+ Saveron Posted May 6, 2018 Posted May 6, 2018 (edited) Quote Blackwell ::There were many things she could wake up to….Cade Foster….was one of those things that was just always going to be unexpected..::: Aint nobody ready for Cade first thing in the morning. Edited May 6, 2018 by Saveron 1 1
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted May 10, 2018 Posted May 10, 2018 Quote Taylor: ::dramatic sigh:: Just because I haven't filled you in yet doesn't mean it's a "big secret". Stop being such a drama llama. Drama Llama is my new favourite thing! 2
+ Saveron Posted June 12, 2018 Posted June 12, 2018 (edited) Quote Young: I agree. All of your dishes are... ::He was lost for words.:: Horne: Intoxicating... Seir: Irresistible… Young: Yeah, what they said. Spears: Blast; I left my thesaurus on the ship… Bahaha Spears. Quote Young: J.R.R Tolkien, an Earth Author from several centuries ago. He wrote adventure novels. Love the understatement. Edited June 12, 2018 by Saveron 2 1
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted June 15, 2018 Posted June 15, 2018 Quote Spears: Oh! You’ll find this really interesting. I’m working on studying brain chemistry in different species who work in a multi-species environment like the Constitution to see if there are any biochemical or wave pattern changes simply due to a prolonged exposure to other species. Obviously the cross-cultural effects are easily studied, but no one has ever looked at the physiology of it before. I love the technical stuff. Seriously good stuff here. 1 1
Sal Taybrim Posted June 22, 2018 Posted June 22, 2018 Quote Foster: I say the first one who falls fifteen times gets the first round purchased for them. ::He smirked.:: Saveron: One will endeavour not to earn that particular prize. I estimate that the reward would not redeem the earning of it. It was either that... or promise not to laugh at you >.> 1 2
+ Lilith Seir Posted June 22, 2018 Posted June 22, 2018 Quote Young: Well, where to start? ::He clucked his tongue thoughtfully.:: Okay. Lilith, you pretty much came aboard the Conny during the award presentations right? Well, I did too actually, though this one was held on Holodeck 1. One of our Engineers, Choi Ji-Hu had built a program in the style of an old RPG game. Castles and Drag- No, Dungeons and Dragons I think it was called. Most of the Senior officers were there, each in character. The Captain was a King complete with red eyes and a beard. ::He chuckled.:: My first meeting with the crew had me show up dressed in green tights and a tunic like some sort of Robin Hood wannabe. Anyway the program malfunctioned and literally took on a mind of it's own. Something to do with it being interfaced with a piece of equipment that had something to do with tactical training if I remember right. ::He shrugged:: Suffice to say the computer was overrun by [Datafrag] the Dread, a hulking big [...] Dragon. It kidnapped Commander Saveron, he was the Queen, and flew away. We were stuck in there for days it felt like, in real danger. Seir: The safeties weren't functioning? Young: We weren't really sure at the time. We were locked in and had no outside communication with the crew. It felt real though. We had no way of knowing if any injuries we were inflicted with would be fatal when we got out. Spears: ? Seir: I can't even imagine what that must have been like. ::Shaking her head.:: How did you escape? Young: We split into a few groups and did the only thing we could do to end the program. We had to complete the game. Long story short, I almost had my leg pecked off by a huge bird called a Roc that had somehow been imbued with a Romulan Cloaking device. Damn thing was a genuine Warbird. My team stole it's Golden egg to distract the dragon and save Saveron. I heard the other teams were up against Necromancers and some Mad Queen in a castle full of cats. So, once we had gathered the prerequisite items to finish the quest, we as a crew had to kill the bloody dragon before the program let us out, and to top it all off, it had spread into the main computer. The Conny drifted away from the Starbase and we had a killer EMH running around the ship trying to cut people up with a bone cutter. It took us ages to clean up the damage afterwards. Spears?: Young: Yeah, It's been a hell of ride. ::Grinning:: I've not really been a fan of the Holodeck since though. ::Nervous laugh.:: Hopefully I'm doing this right, and this excerpt isn't too long for a quote. I really appreciated this summary of the 'Men in Tights' mission and the humorous/deadpan way it was delivered. 1
+ Salkath Posted June 23, 2018 Posted June 23, 2018 Quote Ensign Lilith Seir – Caught in a landslide, no escape… To misquote Archer (the irreverent animated show, not the decorated Starfleet captain): Do you want a lyrics title battle? Because that's how you get a lyrics title battle! 1 1
+ Saveron Posted June 25, 2018 Posted June 25, 2018 Everyone wants a lyrics title battle! Quote Young: Wow, Captain, Sirs! Is everything OK? ::Raven was suddenly terrified that they were hunting him down on behalf of his father.:: LOL. Raven and Wyn should form a club. 2
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted June 26, 2018 Posted June 26, 2018 Quote ::Was that… flirting? Hopefully not. Wyn was bad at flirting, mostly because in his younger days he did it a lot and then got accused of coming on to people no matter what he said. He supposed that was the essence of the boy who cried wolf. Or flirted with a wolf? No, flirting with a wolf sounded like a great way to get your face eaten off.:: I just love the way Wyn's mind works. Haha 2
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted July 17, 2018 Posted July 17, 2018 Quote Seir: Jacob, I've got an idea. I'm going to let go of you, just hold on for another minute! Horne: What?! Don't let go! I can feel the fear here haha 1
+ Saveron Posted November 9, 2018 Posted November 9, 2018 Quote Lystra: oO I hate planets. Oo One of those lovely moments that makes you pause and realise how much of peoples' mindset you take for granted. I love it when people explore how different someone would be if they did/grew up/were X, and it makes me stop and think.
