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Rykel Rior

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Rykel Rior last won the day on March 10 2018

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About Rykel Rior

  • Birthday 05/03/1981

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  • Current Vessel
    Andaris Task Force

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Rykel Rior's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (18/28)



  1. Keep them as is. Life is nothing without a little bit of danger!
  2. DATES: The class began on August 4, 2015 and ended August 10, 2015. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Commander Chen FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Aigle Phose (Lt. Commander James) GRADUATES: * Drax * Jerome "Jerry" Milsap
  3. Congrats and welcome to our community!
  4. Laughed harder than I should have...and for much longer than was appropriate.
  5. DATES: The class began on July 7, 2014 and ended on July 14, 2014. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Ian West FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Alex Blair GRADUATES: * Gordon Mobius * Ian Patrick Connory * Nathaniel Wilmer Welcome to the community, great to have you with us!
  6. DATES: The class began on May 27, 2014 and ended on June 2, 2014. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Ian West FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Alex Blair GRADUATES: * R'raika Voss Welcome to the community, great to have you with us!
  7. Welcome (and in some cases Welcome Back) to the community! I hope you all enjoy yourselves!
  8. Welcome to the community! It is great to have you with us.
  9. DATES: The class began on April 7, 2014 and ended on April 15, 2014. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Kael Thomas FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander James GRADUATES: * Colin Stonestreet * Tyler Kelly * Clio Athenodora Margariti Welcome to the community, great to have you with us!
  10. DATES: The class began on March 31, 2014 and ended on April 8, 2014. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Sundassa Faranster FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander A'ern Zerxes GRADUATES: * Tyler Reacher Welcome to the community, great to have you with us!
  11. DATES: The class began on March 24, 2014 and ended on April 1, 2014. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Alex Blair FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Ian West GRADUATES: * Kala Maddox Welcome to the community, great to have you with us!
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