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Nolen Hobart

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Nolen Hobart

  1. Well done, Ensign! Welcome to the fleet.
  2. From @Wil Ukinix: My very favorite prank to play on the Bridge crew.
  3. From @Talia Ohnari, re: the Best Blueberry in the fleet:
  4. From @Randal Shayne I'm a sucker for a Hitchhiker's reference.
  5. Well done, all! Congratulations on a graduation well-earned, and godspeed to you and your new crews!
  6. We all were thinking it, but @Kali Nicholotti masterfully made it dance. Like the Goatherd song, in Sound of Music.
  7. @Jacin Ayemet, writing to @Kirsty L. Carpenter's past life, making me feel feelings, all on a Sunday afternoon:
  8. Hobart: Why are you booing me? I'm right.
  9. Well done, Ensign! Welcome aboard.
  10. I mean, have you tried the alternative? Who knows how much you might like that!
  11. Schisms nearly got my vote, but TNG had so many. Throughout Season 6 especially, they really got into a "Hey, were you thinking of going to sleep ever again? Maybe don't!" kind of groove. Along with Schisms in Season 6, there was Frame of Mind. Earlier in the show, we had Remember Me. I think my vote goes to SNW, though. If not for the bone-chilling horror of Season 1's All Who Wander, then for the way it feeds into the more creeping kind of horror of Season 2's Lost in Translation.
  12. Title of @Freck's latest: My genuine reaction at opening my inbox:
  13. Mazel tov! Looking forward to seeing you guys out there!
  14. [Since my original check-in was edited to reflect the first check in, reposting here] Lieutenant Junior Grade Nolen Hobart checking in. "We always have been, we are, and I hope that we always shall be, detested in France." -Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington
  15. [Since the first reply got deleted, updating this to the correct contents] This year's theme for USS Arrow is "Napoleonic War." La Flèche de Bonaparte (Bonaparte's Arrow) We have: Properly named all avatar files and uploaded them to the wiki. Properly named our category on the wiki. Properly categorized our category on the wiki.
  16. I recently signed up for artflow.ai:
  17. I mean, for all in tents (and porpoises!) it carries the same meaning!
  18. @Randal Shayne, describing the Arrow: Honestly I think I might cry.
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