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Everything posted by Lhandon_Nilsen

  1. About six months ago, Lhandon and Toxin had a falling out in an explosive argument that the entire ship felt. This was partly caused by Henri, a being that serves as the computer for both Alpha Brenkelvi II and the OEB. Now, it’s Christmas Day, and the two are discussing what happened, with emotions finally coming to the surface. I want to highlight something incredible that @Toxin Arlill (Erik) has done here. Not only has he set me up to write some of the most gut-wrenching sims I’ve created since joining, but he’s also avoided taking the easy route with this story. Erik could have easily made Toxin the villain of Lhandon’s story and gone for a cliche story but instead, he’s shown that Toxin isn’t the villain, nor is Henri. They’re just two individuals who made the wrong choices and, in doing so, hurt the one person who would have helped them without question: the person Toxin called a brother. Toxin and Lhandon’s are experiencing pain, miscommunication, and regret, yet their confrontation feels authentic. Toxin isn’t a villain, and Lhandon isn’t blameless—they’re just two people trying to navigate the wreckage of their relationship. Very few simmers can pull this off as well as Erik has, and even fewer could have seen it through without bailing early.
  2. You're too kind in your praise, thank you so much for the kind words. I only left you all waiting for 48 hours haha 😅
  3. I'd love Star Trek Legacy. I want to see the timeline continue moving forward. They got it right with Picard. I want to see Captain Seven, I'd also love to see another series post series Three but staying in sync. Let me see another station.
  4. What a joy it was to read this today! @Arturo Maxwell Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
  5. So. Wow. What an powerful JP from @Kimonzi Lahl and @Morro Caras. I normally make some kind of comment about my appreciation posts but today, I'd like to let this JP stand on it's own and encourage you to take the time to read it.
  6. It was a pleasure to work with you on this storyline. You did the hard work, I was just there to look pretty! You should be so proud of the storyline you have for Morro. It's an epic piece of writing.
  7. It's official: the Butler is the hottest ship in the fleet! I love shore leave—not just because it offers a change of pace but also because we get to see the crew just being people. Regular people with personal lives, goals, and a love of gossip. Believe me when I say this sim lit up our Discord channel! When you read this sim, pour yourself a glass of wine (or your preferred beverage) and indulge in the gossip with @Jania Nis and @Sevantha talking about boys, family, and clothes.
  8. I'm not crying, you are. Last week, I highlighted one of @Morro Caras sims where Morro learned that his sister had abused him while they were growing up together, and today that scene has reached its conclusion. It is my opinion that Vio is one of the fleet’s best simmers. He has an uncanny ability to show us what Morro is feeling and experiencing, weaving his prose and narrative into a truly amazing tapestry that makes every sim an absolute joy to read. He can make you laugh—and now, he can make you cry. Over the past two weeks, he has dared to explore the consequences of Morro being used, abused, and manipulated by his own sister in a way that was smart, sensitive and tasteful. The scenes in the link below mark the start of Morro's realization, as we see him coming to terms with what he has learned and the anger he feels. Vio did not once flinch while writing this scene, and it was an honor to help him bring it to life. https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/search?q=gymnasium%2C%20deck%205%2C%20uss%20octavia%20e%20butler%20after%3A2024-12-03%20before%3A2024-12-18
  9. Lhandon and Morro typically have quite a fun, almost comedic dynamic at times. The two of them are the biggest 'himbro-gymbros' and their scenes more often than not place them in the gym, working out, sharing perhaps a singular brain cell and "getting them gains bruv." So what happens when we take this format and turn it on its head? We started this scene like we start any other gym scene, in the gym, except this time there was something off. Lhandon discovers that Morro is upset and goes to talk to him. This sim is a few rounds into the scene and Morro opens up to Lhandon, as he's just found out that he's been manipulated not just by a complete stranger in the mission, which is bad enough, but also by someone Morro should be able to trust implicitly. This entire scene was Vio's idea and he's run with it to make a scene that's such an emotional gut punch. I have been thinking about this sim all day. Please do enjoy this brilliant piece of writing from @Morro Caras
  10. Most of us love a good medical drama, and it's even better when we get to learn more about procedures for different species. In this JP, we get a really nitty-gritty look into Trill medicine as our engineer lies on the biobed following a massive injury sustained during the last mission. I also know from Discord that Nick and Zac have poured so much thought, love, care, and research into this JP, ensuring all the little details are accurate and creating a story grounded in realism and a joy to read. We are also introduced to a brand-new PNPC, Vivien Thomas, who, as I learned today, is named after a famous African-American surgical technician who developed a pioneering technique for heart surgery in babies. @Jania Nis @Kimonzi Lahl
  11. You know the mission is good when the sims that are produced are absolutely top shelf. This sim is such a thrill. @Jania Nis
  12. Yes. They do...and it works, "time siege" sounds so cool. @Avander Promontory @Jania Nis
  13. Annnnnny dream willll dooooooooooo @Morro Caras @Tony, aka Rouiancet @Karen Stendhal @Yinn (who I can't seek to tag)
  14. Typically both @Kimonzi Lahl Would you agree @Arturo Maxwell?
  15. There are two puppies on this ship. They are two very good boys...I mean officers...they are very good officers. Do not misconstrue this 😂
  16. Vio has been teasing Sbadni for the past few weeks and we've seen mentions of her, plus the odd sim but now, she's been fully revealed. Here is a masterclass from @Morro Caras on how to bring a character in, make them have one heck of an impact but also leave room for your fellow simmers to engage. I'm...also just a little scared of her.
  17. Never before has there been such an accurate read of Lhandon in a sim. Often the best way to see what is coming across in your sims is to see what other people write in their sims. @Avander Promontory's sims are like a mirror and they are shining examples of how exactly to sim, and how to take what your writing partners are trying to get across and elevate that. , while adding to the wider narrative and not forgetting your own character at the same time.
  18. I'm a sucker for a good "you're not meant to die yet" scene, and I'm even more of a sucker for weaving in aspects of your backstory and building them throughout the mission. In this one, we learn about Steven. We wonder, who is Steven? Clearly, he means a lot to her. @Kimonzi Lahl
  19. I was dying with laughter as I read that.
  20. Both of you 😂 @Anton Richards @Kimonzi Lahl Attitude
  21. Lhandon Nilsen - The Chariot - Checking in. "Courage in the face of uncertainty. The Chariot illustrates that victory does not come from the attainment of a goal, but instead occurs at the exact moment you choose courage instead of fear."
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