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Trellis Vondaryan

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Everything posted by Trellis Vondaryan

  1. Congratulations, everyone! Great job by all! Thanks especially to the facilitator @Renos and Awards Committee for all your extra hard work these last few weeks.
  2. Congratulations, everyone! Well deserved all around.
  3. In the fashion [...] pas of the year, Trellis arrives in a suit he wore two years ago. But he looked so good in it no one notices.
  4. Welcome to the Fleet! Hope to see you around soon.
  5. Back when Discovery was still being whispered about I wrote a blog post about the different iterations I would like and some potential problems with any/all of them. Still a lot of fun to think about, though.
  6. This type of question is something I really struggle with. There are many times when I think the ends don't justify the means. And many, many other times when I think that they do. Perhaps it's just situational, or dependent on what the "ends" are on whether or not I agree with the tactics.
  7. Congratulations! Welcome to the fleet.
  8. Great job in training! I look forward to seeing you around the fleet. Congratulations!
  9. Lieutenant Commander Ayiana Sevo Chief Science Officer’s Log Stardate 239411.02 Regarding the U.S.S. Gorkon’s entrapment within the dangerous Roman Expanse and its encounter with its denizens. Roman Expanse The Gorkon was en route to our port-of-call in the Tyrellian System within slipstream. Suddenly, without warning, the slipstream cut out, sending the Gorkon into an uncontrolled maneuver. Many power conduits and subsystems were taken out with this initial failure. It was a miracle the ship didn’t explode when the waveform collapsed altogether. As we got our bearings, we determined that the Gorkon had been pulled off-course. Instead of staying clear of the well-known and dangerous Roman Nebula, we had somehow been pulled into its boundaries. Throughout our stay within the nebula, the Gorkon’s astrometrics team assembled as much information as they could of the environment, spearheaded by Ensign Sienelis. The Roman Nebula is approximately 20 LY in diameter. The heart of the nebula is the pulsar PSR 2130, a 4 billion year-old supernova remnant which no doubt created the nebula. What is unique about this star is what it did to the surrounding spacetime. I believe the supernova explosion created a rupture into a subspace domain, as well as weakening the barrier between n-space and subspace within several light-years. This caused a sort of “overlap” of subspace onto n-space. Consequently, the environment within the nebula is extremely unstable. Numerous electrokinetic storms and plasma eddies make it extremely difficult to map; the environment is saturated with tetryons; and tachyon eddies and gravitational slipstreams continually alter the shape, making charting the nebula nearly impossible. Preliminary analysis suggests that the pulsar regularly emits gravimetric pulses that ripple through subspace beyond the borders of the nebula. It was one of these that destabilized the quantum slipstream. After the ship lost the slipstream, we essentially “fell” towards the nebula at superluminal speeds. I believe this phenomena, along with the constantly-shifting boundaries of the Expanse, contributed to the collection of derelict ships from across the quadrant. With further analysis, I believe it may be possible to “seal” the barrier between n-space and subspace, returning the environment to normal. However, I don’t think it is ethically viable. See below for details. [Attached files: U.S.S. Gorkon Sensor Analysis - Roman Expanse Environmental Data] I have forwarded to Admiral Reynolds recommendations of commendations for the entire astrographic department, as well as Ensign Sienelis for their exceptional work on mapping the area. “Seraphim” The nebula is inhabited by two heretofore unknown life forms. The first are what has been dubbed “Seraphim” by Ensign Elias Burke, one of three crewmembers who had direct telepathic connection with the creatures. I don’t know how he came up with the name, but my research indicates “Seraphim” are mythological beings from one of Earth’s ancient religions. The Seraphim are shapeshifters. However, unlike familiar shapeshifters like the Dominion Founders, the Seraphim have more limited abilities. They seem to only be able to shapeshift within a limited range of mass, roughly no more than 100kg. At one point, the Seraphim were being seen attempting to mimic a Pahkwa-Thanh but only ended up mimicking portions of the crewman’s body. They attempt to mimic the appearance of a person, right down to their clothing, however they don’t seem to be able to mimic details such as facial features, instead appearing as faceless beings, quickly earning the name the “Faceless Intruders” during the incursion. At one point, a Seraphim was contained