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DATES: The class began on April 30, 2012, and ended on May 7, 2012.

LIST: sb118-academy2

COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Cmdr Tracey Townson

FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Cmdr Isaac Green


- Jorus Cogud

- Tom Westerbridge

- Peter Dixon

- Jalen Mhoram Vesole

Welcome to the fleet!

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Welcome to the fleet, you guys. You were all great :)


Welcome everyone!


Thanks a lot. Had a blast. And don't be tough on your self. It is not your fault you got attacked by a primitive club welding creature, causing you eva suit to be punctured in a poisonous atmosphere, and then forced to blow up the ship.

And to anyone who was not in class, I swear we didn’t blow up the ship (with everyone in it,) after the captain got attacked while outside in a poisonous atmosphere. And to any command staff looking for crew, please don’t hold it against us. Swear it didn’t happen


LOL @ /\ Mums the word, Ensign. Remember: What happens in training, stays in training. whistling.gif


Welcome to the group all! It's great to have you with us! :)


Hello everybody!It was my very profound joy to be trained w/ my peers and commaders. I note with something akin to happiness that I am assigned the the USS Mercury where Lt. Commander Green (one of the training staff) will be my superior.

It will be a pleasure to blow up another ship with you sir, preferably a hostile, next time...but why pick nits?

Where are the rest of us posted? What do you think I am, a mind reader?

Jalen Mhoram Vesole


Hey, thats all you did the entire academy, you tell me.

I did not have to travel far, all the way to starbase 118, where I am taking up the fighters.

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Welcome to the fleet, you guys. You were all great smile.png

Agreed! Surpassed all my expectations! Keep in touch. I hope to serve with you all again! Special kudos to Ensign Westerbridge, and Cpmmanders Gteen and Townson.

Ensign Jalen Vesole.


Hey, thats all you did the entire academy, you tell me.

I did not have to travel far, all the way to starbase 118, where I am taking up the fighters.

Impressive! From Academy and SB118 training to:

Peter Dixon 2nd Lieutenant Fighter Pilot

How did you mange THAT Dixon? Or should I say, Sir? whistling.gif


Congrats to everyone!

Also, Mr. Vesole, Marine rank of 2nd Lieutenant is equivilant to the Naval rank of Ensign. So you're both the same rate, basically.



Hey. That's was a great cadet sim with you all guys: fellow cadets and Lt. Cmdr. Townson and Lt. Cmdr. Green. My character name is "Tom Westerbridge" I couldn't create under Tom Westerbridge because I was having captchaS issues. Those Captchas are very illegible. I gave up. Anyway. It's been a fun week simming with you guys.

My post is USS Discovery-C, security officer. I couldn't get tactical position which was I preferred, but the security officer position won't be bad one. It was my backup choice. See you around the Galaxy.

Hey. That's was a great cadet sim with you all guys: fellow cadets and Lt. Cmdr. Townson and Lt. Cmdr. Green. My character name is "Tom Westerbridge" I couldn't create under Tom Westerbridge because I was having captchaS issues. Those Captchas are very illegible. I gave up. Anyway. It's been a fun week simming with you guys.

Peter, you can change your display name in your user settings.


No. I can't. I didn't create the account the usual way due to captchas issues. I gave up after trying for about 20 minute, because the captchas were illegible. I am loggin in through my FB account.

No. I can't. I didn't create the account the usual way due to captchas issues. I gave up after trying for about 20 minute, because the captchas were illegible. I am loggin in through my FB account.

I'm fairly certain that doesn't matter -- you should still be able to change your display name if you want even if you're registered with Facebook. Just head to this page (My Settings > Display Name).

If you were having troubles before it's just because I hadn't approved your registration, which I've done now. You should be good to go ;)


I really enjoyed this and look forward to my duty aboard the USS Discovery - C.

Ensign Jorus Cogud


Ensign Jorus Cogud, what a small world. I am also assigned to USS Discovery-C, security officer. My character is "Tom Westerbridge" I see that you have already posted your arrival.... i'm going to do mine soon....

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