a response. ::Milsap: oO I suppose I'm ok for the shape I'm in. It feels boring and no I don't have ice cream but I really want some now so thanks. OoRajel: You should see what Wyn and Nijil did to help you. I am not completely sure how it works, but I'll read all about it in the report. But I can tell you that a Tribble is involved. :: A Tribble? There's no way Jerry's subconscious would come up with something that insane, but it was just the kind of nutty brilliance Wyn was capable of. Maybe he really wasn't dead. ::Rajel: Sounds fun doesn't it? If the big that they told me got put together in my head, you had a bit of that entity in you, which drained your energy and put you here. I... I'm glad that they were able to do something before you'd have joined Riyao. :: Well the entity part was certainly true. As Jalana spoke Jerry could feel a genuine concern in her voice. Of course she probably felt the same concern about every member of her crew. But she didn't personally visit with every member of the crew that wound up in sick bay, did she? That was something to think about. At any rate, he felt glad that she was glad, and for the first time he had a real glimmer of hope that might come out of this after all. ::Rajel: Sorry about that. It has been a long day and this entity must have gotten some of my energy too. I even had some hallucinations of the Grim Reaper and for a few moments I had thought it was real.. I can't wait to be out of here. Oh we are on the way by now. So I hope you'll wake up in time to enjoy some of that shore leave we all have earned ourselves. :: Unless his mind was playing tricks on him, Jalana's voice was getting clearer. He focused on it, imagining it as a signpost marking the way back home. He just had to follow the path. ::Milsap: oO Grim Reaper? Oh, I can't wait to hear about that. I heard folks were seeing things, but that must have been a doozy. I am all for makin' ourselves scarce in this stupid nebula, and some shore leave sounds great right about now. OoRajel: Remember you owe me a breakfast. You won't get out of that. :: It really had been a long time since he and Jalana had shared breakfast in his cabin, soon after he'd first come aboard Conny. ::Milsap: oO Now that you mention it, I recon it is high time we do that again. Oo:: Jerry could clearly picture the imaginary path in his mind's eye now. As he watched it widened from a dirt trail into a rough country road. ::Rajel: You better wake up soon. I'll wait right here... :: The road transformed from dirt to asphalt, morphing into a city street, then a highway speeding him toward his destination. ::Milsap: oO Just hang on, I'll meet you wherever this ends up. Oo:: At the end of the road the light returned once more, but this time it started as a sliver, slowly widening as Jerry opened his eyes. Once they adjusted he could make out the bright lights of sickbay. He was still alive, and free of the entity's presence. A wave of relief washed over him. He wasn't in Heaven or Hell or Limbo or any other afterlife, but right back where he was supposed to be. Suddenly eager to get out of the biobed he tried to raise his head, but immediately realized what a mistake that was. He gently laid his head back on the pillow and heard something at his side. He turned his head gingerly and his vision was filled with Jalana's face, resting on her folded hands and sleeping peacefully. So it really was her voice he heard, guiding him back to the world of the living. ::Milsap: oO If this ain't Heaven, it's the next best thing. Oo :: He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with a smile on his lips. ::Lieutenant JG Jerome MilsapAssistant Chief Medical OfficerUSS Constitution-BC239208JM01