and I was able to get brief but detailed sensor readings of its’ anatomy. I have no doubt the creatures evolved and originated in a subspace domain. They are solanogen-based lifeforms, not the first subspace beings Starfleet has discovered with this chemical makeup, which can only exist in a subspace environment. Their bodies emanate tetryon particles as a byproduct of their metabolism, similar to thermal emissions in normal humanoids. Preliminary analysis suggests their cognitive processes are based on tetryons rather than electrons, giving them the potential to have superluminal cognitive functions. This may also lend to their telepathic abilities, able to maintain connection across vast distances. [Attached files: Seraphim Anatomical Study] “Subspace Starfish” The second lifeform encountered in the Expanse was not immediately detected. There was no formal name communicated to us by the Seraphim, and numerous colorful nicknames quickly sprouted among the crew, including “Subspace Devilfish,” and “Subspace Starfish.” After the incident, Xenobiology quickly got ahold of our sensor data and categorized it as “Romanus Spatium Satanum.” I personally prefer the term “Starfish” due to its similarity to an aquatic lifeform common to the oceans of many planets. The Starfish was massive; over 30 km in diameter! It’s main body took the shape of a five-armed starfish. Uncommonly, however, were the massive kilometer-long tentacles, several of which sprouted from the ends of each arm. I believe it uses these tentacles to latch onto its food sources. The Starfish is a dark matter solanogen-based lifeform. The “dark matter” is what made it initially impossible to detect without some engineering miracle I can’t explain. Please refer to Ensign Elias’ Burke’s and Chief Engineer Stoyer’s logs for details. More interestingly, it is able to selectively phase parts of its body through solid matter in normal space. Once we were able to “light” the creature, we were able to see its feeding tentacles phase through the hull of the ship. They latched themselves onto the power conduits and voraciously fed on every watt of power in the ship. It was only through the telepathic bond the Seraphim created with Admiral Reynolds that we were able to devise a way to “detach” the Starfish using the ship’s phasers. The pulsar normally emits more than enough tetryons to satisfy the lifeforms, and solanogen has been “leaking” into n-space for millions of years. A starship passing through is simply like a dessert for the Starfish - a lot of power in a compact form. [Attached files: Romanus Spatium Satanum Anatomical Study] Environmental Symbiosis Subsequent analysis of sensor data leads me to conclude that both the Seraphim and Starfish live in a sort of symbiotic relationship. Further reports from Admiral Reynolds, Ensign Nohx and Ensign Burk, who engaged in telepathic connection with the Seraphim, suggest a more complex relationship. I believe that the Seraphim act as “zookeepers” to the Starfish. They keep the Starfish from leaving the Expanse. Neither the Seraphim or Starfish could exist in a wholly n-space environment. The unique “layering” of subspace and n-space in the Expanse is what keeps the beings alive. The Seraphim try to keep outside ships from getting caught or consumed by the Starfish; a job not always successful according to the remains of numerous starships littering the Expanse. In return, the Starfish emanates an extreme amount of tetryons as waste, providing nutrition which the Seraphim’s biology uses as fuel. Ethics of Cosmoforming As I stated earlier in my report, I believe it may be possible to reverse the overlapping of subspace and n-space in the Expanse, and return the region to a normal class 3 nebula. However, I don’t think it would be ethical to do so. Senor analysis suggests the Seraphim and Starfish have been living in the Expanse for millions of years. As stated above, they can only exist in a subspace environment rich in solanogen and tetryons, neither of which can exist in normal space. Though they did not originate in our universe, they have adapted to the unique conditions of the Expanse and have thrived for millions of years. They are as part of the ecology as mitochondria are to humanoid cells. To cosmoform the Expanse and return it to a purely n-space state could have unforeseen consequences on the Starfish and Seraphim, the latter of which are clearly intelligent beings. I therefore recommend to Starfleet Command to set up a permanent quarantine zone around the Expanse, with a 2 LY buffer between the edge of the zone and the Expanse, to account for its’ regular shifting and navigational hazard. Further scientific analysis should only be conducted via long-range probes. End Log ---------------------------- Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo Chief Science Officer U.S.S. Gorkon Image Collective Co-Facilitator Wiki Ops Training Team V239109AS0
