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Pickings from the Khitty Litter - USS Khitomer

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Matthews: =/\= If you’re someone calling to complain about a drunk Dr. El’Heen hypoing you with something random. Please reach out to our CMO Talia Ohnari. =/\= 

First of all! I was not drunk THAT time. Second of all! Don't expect to get anywhere calling my boss, she's crazier than I.

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oO Great. Looks like I’ll be getting into more trouble with Commander Ohnari. That’s not how I’d hoped my shore leave would end. I hope she understands it wasn’t my fault. Oo

adventure time table flip GIF

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7 hours ago, Ras El Heem said:

First of all! I was not drunk THAT time. Second of all! Don't expect to get anywhere calling my boss, she's crazier than I.

Proud Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

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Very informal. Joking? Or, if real, concerning? It wasn’t how Mirkl would ever answer a call from an unknown officer, and it didn’t seem to breed any confidence in the medical team. Mirkl decided to take it as some sort of inside joke amongst the recently traumatized crew and push forward.

This isn’t your dad’s Starfleet! 

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On 10/3/2024 at 11:54 AM, Ras El Heem said:

First of all! I was not drunk THAT time. Second of all! Don't expect to get anywhere calling my boss, she's crazier than I.

Richard a week into the first mission. "Oh S*it, she's real?!?! From the stories I heard, I thought Talia was made up! I thought I was telling people to go talk to a fake person. You know, as a way to get them to go away and not deal with them. Like how you would schedule meetings for March 31 cause it's not a real date and anyone who falls for that deserves to be ignored. . . . WAIT WHAT?!?! Oh no I scheduled so many meetings for the captain on that day!" 

And that's the story of how Richard never gets picked to be an assistant. Ever. 

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6 hours ago, Richard Matthews said:

Richard a week into the first mission. "Oh S*it, she's real?!?! From the stories I heard, I thought Talia was made up! I thought I was telling people to go talk to a fake person. You know, as a way to get them to go away and not deal with them. Like how you would schedule meetings for March 31 cause it's not a real date and anyone who falls for that deserves to be ignored. . . . WAIT WHAT?!?! Oh no I scheduled so many meetings for the captain on that day!" 

And that's the story of how Richard never gets picked to be an assistant. Ever. 

Talia is a cryptid. Confirmed. 

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Shayne: Ensign, please don’t take this the wrong way, but… why aren’t you dead? 


television threatening GIF

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Ohnari: Biodegradable glitter that you can eat and chuck at siblings? HOW could that be not the most perfect substance known to man??

This quote tells you every possible thing you need to know about our ship's doctor @Talia Ohnari in one sentence. Glorious. 🤩


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4 hours ago, Zenno said:

This quote tells you every possible thing you need to know about our ship's doctor @Talia Ohnari in one sentence. Glorious. 🤩


Plus the fact that she's talking about snow

2 hours ago, Nolen Hobart said:

Plus the fact that she's talking about snow

Well yes. What else could it be? Chucking at siblings...in this economy?? 

cocaine GIF

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Brenner: Of course... ::giggles:: But tell me more about you... Not in a romantical way, of course! 
A sober Heinrich would have immediately apologized for the poor phrasing, or would've planned ahead and asked that question in a less ambiguous way. But he was already way too drunk to think properly.


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Her feelings for the Trill man were much deeper than that, but she wouldn't deny that he was also quite catching to the eye. Now that she knew where the spots led, her imagination often would fill in the gaps prevented by modern decency in public places.

Reason#...lost count of why I would follow @Kali Nicholotti to the gates of hell if needed. 

Also, @Karrod Niac YOU'RE WELCOME. 

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Ra: Maybe you should let him cook you something. Worked for me.

Risky. It has never been canonically established that Hobart knows how to cook anything other that peanut butter noodles.

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1 hour ago, Nolen Hobart said:

Risky. It has never been canonically established that Hobart knows how to cook anything other that peanut butter noodles.

Ok NGL I love me some cold peanut noodles. 

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She smiled and allowed herself a chuckle at the discussion of Mirkl’s holodeck program. It faded in an instant as the image of Captain Shayne clad in nothing but a towel flashed before her mind. Her eyes glanced about, frantically, desperate to find something—anything—to bleach her mind’s eye.

If Tuvok can show up to the bridge naked, Shayne can do it in a towel. Prepare to suffer. 

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Lacy: For what it’s worth, sir? As long as Starfleet is going to have Captains—like you—I hope they’re all Captains like you.

Lacy's got a lot of awesome lines, but this is among the finest. So good. 

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Now she felt like a supreme jerk. She should have called. Anything other than just showing up at his door looking a messy insane person, dragging a bat. Reaching the table, Talia carefully unclasped the sling, setting it and her beloved bat on the surface. The ratty blanket that had more than a few holes from claw marks, she reverently tucked in around him. Used to her new schedule of illogical hours for sleep, he huffed indignantly and unfluffed the blanket, just to fluff it his way. 

oO Snooty Bat. Oo 

I want to see Statler Jr. with cucumbers over his eyes and a mango smoothie clutched in one leathery wing. 

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On 10/16/2024 at 11:25 AM, Randal Shayne said:

I want to see Statler Jr. with cucumbers over his eyes and a mango smoothie clutched in one leathery wing. 

That's Tuesdays, sir. 

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Shayne: You’re worried about Talia. To a degree, we all are. ::he paused- the rumor mill worked fast.:: But you cannot allow yourself to dwell. She’ll be fine. They always are. 

HEY! That....that's pretty accurate actually. 

Mad Nuts GIF by hamlet

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And yet MacKenna had poured a pleasantly cool glass of water over the most pervasive of Shayne’s concerns- the notion of disappointing her, or hurting her feelings. Without that looming uncomfortableness, what he saw before him was simply some particularly brazen and inoffensive marmosets who’d gotten loose after a very difficult time of it, and were now curled up in a comfortable spot that they had far greater need for than the captain. 

Shayne: Confound you and your capacity to make me a better man.

Im Not Even Sorry Friends Tv GIF


I am. I am SO SORRY. 😬


Hobart: It does, but I appreciate it just the same. ::smile:: I'm glad I can count on you, Ensign. A ship is nothing without a strong junior officer corps. Now… if I could speak as a friend, can I ask a small favor? Next shoreleave, maybe drink half as much when you're out in public.

No can do sir, next shoreleave is Pasta Truck Two: Preparing Livers for pickling. 

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El’Heem: We….did it! ::jumping up and down like a school girl:: we did it Richard!

Matthews: ::Raised his hand and twirled his finger above his head:: Mazel tov.

The two high-fived and Ras went in for a hug.

Matthews: ::Mumbling from within the hug:: Ras, can’t breathe.

El’Heem: I can’t believe it. ::whispering:: We did it…

Excited Good News GIF by Amazon Prime Video

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