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Everything posted by Toni

  1. Looks like they found a way to do without divorce lawyers, which isn't a bad idea. This is truly a no-fault kind of divorce. question: How long do you want to be married? Answer: Over the weekend is fine. LMAO
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the group!
  3. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  4. Very interesting. Thank you for making this available.
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet.
  6. Congratulation Ensign K'Zi! Nice to have you with us!
  7. Welcome aboard, Ensign Knighthors! We are glad to have you with us!
  8. Welcome, and congratulations!
  9. Congratulations Ensigns and welcome to the Fleet!
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet. We look forward to working with you all.
  11. ((Medical Bay, Private Room - Embassy)) Yael: Until tomorrow. ::nodding, but not leaving his seat even as they prepared their departures.:: ::T'Vei stood, but let the Captain leave first, standing next to the table. After the Captain left, she turned towards Yael and spoke quietly.:: T'Vei: I just wanted to speak to you in confidentiality for a moment. Yael: ::purple eyes shifting up to her:: Was there something else? :: This was said with an air of doom, though of course he wasn't harsh with T'Vei at all personally. :: T'Vei: I don't have any specific concerns. I simply wanted to advise you against speaking to anybody outside of a legal confidence about these matters, at least for now. I'm not entirely convinced that you're free from prosecution, and that means anybody, even a friend, could be compelled to testify on something that you say, perhaps offhandedly, and could harm you. Yael: Captain Turner. ::he glanced downward again:: I trust her, Ensign. T'Vei: I understand. It's not a matter of trust, but a system that can be used to hurt you. :: And with his imagination running hot on the ill possibilities, he could imagine that happening rather swiftly. :: Yael: That is true... ::he nodded lightly, looking back up at her.:: You're probably right. I'll be cautious who I speak to. T'Vei: ::nodding an understanding:: Finally, I want you to know you can contact me at anytime and I'll advise as best I can. Of course, choosing whether or not to help in the prosecution's case is a personal decision: the law forces you to do nothing, but your own ethical code may force you to act. ::she looked up as she said that:: If you'd like help with that, any confidence you have with Lieutenant Herrera *is* protected by law, as I'm sure you're aware. :: It took a moment to process that. Word certainly got around fast, didn't it. :: Yael: I understand. Thank you for reminding me. T'Vei: Of course, Lieutenant. If anyone else comes up, do not hesitate to contact me. ::T'Vei gave a curt nod and turned to leave Lieutenant Yael to his thoughts. She could sense the turmoil inside of him, but knew she was of little use in helping with that.:: :: His legal counsel, Ensign T'Vei, and Captain Turner having left him alone in the private medical room, Ashley began to consider his decision. He found himself sitting exactly where he had been sitting when they had been there, unable to move, his thoughts chaotic. It was some time before he stood, going to the door. The guard outside his door glanced his way, but he didn't meet that gaze as he cued the door... shutting the room off from the corridor, and hopefully any more visiters he might have. :: :: The night was a long one. He lay awake, staring at the ceiling. Staring at nothing. Thinking, Considering. In one moment, he would be certain he'd come to the right answer. In the next, he would be plagued with doubt. Within a third moment, his decision was firmly made, the opposite as the one he'd made two moments before, only to be plagued with further doubts. His confidence eaten away, he slept fitfully. :: :: By morning... early morning, when he found himself unable to sleep at all, the suns barely peeking over the horizon... he rose only to pace, his door shut to the world outside. His stomach turned more than once as he lost time, failing to make a choice. :: :: The suns slipped further upward. :: :: By seven in the morning he had been awake for hours already. He'd promised an answer in short time for Ensign T'Vei and Captain Turner, and he had nothing but a short fuse from a lack of sleep. :: :: Standing by the bio-bed, he wrestled with another decision altogether before tapping his comm. badge. :: Yael: =/\= Lt. Yael to Lt. Herrera. Lieutenant... I hope I didn't wake you. =/\= ::Diego was anything but a morning person. Rolling over under bundled sheets, he flailed out one arm to slap the comm-badge that had been placed on his bedside table for just such a call. He blinked his eyes half open, and instantly regretted it as the light from the twin suns dazzled his eyes before they could complete their journey to full functionality.:: Herrera: =/\= There's a small chance that you did, but it's fine. I needed to get up anyway. =/\= ::He heaved himself up into a seated position:: =/\= What can I do for you? =/\= :: The man was going to make him ask, wasn't he. :: Yael: =/\= I was thinking we might be able to... talk. =/\= :: Those few loaded words should have been indication enough something was wrong. :: ::The tone of Ashley's voice alone was enough to send Diego a little faster down the path to being fully awake. The day before, he'd had moments where it looked like he was trying to stop himself from being hostile, and now he was asking to talk to a counsellor?:: Herrera: =/\= Of course. Give me a few minutes. I'll be over as quickly as I can. =/\= ::Reaching for his uniform undershirt as he kicked his legs over the side of the bed, the spaniard hurried to get suited and booted to find out how he could help.:: ::Ashley waited, though rarely staying in one place for more than a few minutes. He found himself near the window, arms crossed over his ribs, stomach about to turn for the third time of the morning. He had no idea what to do. Every forward thinking, rational part of him screamed it would be worth every risk, but every defensive instinct in him clawed him back behind the decisive line he'd been straddling through the night. The tug of war had left him bitter and brittle. :: :: The sound of the door, even though he'd expected it, was a bit of a surprise. He turned toward it, eyes flashing... his mask was gone. The perpetual smile, gone. Conflict glazed his expression, before he turned away and looked back out the window. :: Yael: Lieutenant Herrera. ::correcting himself, but not looking at the man:: Diego. ::There were times in Diego's career where he didn't need to draw on his counselling expertise to judge what was happening in the mind of one of his patients. It was plain that something was eating at Ashley, and given the number of unpleasant things that could be, it was important to do whatever he could to try to put him at ease as quickly as possible.:: Herrera: Ashley. What's up? What's on your mind? Yael: I am... having difficulty coming to a decision. Something rather important. ::Diego took up his spot against the wall near the door again, hands in pockets.:: Herrera: Maybe I can help? What do you need to decide? Yael: The Captain and my legal counsel are expecting to hear from me soon, and I have nothing to tell them. ::Legal counsel? Of course. He should have figured that something would have been set into motion. Had that not been his own first reaction when he'd heard what had happened?:: Herrera: You're going to need to help me here, Ashley. What do they want to know? :: Finally turning away from the window and facing Diego, he almost regretted calling the man. Now he was forced to verbalize the issue that had kept him awake the entire night, and he still wasn't happy about being counseled in the first place. He was the Master of Internal Conflict. :: Yael: The Laudean who... attacked me. He's