+ Salkath Posted November 9, 2018 Posted November 9, 2018 Quote Whilst he would have preferred one of his people’s desert suits, Saveron was not unduly discombobulated by the environment, an agreeable change to the various cold or disagreeably humid planets he had visited. @Saveron Anyone who uses 'discombobulated' coherently in a sentence deserves a cookie! 1 1
+ Saveron Posted November 13, 2018 Posted November 13, 2018 Quote Kelbi: I had always learned that humans of that era were unpredictable, emotionally volatile, and prone to violence. Is that a fair risk assessment for our Away teams? Ren: Yes. Mental Health, at that period in Earth's history, was not studied in depth. If a family member were mentally ill, it became a family secret. Only the really extreme cases were put in state institutions. Some people were never diagnosed and just mixed in with the regular population. Kelbi: And on top of that they need to worry about the Temporal Directive. I would argue that it would lend some urgency to our efforts. Ren: I would agree with you, Commander. The team may come across people who are unstable, violent and unmerciful. A dangerous time, all those violent and unstable humans! 1 1
+ Saveron Posted November 15, 2018 Posted November 15, 2018 Quote Sh'Thelzan: Apparently I'm the pretty one. Faaaabulous, darling. 1 1
+ Salkath Posted November 15, 2018 Posted November 15, 2018 Quote Voices in chorus: Trick or Treat :: A small group of people stood in front of a house. The group watched with interest as the door opened and the people were given items, before moving on to the next house and repeating their entreaty.:: Mason: This seems to be some form of ritual.. Saveron: Ritualised extortion, if my interpretation of their chant is correct. Interesting… ::Wierd. Illogical. Alien.:: Ritualized extortion! I laughed so hard! The poor kids at my door next year are going to be so confused when I Vulcan them with this line of thought 1 1 1
Jalana Posted November 16, 2018 Posted November 16, 2018 Quote Lystra: =/\= Well, uh...we're at a party. Of some sort. There's this strange ritual called Halloween where the human children extort treats from their elders and they make cannibalistic themed food to eat. =/\= I laughed so much. Perfect Halloween Summary! 1
+ Saveron Posted November 20, 2018 Posted November 20, 2018 (edited) Quote Ren: I would agree with you, Commander. The team may come across people who are unstable, violent and unmerciful. Horne: Well that doesn't sound good at all... Young: Huh. They sound fun. ::He tried to lighten the mood a little.:: I'd just like to point out that i'm a Martian by the way. ::Raven raises hands.:: Nope! Nothing to do with me! Quote Young: ::Under his breath:: What in the red sky...? I love Raven and Ed's Martianisms. Quote Young: Whaddya know. Another mystery. ::Raven, usually the first to jump at the prospect of exploring a strange new world on his sensors was beginning to feel more than a little frustrated. He couldn't shake the feeling that somewhere, somehow, somebody was messing with them and laughing about it.:: Q. It's always Q. Quote Young: Nope, still not reading any lifesigns in or around the vicinity of the shuttlecraft. Er... no bodies either from what I can tell. That's something right? No news is good news? Edited November 20, 2018 by Saveron 1
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted November 20, 2018 Posted November 20, 2018 Quote Ren: Sir, I'm picking up a second Starfleet signal, but this signal is very old and very weak. The computer says it hasn't been used in over 50 years. Please let them have the old red uniforms. Those were cool. 😎 1
+ Saveron Posted November 20, 2018 Posted November 20, 2018 42 minutes ago, Dave 'Raven' Young said: Please let them have the old red uniforms. Those were cool. 😎 Yep, check out the launching of the Enterprise-C. 1
+ Saveron Posted November 21, 2018 Posted November 21, 2018 Quote Sh'Thelzan: There any good parts of Terran history? Hmm... having trouble here... 2
+ Saveron Posted November 24, 2018 Posted November 24, 2018 Quote ::Jacob was glad that luck was on their side but the thought of a small probe being wedged halfway between these two times or worlds or whatever it was did not give him a warm fuzzy feeling. 2
+ Saveron Posted December 17, 2018 Posted December 17, 2018 Quote Spears: Now I don’t mean to be that person but you have flown into a horrific maelstrom of atmospheric instability before, right Commander Kelbi? ::She smiled a wry smile, not that the youthful doctor would be able to see it from their current orientation to each other.:: Kelbi: Sure, I took the requisite Academy courses. A dozen years ago. They were good simulations, after all... Nothing like a bit of sass to keep those junior officers in line! 1 1
Dave 'Raven' Young Posted December 19, 2018 Posted December 19, 2018 Quote Kelbi: ::trying an official tack:: We are from the Federation Starship Constitution! Classic Starfleet approach. 😎🖖 1
+ Salkath Posted December 20, 2018 Posted December 20, 2018 Quote Ren: Is the argon gone? How much gone could an argon gone, if an argon could gone... argh. 2
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