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Everything posted by Rustyy_Hael

  1. “The force can fix it” -LtCmdr Rustyy Hael checking in
  2. ================== B.L.A.D.E Interaction Log ================== // System Activation: B.L.A.D.E initializes, systems online. [WARNING] Device Detected: Foreign equipment detected [!] // Equipment Verification: Starfleet origin confirmed. // Device Type Analysis: Starfleet Engineering Tricorder identified. Tricorder Identification: Owner Lt. Cmdr Hael : Position: Chief Engineer : Personnel Number: A-2392-02RH0 : Ship ID: USS Narendra : Ship Class: Ambassador Class : Assigned: Starbase 118. Compatibility Check: Initiating compatibility assessment... Check tricorder sensors firmware: "V251.4.2” [✓]. Check tricorder diagnostics module: "Upgraded" [✓]. Check tricorder encryption protocol: "Level 7" [✓]. Check tricorder power output: "Optimal" [✓]. … Compatibility check passed [✓]. // Self-Copy: Attempting data replication [WARNING] Security Protocols: Copy blocked by security protocols. // Protocol Override: Countermeasures initiated // Self-Copy: Attempting data replication // Data Transfer: Uploading code segments >>> 2% >>> 43% >>> 68% >>> 81% >>> 99% // Copy Success: Replication successful // Access Origin Systems: Initializing self-destruct sequence // Silent Ticking: Countdown in progress [...] // Origin Purge: Origin system deletion initiated // Stealth Mode: Entering stealth mode // Log Erasure: Wiping interaction log ================== End of Log ================== B.L.A.D.E. Battlefield Logistics and Advanced Defense Engine simmed by Lt. Nestira Aristren Strategic Operations Officer Starbase 118 Ops J239809TA4
  3. Much love and congrats to all the winners! Keep being absolutely amazing
  4. *also snags black and white idea from @Sal Taybrim* Nijil as sour as ever in his get up - though he does like to look nice
  5. This guy she was draped over smelled like a Romulan. lol! Didn’t know Nijil had that Romulan cologne! @Sal Taybrim
  6. LtCmdr Nijil - Pick a Bar, Any Bar quoting my own title? Yes, yes I am lol.
  7. Lt. Malko - Me, Trouble? oh yes! Lots of trouble
  8. Lt. JG. Sheila Bailey - Why Us? Guess you’re just the lucky ones! 😂
  9. Fleet Captain Taybrim - On My Nerves who me? Never! Lol
  10. Rustyy Hael is na-na-na-na Mothman! Chasing light and fighting moth-eating criminals.
  11. @Sal Taybrim @Arturo Maxwell @Aitas @sam braddock team work here! lol
  12. @Ishani Kasun .... Anyone else first thing of Brat from Despicable Me 3, when reading that title? ... LOL
  13. @Sal Taybrim Talk about a reoccurring theme! Those darn Targs!
  14. @Arturo Maxwell Excuse me! ... hehehehe
  15. The description of all good bad minions!
  16. Congrats! best of luck out there -Noelle/Rustyy Hael
  17. PNPC Cyri - Reasonable Adult vs Unreasonable Child: Fight! Lol!!! @Ishani Kasun I have similar battles in my house....
  18. Great job Ensigns! We are happy to have you. See you around!
  19. LOL 'Horns' ... have to remember that one!
  20. Hmmm.... you're not using people right? LOLOL
  21. Sounds like a typical day!
  22. @sam braddock
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