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Everything posted by Toni

  1. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet! Great to have you with us!
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the UFOP: Starbase 118 Community.
  4. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet.
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet. We are happy to have you aboard.
  6. Congratulations Livingston and Delano, I really enjoyed your work! Great going!
  7. Congratulations, and welcome to our group!
  8. A wound festered inside of her. The cut had peeled away the layers of life itself and buried its way deep within her skin, fleecing her of all rationale, and robbing her of the future that she had long dreamed would make life in Starfleet complete. She was alone in her agony - even the consoling words of those gathered around her could not stop the pain that raged so fiercely, silencing her. Lieutenant Taylor, the Chief Medical Officer, stared into her glazed eyes. "Captain Pelzer, I'm sorry, there is nothing more I can do." She had long appreciated the doctor's candor, but never more than she did at this moment. Slowly nodding her head, she mouthed with great difficulty due to the growing lump in her throat. "I know. It’s over." But that was not totally true. The surge of pain seizing her chest reminded her that she was still alive, although the torment of its horrific grip made her wish that she was not. It was not the dying that caused her so much suffering. It was the living without him, and the prospects of awakening, not to see her own image reflected in his eyes - eyes incapable of giving him pleasure, as now, they were hollow as the demon heart that possessed his every thought. And it was only a matter of time before it took him away from her forever. She wanted to scream, beg him to fight, but it would have been futile. The Bluegill had won, only she had not declared it the winner yet. She couldn’t. She wanted desperately to hold him tight in her arms and never let him go, but the force field between them had to stay in place, or expose her crew to the ravages of the offending parasite. Her crew - the crew that looked to her for the next move - needed her to be strong. She had to snap out of the heartbreak plaguing her. If she could only keep her stinging eyes dry long enough, she may be able to scrape up some kind of wisdom that would save them. Mustering every ounce of energy left in her, she stood and moved away from his motionless body, mouthing oO"I love you.Oo Then turning to her crew, she armed herself. If they all were to die, it would not be because they didn't try to survive, or that she had not been the leader he had so admired. Drawing her phaser, she gave the order. "Arm yourselves to the teeth, and bring me extra weapons! We'll fight together!" As she led them determinedly outside, and as a blaze of phaser fire lit up the landscape, she felt the flutter of hope. oO He will live on. I'll fight for my crew, and the namesake that I carry for him. Oo Fleet Captain Toni Turner Commanding Officer Embassy Duronis II USS Thunder NCC 70605-A
