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Unique Quotes in Sims - USS Constitution-B

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Ch'Gabor: You must be the....Doctor?

Foster: Who?

This might only be funny for Doctor Who fans, but I don't care. I laughed a little too much LOL

Sometimes I think that DW fans become CMOs only to be able to call themselves "The Doctor" and make "Who?" jokes haha

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I think that accusation is totally legitimate.


::innocent whistling::


Does that innocent whistling take the form of an iconic theme tune, perchance?


Yes, but only if I can get a theremin in the background...

  • 3 weeks later...

::snicker...:: From Mr. Sindri:

::Rustyy was playing games again, which was normally only fun if your name was also Rustyy.::

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oO Hah! Those Andorians and there tentacles… It’s a miracle they won wars. They are not a warrior race Oo

Ahem  ::coughcough:: Porus is just *asking* for a buttkicking

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Comm Voice: They are coming... they are coming ...

McLaren: oO I wish they'd get here so this voice would shut up... Oo

I might have laughed a little too much at that


9 hours ago, Jalana said:

I might have laughed a little too much at that


I do my best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hael smiled like a gibbon looking at a banana.



I can imagine that look perfectly!

  • Hutch featured and unfeatured this topic
1 hour ago, Hutch said:

Hael smiled like a gibbon looking at a banana.

I can imagine that look perfectly!

LOL Yep even with his face :)

  • 2 weeks later...

"A shard of lethal glass flew in his direction and struck his face and hands."

In itself not very funny, but I sat here thinking "Well it couldn't have been a harmless shard of glass.. had to be lethal." and laughed a little too much



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  • 2 weeks later...

The good doctor says what we're all thinking...


Milsap: Ok, shutting up now.




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Gard: ::nodding slight.:: And what does the Captain say?

Please tell me it's " Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!"


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LMAO I actually thought about it, but sadly it does not fit to Akeelah to say it hahaha

  • 2 weeks later...

Had meant to post these sooner, but I loved these bits from Hael and Sindri's JP:


::This was a fight. For control, dominance and survival. Rustyy's stomach rolled and twisted along with the fight, threatening to dump its contacts out the tasty way... His eyes jumped from screen to screen, the dazzling lights torturing the straining retinas. He gritted his teeth and scrunched up his haggard face, shaking his hand out from to relax the painful muscle.::


::The chief sounded as close to panic as he had ever heard.. Dag felt slightly more comfortable knowing that he was expressing the correct response to the issue and hadn't come unglued..yet.::


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Also one that personally got me:


::He looked to the familiar voice, though sounding far more exhausted then gruff. It was one of many signs that the hour was late. Nijil looked at the CMO, scratching the scruffy beard growing in, he would need to trim it soon to avoid looking like a caveman, or worse a lumberjack. Wyn was starting to look like a face only a mother could love… And that might have been pushing it. ::

... but Wyn doesn't have a mother... :(


Aww. Somewhere there's a tiny violin playing just for Wyn...


He'd deny it in a heartbeat.  >.>



Khan: Do Klingons have Boy Scouts?


Now that is an amazing image! do they get badges in Trible Culling I wonder?

  • 1 month later...
Loupaz: -and it's not under SCE's sanction. You're being a mad scientist-engineer-whatever again, and someone's gonna have your behind for it.

Probably, yes. But what really hammers it home is what comes just that tiny bit later...

Loupaz: . . . okay that's pretty cool. And weird. And *creepy* - you're *holding some woman's detached arm*!

Core: It's not like I pulled it from her body, Angeline.

And this is the guy we let be FO? We're doomed.



::Nate shrugged, sitting in the chair. He just simply did not understand Nessa sometimes.::

Wilmer: Women... ::He mumbled to himself.:: ....I will never understand them.

::The computer set off a series of processed beeps.::

Computer: Affirmative.

::Nate squinted his eyes and looked at the evil, invasive chair, who could not have possibly understood his statement.::

Wilmer: Oh shut up...


The lie detector knows..


"He didn't mind playing second banana and he knew his limits."

I found myself wondering how one plays second banana - it it like backup bass guitar?



  • 2 weeks later...




Milsap: Approximate age...what he said. Subject shows no obvious surface wounds, no cuts, burns, or abrasions. The body....

:: Right before his eyes the body was obscured by the blue haze of a transporter beam and disappeared. ::

Milsap: ...is gone.


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  • 4 weeks later...

One of those "what are you laughing at?" "Oh... noooothiiing..." moments:


Nijil: =/\= ::Open mouth - insert foot.:: A ~sweet~ way to die. ::mental facepalm.:: =/\=


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