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Pickings from the Khitty Litter - USS Khitomer

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Posted (edited)

As the USS Khitomer has just been announced, come here for selected excerpts that entertain, endear, or enliven us!

Khitomer Title 2.png

Edited by Nolen Hobart
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Astrid: ‘Sup pops. Same to meet your virtual bad self.

Yep, still live for, and would die for Crewman Astrid. 

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Saava: You are 2 days, 4 hours and 12 minutes early, Zenno. Are you experiencing any kind of distress?

Wow. Who knew Vulcans could be so romantic...? 

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From @Zenno:


Zenno: ::Stands up:: This might be the data we’ve been looking for. =/\= Zenno here =/\=

Narrator: It was not the data they'd been looking for.

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DS33 Security Officer T’Lyra: =/\= I have analyzed the Arboretum data. Are you aware that your Captain is a confectionary cutpurse? He appears to be the Lemon Bar culprit. I have uploaded the Security data to your passcode. =/\=

Shocked Puss In Boots GIF

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From @Talia Ohnari


Sparks: I'll be on it like a horse fly on a hind end! You won't ree-gret it nosiree! 

Following the man like a imprinted duckling, Stella began gathering the data as requested.

Sir David Attenborough voice: "And here, in the bowels of a starship on the edge of civilized space, we chance to witness a rare and miraculous transformation. Watch as a fledgling one-off NPC transforms into a full-grown PNPC!"

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Hayley: While there wasn't supposed to be many arrivals until Tuesday...

New things only arrive on new starships on Tuesdays. This is canon. *Chef's Kiss* 😁

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Capt. Shayne: Look At Me. I'm The Captain Now.

Every now and then, it's good to reassert the chain of command. Some happen to be more blunt about it, is all.

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Shayne: Captain Hayley has final say, but if she is amenable, we’ll bring Her Fluffiness aboard.

Well, duh. We weren't taking off without her royal floof!!! 

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Sparks: How-do, Ensign Senak? I'm Stella Sparks. You can call me Sparky, if'n you'd like. Otherwise whatever you decide, as long as you don't call me late for supper! 
A tinkly, slightly nasal giggle escaped, she never got tired of saying that. Call her whatever, but don't be gettin' in between her and her vittles. 

Senak: ::Nodding:: The pleasure is mine. I look forward to working with you.

Sparks: Commander Dee-witt said someone done stole your ship! What an awful thing to do. ::looking between the both:: Luckier than a duck inna bread pond we was in the ar-ea. Anythin' I can do to help y'all out I'm gonna. Sure gets me steamed, someones out here thievin' ships. That's just something no worth-their-salt engineer can abide. ::nodding determined, she slapped both hands together, rubbing furiously:: Let's rope us a ship!!! 

Sparks, an NPC by @Talia Ohnari

This little exchange caused me to emit a "YeeHaw" and furthermore I observe that the use of "vittles" is A+

Just so fun!!

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Just swinging by to say I love the title of this thread 🤣🤣🤣

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Carpenter: Commander. George. If I put coal up your ass for two weeks I’d have enough diamonds to make a Ferengi purchase the rights to your colon. 

Sorry, @Randal Shayne, I've found a new Captain.

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Posted (edited)

@Senak: Are you perhaps thinking of what I am thinking, sir?

pinky and the brain world GIF

Edited by Nolen Hobart
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Shayne clapped his hands together like a Midwesterner spotting hot dish at a buffet. 

Homer Drool GIF

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The captain lacked the strength to even pretend to be interested in Sparks’ goat story; perhaps later he would care, but not at the moment, which led to him slowly raising a finger to gently shush the rambling crewman. 

Google Pout GIF

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shayne looked at Rodan, confused, as per usual, about what the Trill was discussing. Proteus? What the hell was he…? OH! Right. The ring. The ring for transwarp. The ring chosen specially to help Arrow achieve transwarp. Arrow’s transwarp ring. 

Understanding Emperors New Groove GIF

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From his position, in the captain’s chair, Shayne was approximately eye-level with the newcomer’s crotch. Thrilling. He squinted so as to avoid gazing too concertedly at the trunk junk of the interloper, and focused as best he could on the partially eclipsed viewscreen. 

As a physician, I can confirm trunk junk is a technical term. 

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And with that, Astrid sat down on the deck in the corner, facing away from the forcefield. She pulled off her left shoe and a preposterous amount of her leg hair spilled out. She had intended to get a trim after the sparring session with Zerva, but it had slipped her mind. But at least she could manage some hygiene on her large nails while she awaited her fate. She began to pick at them with a stylus while lightly humming one of her favorites from back home, "My Bowels Churn at the Sound of your Name," a love story in three parts.


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Even at the best of times, the holodeck was a dubious prospect for getting out of challenging situations. He’d grown to loathe the diversionary invention, and he was confident that the… what, six?... times he’d been trapped in one and subject to fighting demons or vampires or other infernal creatures had done no favors to improve his disposition toward the black and yellow checkerboards. 

It turns out that @Randal Shayne has opinions about Holodecks! 😆

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