currently in a Laudean jail. The prosecuter working the case against him has sent word that he will likely be released... unless we release to him enough information to solidify the worst of the charges and lead to an actual trial. We are not required to release anything... but if we don't... Herrera: ...then he walks free. Yael: His release is not something I find... comforting. To say nothing of the damage he will continue to do to others if he is free. But... if we do release the information, it will be freely shared with the defense as well. Meaning we can look forward to a very... public... court battle. One which will likely require my direct testimony, as well as that of my doctor, and possibly other crew members as well. ::So in effect, Ashley Yael was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. He could either bare the details of what had happened to him for all of Duronis II to see, and relive what had happened to him in an extremely public environment, or take the chance to recover privately, in which case it seemed to be a guarantee that he'd be living in fear of a repeat attack for a long time to come. The hands came out of the pockets and he folded his arms.:: Herrera: I can see why you're having difficulty making up your mind. Legal systems can be good at dishing out punishments to those who deserve it, but they don't always consider what damage they do along the way. ::That didn't go any way towards helping him answer his question, and so he offered the best advice he could.:: Herrera: In the long term, it might be more difficult for you to come to terms with everything if this guy is free. I think that's how we need to think. I don't need to tell you that having to testify or even witness his trial is going to be difficult for you, but I do want you to know that, however you might feel at the moment, I'm here to make sure you're alright. I can support you through anything you need to do, any statements you need to give and the difficult times that you're facing, and I'm pretty sure I can insist on being present for any part of the proceedings that you're involved in on medical grounds. You wouldn't have to do this alone. ::Diego had no idea how much that would count for in Ashley's mind. He was a stranger, and despite having been called here to discuss this issue, it was still too early to tell how comfortable Ashley was going to be with having him around.:: Yael: That's... very kind of you. ::a bit unsure how to accept the support from a near total stranger:: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask what you think might be the best course? Herrera: I can't make the decision for you, but my gut says that you're going to need some form of closure on this. The fact that you went through what you did was bad enough, without you having to live with it hanging over your head if the guy who did it goes free. He took something away from you. Maybe this is your chance to stand up to him? ::It wasn't as simple as settling a score, but invariably in such cases there was a layer of anger sitting somewhere in the complicated mess of resultant emotions. That could lead down all sorts of dark paths, but channelling it into pursuing a just sentence for his aggressor was a very positive and structured way of releasing it.:: :: Ashley thought on this a moment, Diego's last words resonating with him. He recalled those words in his own voice in a different time... before he had left his home on Denobula that final time. The easy dismissal from his father, and the silence, the utter lack of communication once Ashley was out of sight. Clearly out of mind. :: Yael: You've reminded me of a moment I had with my father, actually... :: Though in a completely different context, it had been a harsh time for him. His lack of regret, and being reminded of it now... was it enough to make the decision? :: Herrera: I have? ::He hadn't expected this to call up memories from Yael's past, but he was happy to see where this path took them.:: What happened? Yael: He was displeased with my lack of contribution to the family. We had words, and haven't spoken since... thats been ten years. But I haven't regretted taking that last moment to speak my peace, however unpleasant it was to do at the time. :: It was probably the most productive thought he'd had all night, recalling the moment he'd finally stood up to the man. It was literally with bag in hand and heading out the door from his childhood home. But he was speaking now out of distraction. If he had slept well and not been facing a huge decision, he would have never brought up his father. Never. Perhaps sleep deprivation was Diego's friend in this regard. :: Herrera: And he hasn't contacted you since? Can he really be that bent out of shape after all this time? ::He was feigning ignorance. This undoubtedly had something to do with Ashley's Theoron's disease, which would be passed down through generations. Ironically, Theoron's had to come from somewhere, and it wasn't entirely impossible that it was his father's fault that Ashley had that particular affliction.:: Yael: Denobulan families are massive compared to Terrans. I can't chance having children. Their children being a genetic dead end is not something any Denobulan parent desires. Herrera: Maybe not, but having grandchildren isn't the most important thing about family, not even for Denobulans. It's the bonds between family members that really matters. Without that, you're not a family. Yael: ::as if he knew that quite well:: That is true. Herrera: So what did you say to him? TBC... Lieutenant Diego Herrera Counsellor Federation Embassy Duronis II USS Thunder NCC-70605 & Lt Ashley Deneve Yael Head Counselor Embassy Duronis II USS Thunder NCC - 70605
  12. Congratulations and welcome, Ensign Dukath! I look forward to seeing you around the Fleet!
  13. Welcome to the SB118 Fleet Mackenzie! I hope you will find it to your liking.
  14. Congratulations to you all, and welcome to the fleet!
  15. Welcome and congratulations Ensigns! I'm glad you could join us!
  16. ((USS Thunder: Marine Transporter Room)) :: The events of the last ten minutes, no... the last several hours, were playing back in Isaac's head. The sudden transport off of the Bajoran freighter left a lot of questions unanswered, and to be taken so suddenly without warning, in the middle of a firefight, made things feel unfinished. The adrenaline surge had yet to subside, and the natural aggressiveness he felt brought his temper easily to the surface. He realized what was happening though, and with a considerable amount of effort he kept his desire to finish the fight in check. :: Green: oOWhat the hell was he thinking? What an idiot move! If he went and got himself hurt, I'm going to kill him!Oo :: Isaac stormed out of the transporter room, pausing momentarily in the squad bay to shrug off his body armor and deposit his phaser rifle in the weapons rack. Heading for transporter room one, Isaac played the worst case scenarios over and over in his mind. He was concerned for his friend, and the thought of seeing Jaxon injured further by these Scarlet Brotherhood creeps made his stomach churn and his blood boil, all at the same time. :: :: Before he knew it, he was walking toward the door of the Thunder's main transporter room. The doors parted as he approached and he continued without slowing into the room. He saw Mc Ghee standing near the control console. Isaac had a full head of steam by then, and he allowed his momentum to carry him into his friend, knocking him against the wall. :: ((USS Thunder, Main Transporter Room)) :: Jaxon stood checking the Thunder’s system status; the damage was minor and teams were out already. He had heard the doors hiss part but didn’t turn until he heard the swift steps. Seeing Isaac he was about to greet the Marine Captain who stormed up pushing the heavy Welshman to the wall. :: Green: What the hell was that? :: As he hit the wall, Jaxon curtailed the wish to shove Isaac away; he