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This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.

DATES: The class began on May 17, 2005, and ended on May 24, 2005.

LIST: sb118-academy1

COMMANDING OFFICER: Commander Tyr Waltas

FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Alexander Ilic


Collim Denari

Joshua Harley

Ben Hunnicutt

Max Powers

Ethan Torn

Chris Wadham

Romi Zazou

Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!


welcome welcome! congratulations one and all, hope you'll all have as much fun as i do in the UFOP :D


hey!! no favouritism! we like em all equally :P....especially you Mr Powers- I mean Danari I mean...I'll shut up now :D


Thanks Seph and well okay you too Ajescent. :P


Congrats everyone! *hugs Denari and Nick*


thanks guys. kinda nice seeing people fighting over us new ensigns.

anywho, i can't wait to get started. where did everyone end up? i'm on the aurora along with harley and zazou


I've been posted to SB118 Ops.


Congratulations, everyone. I was happy to see you all placed on such fine ships. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

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