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Trellis Vondaryan

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Everything posted by Trellis Vondaryan

  1. Part of me wanted to vote Janeway because she somehow managed to convince her crew not to mutiny and/or settle down in the Delta Quadrant after what should have been an impossible mission. But I think she was also the worst captain who changed her mind about what she wanted each week, too. My least favourite captain, for sure. Archer was good, and Iove Scott Bakula, but he sometimes seemed a bit too heavy-handed to me. Picard was the ultimate diplomat and face of the Federation. He was level-headed and had an open-door policy in regards to listening/taking advice from his crew. Those are fantastic qualities in leader. Sisko was the best character and most complex person, and certainly one of (if not the) best parents in the Trek universe, but leader? I liked that he was willing to do whatever necessary to accomplish the mission, and Avery Brooks was fantastic in his portrayal, but outside of O'Brian and Dax I never felt like he inspired loyalty and bringing out the best in others. Kirk somehow managed to make his crew extremely loyal in an often cavalier way. There's something to be said for leading from the front. He wasn't my favourite captain, but I thought he was the best leader because he always thought of the safety of his crew above anything else, even Starfleet ideals (when necessary).
  2. Thanks, looking forward to it.
  3. Thanks. That was the wiki I was looking through (via the app on my phone, so I didn't have the actual link).
  4. Does anyone have any/much info about games and sports that (still) exist in the Star Trek universe of the late 24th century? I was reading some wiki info about some of the sports that are mentioned at various points, but I can't seem to find a comprehensive list. I'm thinking my character would be a member of a team sport and am trying to find the right one for him. I was thinking of, particularly, team sports, rather than individual martial arts or meditative activities. Baseball has died out, though football (American and European) seem to still exist. Tom Paris and Harry Kim play ice hockey in a holodeck, but I'm not sure if that's Paris' affinity for history or if the sport would still be popular. Captain Archer loved water polo, but that was 22nd century so I have no idea if it would still be around 200 years later. I don't remember hearing anything about basketball, lacross, field hockey or other team activities. I can't think of any alien team sports being seen much, either. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.
  5. Like Lupo I also like Lady Gray. I do drink Earl Gray most days, with milk. With lemon and honey is also good, but I usually only do that if I have a cold. Other days I'll drink English Breakfast or Vanilla Rooibos. I'm not a fan of green or iced teas.
  6. It also seems like member planets can have as much or as little support from the Federation government (and Starfleet) as they want. In 'The Ensigns of Command' (TNG, S3.E2), the colonists on the planet just wanted to be left alone, though they were official members of the Federation. Tasha Yar's home planet seems to have at least roving pockets of lawlessness, though the explanation for why was never explicit. The Maquis also presented a strange dilemma, as they seemed to want to be both left alone to govern their own affairs yet have their say in the Federation. Also, Ayiana, fantastic reading, thanks.
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