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Nolen Hobart

Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Nolen Hobart

  1. Welcome to you all, and well done! Looking forward to following your careers in the fleet!
  2. I just wanted to highlight for posterity the two distinct flavors of first contact, as depicted by Star Trek. And:
  3. The exact expression I imagined, but blue:
  4. I posted a narrative paragraph from this sim by @Talia Ohnari in our quotes thread, and when I felt the urge to also post the very next narrative paragraph, I figured the whole sim should probably be highlighted. Enjoy!
  5. From @Talia Ohnari, of course.
  6. From @Randal Shayne: Weird. Why are my ears burning?
  7. Congratulations Ensigns! Well earned and welcome to the fleet! I look forward to seeing your names in lights! Er, in Appreciations.
  8. The way @Kali Nicholotti weaves together our current mission briefing and the Adyr symbiont's past life is masterful, and a joy to read. I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation of the next installment!
  9. Illogical Space Girlfriend Alert! Fun, short JP with @Zenno, @Talia Ohnari, and a cameo by @Kali Nicholotti:
  10. Our blushing blueberry!
  11. Sometimes, a drunk is just a drunk.
  12. Presented without context:
  13. From @Zenno, I believe this is Bolian for "You're killing me, Smalls."
  14. @Talia Ohnari giving us all kinds of insight into her character
  15. Congratulations, Ensigns! Welcome to the fleet!
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