I voted First Contact, because there really has been no worse moment in the history of Star Trek, I think, than giving Data emotions. Maybe we can debate that sometime. As for the God thing in Star Trek V, strangely enough, I didn't think it was so bad. Sure, it lacks what almost all of the Star Trek movies lack, but we don't really watch them for what they are, do we, just what they promise. That the drive to "find God" was strong enough to lead a Vulcan (a crazy Vulcan, admittedly) to steal a ship and journey to the center of the galaxy is interesting, even if it wasn't played well by Sybok. And that you can't get to God by way of the USS Enterprise, but must seek whatever divinity there is in other, non-physical, non-rational, ways says something very interesting about God and religion, regardless of your beliefs on the subject. ST5 gets a lot of flak for the whole "flying to find God" premise, but I don't know if it's as bad as we often say it is. And turning Data into comic relief seems, to me, a graver sin against Star Trek, in any event.