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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. I'm going for Kira. Worf was undoubtedly a good captain, but he was not subtle and didn't have much nuance. And in fact, we saw a couple times where he did the absolute wrong thing out of vengeance. Kira had a mission, a motive, and the experience to lead. She was strong when she needed to be, but diplomatic all the way. I'd follow her anywhere
  2. I hate Facebook. Facebook is ruining my life. Facebook is destroying my brain in the same way that meth destroys your teeth. And yet I can't stop wasting time on Facebook. I can't stop commenting on things I know will leave track marks on my psyche.

    I wish there was a de-Facebookifying program that was free. And support groups that are ubiquitous. Places with lots of coffee and free donuts where I can just [...]ing TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THIS THING I READ, get some positive feedback, and not have...

  3. DATES: The class began on Dec. 30, 2014 and ended Jan. 6, 2015. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Alex Blair FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Chythar Skyfire GRADUATES: Tul GidonScarloc BlackLiani h'Rhendria lyr'Theel'zhiinThis thread is a place for others to welcome you to the fleet, and for you to check in with the other members of your class and keep in contact as you head your separate ways. So glad to have you with us. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  4. DATES: The class began on Dec. 29, 2014 and ended Jan. 6, 2015. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Captain Nugra FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. James GRADUATES: Garret FaulknerRyan KingThis thread is a place for others to welcome you to the fleet, and for you to check in with the other members of your class and keep in contact as you head your separate ways. So glad to have you with us. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  5. There's no intention of getting rid of the archives. We'll decide at a later date where the archives will live.
  6. That was great! I love that Paramount actually hired someone to do this instead of just "winging it." 20 years ago, little sound clips a big item to trade on AOL, and I had dozens of Star Trek clips. One of them was from that scene with Spock and Kirstie Alley, where he says that really weird long word that sounds like "monotuam." I still remember that phrasing to this day, since I heard it so often!
  7. Thank you to Capt. Egan Manno, who has been a faithful steward of this competition and has done great work in the past few years. Indeed, this decision came after a lot of discussion among the Executive Council and other captains. It was my proposal to end the challenge now, at a high point, for a great many reasons. One of those reasons is that I'd like us to focus more on the Top Sims Contest, and not only making that more of an opportunity for great writing to shine, but also to encourage members at every rank to lift up their own work and show the best of what they have. We are going to be making some changes to the Top Sims Contest in the coming few months, after hearing some of your feedback, to make it easier to participate. You'll hear more about that soon. As Capt. Egan Manno said, I encourage everyone to remember the great Writing Challenge rounds past, as we look forward to new opportunities for community building. Thanks to everyone who has participated in this challenge over many years -- your contributions were fun to read, and showcased some of our best writing.
  8. Winners for Set 1, 2015: Round 1: Leland Bishop: "Admiral Nibbles"Round 2: Tracey Townson: "Awaiting Deception" – SET 1 WINNERRound 3: Aralo Onil (PNPC): "Everything"Round 4: Raj Blueheart & Emerson Ravenscroft - "Photograph, An Alternate Tale"Round 5: Kalianna Nicholotti: "Recollections"Round 6: Talisa zh'Eriss & Michael Jellico (PNCP) "Transfer Request"Set 1 winner: Tracey Townson: "Awaiting Deception"Winners for Set 2, 2015: Round 7: Saveron & Alora DeVeau: "Sad Songs Say So Much" – SET 2 WINNERRound 8: Zayar Feraoun, "They Were Here First"Round 9: Tyr Waltas: "Hearts I Leave Behind"Round 10: T'Mar & Liam Frost, "Changing of the Guard"Round 11: Surem (PNPC), "Better This Way"Round 12: John Valdivia & Raj Blueheart, "Old Friends Are The Best Friends"Round 13: Vance Sheridan & Sabina Tiam, "Shadows of the Noguwi"Set 2 winner: Saveron & Alora DeVeau: "Sad Songs Say So Much"Winners for Set 3, 2015: ​Round 14: Hannibal Parker, "Cat Food"​Round 15: Sovak, "Taarikh"​Round 16: Maxwell Traenor & Noros (PNPC), "Max" – SET 3 WINNER​Round 17: Aron Kells, "Turn and face the strange"​Round 18: Kalianna Nicholotti, "Unremembered Familiarity"​Round 19: Kellan Joran & Ashley Yael, "Regularly Scheduled Support"​Round 20: Seth Ralston (NPC), "Showtime"Set 3 winner: Maxwell Traenor & Noros (PNPC), "Max"Winners for Set 4, 2015: ​Round 21: Charlotte deBarres, "Bird Droppings"​Round 22: Didrik Stennes, "Contrition Vol. 1"​Round 23: Ceilidh Riverview, "The power of memory"​Round 24: Alora DeVeau & Saveron, "Where Vulcan Flowers Grow" - SET 4 WINNER​Round 25: Hannibal Parker, "Recognition, Resignation"​Round 26: Wyn Foster, "What Friends are For"Set 4 winner: Alora DeVeau & Saveron, "Where Vulcan Flowers Grow"
  9. HOW VOTING WORKS There are two types of voting in this contest: member voting and judges voting. After each round of submissions, all the sims from that round are voted-on by a panel of judges. The winning sim from each round of judges voting then proceeds to a run-off round.Run-off rounds are open to all members for voting. The winning sim from each run-off round proceeds to the final round.The final round is open to all members for voting. For a sim to win the final round, at least 20% of the voters for that sim must be from a ship other than the ship it originated from.HOW THE JUDGES PANEL WORKS The judges panel is comprised of one member from each ship. Judges are free to resign from the panel at any time or be switched-out but are expected to judge for a full "Set" (see the Contest Calendar).At the end of each Set, Captains will be encouraged to review their ship's judge.A judge's "term" lasts for three sets, after which they must be switched with a new judge from the crew. After a judge's term is over, and a new judge has been selected and served for at least one term, the previous judge is again eligible to begin a new term.Judges can be of any rank, as long as they are able to demonstrate a basic grasp of good simming skills.Each ship's Captain appoints the judge from their ship, but they are free to use whatever method they deem appropriate to select that judge. They can select themselves as the judge.Judges use a ranked voting method called Instant Runoff Voting (IRV). For more information about IRV, see the Wikipedia page. When voting, judges are not permitted to vote in the top slot the sim from their crew. This ensures that judges are not favoring their own crew's sims. They can still choose their ship's sim in the second slot or lower.
