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Clase Drene

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Everything posted by Clase Drene

  1. It is real and it is also denied

  2. the last four cd's I have created was being burned to disk in what I thought was stereo form... nope they are all right line music works no "bounce" from right to left just right... :) This mishap (not that major since i had to live without sound on some videos just a few months ago) is driving me to ... start the 5.1 surroundsound creative video works.. :) that i have yet to do... so i will see if it is possible..

  3. oh no not another group of "just like us" freaks they get so self indulgent that it is almost narcissistic to want to be one of "them." First rule when developing a cult is that we are all equal, friendly, upstanding individuals with all the rights in the universe. Rule 2: trust the faith in beingness, more than trusting anything else. this is because one person's sense of equal may not equal another's person, equal or equality. That was the pilot edition of a group "just like us" I co...

  4. If I must laugh then I will laugh; otherwise it isn't funny at all.

  5. this image work is fun and easy i would do more but the computer is a little slow today and has been freezing at times.

  6. Harm is human suffering. My reaction to harm is only what there is left to do, ouch, there I feel better. By letting another know the pain I have lessened my burden in this life. The thrill of life is lessened into a dull taping sound. //.

  7. Here is a dismal drowning, in redundant pages formed by echoing various shapes of realities between each other that are mostly lost to all my thoughts in despair and with that, the hopeless feelings. I should just trash my life as a waste of time while mimicking the mocking in a very poser like demure of associations. But as reason has me needing any love or be it untold, by the creations of time and space. We and there for I am longing to to know this love yet has not a touch been bent to...

  8. there is music and then there is more musics.. the synthesizer has a grip on my soul but wait ,,, Soul? I always walk on my souls, so I sorta hide the soul o mine .. and i know all to well that this is an established grip of all the life forces that are .., going back in and please cut that confounded feedback, or else I will have to do something i am not happy about. err so what. hehe

  9. why do I care?why should I care?Being careful is hard work.But do farcical groups ponder most of the newer things at length and why? or so it is thought as a useful measure of time wasting.

  10. ode to joyas the self of nowmattered not, so thought the other ones onwhat is this matter being or is it able of and how?green is the eyes lighting in the rim of sky where tis.savor the realm of night for its moon has gone on and in.favor the realm of day for the sun waits in any nightless day.waver the surf and surf a waver from the hand it savors a favor.

  11. when there is more time I shall write on paper again... but till then I will look forward to the place with more time.

  12. If you mention my name, you might get a death plot plotted in your life like I have.. As much as I can say I am paranoid the dr can also tell me that I had a lethal dose of methamphetamine enter my body unknowingly by me and everyone cept for the peeps out to kill me.. they knew this all to well and could be even more upset with me now.. remember what does not kill you the first time will try and try again to kell me... but wait maybe that people are out to kill me is a good thing, it makes...

  13. Don't try and convince me of where you are... I know you couldn't do that or anything beyond what is happening in the real and unreal faking it and them not even wanting to fake the making of what we accept as your "serious," altitude in your gratitude, you do not know me; I am the one that means well and looses the shadow at the bottom of the hill we go up. Making it on top of the hill bill that is capital Bill bounced out of life and off death greets many a kind in the relationship of wake...

  14. We can post movie reviews and comments here about any movie we like, there are no limits. Into darkness is directly reviewed first.:;:. This movie seemed to touch on the second trek movie but in a new light as well as changing character rolls from the original movies, what was/is your understanding?
  15. STAR TREK two... ? yeah I don't want to spoil it for you but it was awesome in three D :)

  16. What are you doing special for Mom this year?

  17. Year ago..I posted Dr.'s found mad amounts of meth in my system I came close to death spent about twenty hours in the ER alone ,.......back, the last time I choose to smoke methamphetamine was1989 then I went inpatient followed by rehab I ,,, I never picked it up again till someone put it in me,.. I lost my job of 8 months a year ago,. The chemicals in my head went off for the first time since the voices in my head started in 1984 the told me to kill myself after I was dosed with meth,,, it i...

  18. I can sufficiently say that I am getting on my nerves, I keep cleaning and fidgeting and it is really getting on my nerves I just now know why. I keep cleaning because I keep cleaning thereby my nerves are fried... so it just gets to me,,, any farther and there will be no telling what could happen, a clean apartment. that would be going to far ....

  19. welcome Gwen, it is good to see you have not lost the urge to write in the trek universe. It is great to have you a part of us again. welcome back... Piqui, aka xoet 12 (aka Bill)
  20. I know! I will just pretend I am happy and joyous and free thus making the world happy...*yeah that makes sense everyone knows I [...]ing want everyone to be [...]ing happy* what matters is if your happy, are you happy?, does anything really matter at all in its actual form. NO and so what; things need not matter, mean anything, have direct, indirect, obscure, relations to each other, that, in the end, we form dust particles on the edge of water drops falling into the ocean of being. So ca...

  21. Did you hear? - we have a new mosquito design so just wait till summer because it will bite you..

  22. It is possible in group form yes, I saw it earlier tonite as an option. it would be two separate missions I think... I know i had the ground option or it was going on in the player cues for multiplayer groups..
  23. that is right Morn From DS9 at quarks yes I remember now.. we could do a simple starbase 24 thing maybe the long version with both parts,, the space then on the station.?
  24. cool image what exactly is that kind of beast Alex? oh and here is some battle field eye candy.. I did skill up right in the middle of the battle just to beat the harder of the Klingons starbase..24 attacking... we should scheduled a fleet action since we have a starbase 118@STO maybe a crystalline entity group effort if we can do that we used to do those entity efforts back a year or two ago.
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