had seen the anger in Isaac’s eyes and he didn’t want to harm their friendship. He looked to the Transporter Chief and then met the Marine’s eye and responded. :: Mc Ghee: ::dryly:: Chief, you’re dismissed. :: pausing until the doors closed, Calmly :: Improvisation, Isaac. Act or think about acting. Green: ::Stepping back:: Those blokes are crazy! They would have killed you and never thought about it. Mc Ghee: :: straightening his uniform:: True, but also desperate. They knew the game was up. Fanatical belief loses its attraction when death is knocking at the door. ::Isaac felt the adrenaline rush start to subside, and fatigue flushed over him. Relaxing, he allowed his voice to soften and he looked at his friend and smiled.:: Green: You keep doing things like that, and I'll have to get you a green uniform. Mc Ghee: :: smirking :: Was that a job offer? No I’ll stick to the things I do best. Green: That was some crazy stuff, mate. Where'd you come up with that anyway? :: Jaxon paused for a second wondering whether to tell his friend about his earlier life. Would Isaac understand it all, all those years? Those endless nights spent in seedy rooms, waiting for informants. The hours he sat staring a single sensor screen while his ship slowly sneaked across forbidden borders. The countless cloak and dagger actions that sometimes took him a step forward or three steps back. Isaac was a Marine, he would understand that no one was left behind; by all things sacred, if Isaac didn’t understand, no one would. Jaxon had almost made up his mind to confide in his friend when another voice inside him spoke up, a voice Jaxon almost hated because it was right far too often. oO He is also a Starfleet Marine. Oo it warned. Jaxon turned away to avoid Isaac’s eyes for a moment. :: Mc Ghee: :: to the wall:: I’m a lot older than I look Isaac. I’ve been around the block often enough and thanks to my Vulcan tuition I’ve been studying people half my life. After your team had felled so many of those guys their moral was hardly high. In all my empty words and fear-filled self confidence just finished a job your men started. Green: Yeah, but crazy moves like that might keep you from getting any older. Mc Ghee: :: considering this, quietly :: I know, buddy. It was spur of the moment. Reacting while the mind was busy elsewhere. Green: I'm sorry about being [...]ed off. It's just... ::Isaac paused, dropping his gaze toward the floor:: ...I've buried too many lately. I'm not willing to stand by and let one of my best friends become one of them. :: Jaxon thought briefly about Isaac’s words. It had been years since anyone had voiced their concern over his recklessness; Deep down in the kaleidoscope of suppressed thoughts and feelings, Jaxon knew this was the direct result of him refusing to let anyone getting close enough to do so. Green was somehow different in a way Jaxon couldn’t explain and that since the first day he had met him. :: Mc Ghee: :reassuringly:: Don’t worry, Isaac, I’ll be around for some time yet. oO If only so that Joel can continue not talking to me. Oo Green: ::The smile returning to his face:: You better be, [...]it. I'm going to haunt you to make sure of it. Mc Ghee: ::seriously:: I hope so Isaac. Someone has to cover my back on the next mission. :: patting Green’s shoulder :: I have to get to Engineering and get the damage report ready. :: Jaxon was about to add ‘I’m sure you’ve things to do’ and stopped himself just in time. He recalled the figure lying face down on the deck-plates and Jaxon felt no envy for Isaac’s next task. :: Green: Yeah... no rest for the wicked, right? :: Jaxon nodded and patted Isaac’s shoulder, while turning for the door. As they hissed aside the short heighted Engineer stopped in the doorway. Without turning around he called back to the Marine. :: Mc Ghee: Isaac? Green: Yeah, Mate? Mc Ghee: :: without turning :: Thanks. :: Jaxon left the room without waiting for a further reply. :: ::The doors slid closed, and Isaac stood alone in the transporter room. He was tired, and there was so much left to do. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered someone telling him he was wanted on the bridge, so he decided that was the next place he would visit before he sat down to write the forever dreaded letter. Putting that out of his mind for the moment, Isaac shook his head and smiled at the sheer bravery (or stupidity) of his friend.:: JP by MCpt Isaac Green Strategic Operations Officer Duronis II Embassy/USS Thunder NCC 70605 And Lieutenant Jaxon Mc Ghee Chief Engineering Officer USS Thunder NCC 70605
  17. ((RIS Bolivia - Engineering section)) ::After checking with the Security team watching the visitors, Majon was satisfied that the guests were staying busy enough for him to enter the scout ship without any interference. Scans of the vessel showed no life forms on board and no obvious detection devices. As such, he decided to board the scout ship to follow the directions given to him just a short time before by his boss.:: ::Starting on the bridge of the small Romulan ship, Majon examined the consoles finding that many were designed, or perhaps redesigned, for human use. The language and interface composition was one that Majon recognized from dealing with Federation cargo ships in the past. He smiled as he knew that he was on the right track and would win favor with his captain.:: ::Majon took the turbolift to the Engineering section. Once inside the main room with the warp core, Majon quickly studied the console for the warp engine. His knowledge of Romulan warp cores was limited, but he knew enough to slow the scout ship. Entering in the commands for a change to the matter and anti-matter intermix ratio, he found that the security overrides were already in place. It was as if someone had made it easier for the crew to access the system. Pressing the commands for a lock down once the ratio reached ten to one, Majon effectively set an upper limit of Warp one for the scout ship once warp speed was initiated. Laughing as he turned to leave to inform Harromad of his success, Majon found himself face to face with one of Gaev’s crew.:: Majon: ::smiling:: You have a beautiful ship. How did you acquire it from the Romulans? Mc Ghee: A gift from a Romulan Centurion. He no longer needed it. :: remaining in the doorway :: Better said he will no longer require anything. How did you get access to our ship and for what reason? Majon: ::smiling:: Sounds like he's no longer with us. I was just curious about what the inside of Gaev's ship looked like. I've never seen a Romulan scout ship before. :: Mc Ghee considered his options. The fact that the man was aboard could well mean that their cover was blown. Maybe he had been sent to tamper with the systems, either way he couldn’t let the man leave unchallenged. However a confrontation might just mean that Jaxon blew their cover. :: Mc Ghee: Gaev will not be pleased to hear of this. Can you give me a reason not to inform him? Majon: ::casually:: You may tell him, if you wish. Orions are curious people, especially about things we've never seen before. It's part of the reason we are such good traders. Mc Ghee: ::Considering this :: Very well, please leave. I am here to retrieve a gift from Gaev for your boss. :: Standing aside. :: Majon: ::arrogantly:: Perhaps you'll give me a complete tour after our bosses have spoken. I'll make sure to speak with mine also. :: After the man had left and the door had hissed shut, Jaxon rushed to the console the Orion had just stood at. With a few key strokes he drew up the last commands to be entered, better said saw that entries had been erased. Without hesitation the chief turned and accessed the security screen to his left. Fingers flying over the panel, he activated a subroutine of the program his technicians had written for him. He smiled as he saw that the lock down was in place. :: ::Pausing outside of the door to the Engineering section, Majon waited for a moment to see if the Laudean