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Segolene LeMarnix

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Everything posted by Segolene LeMarnix

  1. Few interesting things
  2. Congratulations on graduation ans welcome to Fleet.
  3. Congratulations on promotion.

  4. Heya Ancient, how are you lately?

  5. I would set my story in the time after the return of Voyager, but in JJ Abrams universe. Maybe a bit improper, but that way I'd be able to explain the new technologies, that are not seen in previous Star Trek. Cast? Completely new people and I'd do my best to find a way to explain why they are all so young, yes, young characters and actors - except, Captain, of course. Characters? At least half of the main cast would be Alien species, non Terrans. Data/Odo type character would be THE Ship - AI Avatar; as yucky as it may sound, I'd make it comic relief for the start of the show, till everyone or get used to him/her - or make a set of rules where and when it can appear. Of course, holoprojectors would be available throughout the ship, so if you have badly injured people, EMH will just jump/appear to them. Instead of commbadge - comm. device would be in thumb and forefinger, so instead of tapping the commbadge you'd just tap thumb to forefinger; universal translator would be small bugs in ears (receiver part, if everyone has translator from whatever to their language in their ears there's no need for more than that in personal use); Communicator - as send receive device would be in ears, with universal translator and sending device in jaw. Every and each of those pieces of the device would be or have locator - so no more losing people and inability to get a lock because commbadge is removed. Of course - exploration; my show would be return to roots and deep space exploration. New enemies, new friends. What kind of, I don't know, it's something I'd have to think about. It requires some thinking, but I'd try to invent something ominous, but fresh and different.
  6. Congratulations on graduation and welcome back.
  7. Welcome to Fleet, it's good to have you.
  8. Congratulations to you all, and welcome to the fleet!
  9. Sometimes we expect more from others, because we would be willing to do that much for them.

  10. Sometimes, when you give up on someone, it is no because you don't care, but because you realised they don't care.

  11. Be careful who you open up to. Only few actually care, the rest just want something to can use against you.

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