  10. Welcome to Top Sims Contest of 2015! All announcements for the entire 2015 contest will be posted in this thread. The Top Sims contest allows members of our fleet to be recognized by their peers for superior writing ability. Unlike the Writing Challenges, this contest allows only sims that have been used in a current plot to be considered. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES You can submit ANY sim -- from your ship, or another ship. You can submit your own sims if you wish. All sims are welcome, including staff (Captain, First Officer, etc.) sims.The sim must be written with good spelling, good grammar, and be in the correct format. Poorly structured sims will be disqualified.When a sim is submitted, it must have been created within the current submission period, or the previously lapsed submission period. Put another way: do not sims which are any older than a month.Submitted sims may not have any open dialogue tags. (i.e.: [respond here]) All dialogue in the sim must be filled in. (Just find the responding author's sim and fill in the blanks.)Sims must not include any "canon" characters. (i.e.- no characters who have appeared onscreen.)Please find a balance between nominating too many, or too few sims. Don't submit every good sim -- instead, post every great sim! Encourage your fellow crew-mates to submit at least a few sims a year. If you want your crew-mates to win more, you have to nominate the best sims, and encourage others to write higher quality sims! HOW TO SUBMIT A SIM First: Click the "Start New Topic" button. The format of the topic title should be as follows: "Character - Sim Title" For example: "LtJG Tristan Wolf - Everywhere you go, there you are"Note: Please do not clutter the topic title with an endless list of NPC or PNPC names or "JP" designations. Instead, simply include the primary character's rank and name. If it's a joint post, just include both rank and names -- no need to include the "JP" in there.Second: Choose from the "Topic Prefix" box the correct round number. (To check what round we're currently in, see the contest calendar below.) Third: Copy into the message box the complete sim. You don't need to worry about column width. Check to make sure that the sim is readable. You can click the "Edit" button to fix any issues, but don't delay -- you'll be barred from editing the post after 60 minutes. COMMENTING ON A SIM Everyone is welcome to comment on submitted sims. If you're going to provide constructive criticism, you are required to employ the "hamburger" criticism method: first, mention something you like; second, something you didn't like; third, something else you liked. If you just want to provide praise, no hamburger method required! Commenters who are rude, unfair, or overzealous in their commenting will be barred from future comments in the contest forum, and will have their actions brought to the attention of their CO. CONTEST CALENDAR Set 1, 2015 Round 1, 2015 submissions: Monday, November 3 to Sunday, November 16, 2014Round 2, 2015 submissions: Monday, November 17 to Sunday, November 30, 2014Round 3, 2015 submissions: Monday, December 1 to Sunday, December 14, 2014Round 4, 2015 submissions: Monday, December 15 to Sunday, December 28, 2014Round 5, 2015 submissions: Monday, December 29 to Sunday, January 11, 2015Round 6, 2015 submissions: Monday, January 12 to Sunday, January 25, 2015Run-off Round 1: Monday, February 2nd to Sunday, March 15Set 2Round 7, 2015 submission: Monday, January 27 to Sunday, February 8Round 8, 2015 submission: Monday, February 9 to Sunday, February 22Round 9, 2015 submission: Monday, February 23 to Sunday, March 8Round 10, 2015 submission: Monday, March 9 to Sunday, March 22Round 11, 2015 submission: Monday, March 23 to Sunday, April 5Round 12, 2015 submission: Monday, April 6 to Sunday, April 19Round 13, 2015 submission: Monday, April 20 to Sunday, May 3Run-off Round 2: Monday, May 11 to Sunday, June 28Set 3Round 14, 2015 submission: Monday, May 4 to Sunday, May 17Round 15, 2015 submission: Monday, May 18 to Sunday, May 31Round 16, 2015 submission: Monday, June 1 to Sunday, June 14Round 17, 2015 submission: Monday, June 15 to Sunday, June 28Round 18, 2015 submission: Monday, June 29 to Sunday, July 12Round 19, 2015 submission: Monday, July 13 to Sunday, July 26Round 20, 2015 submission: Monday, July 27 to Sunday, August 9Run-off Round 3: Monday, August 17 to Sunday, September 27Set 4Round 21, 2015 submission: Monday, August 10 to Sunday, August 23Round 22, 2015 submission: Monday, August 24 to Sunday, September 6Round 23, 2015 submission: Monday, September 7 to Sunday, September 20Round 24, 2015 submission: Monday, September 21 to Sunday, October 4Round 25, 2015 submission: Monday, October 5 to Sunday, October 18Round 26, 2015 submission: Monday, October 19 to Sunday, November 1Run-off Round 4: Monday, November 2 to Sunday, December 6FINAL RUN-OFF OF 2015: Monday, December 7 to Sunday, December 27 - this run-off selects the Top Sim of 2015. Set 1, 2016 Contest Round 1, 2016 submissions: Monday, November 2 to Sunday, November 15Round 2, 2016 submissions: Monday, November 16 to Sunday, November 29Round 3, 2016 submissions: Monday, November 30 to Sunday, December 13Round 4, 2016 submissions: Monday, December 14 to Sunday, December 27Round 5, 2016 submissions: Monday, December 28 to Sunday, January 10Round 6, 2016 submissions: Monday, January 11 to Sunday, January 24Run-off Round 1: Monday, January 25 to Sunday, February 21
  11. Please use this thread for any general discussion or questions about the Top Sims Contest. Do not post praise or criticism for submitted sims in this thread. Instead, post those praise or criticisms in the submitted sim's own thread.
  12. ANOTHER weekend? I just had a day off, like, yesterday.