would exit to contact Gaev. Seconds turned to a full minute, and Majon stepped to the door causing it to open. Seeing the Laudean at the same console where Majon had made changes to the warp core intermix ratio, Majon wasted no time in rushing the man who was of similar height but heavier build. With the handle to the five inch knife in his right hand, Majon closed the distance between the two competitors and lunged with the knife. His opponent sensed his attack and moved to the side, but not before Majon's blade cut across his opponent's middle section of his back and along his right side. When the Laudean turned, it appeared that he too was ready for combat.:: :: Mc Ghee heard footstep’s and turned, crying out in surprise as searing pain burned, blossoming from his lower right side; had the attack been dealt higher then it would have no doubt be warded off through the concealed blades. The chief’s reaction was hardly coordinated, his swinging arm missing his opponent who easily jumped back and out of Jaxon’s reach. Seeing the large blade Jaxon instinctually dodged around the console to bring space between him and his aggressor. Backing away he saw he was trapped and the only exit was past the armed man. :: :: It appeared that the Syndicate man was aware of this and didn’t want to press home his advantage. Jaxon took the moment to quickly feel his side and questing fingers found blood, warm and sticky flowing freely from a deep wound. The initial shock passing, he felt the flood of adrenaline in his system. His years of training kicked in and Jaxon’s hands disappeared behind his back. The two curved blades slipped silently out of the sheaves, both only half an inch wide and some 9 inches long. The weapons curved along the underside of his forearms, a fact that made it difficult for the opponent to follow their movement. Jaxon breathed in deeply, taking up a fighting stance with both blades held in clenched fists. :: :: He could have just drawn his disruptor, but Jaxon wasn’t going to make it so easy on him. The man had attacked him sneakily from behind and the fact infuriated him. Jaxon felt his anger rising, anger he otherwise constantly kept in check. Against his normal demeanour didn’t try and suppress it. The man would pay for catching him off guard; This was personal. :: :: Majon looked at the young Laudean man with a sneer; as if he was impressed by the two curved blades. He himself had been wielding a knife for over 2 decades and this young pup thinks he stands a chance; he’ll first realize his mistake when he was lying in own blood. :: :: The two men circled each other slowly, looking for an opening. They exchanged a few attacks, testing each others abilities. Mc Ghee’s side ached and he felt his blood slowly running down his back. Parrying another attack, Mc Ghee swiveled away to the left, clumsily feigning a punch with the curved blade in his fist. The Orion man reacted as Jaxon hoped by simply leaning back to avoid the blow and on the Chief’s face a dreadful smile of satisfaction formed as he saw the man’s mistake. Still in flight he changed the position of his clenched fist a little as it zipped past the Orion’s face. Jaxon’s knife followed the punch like a comets trail, only sharper and the blade glided over his enemy’s cheek. :: :: While jumping back as his opponent cried out, Jaxon watched the lighter man stagger a few steps, swearing heavily. Majon couldn’t believe it! Where the hell had that blade come from? He looked at his blood covered hand, and then back at the young man, his eyes flashing angrily. He would pay for this audacity! :: Jaxon: ::nodding to his own wound:: Now we’re even. :: Majon cried loudly as, knife raised, he charged Jaxon, swinging his weapon powerfully. Jaxon raised his left hand, deflecting the oncoming blade with his own. The Engineer tried to bring up his right hand to pull his knife over the Orion’s exposed back, but his opponent spun to the left and using the momentum from the counter attack, bringing his right elbow round, aiming for the Welshman’s neck. The Engineer foresaw the tactic and intentionally reacted too slow to fake inexperience. His opponent however was a lot more agile then he had anticipated and the blow knocked the heavy Engineer down and for a moment Mc Ghee saw stars. Majon pressed home his advantage, lunging onto the fallen Engineer. Metal clashed as Jaxon brought up both weapons to stop Majon’s deadly attack. :: :: Majon lay on his opponent trying to drive his knife home. He found the young man was surprisingly stronger than he had expected and his blow didn’t seem to have affected the Laudean as much as he had hoped. These people must be tougher. Jaxon’s own weapons were locked with the Orion’s blade that was aimed at his chest and Majon was trying to get up to be able to bring his weight into the effort of driving his blade home. :: :: As Majon managed to bring his bodyweight to bare, his blade slowly inched its way down. The Welshman let out an angry cry as the silver metal continued its lethargic descent. Jaxon’s arms and shoulders began to burn with the strain, while Majon, panting with effort, clumsily tried to gain more balance to be able to lean fully onto his blade. Jaxon screamed in a kaleidoscope of fury, effort, adrenalin and fear. :: :: With both men locked in a battle of strength, it was obvious that the Chief was slowly losing. Jaxon closed his eyes, threw back his head, and uttered something unpronounceable as he called on his final reserves of strength, managing to push the blade back a few inches. Anger and fear did their work and Jaxon kicked with his feet trying to upset the Orion’s already weak balance. While the man struggled to remain upright, Jaxon brought up his knee, striking the half standing man in the small of the back. Falling forwards with a surprised cry, Majon toppled over his adversaries right shoulder. The Engineer felt the knife glance into the flesh of his shoulder and he cried out in pain as his competitor fell nosily behind him. :: :: Ignoring the new waves of pain that now spread out from the new wound, Jaxon grit his teeth, arched his back and flipped back onto his feet. The close call had again sent a flood of adrenalin through his system and he turned angrily on the Orion who was already coming, his knife raised and calling for murder as he ran. Metal clashed as both men, driven by fury, desperately tired to bring their blades to bear. :: :: Majon was finding his opponent’s technique difficult to follow. The Laudean male definitely had an advantage in having two weapons; The younger man’s fists were free to deliver blows and with a simple twist of his wrists he could easily bring the deadly blades into the fray to either attack himself or to ward one off. At first he thought the man was inexperienced, but no one could have this much luck! He dodged and ducked and his blasted blades constantly fended of his attempts to wound him. The Orion knew he was faster, but this young [...] didn’t need to be fast as he had a second weapon to defend himself with. He fended off an oncoming blade only to be hit by elbow that sent him reeling. :: :: Jaxon watched the man reel, stumbling back a few metres as he tried to find his balance. The blow had his opponent’s senses momentarily phased and Jaxon took the opportunity to change tactics. Tossing his left blade upwards, he caught it neatly after it had spun 180 degrees; it now curved over the top of his forearm and provided him with a makeshift shield. Seeing the Orion gaining his balance, Jaxon spread both hands away from himself and charged the furious man. Falling into a crouch with a left sided swirl he ducked the under the man’s arm as he made a wild, powerful swing. In a pirouette Jaxon spun on the spot, rising from his crouch and intending to slash the man’s exposed back. Majon however used his continued momentum and turning fast he brought his blade down over the Engineer’s exposed arm. :: :: Metal screamed as the Orion’s