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Unique Quotes in Sims - USS Constitution-B

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Sherana: It is better to live in the present than to fear what may or may not happen and miss the glory of the now.

Wise words.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How many Vulcans would be planet-side anyways?  

Poor So'Mior. If only he knew.

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Spears: You're like that too, Cade? We might make helmets cool, the two of us. 

Tall people problems... 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lystra: So far Rumbly isn’t giving me much reason to believe it isn’t trying to kill us.


Rajel: I don't believe that Endaasi is out to do that. It's a planet not a villain.

Well, yes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spears: Two boat rides on one shore leave? I'm feeling spoiled. Though I could do without the perilous darkness... 

It's just a little bit of peril...

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He was well aware of the irony of assiduously avoiding the Endaasi telepathy, only to have his hand forced - literally - by the situation. 


Perhaps he should meditate on that. Just not right now.

The vulcan answer to all bad things: Meditation.

Actually, that's a good answer.

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Speaking of, these mammals appeared to be clothed. Clothed by their keeper, no doubt. Perhaps they won’t move because they are waiting for the return on their keeper? Trained so well that they would be obedient to the end? Possible that alien mammals could be smarter than on the homeworld.

we're only *slightly* smarter >.>

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Whatever Dara knew (whether she knew anything) was thus thoroughly lost in translation.
It was probably just cat stuff.


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The dark was hungry, reaching out to devour the thin threads from the handlamps.


Beautiful picture, Cade's drawing here!

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Posted (edited)

Rajel: It doesn't look like it belongs here... if you look at the skin and its extremities. It looks... amphibian... it's made for water.

Saveron: Then it is a long way from home. 

Lystra: It’s not the only one. 

Oof Lystra, I felt that.

Edited by Saveron
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Rajel: Will you come back here.

She almost hissed the words, resulting in a flashback of saying the same thing to her daughter a few lifetimes ago. The voice of memory was male, but it was the same thing.


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Saveron: A stall in the Hinji bazaar sells some aesthetic hand-made leashes. ::He murmured dryly, just loud enough for Jalana to hear.::

LMAO I need some of them leashes!

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An earthquake, a rock shift that separated them from their guide and their spelunker.  A wild boat ride.

Could this mission get any more Starfleet?

Oh yeah it could.  There was an aged Klingon in front of them.

And they had a Gorn and two doctors.  This was the set up for a very bad joke or a very good drinking story.

Classic Cade.

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Nugra had no idea if anything down here would eat him but if it was, the Gorn was going to make sure it had indigestion.


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Queen clearly did not have the clearance to just enter but there were buttons. Maybe one of them was like a doorbell? Not entirely sure what each button did, they were not labelled in a way she understood,she just pressed all of them like a child running their hand over a whole buildings Bell-Box to play ding-dong ditch, just that she did not run away. But what she noticed was the light of the camera coming on and she stepped back to look up into it with a wave.

I really enjoyed this description!

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The Klingons and Romulans preferred them as power sources over antimatter. There wasn't really much difference...it just determined whether catastrophic failure caused an explosion or an implosion...

T'Seva focusing on the important things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

One he didn’t have to share with others. Jalana started fanning her face, and whilst Saveron appreciated the warmth, the humidity was disagreeable. But he was not wounded. At least now no one would have hypothermia. Possibly heat stroke.

I had to laugh at this one. From one extreme to the other. 

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Jacob was easily distracted.  A new problem or opportunity to "look under the hood" of new or different technology was his personal squirrel.


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  • 2 weeks later...

He looked towards Jalana and Saveron, generally considered the adult voices of reason in the group to back him up.  Grumpy old people club for the win!

Courtesy of Cade.

We need t-shirts. Must be over 40 or have had multiple lifetimes to join. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vulcan’s didn’t blush.  But he was one quarter human.  So he one quarter blushed. 

Awww dear So'Mior :D

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Last thing she’d need is to have a chat with Jalana about why she was blowing holes in her ship. 

Yes please on holes, Lystra LOL


It would be a travesty, of course. But it might be a tasty travesty. Some fusion foods, while bearing no relationship to the original, ended up quite good.

Tasty travesties are the best kind of Travesties! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Saveron: I understand that ‘mulled wine’ is also traditional. I would not object to investigating it. 
Nugra: I'm not familiar about why a wine needs to be mauled? Is the type of creature important to this tradition? 


LMAO Nugra!

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She perked up hearing that. And blinked. That was what, two, three First Contact ribbons? There was one for Grabby. One for the Dreamweavers and now one for Slappy. She didn’t meet this other species mentioned, which was a shame. Someone probably gave them a decidedly scientifically dull name. 

Oh Lystra. I snorted when I read this...

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She chuckled. The contrast between Jalana giving out shinies and Saveron was almost like a social experiment. 

Lystra is on a roll!

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