  9. Congratulations and welcome to our group! Great to have you with us!
  10. Congratulations and Welcome to the Fleet!
  11. Congratulations, S'Kaa. Welcome to the fleet.
  12. Congratulations and welcome to our Fleet! Hope you enjoy the group as much as I do.
  13. Congratulations and Welcome to the Fleet!
  14. Congratulations! and Welcome to the fleet!
  15. Congratulation Ed and Marissa! Great reads!
  16. Congratulations and Welcome to the Fleet!
  17. Congratulations and welcome to UFOP: Starbase118. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
  18. Congratulations and Welcome to the fleet!
  19. (( Embassy Grounds )) :: Tal E'leck was used to watching, but that did not mean he liked it. He was a soldier, and his duty was to protect what was left of the Romulan Star Empire. Part of that duty was to perform surveillance covertly of the Federation and Starfleet forces currently rebuilding their shattered embassy and restoring their grounds. He hated them..their abundance, their seeming joy and resoluteness at restoring what the bastard hated Klingons and their lapdogs from the Orion Syndicate and the religious zealots from the Scarlet Brotherhood had done to their homes and grounds. Himself and three others were assigned to report on their activities and try to find some weakness that could be exploited at a later date.He concerned himself only with his part of the mission, reporting back on what they saw. What he had found out, secreted in a crater hollowed out by pieces of the late USS Thunder after it came slamming into the Laudean atmosphere during the Klingon invasion. Once their Corps Of Engineers had cleared the site, his team quietly moved in, and set up shop. One thing he and his team had learned...Starfleet was incredibly efficient and through in their construction and rebuilding...they could show the Romulans a thing or two about construction...but they were the enemy, and the day would come when they too would be expelled from this world. He grew up hearing the Federation was weak, soft, unable to fight a real war...a belief shattered by the Dominion War. Now, here he was, his own world destroyed, billions of Romulans dead, and he was essentially hiding in the weeds. He had learned during his time in the service that direct confrontation was no longer an option..subterfuge and nuance were what would be required to wrest Duronis away from Federation influence, and others were involved in those actions. He hoped they had been able to effect more influence to stop Starfleet and the Federation from returning, but those efforts were slow to bear fruit, just as his efforts were..:: :: Armed with the knowledge Starfleet was sending a much more capable...and dangerous...Akira Class starship to replace the much weaker and destroyed Cheyenne Class upped the ante a bit...and he would love to see the day when pieces of this ships' hull adorned the Romulan Embassy as a testament to their regaining their place in the galactic hierarchy, the same as pieces of the hated Enterprise namesake were displayed in the now destroyed Romulan Senate. He also found it ironic that the half breed Sela, child of one of the captured Enterprise officers whom a Romulan had taken as a consort, was trying to pull the pieces of the shattered Empire together. His duty was to the Empire, and he would do whatever was required to make it possible...including hiding in the dirt, watching...and waiting. Merek would take this world and make it his own again, and with his success, he would also succeed, carving out his own niche in Mereks' eyes as a capable officer, one worthy of more responsibility and power...:: :: This was not his way. He would much rather spend his time cutting off the head of the snake...killing the female Starfleet captain and eliminating the Marine garrison. Starfleet Marines had more than proven their worth, and they were indeed a formidable force. Such actions usually had ramifications, but there were ways to kill which left no trail..at least, not one which would point back to them. Perhaps the Laudean agitation will provide such an opportunity to disrupt the Starfleet command structure...but those were matters which did not concern him...yet. His concern was not only what he was seeing, but what he wasn't seeing...things such as how much weaponry they had on hand? What kind of weaponry? What was the brown metallic coating over the top of the armory? These things needed closer observation, and he dared not get closer...being discovered would be considered a failure, and could get him killed...by either Starfleet or Merek. To be killed by Starfleet would be considered honorable, being killed by Merek, and he would be forever known as a failure. He would kill his own men for such incompetence...such things could not be tolerated. For now, he and his men waited...and watched...:: MSPNPC Subcommander Tal E'leck Imperial Romulan Defense Force/ Duronis II Embassy As simmed by: Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker 2nd Officer/Marine Commander/Chief Of Strategic Operations USS Thunder-A/ Duronis II Embassy
  20. Congratulations and Welcome to the Fleet!