blade glided over the Terran’s until it hit the hilt with a sharp click. As Majon realized that his opponent had switched position of his weapon, he saw the movement and tried to react, however it was too late. The man’s right knife connected with his own, sandwiching it stuck. He pulled hard but his opponents didn’t give by, instead pulling the trapped blades to himself while driving him back against the wall. :: :: Both men were again locked in a battle of strength and luck was not on Majon’s side as Jaxon could now bring his considerable body strength into the battle. There was hard thud as the Orion hit the wall and he felt the Laudean press his arms against his chest. Both men were breathing hard as they struggled and Majon down into the golden eyes, and saw the hatred pictured there. Had he really underestimated the man? :: :: Jaxon felt the his enemy’s free hand scrabbling on his arm trying to push it back and the Chief stemmed him self against the wall, tying to press the air out of his lungs. The man leant his head back and with a sharp crack dealt the Engineer a head butt. His head ringing, Jaxon grit his teeth as stars danced before his eyes while his mind seemed to explode. He felt the blood running from a gash over his brow and saw the man incline his head to deal another blow. Grunting angrily Jaxon renewed his efforts, pushing the man up the wall while he braced arms to twist the blades he was holding. :: :: Majon felt the air being pressed from his lungs while his feet slowly left the floor. Realizing he stood moments from certain defeat, he reached to the side and gripped the man’s wound hard. The Laudean’s scream was satisfying and he felt a sharp jolt as the man arched his body to get away. Coughing as he filled his lungs with air again, he adjusted his weapon and made after his staggering foe, snarling angrily. :: :: The lieutenant stumbled away; his right side burned the full length of his torso. Jaxon saw the man straighten himself and Jaxon did his best to blind out the pain. He dodged the initial thrust from the Orion feeling a new wave of anger heightening within him. The man didn’t fight fair; there were unwritten rules, a codex. Jaxon followed this as best he could and was proud of that, it showed respect towards your enemy. It seemed that this man wasn’t even worth that. :: :: His anger gave Jaxon new fuel to power his attacks; he was alone, injured and fighting for his life. He had experienced this before and back then the idea that he might leave his son alone forever made him furious. Inside his head he saw nothing but a red swirl of rage and contempt that kept growing; the Vulcan inside him, never too far away, had awoken. :: :: The speed of the fight became extreme, both men grunting and snarling while the blades flashed. Mere moments passed before Majon felt the burning touch of steel over his abdomen. Even though he cried out in pain and rage, he still spun to the left, bringing up his left arm to protect his body so he could attack himself. While he felt the Laudean man’s knife slice along the arm he had sacrificed, he used his turning momentum to make a swing for his opponent’s chest. :: :: The enraged Chief brought his right blade neatly over the left arm of his adversary, raising his own left to fend off the man’s fast moving swing. The angle of his back-held blade was to shallow and the Orion’s weapon glanced off. Jaxon knew what was coming and tried to lean back and to the right to lessen the damage. Due to the tension in his left wrist, his own knife sprung up cutting into the man’s passing triceps as their blades parted. While Majon screamed, his outstretched hand drove his knife over Jaxon’s chest who winced through gritted teeth as the blade sliced through the muscle. The Engineer called on his failing right arm, raising it and swiftly pulling the weapon over the bicep of the already injured arm. While Majon howled, Jaxon drove himself fore practically running the lighter man off his feet, before shoving him away violently, his weapon clattering away. While the man cried out, clutching his wounded arm, Jaxon heard a sound behind him. Not again! No sneaking up from behind!. :: :: With a furious scream of anger, Jaxon turned on the newcomer bringing both blades round and with powerful swings. His actions were still being dictated by the white hot, mindless fury, while his sub consciousness gave new orders. The two steel blades halted and Jaxon stopped, standing there, his broad shoulders rising and falling as he panted in exhaustion. His anger subdued a little as he saw the familiar face of Chip Bolden standing in the doorway in obvious pain.:: TBC JP by Lieutenant Jaxon Mc Ghee Chief Engineering Officer USS Thunder NCC 70605 and MSPC Majon Orion Lieutenant Bajoran freighter Pah Krel as simmed by Lieutenant Commander Miles Unum Second Officer Duronis II Federation Embassy USS Thunder, NCC-70605
  18. Great class of simers! Congratulations to you all, and welcome to the fleet!
  19. ((RIS Bolivia - Yael's temporary quarters)) ::With the unfortunate business of the needless clash with Mc Ghee behind him, Tallis set his sights on the man who he was intent on talking to. Noticing that Saveron was lying on one of the bunks and still thinking clearly enough to know that it would be amiss to ask him to move out when he was trying to get some rest, Tallis swallowed his anger as best he could in an attempt to make amends for the recent disturbance.:: Tallis: Sorry to disturb you, Doctor... ::Although his expression soon dropped once again when he turned back towards the room's other occupant.:: Tallis: ...Counsellor, you're with me. ::He turned his back and made for the door before Yael could respond, leaving him with the expectation that he would follow. Waiting just outside the door, he fought to keep from pacing as he waited for the counsellor to emerge.:: ::At that order, Ashley had shrunk somewhat, not wanting to face the music... especially after the altercation between Tallis and Jaxon. The Commander was angry. Not just displeased, but visibly, reactionarilly ANGRY. The fight between them had been completely unnecessary, and now he was left alone in Tallis's sights. :: ::But he pushed up and tried to ignore the dizzy wave at the sudden motion, moving out the door and finding the rather irate Bajoran in the corridor. The door shut behind him, and he couldn't help looking to it as if it might impede his necessary escape from a mauling. :: Yael: Commander, I... ::Ashley bit back the rest of whatever he might have had to say, instead allowing Tallis to move forward with what he clearly needed to say. His hands took up residence together behind his back, as they would naturally, but this time more as a defensive reaction. He may look like [...] and already be in the deep, but he still didn't want his tremor showing off. :: Tallis: You what? Were you about to apologize for the level of danger that we're all in just through your being here? Was that it? ::The first sign that Tallis was, if possible, even angrier now than he thought was that just the sound of Yael's attempt at an explanation had lit the blue touch paper. Stopping at that point was a struggle, but even in this state he knew how important it was to keep control of himself.:: :: A deeper worry bloomed, but Ashley couldn't for the life of him see what Tallis meant byy that. How could his being here make this mission *more* dangerous? Wasn't it just as dangerous as it was, no matter his personal condition? But he wasn't about to question the comment. Recovery. It was all in the recovery. :: Yael: I understand your angry, sir, but I... Tallis: No, that's just the trouble. You don't understand, and even with all of your qualifications in psychology and counselling, I'm riding at one hundred per cent confident that you couldn't even put your finger on exactly what has me contemplating ordering you to climb into an escape pod and shoot yourself off back to the Thunder... ::The