  10. What sort of sacrament does one say to that?
  11. It sure is scary out there today, so be sure to put on your masks and costumes to keep all the ghoulies out. The News team has been busy all month writing scary and intriguing stories (okay, I'll stop the Halloween stuff now), and it's time to give them treats (okay, no I won't!) for all the hard work: The Federation News Service posted six monthly vessel reports; LtCmdr. Shayne performed three new Polls of the Week topics, keeping the community engaged with insightful topics; Capt. Rahman posted the monthly post totals per ship; Cmdr. Blair continued to write about the Academy applications/graduates; LtCmdr. Vondaryan generated a Duty Post spotlight article; Lt. Thoran provided two articles, a Writer's Workshop and a post digging into the archives; Cmdr. Jorey wrote the final Bio Contest Winner article; Capt. Taybrim introduced a new segment, Dear Kr'Abby, keeping readers entertained with 24th century Klingon advice; and Admrl. Wolf remains the skeleton holding the, well, skeleton, together, making the Halloween avatar announcements (congratulations to the winners!), interviews, donations, and academy graduates. Thanks to everyone for spilling your guts here. We'll of course give some more thanks in November.
  12. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  13. Welcome to the Fleet. Congratulations on graduating.
  14. Trellis has horrible hand-eye coordination and hates physical confrontation, so prefers never to be involved in combat at all. If forced he's pretty much all defensive, waiting until someone else can phaser the person.
  15. Welcome! Glad to have you aboard.
  16. Well done, everyone! Welcome (back) to the fleet!
  17. Congratulations everyone! Welcome to the fleet. Hope to sim with you all soon.
  18. The weather is turning, pumpkin spice is in -- well -- everything and the end of the month is here once again. September was a hard month for much of the world with far too many natural disasters, but the News team was still plugging away trying to raise awareness for our fine community. So thanks for pushing through the rough times everybody, here's what people in the team accomplished: The Federation News Service posted the seven monthly vessel reports; Between them, LtCmdr. Shayne & LtCmdr. Valdivia generated four new Polls of the Week, keeping the community engaged with insightful topics; Capt. Rahman posted the monthly post totals per ship; Cmdr. Blair continued to write about the Academy applications/graduates; Lt. Rosek wrote about contributing to the Podcast; Lt. Thoran provided two articles, a Writer's Workshop and a post digging into the archives of the old Writing Challenges; LtJG. Ji-hu contributed an interview about Odd Jobs; and Admrl. Wolf stayed the backbone of the team, writing interviews, chat reminders, about promotions and wiki know-hows, among others. Thanks to everyone who contributed something. Hopefully October doesn't scare us too badly.