  21. (( Laudean Military Command, Lokesh City )) :: Blood. Fire. Pain. Blood soaked ground. Fire burning from disruptor blasts. Pain as the shrapnel tore into his body. In many ways, Bomani was one of the lucky ones. He survived the onslaught at Bondi...however, most of his men did not. His unit was decimated, caught between a Klingon and Orion platoons in a murderous pincer movement which cut them off from the rest of their counterparts. The Battle Of Bondi was more than just a battle to repel invaders...it was a slaughterhouse, and Bomani had never seen such ferocious fighting. As the battle raged, he hoped the Starfleet personnel on the ridge above him could keep the Klingons, Orions, and Scarlet Brotherhood at bay. There were so few of them...only four, and two of them were women. When the Federation had returned once the Romulans had been ejected, Nothing had prepared him for the horrors he witnessed on that day, or the bravery of those Starfleet personnel who took their place on that ridge. They refused to yield, even under the rain of mortar fire directed at them. Even when over the comms it was thought they would be overrun, they fought on, with the fervor of brutality Bomani never expected..and even with his platoon suffering ninety percent casualties, he could see Starfleet still holding that ridge..and it heartened him to fight even harder, even more boldly. Here were essentially guests on their world, and they would fight so fiercely for a world upon which they were not born or trying to conquer? No..there was something special about them, and no one had expected them to fight for them, especially after their ship was so badly damaged and burning in space in the skies aove them. :: The battle ebbed and flowed, and the panicked voices on the comms, including his own, were exhorting the platoons where to redeploy to curb the onslaught. Then...the battle turned as the Scarlet Brotherhood forces seemed like they folded into itself, buried under murderous Laudean fire. As the Orions broke off to meet this new threat, Bomani took the rest of his forces and dove straight into their lines..he did not think about his life then, only victory. The Laudean forces overwhelmed them, and comm traffic indicated the Klingons were moving to reinforce. Sustaining the attack would be impossible if the Klingons were able to get more troops in the area...thery were beginning to run short of weaponry, and casualties were mounting, in spite of their advances. Bomani could hear on the comms the Klingons wee coming, but Starfleet was holding them out...and he could see them on the ridge..but one man was bigger than the others...he could see him occasionally through the smoke, and Bomani knew this was no normal Starfleet officer, that Starfleet had warriors among them more than equal to the Klingons, and yet, they were proponents of peace. Once the day had been won, and the wounded and dead were being attended to, Bomani learned that the Starfleet personnel were still fighting...now they were attempting to hunt down the rest of those who may have still been in Lokesh City, and the after action reports say they were quite successful in dealing with the stragglers, especially the huge one..:: :: The slight pain of his still recovering injuries jolted him back from his memories of the battle, to the report on his desk. Actually, he had two reports. Through the Prime Ministers office, he had managed to obtain the names of the Starfleet officers who fought so valiantly on the ridge above them, ensuring victory for the Laudeans, and especially, the name of the huge officer with them. Although much of his Starfleet record was redacted, Bomani did get his name and rank....Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker. Bomani knew he could learn much from this man...he had never seen a soldier...which to Bomani, was exactly what he was....like him before, and it was evident by his record he was no stranger to combat, having served during the Dominion War, and had even served with the Klingons during that conflict. He would have to meet this man, and learn from him what he could...:: :: Many Laudeans felt gratitude towards the Federation and Starfleet, but within the military, sentiments ran both hot and cold. There were some who resented the fact the battle turned on the actions of the Starfleet officers, that the Laudeans could have held out against the forces arrayed against them. Bomani knew the truth was a little different. He was there. If the Klingons had been able to reinforce, he would be dead, and so would most of the Laudeans in that valley. Bondi would have been lost, and Lokesh City would have fallen soon after. They would have lost the planet. Bomani had heard stories of what the Orions would do to their women, selling them into slavery onto far off worlds...the Scarlet Brotherhood using their planet to attack a place called Bajor...and the Klingons to finally destroy their long enemy, the Romulans. Ti'hahn would have been violated, stripped, its people forced into servitude under the rule of dictatorship...he had seen that under Romulan rule, and he wanted no part of that again...:: :: Soon, Starfleet would return, to re-occupy their rebuilt embassy, and with a ship more capable to fending off attacks...a battle cruiser. The subject wasn't taboo, but it was clear the military saw this as an affront to their superiority, that they could not protect their own world. Now, with essentially a battleship returning to their space, how would Starfleet, and the Federation, behave now? Bomani believed that the Federation would be the same, and Starfleet had lost many in defense of their world, and they wanted to make sure they could defend the work they were trying to do here. The new ship, the Thunder-A, would be there soon, only sharpening the debate. He was going to do everything he could to prove many in the military wrong..he was staking his military career and his family on it....:: PNPC Submarshal Bomani Abasi Commander, Laudean Defense Forces Laudean Region As simmed by: Major Hannibal Tiberious Parker 2nd Officer/ Marine Commander/ Chief Of Strategic Operations USS Thunder-A/ Duronis II Embassy
  22. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
  23. Welcome to the fleet to all these fine Ensigns! Hope you enjoy siming with SB118 as much as I do!
  24. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
  25. It's Writing Improvement Month on UFOP: Starbase 118 and you don't have to be a member to attend! Just bring your questions to one or more of the FREE events. And if you can, bring a friend! For the entire calendar of events, and more information, you can also head to the event page on our website: http://www.starbase118.net/writing-improvement-event/ Hope to see all of you there!
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