corridor, although empty, was certainly not the place for the rest of the discussion. Giving the control panel on the neighbouring set of quarters the same tender, loving approach that the Counsellor's had received moments earlier, Tallis strode inside the empty room and leaned against the back wall, arms folded. Only once Yael was inside and the door was shut did he continue.:: ::The prospect of a ride in an escape pod was simultaneously terrifying and desirable, spurring him quickly into the room behind Tallis. :: Tallis: Do you have any idea at all of the mess we're in now? Do you? ::The heavy silence made Ashley's choice of words seem inadequate, no matter how carefully he chose them. His response was unsure, almost too quiet.:: Yael: I'm... not sure how my being here now makes things any more complicated than it seemed before, sir... Tallis: Let me explain. We're in enemy territory. We were in over our heads on this mission before we even left the Thunder, and we now have a member of our crew who's now completely reliant on whatever [...]tail of medication that Saveron has put together to stop from crawling into a bottle of Romulan ale? Do you even understand that we might not all make it back to the Thunder at the end of this? Yael: That was stressed at yesterdays staff meeting... I was aware of the risk, sir. ::The response wasn't snarky at all, more just confirmation that he did understand, that he had understood, when the mission was set before them for volunteers. Yesterday, Tallis had seemed glad he'd volunteered. Now... he was considering a forcible ejection via escape pod. :: :: His worst nightmare, unfolding before him. Had he lost everything? :: ::Maybe Tallis was being unfair. Maybe being on the end of a dressing down wouldn't be enough to get through to him. Maybe this was one problem that didn't have a quick fix, but either way, there was a report due, and a decision would have to be made about Yael's participation in the mission. A lot of that rode on what the counsellor had to say for himself in the next few minutes.:: Tallis: Then let me open your eyes to something else that you may or may not be aware of. There's someone else who's got some explaining to do now, and that's the man who cleared you to come on this mission in the first place. :: Was that why the Commander was so furious? Ashley hadn't thought it was nearly that big a deal, that Saveron could get in trouble. Purple eyes widened as the connection was made... Saveron had made a mistake? A few precious words in that gravely honest, monotone voice came back to him, from only moments ago.:: Saveron: I let you go because it was what you wanted. ::There was a certain amount of horror that came with the realization. Saveron hadn't made a medically professional decision... he'd made the decision because they were *close.* Saveron had made the decision he thought Ashley would *want,* and not necessarily the decision he found medically professional. :: ::Recovery. It wasn't about him. He was more certain as he replied now, as he had to make it clear to Tallis. He had to do a mental flip-flop amid his continuously ill state to quickly find the right words. :: Yael: It wasn't his fault... it wasn't. I asked him to let me come. I told him I was capable of completing my duties. ::He would admit to manipulating Saveron through their friendship if he had to.:: Tallis: Well, I'd say his defence is out of my hands, being as the captain has already asked for a report from both of us explaining why she's only finding out about this now. ::Whether or not Tallis's position was defensible in Toni's eyes was irrelevant for the time being. The point was that he shouldn't be having to consider it. Temporarily running out of steam, Rhul finally allowed Ashley a chance to speak.:: Yael: There might be something to mention of medical privacy rights... :: This was said with the utmost care, even pleading. It might not account for much, but it's something he thought he still had, even on an away mission. Clearly he'd mistaken just how wrong he was in this case. He'd gotten Saveron in trouble. It sounded as if Tallis was in trouble, and that the mission had been jeopardized... the way Tallis put it convinced him he'd condemned them all to lengthy and painful dooms, all through his selfish desire to follow through on his volunteered duty and his denial of his medical complications. As if he would be so necessary to a mission...:: ::When had he become so selfish? :: Yael: I have no excuse. My personal choices have been found... wanting. But you have to know I'd never do anything I thought would bring harm to others. I'm just... I'm not... can you expect me to be perfect all the time? ::ouch.:: I wouldn't endanger the mission... but I had already volunteered. I didn't even consider *not* coming, and only wanted to complete my assigned duty. You said yesterday you might... ::He struggled here, to justify himself. Did he dare use Tallis's own words to attempt and explain his presence here now, or would it simply incite more of his CO's rage? :: Yael: ... you said you might need my observational skills... sir... :: Ashley droned off, recalling Tallis's words the day prior. "I can't think of anyone better to be taking along with us. If there's one thing I've learned since I've met you, it's that you're the best person we have at reading the things that people don't say." But it hardly seemed pointed now, in that Tallis made clear he was not what he expected. :: Tallis: ::Starting to calm down:: I could go on forever about how irresponsible you've been, but you'll learn that lesson in the immediate future, either through your treatment or through whatever the captain decides to do with all of this. Between you, me and Saveron, there have been some abysmal decisions made over the last few months, and each one of us will have to answer for them. ::The phrase "you more than either of us" didn't needed to be added for its meaning to be clear.:: Yael: Understood, sir. Tallis: And to answer an earlier question, what makes me the most angry about all of this ::the word "angry" was uttered through clenched teeth:: isn't that it happened in the first place, we all have our own flaws and demons, it isn't that you've already caused one conflict between me and Saveron, with some more unpleasant conversations on the horizon. It's not even how sorry I feel that you're going through all of this right now. ::He paused, regret finding its way into his voice when he next spoke.:: It's that I trusted and respected you. I can't put into words how disappointed I am that we're in this situation. All of us. That makes me angriest of all. ::If one's heart could stop by verbal decimation alone, his would have. "I trusted and respected you." Past tense. And sounding rather permanent. :: ::He'd destroyed everything. :: ::There was nothing left to say, except... :: Yael: Yes, sir. Tallis: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed on the bridge. I believe I have a report to write. Yael: Aye, sir. ::Rising from his chair, his wrath drained from his system, Tallis found it replaced by regret, and concern. He still respected Ashley, in spite of everything, and while he still felt his words had needed to be said, he wasn't so heartless as to leave the counsellor without a straw to clutch at.:: ::As it was, even as Tallis began to move away, Ashley did no more than breathe, and even then only shallowly at that. :: Tallis: You're a good counsellor Ashley Yael, and what I said to you in sickbay before we left is still true. I suggest you get yourself together and report to the captain. She has the last word on whether or not you're still joining us. Yael: ::mechanically:: Yes, sir. ::The automated thrum of the door and Tallis's exit brought the conversation to rest. :: TBC A JP by Lieutenant (j.g.) Ashely Yael Counsellor Federation Embassy Duronis II USS Thunder NCC-70605 and Commander Tallis Rhul First Officer Federation Embassy Duronis II USS Thunder NCC-70605
