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Everything posted by Nadeshiko

  1. The post actually defines it, I was just summarizing if you didn't want to read.
  2. http://screenrant.com/star-trek-fan-films-guidelines-paramount/?utm_source=SR-FB-P&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=SR-FB-P&view=lista Summarization: Anything resembling a real production is banned.
  3. The Ubisoft E3 stream just showed more off.
  4. The Ubisoft E3 stream just showed more off.
  5. http://io9.gizmodo.com/cbs-might-be-shutting-down-another-star-trek-fan-film-1772273712 It's almost a C&D, but it shows they're gearing up for their own media to be out.
  6. If .. someone asked me to, I'd place it immediately post Dominion War. The Federation is rebuilding after such a devastating war, which had consumed all of it's resources. With a dubious alliance with the Klingon and Romulan Empires needing to be maintained for as long as possible, and with many worlds crying, Starfleet has made the difficult decision to pull back it's exploration fleets while it repairs what it can. For one ship, the USS Vienna, an Akira class ship, it is a welcome relief. The ship has been patched and refit a thousand times, and it's combat weary crew want a chance to relax, and expect their new assignment - to repair the sphere of Federation space most damaged by the war - to be a relaxing one. However, they discover that several minor powers are plotting to take advantage of this moment of weakness, now that the Dominion is gone. And the dark gathers. > After the first season and a half, I'd probably transfer it to them being assigned to a new Deep Space 10, which is placed trailing and rimward (SW) from the Federation. With a tenuous peace turned into a more firm peace, they seek to explore the area that is north of what remains of the Cardassian Union, and deal with the remnants of war in this area of space on the side. But the war has left some fault lines, and some of the newer colonies want to secede, with the Romulans turning more and more hostile on their side of the Neutral Zone. > Deep Space 10 is a backing station, and is mainly referenced, almost never seen. >The goal is pretty simple. The name of the ship is a deliberate refrence - Vienna, referencing the Congress of Vienna. To maintain the peace requires understanding and hard work. And by placing it so far off, we can ignore Voyager entirely unless someone wants to do a callover to it.
  7. It would make sense. I'm both worried and happy that CBS has no creative control, as sometimes the networks do prevent creators from running with bad ideas.... and a lot more other times they are the source of terrible ideas.
  8. Ah, well. This very well might be the primary reason for the lawsuit: https://drive.google.com/a/kd-law.co.uk/file/d/0BxWHYHfCkIj2dFA3QlZaRFdLeDQ/view?pref=2&pli=1 Or: Don't admit you're using KS money (even though you could justify it) from a Star Trek movie to form an indepdent studio. CBS and Paramount WILL take exception to that. Edit: And even if you do the above do not use someone else's IP to make money. Such as licensing *your* brand, which is a subbrand of another IP for.. coffee.. that's just begging for someone to slap you with a suit.
  9. They very well might.
  10. And they have (predictibly) gotten hit with a copyright suit from CBS/Paramount. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/12/cbs-paramount-sue-crowdfunded-star-trek-filmmakers-for-copyright-infringement/ I was afraid of this when they said it wasn't licensed. They got a lot of money and attention..
  11. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  12. Fair enough, then. Hopefully you're right.
  13. Alex Kurtzman: Producer, announced, Star Trek 4 Star Trek Into Darkness (producer) Star Trek (executive producer) Robert Orci: Executive Procedure, announced, Star Trek 4 Star Trek Into Darkness (producer) Star Trek (executive producer) Star Trek Beyond (written by) (post-production) Star Trek Into Darkness (written by) Star Trek (written by) Don't get your hopes up. =/
  14. That is a terrible trailer. They should just strip Star Trek out of the title. It'd probably work better.
  15. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  16. They really can't continue the prime continuity very well unless they go post-Hobus.
  17. Congratulations! Welcome to the Fleet.
  18. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
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