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I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry -- Memorable Moments Aboard the USS Chintoka

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Did you see something memorable aboard the Chin'toka that you want to recognize? Drop it in this thread! Whether it's a mishap or just Toryn being Toryn, this is the place for it.

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Woooow, just called out like that, right out of the gate. Okay. I see how it is. 

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6 minutes ago, Toryn Raga said:

Woooow, just called out like that, right out of the gate. Okay. I see how it is. 

I mean, if the table fits...

  • Haha 3



Rosek: I would have been just fine without the action, thanks. There were a few times where I was convinced the deck and I were about to become very closely acquainted. ::looks up:: Do you have any idea how hard it is to walk straight when the pilot is executing a variation on the Delta Epsilon flight pattern?

I feel called out here...

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Raga: =/\=  Bridge to Security. Intruder alert. Repeat. Intruder alert. Deck Ten Starboard Observation Lounge. Hull breach. A Valcarian assault shuttle has struck the ship. Prepare to repel boarders. =/\= 

That wasn’t a good sign. If they’d made it into the ship, that meant there were a few different possibilities for them to hit. 

Peters: oO They could’ve just **asked** for a cup of coffee...oh no. Sickbay’s on deck 10. Oo

He didn’t know why he immediately thought of the coffee first and sickbay second, but this wasn’t the time to dwell on that. He once again clutched at the controls and attempted to make their way back into formation, with their starboard side as far away from the onslaught as possible. He only hoped engineering was able to restore power to the shields.


Courtesy of Lieutenant Commander Cadfael Peters. :)

Edited by Mei'konda
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Oh look, what's this? An ultra rare...nay, EPIC and ONE OF A KIND @Elizabeth Snow original artwork, card? And in mint condition too? 


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On 10/21/2021 at 11:36 PM, Toryn Raga said:

Oh look, what's this? An ultra rare...nay, EPIC and ONE OF A KIND @Elizabeth Snow original artwork, card? And in mint condition too? 



Posted (edited)

Rai: Still looking good. :: to McKnight :: Just don’t land us in a tree.

McKnight: I'll look for a field to make some crop circles if you want to.


Serala: I doubt there are any trees here. No atmosphere for them to breathe. But if you find any, let Lieutenant Levinson know. She no doubt has people that would be interested in such a phenomenon.


Levinson / Raga: Responses


And it was at that time that the proximity alarm decided to sound off it’s opinion about the possibility of trees being on the moon.


Rai: What’s that about?


McKnight: Turbulence. It's messing with the autopilot.


Snow: Can you switch to manual control? 


Serala: Working on that now, Doctor. :: punching some buttons on her console. To McKnight :: Cross-circuiting to B.


Levinson / Raga: Responses


There were several sharp turns before they managed to get the shuttle back under control and the flight smoothed out once more. 


Serala: Okay, so we got that excitement out of the way. The rest should be fine now.

McKnight: Unless I managed to find the one tree.

Thanks for the Laugh, McKnight 😂


Edited by Elizabeth Snow
  • Haha 3


Rai: Still looking good. :: to McKnight :: Just don’t land us in a tree.

McKnight: I'll look for a field to make some crop circles if you want to.

Serala: I doubt there are any trees here. No atmosphere for them to breathe. But if you find any, let Lieutenant Levinson know. She no doubt has people that would be interested in such a phenomenon.

Oh, for sure. That’d be an interesting sight to behold.

Levinson: Indeed. Myself included.

Raga: Responses

And it was at that time that the proximity alarm decided to sound off it’s opinion about the possibility of trees being on the moon.

Rai: What’s that about?

McKnight: Turbulence. It's messing with the autopilot.

Snow: Can you switch to manual control? 

Serala: Working on that now, Doctor. :: punching some buttons on her console. To McKnight :: Cross-circuiting to B.

Raga: Responses

There were several sharp turns before they managed to get the shuttle back under control and the flight smoothed out once more.

Serala: Okay, so we got that excitement out of the way. The rest should be fine now.

McKnight: Unless I managed to find the one tree.

She made a quick sensor sweep. Nothing really interesting or new came up. Not even a tree.

Levinson: Well, I do not see that tree. Everything looks okay to me.

oO Or maybe the tree is there, and we being unable to see it is all just a treeck! Oo

She shook her head slightly at her own terrible joke, and moved on to her readings.


Okay, this whole tree thing just got very funny. Kudos to @Amuro McKnight and @Noa T'Nessa Levinson for that. 😂

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  • 4 weeks later...

From the Narrative of Sal Taybrim:

He started mentally taking bets on whether their long range shuttle would be filled with plushies on the ride home or whether Alora would simply hide a few in Sal’s luggage so they tumbled out at inopportune moments.  Both were equally likely.

