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Baylen Anders

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Baylen Anders last won the day on April 23 2019

Baylen Anders had the most liked content!


About Baylen Anders

  • Birthday 08/17/1982

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  • Location
    Milwaukee Wisconsin

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Baylen Anders's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (18/28)



  1. Shayne: Well, when one of the boys at Utopia Planitia steps out of a malfunctioning transporter with their junk attached to their foreheads, they might finally get the message that placement matters.
  2. Shayne: Your affinity for acronyms is duly noted.
  3. Ensign Ambrosia Hayley, 'Obligatory Bar Post
  4. If you see an awesome post title and you really enjoyed it, share it here!
  5. Foster: Defective means ‘we don’t like you’ and recycled means… you know what happens when a transporter fails to materialize? Yeah, that.
  6. Did someone write something that you loved? That made you laugh out loud, or gasp? Please share it here, on this post.
  7. Hael: ::stumbling over his words.: Well- Uh… Um, I was jus’- … uuuh. Nothin’, jus’ - where we be? ::he changed subjects very ungracefully.::
  8. Lol yes, I think there was even a webcomic on that lol
  9. Mrs Anders apparently will bring you what ever you want lol
  10. Just so long as David Caruso and his sunglasses do not show up I'm good to go LOL.... (not your grandma's CSI) hahaha
  11. Aitas: I'll admit, I was hoping for an evening where the worst I had to worry about was finding a dress that didn't make me look pregnant.
  12. Taybrim: Alia, why are we headed to a closet?
  13. Whittaker: =^= Sal... I'll be right back, I'm about to become a murder suspect. =^=
  14. she is far better than Baylen's mom lol
  15. [sb118-ops] Lieutenant JG Mirra Ezo - Breaking Baylen (Tags: Whittaker, Liani, Cain, Anders)
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