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Gila Sadar

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Gila Sadar last won the day on October 18

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About Gila Sadar

  • Birthday 07/22/1993

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    TTRPGs, writing, pedagogy, religion, history, linguistics, culture studies

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  1. I've missed @Jovenan's writing 😭The poetry of it!
  2. A hearty welcome to you all! And welcome to the strangest, but most amazing community on this corner of the World Wide Web! 🪐 I can't wait to see the kinds of stories ya'll are about to tell with your crews! Hope to see you out there, amongst the stars!
  3. Good on her for not letting you live that down. 💯
  4. The way I absolutely thought this was that Thug, @Genkos Adea, talking to the poor patient whose intestine he had his arm in 😨
  5. Welcome to the fleet! 🌠 Can't wait to see you amongst the stars, and find out what thrilling adventures you have in store for us!
  6. @Salkath ‘s renditions of inner Vulcan commentary is, as ever, flawless. 💯
  7. Uh-oh! I do believe them to be fighting’ words, @Salkath 🤣 @Lyara Alroyo - step into the ring!! 💪
  8. What a silly counselor 🙄
  9. 😨@Vitor S. Silveira, we need Cooking Night Take 2 YESTERDAY! For @Jovenan!!!!
  10. Now, see here, @Talos Dakora, if you jerks didn't INSIST on using her first name, the discomfort level would be FAR lower! 😤
  11. As a general rule, NPC usage during missions require skill to be done correctly. We don’t want to oversaturate our writing with NPCs, as our PCs are supposed to be the core crew, and the NPCs are just there for flavor. But masterful use of a one-off NPC can sometimes elevate a mission arc, and that is exactly what I feel Ensign Cecil Valo accomplishes over on the Ronin with this sweet Sim. In the midst of a violent battle with the Lattice Alliance, we’ve seen Ensign Haydd comduct his duties as a counselor in what ways he could, and in this Sim, we see him further humanized as he engages in banter with friends in a grim moment. Not only is the implications of a boardgame centered around Caitians eating Betazoids hilarious, but in typical Ronin fashion, this Sim uses humor ti effectively communicate the idea that your bonds with your friends provide a safe haven in even the darkest of times. Capital Sim, Ensign Valo!!
  12. Never before have I known somebody who masters the "Do I HATE this or is it GENIUS?"-style of writing like @Karrod Niac...........
  13. I mean, can we just change the title of this thread to 'Gnai and Gila gush over Vulcans'? 🤣 @Savel has done it again 👏
  14. Poor Ensign! 😬 You Khitomer people, how dare you not provide them front row seats to the carnage!? 🤣
  15. @Gnai throwing shade 🤣 @Vitor S. Silveira, I think that sounds like a challenge!
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