  20. Congratulations,Zinna! Welcome to the Fleet!
  21. Congratulations Ensigns! Happy to have you in the Fleet!
  22. Congratulations, Ensign Barton! Well done! Welcome to the fleet!
  23. Congratulations, all 5 of you! Way to Go! Welcome to the fleet.
  24. ((USS Thunder, Sickbay)) ::Tindall was out cold in the HDU bay - not because he was a High Dependency patient but because it was somewhere separate where the lighting could be dimmed without affecting the rest of Sickbay - recovering from his encounter with the effects of the Laudean suns and Saveron was in the CMO's office going through readiness reports when a figure appeared in the doorway. Saveron: ::Looking up.:: Counsellor Yael. Your timing is exact. ::And he knew this without having to glance at a chronometer.:: :: Ashley smiled down at his Vulcan friend, recalling his sudden dash to make the appointment only minutes before. He had been reviewing the cases of the women who had been rescued from Gaev's clutches days ago, and had managed to lose track of time. In fact he'd been about to nod off at his desk, having rushed from the disasters on planet to the Thunder to more evaluations for the women, to his evaluation now. :: :: But he felt physically stronger and no longer needed the neuro-muscular supports, so was confident in "flying colors," so to speak. :: Yael: Doctor, good to see you. Saveron: Please sit. Computer, privacy lock on the CMO's office. Yael: ::sitting as requested, making conversation:: You've been kept busy. Did I hear right that Mr. Tindall was under medical care? May I ask if he's alright? :: He hadn't seen Willie, but the rumor train was well oiled among this crew. :: Saveron: He will made a full recovery. ::The Vulcan said simply. Then, after a moment's thought:: This is his third self-inflicted injury in the last four months. Yael: I see. ::pausing:: Stubborn man, that one. Perhaps you should send him to me once he's cured. :: It was less a request than a professional suggestion. Tindall had injured himself several times recently, surely not always due to his own means... but to his own *lack* of care for himself. It may be time to set some new boundaries for him, psychologically speaking. :: Saveron: That is a logical suggestion. I will make that recommendation to him. Yael: Did Saavok remain on Duronis? :: Partially catching up and making conversation, Ashley was expert at misdirection. Not that he could pull that on Saveron for more than a moment, the man was too sharp for that. Still, it was good to home ones skills when presented with a crafty opponent. :: Saveron: Affirmative. He is staying at the Ambassador's residence with Vee Turner and Jamie Felton. ::The Vulcan was normally amenable to talking about his family but he was aware that Yael was stalling him.:: I would enquire as to how your recovery is progressing. ::He said, before Yael could ask another question.:: Yael: I've felt quite well. I no longer need the neuro-mobility aids, as you can see. ::from the lack of his wearing them:: There is some shakiness, but it seems to have returned to what I would have called "normal" from before the incident on the shuttle. Consider me pleasantly surprised. ::Saveron was not pleasantly surprised, indeed the length of time required for Yael's recovery was somewhat excessive given his normally mild symptoms.:: Saveron: Will you permit a scan and a blood sample? Yael: Yes, of course. ::Steeping around his desk, Saveron applied the sampler to Ashley's neck for a moment, then placed it into the analyser socket in the wall, where it would discharge the blood for testing. The he scanned the Counsellor comprehensively with his tricorder before returning to his seat and docking the device.:: ::The results began to scroll down his screen, and Saveron read the numbers with the ease of long practice, before lacing his fingers together and regarding Ashley over the top of them.:: Saveron: I think Ashley that I now understand why you were 'pleasantly surprised' with your recovery. Given your less than optimal physical state it could have taken much longer. oO Or not happened at all.Oo Yael: I'm… sorry, Saveron? :: It was more a sudden shock than perhaps it should have been, but the Denobulan suddenly felt quite similar to when Tallis had given him a dressing down for missing a drill months before, and for the same issue… the drinking, at least. Trapped uncertainty, and a loss of words. It wasn't often he was unable to find his words, but the "I'm in trouble" moment did just that to him now. :: Saveron: Your results indicate that you are still neglecting correct nutrition and consuming excessive quantities of ethanol. Your physical state has deteriorated and you currently have traces of the substance in your circulating indicating an ingestion within the last eight hours. ::Grey eyes met purple with a lack of expression, yet there was an air of a trust betrayed.:: Saveron: I find it... personally disagreeable Ashley, that you have not managed to improve your lifestyle, to your own detriment. ::The Vulcan admitted, breaking the uber-efficient doctor image for a moment.:: Yael: The last eight hours… isn't that vague? It's… it's just a drink. It's nothing. :: The protest fell on deaf ears, likely in part because it sounded less than confident in itself. :: ::Saveron was well aware that consuming ethanol in the morning was not considered normal behaviour for most species, not to mention that being under the influence whilst on duty was against Starfleet regulations.:: Saveron: ::Forcing himself to focus on the task at hand.:: I recall that during your previous physical I made your pass conditional upon a review where you showed improvements in both your physical care and consumption of ethanol. Yael: ::trying to think fast:: There have been extenuating circumstances… the shuttle incident. :: Referencing the shuttle incident probably wasn't going to help him here, but he had nothing. He could sense Saveron making progressive decisions concerning his state of being, and Saveron's next words proved him right. :: Saveron: Given that you have not shown the requisite improvements, I can offer you two choices. I can either enter a failure to pass your medical review into your records, which will result in a suspension from duties, or you can agree to undertake a detoxification program. ::Saveron offered. He had a stubborn core and was not going to give up on Ashley as a lost cause.:: :: There was a moment of silence as Purple eyes glanced down at the flat of Saveron's desk. Otherwise he did not move, thinking fast, but coming up with nothing. Saveron was not giving him a choice, not realistically. Accept a blatant failure of a medical review? It would go straight to the Captain and 1st Officer, and they would both want to know why. More questions he didn't want asked, questions he might have to refuse to answer, leading to full professional reprimand on top of a failing evaluation… only deepening the lack of choice in Saveron's stern delivery. :: :: With a careful recalculation, purple eyes lifted again to match Saverons grey ones. There was a definite lack of mercy there. He understood, of course, but it did put him in a bit of a spot. :: Yael: And… this detoxification program would entail… what, exactly? Saveron: As you are no doubt aware, detoxification involves ceasing intake of the addictive substance, until such time as the body has removed all break-down products, repaired the relevant damage and the addictive urge has dissipated. Yael: I don't think it's necessary… honestly, I think it's a waste of time and effort. If I could only have a little more time to produce results for you…? :: Absolute denial. He'd fooled so many people before that he had begun to fool himself with his own pretty words. But Saveron proved harder to fool before, much less in the face of medical requirements. :: Saveron: I think, Ashley, that five months