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Christopher Caldwell

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Everything posted by Christopher Caldwell

  1. Don't think I'd seen this video before so thought I would share. A gentleman by the name of Adrian Drake created a circa 75,000 piece Deep Space Nine. Here are some images:
  2. I'm not a fan of musicals and I wasn't particularly looking forward to a musical Star Trek episode but I absolutely loved it. Several of the songs are still in my head and they are welcome to stay.
  3. That's fair enough, was there anything that especially stood out that you enjoyed about any of the shows even if you couldn't pick a favourite out of them?
  4. That is a HUGE caveat 😁 I'm not the biggest Voyager fan and obviously there are strong ties from Voyager to Prodigy, but I honestly think season 2 of Prodigy is the best season long story arc Star Trek has ever done. I really hope you get to give it a watch some time!
  5. @Alix Harford get's an appreciation for her sim - Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. there's lots I like in this sim but her reaction to being on lunch duty is priceless.
  6. 22 votes but only 4 people posting about how they cast their vote and why. Don't keep your opinions to yourself people! What is it about your chosen eras that appeals? Or alternatively, what eras have you no interest in seeing any more of, and why? Don't worry... you won't be judged.
  7. So far, post Nemesis is winning by a decent margin. I'd be curious to hear more thoughts about people's reasons for voting.
  8. Wondering how well that will age when the Section 31 TV movie comes out 😬 I hope it's good but the trailer hurts me.
  9. I myself am going with The Lost Era. Largely for aesthetic reasons. I love the uniforms, the classic blue and green LCARS, the refit Connie era ship designs. A lot of big stuff happened during that time; the Khitomer Massacre, the Tomed Incident, the Betreka Nebula Incident, the Bajoran Occupation, the creation of the Federation-Klingon Alliance. Plus I want to see more Alan Ruck as Captain Harriman!
  10. @Divya Tam getting two appreciations in a row! This time for Away We Go – Part 1 Really enjoyed Tam's excitement for being chosen for an away mission and for her suggestion of redesignating 'the cloud' as the "cotton candy field".
  11. Just a quick shout out to @Sevantha , I'm enjoying @Alix Harford and @Sevantha working on their proposal (even if they are ugly bags of mostly water 😂) but especially loved the call back to the Microbrain from TNG. https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-astraeus/c/p_ETmLB8_Gc
  12. Moopsy aside, after giving it some thought I went with Armus. All of the options on the list were creepy, but Armus I think just comes out ahead. As with the other options he looks creepy but it's the fact that he's both so powerful and unpredictable combined with the fact that his creation and motivation are both so alien.
  13. Big shout out to @Alix Harford for 'The Juneau' Really great to learn more about the character's backstory and who doesn't love a bit of trauma drama?
  14. If anyone is looking to get into Star Trek Adventures, Humble Bundle has a good deal going at the moment, available HERE.
  15. Class comes in many forms, one of those forms is Christopher Caldwell, another is Christopher Caldwell wearing a tuxedo.
  16. Just a quick shout out for @Mason G from their sim Scavenger hunt: Seeking the bridge, an extract of which is included below. The Bynars aren't seen very often in Star Trek. In the few appearances they do make, there is little detailed information given about them. I therefore really enjoyed how @Mason G explained some of this in a way that really balanced giving a bit more insight whilst still maintaining the 'alienness' of the species. In addition I liked how the writing made clear distinction between the personalities for the two, I absolutely loved the reassuring little hand squeeze, so sweet!
  17. So far I've genuinely enjoyed the writing of everyone on the Astaeus but I do feel the need to specifically call out @Serala who genuinely made me laugh in two recent simms, both involving T,Saara (AKA Bean), Serala's young daughter. 1) 'Party on the Beach' T'Saara presenting her cat Maykomba to our Caitian Captain @Mei'konda and commenting how alike they look. 2) 'Fower' T'Saara calling the Captain the same name as her cat and then estimating her mother's age.
  18. Welcome Sasch Kreshkoa! I hope you enjoy it here!
  19. Congratulations! Hope you're enjoying your time here so far and long may that continue!
  20. Sorry, I had to. Being from the UK we have so many regional accents, here accents can change considerably within just a few miles. It does make me wonder how accents could evolve over time and how new accents could be formed on colonies on other worlds.
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