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Anora Manar

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Everything posted by Anora Manar

  1. Happy Birthday, Ensign!

  2. Hehe, I never noticed I;d like to know how everyone's enjoying themselves. Tactical Officer Kaziarl's over on the Discovery and Jassa's on the Ronin's science team (Lt Cmdr Maria is also on that ship), but I can't find our last graduate on the rosters. I hope she's still around. Everyone was so talented in my class, if I'm allowed to say so myself.
  3. Hm, Barnes. Toni, I think I know that name too. Welcome back to the fleet, and welcome to the Resolution as well. I was all happy for a second that I wouldn't be the new kid on the block anymore, but I guess I'll just have to wait till we get our next graduate for that.
  4. Congratulations Ensign Gregory, how are you liking the Rhonin?
  5. Now now Kali, don't give them any ideas for the next challenge topic. *waits patiently to read the stories about Conga Rats*
  6. Hmmm, that name does sound familiar. Who is this Katy person? Congratulations Ensigns, you did it. Now go make us proud and take over the fleet... I mean, become an asset to the fleet.
  7. Hey everyone, I was posted as Engineering Officer on the Resolution, priviledged enough to serve once more under our former XO Toni Turner. Where did you all end up and how are you enjoying your ships so far? Ensign Anora ( PS: Thanks Captain Riley ))
  8. Congratulations to you both
  9. Happy Birthday Julia!

  10. Happy Birthday Daydan!

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