JSheriden Posted October 28, 2003 Posted October 28, 2003 Now, I have watched all of season five, so I guess I have to wait another month or so for season six. [...]!
JFrink26 Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 I just watched the episode where Bashir goes out with that chick that is from a planet with lesser gravity. It was predictable, but cute. Not sure what season that's from.
Guest Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 2nd season episode entitled "Melora."Interesting tidbit on this episode...the character Melora was originally a consideration to be a regular on DS9 starting with the pilot. But for whatever reason, they s[...]ped the idea and instead used the premise of Melora to create this episode.
JSheriden Posted January 17, 2004 Posted January 17, 2004 Hebron wrote: Quote Send them my way if you are tired of them.Never going to happen. I love the series...will re watch them man times.
Aquiss Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 I'm still the old Video tape watcher <G> The excitement of getting those every week, banging them in and watching TWO eps!!!! Each Thursday the postman would knock and give them to me and Thursday night would be DS9 night for me!Just watch "The Wire" from Season Two and you'll know why DS9 is the best of all trek A.
XanHebron Posted February 13, 2004 Posted February 13, 2004 I cannot remember the name of the spisode, but I like the one where Obrian and Bashir go to destroy a virus and Obrian ends up getting it and they are being chased by the authorities. This is the beginnings of the friendship between the two.That and the episode where we find out Bashir is enhanced.
Roon-TLoc Posted February 15, 2004 Posted February 15, 2004 Doctor Bashir, I Presume?Season 5Episode No: 514Air Date: 02.24.1997Reference Source:StarTrek.com
Guest Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 One of my favorites is the finale of season 5. Sisko and Company are forced to abandon Deep Space Nine to the Dominion. You can't help but get all fuzzy and excited during the final scene. Dukat and Weyoun are in Sisko's office and Dukat discovers the baseball. Dukat then tells Weyoun that it is a message that Sisko will be back. The scene then changes to Sisko on the bridge of the Defiant looking quite confident. Then you see the Defiant and Martok's ship fly towards the Federation/Klingon task force and it's the first time we get to see the MASSIVE FLEET. It's the first sign that the Dominion War has truly begun and that the final two seasons will be NOTHING like we HAVE EVER seen before! Image courtesy of my DVD collection.
Sakorra Jefferson Reed Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 I absolutely love those moments. My favorite moment from all of DS9 is that moment with the baseball.
Roon-TLoc Posted March 1, 2004 Posted March 1, 2004 Deep Space Nine provided excellent character moments. I enjoyed the interactions between Dukat and Weyoun. The last two seasons really refined the characters. I can remember sending many evenings on the edge of my seat and, then I would send another evening watching the repeat performance.The Dominion story arc was some fine writing.
Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf Posted August 27, 2004 Posted August 27, 2004 I've actually never seen the seventh season of DS9, and for the past few months I've been watching DS9 on SpikeTV as they rerun the eps. Right now they're up to the station-retaking ep in Season 6, so I decided to take the plunge and buy both S6 and S7 I'm super excited to see what's in store! (BTW: Watching the retaking of DS9 eps on DVD is SO much better than TiVo'ing them! I love my TiVo, but the quality just isn't the same. On TiVo, you're seeing the signal fed over an already-imprecise cable line, into the TiVo, and then played back from a harddrive. The details like the hull plating on the Defiant are completely lost. I had totally forgotten how detailed the model of DS9 was until I saw it on the DVD. TiVo is great for sitcoms and other shows with mostly light-colored scenery, but dark colored scenery is generally dulled, unfortunately Anyway, thumbs up for the DVDs! I just wish they weren't priced so high...)
Rocar Drawoh Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 I actually did the same as Wolf here... missed the last two seasons and then bought the whole set on DVD... just finished and it was absolutely brilliant!If you don't mind chineese/japanese writing all over the packaging you can actually buy them dirt cheap and have them posted to you -just check the Regeion of that country and your DVD player. The actual DVDs and the extras on them are the same and they're all in English (you can remove the subtitles,) -I got all 7 series for the same as it would cost for one seasons boxset in the UK.
Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf Posted January 20, 2005 Posted January 20, 2005 I figured that was a scam, which was why I didn't do it Too bad I paid so much extra!
Rocar Drawoh Posted January 20, 2005 Posted January 20, 2005 Well if its any consilation... my ones from Japan were regei0on two like the UK and I think the USA is on regeion 1 so they maybe wouldnt have worked on your dvd player. Either way... a great series!
Idril Mar Posted January 20, 2005 Posted January 20, 2005 If you look online there are codes to turn your DVD player into a region 0 player, meaning that it will play dvds from any region. (this coming from anime girl here...)
Rocket Posted January 22, 2005 Posted January 22, 2005 There's nothingh wrong with anime, they even could make a anime star trek season it could be very cool.
Rourke Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Mal Avatar said: Then you see the Defiant and Martok's ship fly towards the Federation/Klingon task force and it's the first time we get to see the MASSIVE FLEET. Ahhh but your forgot the extremely good music that seems to accompany these scenes. Atmospheric, inspiring.However you have to admit at the time the attack on DS9 by the klingons was astonishing.Then there was the wonderful episode with the ground battle with the klingons (mostly behind lines) followed, in far better fashion, by the Dominion ground battle ep. Did anyone notice the similarities there? Man shoots himself in foot to avoid battle with klingons. Narg gets shot in leg and faces not going to battle like he wants.
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