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Clase Drene

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Everything posted by Clase Drene

  1. So I cut again on Saturday I even considered posting bloody pictures last nite you know I have blocked out my reasons to cut too painful to acknowledge but cutting helps this

  2. I imitate only the things left alive in hoping I might live a life other then my own.

  3. ok i just made Lt Commander I seem to get offered to join these fleets all the time is this fleet listed in the list of fleets? oh and a screen shot i used the planet from for the sim mission wiki... anyone going to do the screen shot thing? I think i saw you on line Alex Richards but i was not sure now I am sure that was you
  4. I really like "cookies" what do you like. (I also feel like a 12 year old asking this question, hehe)

  5. In the event you wake up, here is your sleeping pill.

  6. feeling [...]ty going to eat something - to get fatter.. what ever.

  7. here we go!! I have made level 9 as I was afk over the last weekend plus some... this image is of the level nine in the making... is it ok to post these images from the game? or should I stop.???
  8. i made level eight I think today just jumping up two levels, I would like to get that fleet going so we can take on starbase 24 scenario combat.. Here, this bridge is not the new bridge yet i think i am still at level six below i am at level 8... I still am reading and doing the sims here which does not always happen when I have the computer going that handles the STO environment plays. The forum at STO seems way to complex to handle in one to three sittings so I will piecemeal the forum as best I can after I have simmed here ...
  9. They are developing new mind stream tech to wipe the mind blank in less time then it takes to blank a hard-drive.

  10. as you see I am at level six right now... spent the greater portion of the morning playing as for mail i need to be level 7 to send mail hence the mad rush to play to get to that level... You know how to do screen shots right press print screen then in a paint program paste the print screen from the clipboard.. the print screen key is next to F12 function button. i just got a better bridge I will post soon..
  11. so when do I have time to sit on a bridge or in the ready room? I do not know...and oh yeah I am a chick in real life hehehe..

  12. Truth lives in the grace and power of magical beingness, usually, so make no mistakes cause you can't.

  13. life, "LIFE" it is like a ride you get on.., you live the ride... you can enjoy the ride or just scream all the way to the end... me, I want off this ride... I think we might die in the end.. I don't want to die - I want off this ride called life... without dying, without errr missing my stop or anything just let me off the ride call life.. AAAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  14. I am going to attempt to sto=mail everyone here listed... Attempt that is the key word here. me I am level four or six but moving up fast, it is fun but It is so repetitive that button pushing ... and that I have done this alll before like a year ago before the password changes. I guess I can list here then copy paste into the mail..@sto.. Cogud@CommanderFry Pierce@merkonerko1 AidanBlackwood@aimsley and me.,,this the ship addy., Piqui@podlex Piquis@podlex is the character addy I don't know right now what one they use... we will see.. I would like to see some action photos from the game I guess post them here as well or either on a new thread..thanks in advance..
  15. accurate effects but non of these are real...

  16. we can put together a fleet in the game... I know this is possible who is the highest ranked now... cause I just had to start fresh with all new characters I am bottom level ? is anyone here around an admiral level? It is going to take forever for me to get that far... again my ship is the Piqui @podlex my character is piquis @ podlex lets rock.. the sto.
  17. Exactly! we need to design the starbase 118 in sto really, that would be fun ... I could do it -but without help I don't think I could get anywhere with it... of course a Starbase-118 would be the best... I am willing to do what is necessary to build the starbase 118, now that my desktop can play sto... again... since this morning actually.. I have over a year experience but also a year off from it till today. just leave your logins here... the set a time onling together I had to start a new set of characters today due to password problems.. as well.. my ship is the Piqui my name is Bowrapiquis Lana Jetseen my short name is Piquis. my name of the forum there is podlex... I really would like to see work on the starbase... of course by approval of the higher ups here at the real base. I think we should bring this up in chats as well... just to see. you know we have a podcast regularly here too...
  18. errrmmmeehhh back.. woot. back get back i say... woot.

  19. trancodes one OH one... meaning the experience of loosing the groove or smoother grooves without dropping the beats mmmm bahhha

  20. I miss you now! So what I think, a useless thought but whatever. You don't know? YOU Remind me of who I am, anyway, I go on ,,,..without thinking that anymore,.. We should know freedom is meaningless when treated like nothing, and it often is,..nothing or this idea that nobody understands at all, so what,.. Again.

  21. love you... more... better then ever..

  22. maybe, naaaaaa maybe not.. what ever it is .. so what .. even then, the indifference is deafening to the sane. Insane don't care. sane don't know how indifference is meaningless.. maybe .. naaaa maybe not anyway... it is all none the less wasted time and space...

  23. sunday is here. yeah I don't have to work... or at least I like to think that... but life is work = work is life... saturdays are stupid. If I wake up on saturday I am in a hallucinatory delusional effects reality.., of course sometimes it is scary but then not scary. what ever... I used to eat more acid when i would be in hallucinatory delusional states of mind just for = no reason at all... there is no more to do... just wait you know .. ok so i said what ever now it is so what. good mo...

  24. If the universe does not like my attitude then it can leave. the foundation of thought occurs between voids 5 and void 6.2, do did done. or not.

  25. Just flinging butter all the time... with my flinging fingers some. :)

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