  19. Congratulations! Great to have you here with us.
  20. @Alucard Vess giving an evocative description: ::Plasma stream. Otherwise known as superheated nebula gasses. Otherwise known as star farts.::
  21. The very first post by a newly assigned ensign! Great work. ((Deck 6 Cargo Bay 2)) ::Emilia had begun her day bright and early, her morning routine consisted mainly of making sure her appearance was at her standard of "acceptable". Which lead to her re doing her hair half a dozen times until she came across the style that was correct for her. Emilia left her quarters that morning with her hair done up in a neat bun that rested just above the centre of the back of her head with her fringe hanging just above her eyebrows, similar to what she did for her final exam. As of now, she was holding a PADD in her hand and was given the assignment to do a full inventory of cargo bay 2. It wasn't exactly the assignment she first had in mind, but that didn't mean Emilia wasn't going to try her best, she wants to do everything she can to make a good first impression on her superior officers after all. Emilia had made her way through almost the entire cargo bay, but she'd lost track of time. For all she knows, she could've been at this for more than four hours. As she lifted the lid off the second last container she noticed that it was almost empty. She brought her PADD close to her body once again and began mumbling as she typed up the list of items in the storage container.:: Krugol: Condensed helium gas... EPS coil... medical tricorder... ::Emilia spoke as she examined the items carefully with some level of uncertainty in her voice.:: Krugol: I hope I've done this right... ::Emilia placed her PADD on a nearby closed container and used her free hands to close the crate she had just finished inventorying, she picked up her PADD and walked over to a console that was located near the entry of the cargo bay.:: Krugol: Computer, display internal chronometer. ::Emilia yawned as she access the ship's internal chronometer.:: 13:47... that sure kept me busy. ::With a nervous sigh Emilia left the cargo bay. As she walked she straightened her uniform and fixed up her hair almost constantly doing her best to look as presentable as possible. She passed by multiple crew members but tensed up and didn't say anything lest she make a fool out of herself. As she finally approached the turbolift through the seemingly endless corridors, she nodded to a human passerby who was no doubt in some sort of rush, well, either that or he just had a naturally quick walking pace. She tapped on the panel to the turbolift and the doors swung open. She stepped into the turbolift and spoke.:: Krugol: Deck one ((Deck One, Corridor)) ::with that command she had liftoff, in no time the doors swung open once again, unsure of which way she needed to go to get to the bridge she brought up a display of the internal schematics of deck 1 on a nearby panel outside the turbolift:: Krugol: Okay... so left. :: Emilia passed by several people on the way to the bridge and held tightly to her PADD. But suddenly a noise rang through Emilia's mind. She stopped to think for a second and realised the ship went to red alert.:: Krugol: oO Crap! I have to get to the bridge! Oo ::Her pace increased drastically and after less than a second after this increase in pace, her ears began to ring, all she could hear other than the ringing was a small explosion from one of the nearby bulkheads, followed by a small shower of sparks as Emilia was thrown into a wall to her left, she had lost grip of her PADD as her back hit a neighbouring bulk head. A mild pain shot through her body as she landed face first onto the floor. She stayed there for a few seconds but eventually sat up as dizziness overtook her and she lost her train of thought of what happened. Reprocessing everything she noticed the blaring red lights flooding her vision. Her hand moved to her left arm where she noticed a somewhat severe burn, as if trying to stop the pain and discomfort currently pulsating throughout her body. Emilia stood up and regained her bearings, with her vision still a little fuzzy, Emilia looked around the corridor to assess the damages in her area, thankfully it was nothing major, just a few singed inner platings and burnt carpet. Something had caught her attention, there had been a cry in pain from someone just down the corridor. Emilia winced as she stood up and began slowly moving further down the corridor, only to find that a crewman was lying on the floor with his head bleeding. His lack of movement made Emilia assume the worst of the situation. As she made her way to his side, she started to panic and checked his pulse, quickly forgetting about her PADD, thankfully he was still alive, but he was badly hurt.:: Krugol: what do I do! ::she spoke with obvious panic in her voice.:: he's injured, injured people got to... sickbay! ::With this she tapped her comm badge.:: Krugol: =/\= Ensign Krugol to sickbay, ::she tried to speak with confidence:: we have several casualties and a possible fatality on deck one! =/\= Anyone in Sickbay: response ::she moved her head to the man's chest, he was breathing for now, but she had no idea if he'd stay that way. If anything went wrong she could try to resuscitate the man, she learned basic CPR as apart of her field medic training, but for now, all she could do was wait for the medics to get to deck one.:: _____________ Ensign Emilia Krugol USS Gorkon Security/Tactical officer G239409EK0
  22. Congratulations! See you around.
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