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Brayden Jorey

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Brayden Jorey last won the day on July 10 2018

Brayden Jorey had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Brayden Jorey

Personal information

  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Completed Arts Degree in Psychology & Master's in Social Research<br />
    Musician (Voice, Piano, Composer) <br />
    Athlete (Personal Training, Beach Volleyball, Aikido)<br />
    Nerd (Star Trek, RPG's, Sci-Fi/Fantasy)

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Eagle
  • Current Post

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Brayden Jorey's Achievements

Sci-Fi Groupie

Sci-Fi Groupie (15/28)



  1. December 2389... guess he could do a 10 year reunion four years from now or so. 😜
  2. I always thought it would be great for Jorey to do a trip to Earth. Check out his old haunts around the Academy and SanFran and beyond.
  3. Welcome back! 😊❤️🖖
  4. So, it’s been a week as officers in the fleet! Hope everyone is enjoying their assignments, getting to know their crewmates and haing a ton of fun! Hopefully I’ll see you all at the fleet chat this Sunday and you can tell me all about it!
  5. You guys were fantastic! Welcome to the SB118 community. So glad to have y’all with us. See you around the fleet!
  6. Congrats everyone! Great work at the Academy can't wait to see you bring it to your respective ships! Have fun with it! Shawn
  7. Have you seen someone's bio on the wiki that you think deserves to be featured on the main page and through our publicity and news teams? Then simply reply below with a link to the article! Before you nominate an article, please ensure that your nominated article meets the following rules: Nominated articles must be of a player character played by a CURRENT and ACTIVE member. Nominated articles must be either a PRIMARY or SECONDARY player character. PNPCs are ineligible. All information in the article must be CURRENT as of the submission date. Bios are judged using the contest's judging criteria as a guide. Thanks and good luck! The collection for this round's nominations ends Friday September 1, 2017.
  8. Awesome job, Ensign Reacher! Welcome to the fleet - officially!!
  9. Jorey, in his own way of defiance to the Romulan Star Empire and Tal Shiar, is wearing a hand stitched jacket created by Romulan Republic activist/designer Taevus Velal. The imagery on the jacket is inspired by ancient forms of Romulan script and tells the story of angry deities who caused choas and destruction so that their worshipers would be forced to become stronger and live with more purpose and conviction. Velal's has been accused of saying that the Hobus Disaster was somehow deserved to which he has been quoted as saying, "Our people had become suspicious, protectionist, and tried to manipulate the order of others. There are now those of us in the Republic who believe there is a better way - a way of cooperation, collaboration, and peace. The Republic stands because the Empire failed." When pressed on the matter Commander Brayden Jorey responded, "My intention is to simply bring attention to a fabulous designer and passionate young Romulan who is trying to make a better life for himself, his community, and the Republic."
  10. Welcome aboard, Ensigns! Always great to see the fleet growing!
  11. Welcome to the Fleet!
  12. Awesome job in training! Any ship will be lucky to have you on their team!
  13. Have you seen someone's bio on the wiki that you think deserves to be featured on the main page and through our publicity and news teams? Then simply reply below with a link to the article! Before you nominate an article, please ensure that your nominated article meets the following rules: Nominated articles must be of a player character played by a CURRENT and ACTIVE member. Nominated articles must be either a PRIMARY or SECONDARY player character. PNPCs are ineligible. All information in the article must be CURRENT as of the submission date. Bios are judged using the contest's judging criteria as a guide. Thanks and good luck! The collection for this round's nominations ends Saturday July 1, 2017.
  14. Of course... it happens... maybe some sort of probe accidentally goes off course and hits the planet's sun which caused a cascade type reaction leading to some kind of super solar flare that knocks out electronics? I mean these things happen, right? Right?!?!
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