is adequate time. It is more than I had intended. ::He admitted, but missions had got in the way of his follow-ups.:: In that time, despite my assistance, you have not only shown no improvement, but have demonstrated a worsening of your situation. You are not endeavouring to follow my recommendations. ::That was the [...]ing truth. Ashley wasn't even trying, and Saveron was determined to save him from himself.:: :: Truly merciless, this Vulcan friend of his. Ashley had only one more protest, and it wasn't likely to win hearts or minds. :: Yael: Saveron, I *enjoy* drinking, but I am *not* an alcoholic. There is a difference. :: He stopped short of proclaiming "I can stop any time I want." He wouldn't accept such an argument as a counselor, much less in his own defense. :: Saveron: That is correct, as a medical officer I am aware that there is a very distinct difference, however your results indicate that you are an alcoholic Ashley. And what is worse is that you are in denial. :: The ensuing pause left them at a standstill, but Ashley knew he had nothing left to fight with. Saveron had all the cards. He closed his eyes and sighed, though it was restrained, as he resigned himself to what he had to do. Admittedly, he couldn't keep all the dislike of it out of his tone… he didn't like having power taken from him over his personal life. It reminded him far too much of worse times, but what he disliked didn't matter at this point. :: Yael: Then I will have to prove it to you. The program it is. How do we begin? ::The distaste in Ashley's voice was... disagreeable, but Saveron felt that he had no alternative, so he suppressed any considerations beyond the professional.:: Saveron: My proposal is simple, and that which I judge to have the highest probability of success. As a Counsellor you are no doubt trained in dealing with addictions and will be familiar with the Eritomab family of pharmaceuticals. Yael: ::restraining a grimace:: Yes, of course. :: He was no medic, but the basic knowledge he had of the medication was that it was used to curb the efficiency of an addictive substance, making its effects literally "non-addictive." On this medication, he could drink as much as he liked, but he couldn't achieve the effect desired due to the binding molecules stopping his body from processing the alcohol. It was something he himself had sent addicts to medical for, when other means to curb their addictions failed… and a low blow, that Saveron would suggest it for him. :: Saveron: I will add an appropriate dose of Eritomab-pro-ethanol to your daily medication regime. ::Saveron's long fingers were already flying over the keypad of his console, making the necessary entries.:: Once your addiction is remedied a reduction in ethanol consumption will be easier for you to maintain. Yael: Understood. :: The answer was short and a bit terse, though still restrained. :: Saveron: A series of Counselling sessions are also a mandatory part of a detoxification program. ::The Vulcan stated, as though this were not impossible with Ashley being the only Counsellor aboard.:: :: To this Ashley had no verbal response, but his purple eyes settled on Saveron, a single eyebrow raising slowly to allow his annoyance into his expression, as the Vulcan focused on his medical review. He was sending the Head Counselor into counseling. It would have been hilarious in any other context. But there was more to ask about. :: Yael: Does this program require command staff notification? :: Basically, he needed to know if the 1st or 2nd officer required notification, since they often handled the personnel matters. And if they were notified, the Captain would be next on the list. He didn't want inconvenient facts spreading about like locusts… once they were out, it was difficult to control them. :: Saveron: As your situation has the potential to impact your duties I am required to note this in your review report, which will be copied to Commander Tallis. However in the interest of maintaining your privacy, unless the Commander requires it to be forwarded elsewhere, he will be the only one informed. Yael: I'd prefer if this were kept quiet. I can set up the requisite counseling with a peer off planet, through video-communiqué. Unless you insist my own staff is involved…? :: The last thing he wanted was to lose face with his own staff. How could he lead them if he seemed unstable himself? :: Saveron: I would not require you to be counselled by your own staff, that would create issues of authority. ::Whatever Yael's personal self-disreguard, Saveron was more than careful to extend to him the same consideration and privacy with which he treated all his patients.:: Permit me to make some discrete enquiries, and I will arrange a suitably private counselling session for you. :: Ashley simply nodded again, taking Saveron's word as law. He was in his hands, so to speak… and even though he knew deep down that Saveron was right, even though his distaste for having the power taken from him was apparent, he couldn't help but feel… watched out for, just a little. Saveron wasn't going to give him his way, but it was *for* him. There was the underlying guilt for having ignored Saveron's medical advice… but these were underlying impulses themselves, carefully masked and camouflaged even to himself. :: :: He was so good at it he'd begun to fool himself. A mark of failure he still failed to accept as he held his posture up and expression Vulcan-reserved, his typical patient Denobulan smile gone. :: ::Taking the silence following Ashley's nod as all the answer that he was going to get, Saveron ordered a vial of Eritomab-pro-ethanol and loaded it into his hypospray.:: Saveron: With your permission I will administer the first dose now, as you will have already self-administered your Proprenalol does today. :: The doctor prepared the medication, and Ashley didn't move as the hypo was applied to his neck in the proper place. If nothing else, he could maintain his dignity. :: Yael: I'll remain on duty during the course of this treatment? Saveron: Affirmative. While you are undergoing treatment you will be marked as conditionally fit for duty. ::As before.:: As you are no doubt aware, the Eritomab pharmaceuticals cause harmless but unpleasant symptoms in the presence of their target chemicals. I trust that it will not be necessary, but notify me if you experience severe symptoms or any side-effects. Yael: I will notify you in the case of any severe symptoms. :: "Severe" being the likely requirement for him to admit his fault. Perhaps he was too proud. :: Saveron: Then I have nothing further to add. Is there anything else you wish to discuss? :: Pausing as he stood, Ashley contemplated the question, trying to think beyond his discomfort for the current situation. :: Yael: I… still think it unnecessary. But I understand *you* think it is necessary, and that you will act on your best judgment and intention. I expect no less from you… even if I believe you are wrong. :: He tried not to bludgeon his friend with the comment, but wanted to be clear that he did understand, even if he disagreed or wasn't *happy* about it. :: ::Whatever reaction Saveron might have had to Ashley's words were hidden behind the usual stoic Vulcan demeanor.:: Saveron: I would find it preferable Ashley, if you were to prove me wrong. ::He said simply.:: :: Turning, the doors unlatching at his presence, Ashley assumed that would be all and strode out of the room and sickbay without another word. As if that wasn't enough. Tallis would be notified, and one misstep would mean the loss of his reputation. And all he really wanted at the moment was to relax and have a good drink. :: Lieutenant (JG) Saveron Chief Medical Officer Embassy Duronis II USS Thunder NCC - 70605 & Lt. JG Ashley Deneve Yael Head Counselor Embassy Duronis II USS Thunder NCC - 70605
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