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Everything posted by Nadeshiko

  1. Why am I doing this? What does this have to do with being in Starfleet? Oh, it's tradition..
  2. As was said by Q (TNG: Q Who?), the galaxy is wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. From the discovery of space lifeforms in the very first episode of TNG, to a brilliant scientist igniting a star that had burned out, to the beauty of stellar phenomena, the galaxy is full of wonder. No less wondrous, and part of Trek, is the exploration of human potential, and the things that can be achieved when people of disparate ethics and believes work together. In many ways, from Kirk and Spock working out how to act, and encountering the strange on the frontier of the history of Trek, to Deep Space Nine, where the crew focused on defending the ideals of the Federation, to where Burnham fought to preserve the integrity of the Federation in a time of near certain defeat, to crews discovering new scientific mysteries across the franchise, and exploring new ways to think of life as we know it, Jim. Trek is both the exploration of the galaxy, and the exploration of potential and evolution, and across it's 54 years, 9 series, 13 episodes, and 780 episodes, has shown us many wonders and challenges. Which do you think the most wondrous part of the Trek franchise is?
  3. As much as I'd like to see Law and Starfleet, a Starfleet musical would be golden.
  4. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  5. Congratulations! Welcome to the fleet!
  6. The Fenris Rangers - an organization that sprung up after the Federation withdrawal and the Romulan collapse to help bring justice to the oppressed, and to fight the warlordism that the region could descend to without an organization to bring peace to chaos. With its own ships, beacons and well known among people operating in the zone, good people and ne’er do wells. While many say that there is an organization within Starfleet that does a similar job, the Starfleet Rangers, any Fenris Ranger might argue that they're often too timid to do what must be done, and too bound by the fickle political will of the Federation and restrictive rules of engagement of Starfleet. Some officers left Starfleet to join the Fenris Rangers, such as Icheb and Seven of Nine, and while it has had mixed results, it was undoubtedly a force for stability within the former Romulan Neutral Zone and bordering sectors. Would you be one of these officers who leave Starfleet? To join an organization attempting to be justice in a dark galaxy by any means necessary? Or do you feel that vigilantism, even well-intentioned, is a danger to people as justice can become vengeance? Let us know in the comments!
  7. Congratulations! Welcome to the fleet.
  8. Congratulations! Welcome to the fleet, and I hope you enjoy your time here!
  9. Congratulations! Welcome back to the fleet!
  10. The nature of Starfleet is as a combined service within the universe, responding to not only exploration and scientific missions, but also crisis and emergencies. Starfleet Officers are called on to address multiple different situations, some of them intensely dangerous, and a lot tense. Some situations may be as innocent as freighting medicine to an outpost, or as dangerous as facing a battle group in one ship. But maybe none are more fraught with personal danger and worry as needing to rescue your Captain from hostage-takers. No series within the franchise did this better than Star Trek: The Next Generation. In the episode "Allegiance", unbeknownst to him, Picard was replaced with a doppelgänger when kidnapped from the Enterprise and held captive. It takes the crew of the Enterprise to realise he’s not the real Picard and together, they refuse to follow his orders, effectively removing him from command. We see this again later in the series, though to much greater repercussions, in the episode “The Best of Both Worlds” in which Picard is abducted and partially assimilated by the Borg, rescued by Data and Worf from the Borg Cube. And also in Voyager, in the episode "Renaissance Man", where the Doctor had to deceive the crew in order to rescue Janeway from the Hierarchy. This week, we want to know how your character would respond to a hostage situation. Would you go in guns blazing, or try to sneakily enlist your crew to help with the rescue? How would you deal with it?
  11. From https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-veritas/c/RXROESz-Iq8/m/fx2bhTvIBQAJ I snorted at this line in amusement
  12. Soverign here too. It's versatility would be a benefit over the Galaxy-class.
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