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Unique Quotes in Sims - USS Constitution-B

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Sometimes Ravenna thought of Jalana as a wise wizard. Wisdom beyond their years, meant to guide people on their quests… Jalana the space wizard. 

Heck yeah I am a Space Wizard!

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Ishar: “And I shall go, wherever the strings may pull.” It is an expression that means “I am powerless.” Your mind is made up.

Poor guy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMGz, I loved this sim.  Poor Lazarus!

Another crunch. He looked around again in the dim light, and noticed that his acoustic guitar was no longer perched on its stand by the side of his desk. Crunch-twang! The sound of strings popping.
Davis: :: hushed but sharp :: ADMIRAL!
Davis: :: hushed but sharp :: ADMIRAL! C’mere.
Lazarus hopped up from the couch. The sound was close, but where was it? He checked around the sides, underneath… and then he heard a rustle behind the couch. He lunged and peered over the edge of the couch, hoping to find a salvageable guitar. 
Instead he found a teacup targ, quite impressed him itself, lording over its latest kill. The guitar had been punctured, stepped on, and chewed by this point. Referring to it as a guitar at all was almost a misnomer–it was that badly damaged.
Davis: :: whispering :: No, no no, no-no-no. Admiral! Buddy! Get out of there!
Admiral just stood over his kill and wagged his tail, snout high in the air.
Lazarus took a moment to calm down before reaching behind the couch to move Admiral out of the way and retrieve the carcass. 
An autopsy was not necessary: the entire body of the guitar was destroyed, and the neck had been thoroughly gnawed. A guitar that he had for years and years. Of course, he could have another in a moment from the replicators… but he would need to break it in all over again. It was a common practice among musicians to store their particular instruments replicator pattern in case of loss. Unfortunately, Lazarus had never done that with this guitar because he never valued his own guitar playing enough. But right now, he was kicking himself.

And the one-liner:


Davis: Admiral ate my guitar.


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Foster: Never mix glitter and zero-G.

Words to live by.

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Because he had already learned that one of the priorities of being a Mission Specialist was resource management.  The other priority was serving as everyone’s space Dad while not seeming like he was trying to be everyone’s space Dad.

Here you have it, folks, Cade is Schrödinger's Space Dad!

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Georgio: That's right. I am the Hero of the fashion challenged, the interior design noobs and bad hair day victims!

He's not the hero we asked for, but the hero we need!  <3

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The Three Amigos of the Endaasi Beach Rescue were holding the fort.

Best Band name ever!


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Foster: Cade Foster. Mission Specialist, Medical Genius and Space Dad.

And yes, he said that in a completely, totally professional manner as if that was his full and total title.  No smirking, no indication he was anything less than serious.


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Now he sounded like a Space Dad.  ‘And did you remember you coat?’

Did they though?

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Posted (edited)

Lystra: Well, I learned first hand just how badly starship systems can misalign, deteriorate or lose efficiency when they’re never, ever used. ::She smirked dryly:: 

Little bit of snark from our Tactical Officer.

Edited by Saveron
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Saveron: If we cannot take the Constitution closer safely, we could always… send a probe. 


He glanced across at Cade. Was he ribbing the Mission Specialist gently for his earlier enthusiasm? Gosh no, he wouldn’t do that, it was a serious and practical suggestion.


OK maybe. There had been that slight pause, that glance. But it was still a serious suggestion. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nebulas were full or secrets, just like big hair.

Astute observation from our beloved Commodore.

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Foster thought it was pirates. Lystra thought it probably was pirates. Jalana thought it probably wasn't pirates.
T'Seva was pretty sure it was pirates.

T'Seva Atan. Clearly 'Suspicion 101' is part of the Tactical curriculum.

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One should have the serenity to accept the things one cannot change, the courage to change the things one cannot accept, and the wisdom to know the difference. 
Or to hide the bodies of the people one had to kill today because they [...]ed one off. But that was the apocryphal version.


Saveron knows where it's at LOL
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Foster: Kid, I could not be more happy unless you filled those probes to the brim with tribbles.


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There was a slight pause as they traveled, that vague, awkward silence that So’Mior’s human grandfather liked to call ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop.’

So’Mior never found the logic in feeling tension waiting for shoes to drop.  They harmlessly bounced off the floor.

Doing the bouncy bouncy bounce!

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Davis: :: under his breath :: Why can’t we just have a nice, simple mission where we discover an incredible anomaly and fix a mine? 

Because the universe doesn't work like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Foster: How about I roll us underneath them close enough to kiss ‘em and you unload a few torpedoes into their underbelly as we pass?

I can actually see Lystra doing that kiss thing LOL

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She moved like a wrestler on ice skates.  Fast, powerful and more than a little unwieldly.

Cade Foster describing the Constitution in combat. Better not let Jalana hear him.

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Kvash: ghuy'cha'

Thankfully nobody was around her to hear her use the stronger from of the invective.

space cuss!

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Elias had faced down squads of Jem’hadar, been hunted by them, fought on the line against them as they invisibly stalked him. He’d faced Cardassians. He’d fought in the Dominion War. He’d lost two of his limbs setting off his own trap prematurely just to keep his allies safe. And with all of that, Elias would rather face all of it all over again than to ever mess with Jalana Rajel the way the Syndicate just did. 

Man, even I start to be scared of Jalana now LOL

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They were Syndicate pirates. T'Seva had no desire to leave them alive. It wasn't even anger, it was a calm something that flowed through her. It was *logical* to spread them across space.

Indeed, quite logical!

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  • 1 month later...

They were as ready as they were going to be. Cade the Mission Specialist / Medical Officer / Space Dad, Jacob their 2IC Engineer and Space Baby Brother and Lystra their Sec/Tac specialist, professional pirate hater and probably-not-space-teen-sister-if-you-paid-me. Saveron wasn’t quite certain what that made him. 

Now if that isn't a great description of business cards.

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Davis: oO …PleaseDon’tPickMePleaseDon’tPickMePleaseDon'tPickMePleaseDon'tPickMePleaseDon'tPickMe... Oo

I could hear this.


Scarrow: Apologies for my tardiness in reporting for duty. Before I knew it, the ship was separating and...

A sudden space battle will slow you down. 

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