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Anora Manar

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Anora Manar last won the day on June 18 2015

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About Anora Manar

  • Birthday 01/09/1989

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  1. I really loved Jadzia, but reading the books, I also really like what has become of Ezri. She's a very different character than she was on the show.
  2. Great job Rich, thanks again for all your impressive work to make our Wiki so amazing!
  3. The way I read that was that CBS Network digision has no creative control, that the show's creative control will lie entirely with the CBS All Access division instead. No idea if that's a good thing or not, or even if that distinction makes a difference in the long run. I feel both have to answer to the same parent company in the end
  4. Based on the team they announced, I'm almost sure that's the case.
  5. What do you guys think: http://io9.com/7-things-we-want-in-the-new-star-trek-tv-show-1740580586 I'd love to see a post-Nemesis series, but I have a feeling it's going to be more like #2 (TNG of the Alternate Universe). I doubt it'll be another Enterprise, though an Enterprise might make an appearance (either a new one, or like in DS9, one of the current ones is in the pilot to "launch" it off).
  6. Whoops, totally meant CBS. Stupid autocorrect. Though they probably will still film it out of Vancouver or Toronto, it's cheaper.
  7. http://www.startrek.com/article/new-star-trek-series-premieres-january-2017 http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/star-trek-tv-series-works-828638 http://io9.com/holy-crap-they-are-officially-making-a-new-star-trek-t-1740024705#_ga=1.261742222.2035089323.1446467896 Looks like CBC Productions might be bringing the franchise back to TV. What do you think? Is it really possible?
  8. I totally thought that was just an angry version of our favorite Gorn... Or PTSD from the Klingon Invasion
  9. Welcome aboard, Ensigns! "Best little sim group in Texas" - should I be afraid of our upcoming mission... are we gonna end up in Texas?
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet!
  11. I've really enjoyed the Relaunch novels. The Destiny/Typhon Pact/The Fall ones are particularly nifty. My favorite three books though have been Rising Son, A Stitch In Time, and Articles of the Federation.
  12. That's amazing! So good! You totally just made my day
  13. It was on Kickstarter last November and succesfully funded there. It looks really good. Haven't heard anything about it really since though. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/145553614/star-trek-renegades?ref=live
  14. Congratulations Ensign It was a blast to train you. I'm so glad you've decided to join us, and you'll make a wonderful addition to the Fleet. And if you ever need anything or have any questions, just ask... Yes, I know you could just ask Nugra, but the offer remains anyways
  15. Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet, ensigns. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask
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