  13. I think I'd have a seriously hard time staying behind. I would imagine that, even though they would be very real and it would feel cruel to leave, I would also end up rationalizing that these people never "really" existed and decide to go back to my real life.
  14. Omg, the scene where Phoebe's grandmother is updating the phone book from the obituaries!

  15. Our fleetwide ceremony has been posted! http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php/Awards_Ceremony,_2014
  16. So glad to have you with us. My door is always open if you ever need anything.
  17. http://comicsalliance.com/star-trek-comic-book-guide-dc-marvel-idw-john-byrne/ Wow! This is quite the resource. And also indictment of really bad comics. At the bottom there's a link to what I believe is software that contains every single comic published up to 2002, which is pretty amazing!
  18. Closes tonight. Vote now if you haven't already!
  19. Here's the sitch: You and your crew investigate an anomaly around a planet. Once your ship crosses the threshold of the anomaly, you find out that there's a settlement on the planet. And when you beam down and talk to the people there, you find out they're all your many-generations-removed descendants! Turns out that your ship, when trying to escape the anomaly, will be thrown 200 years into the past, and you and the other crew will end up building the settlement that you now stand in. There's a catch: You know how you can avoid the same fate when you leave the anomaly now. But in doing so, you erase the people -- all 8,000 of them who are your descendants -- from history. Your own family is waiting back for you on the starbase. Do you go back in time and fulfill this destiny of the planet and your descendants? Or do you use your knowledge to leave without creating this settlement, and erasing these people from history? That's the idea behind DS9 episode "Children of Time." Just re-watched it, and while the actors and producers say they didn't like it much, I thought it was one of the better time-travel episodes. Have you seen the episode? What did you think? And what would you do in their situation? Erase your descendants from history, or stay behind and live a happy, pastoral life?
  20. DATES: The class began on December 15, 2014 and ended Dec. 21, 2014. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Roshanara Rahman FIRST OFFICER: FltCapt. Toni Turner GRADUATES: Alexander BishopThis thread is a place for others to welcome you to the fleet, and for you to check in with the other members of your class and keep in contact as you head your separate ways. So glad to have you with us. My door is always open if you ever need anything!
  21. Today I met my Google Fit walking goal on the way into the cupcake store.

  22. So glad you've joined us. Welcome to the community – my door is always open if you ever need anything.
  23. Jesuschrist will it ever stop raining?

  24. BAY AREA FRIENDS: Does anyone have a WiFi hotspot they could lend me for this weekend? I'll be happy to pay this month's worth of service/data to use it and can pick it up tomorrow!

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