Both are going to happen.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Mei'konda pinned and unpinned this topic
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not really much of a poetry person, sad to say, but this was just excellently done by @Toryn Raga



They ascended higher, moving through the Mesosphere towards the Thermosphere and he looked up. It was the most beautiful sight, seeing the Chin’toka, the Akira class descending ahead of them into the clouds. With the colors of the aurora and the thermal distortions from the ship breaching the atmosphere she looked like a phoenix descending in front of them. He couldn’t help but take a moment to just admire the once in a lifetime view. 

Raga: Like a phoenix, with wings a blaze in crimson and amber. The great bird descends into an aurora filled sky of turbulence, above a world unknown. Risking it all to rescue one of her clutch amidst fire and air streams aflame. ::He murmured:: 

Moved poetically, Al-Leyan felt a surge of confidence. They could do this. He could do this. They were going to get back to the ship safely and then find their friends.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just had to throw in this gold nugget that @Jaelyne Isa pointed out. XD Priceless, @Noa T'Nessa Levinson.


Noa clasped her hands together, elbows on the table, as her head tilted slightly to the right, as she spoke in a perfectly monotone manner.

Levinson: I can think of many reasons, Lieutenant. The planet’s inhabitants may be wondering what they were doing on their planet. Or perhaps they require their bodies, or minds, for some sort of activity. And maybe, just maybe, they wanted to invite our team for dinner and were merely afraid they would say no. Some specimens are curious in nature, after all.

Edited by Lael Rosek
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This truly encapsulates both laugh and cry. Such a bittersweet moment for Toryn! And the last bit makes me laugh XD


Solat: ~ I can remove the memories from your mind, in apology. ~

Toryn looked up at the entity and after a brief contemplation raised a hand to stop the entity. 

Raga: No! Leave them please!

Kiax: You sure, Toryn?

The entity seemed to be confused and the glow ceased. Though it had already removed several of the memories from his mind. 

Solat: ~ Why? Why would you wish to keep the memories? The punishment was placed upon you in error. ~

Raga: ::Slowly rising to his feet again he composed himself:: You said these are memories of those who are dead? 

The entity nodded sagely. 

Raga: Then that means that as long as I live, they live on through me. I’d like to keep them…to honor them. 

Isa: It is, of course, your decision, Commander. But I highly advise against it. Still, if you insist, then I am going to insist on mandatory counseling to help you with processing it.

Mandatory counseling sessions? Bold of her to assume Chin’tokans needed that. Paying no mind to the fact that it was easier to earn a purple heart than to keep a counselor on board.


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Oh look, the Al-Leyan was waxing philosophical. Read as much poetry as Toryn did and someone would likely sound the same.

Ha! 🤣

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  • 1 month later...
It had been a long road, Solok mused somewhat poetically, getting from there to here.

It's been a surprisingly long time since I've read this kind of reference, but its time is finally near.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Rosek-Skyfire: ::smirks:: Looks like teacher wants you to stay after class. Not everyday you experience a three-way telepathic connection with two T4s.


Yeah. It was a good idea to make sure that the neural noodle that was the brain was still noodling properly.



oO Noodling? What…? Oo



She mentally paused to think briefly.



oO …Yeah, I think I’m a little hungry. Oo


@Noa T'Nessa Levinson showing us the struggle of every officer. 

The above for context and this from later in the sim. Showcasing the wonderful cultural misunderstandings between species and also, just how hungry we all get while on shift. 



Avae: And just where do you think you’re going, Commander? ::She smiled:: We haven’t finished our scan comparison to see if that telepathic contact scrambled your noodle. 


Raga: ::His brow raised slightly:: I don’t have a noodle. Last thing I ate was L’ata stew. It doesn’t have noodles. 


oO Dammit, stop making food metaphors! Oo


Noa made a brief struggle to not appear annoyed. While for the most part she managed to hide her emotions, she did place her hand on her belly, another reminder that she was a bit hungry.


Edited by Toryn Raga
Forgot to add the full quote
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  • 1 month later...

I'm always impressed with @Noa T'Nessa Levinson's ability to write Treknobabble, and to make it sound totally reasonable and logical. Here are a couple of great examples:


Levinson: Well, we have a supposed Al-Leyan-like sensor ghost with an energy buildup at the same position. ::Thinking a bit:: Perhaps you could perform a Fourier transform on my readings of the energy buildup, to produce a spectrogram. That could be checked against known Al-Leyan and Klingon system patterns - that way we could narrow down what exactly is being charged out there.



Levinson: The energy buildup has stopped, with the energy signature maintaining a constant pattern as of now. Sensor logs indicate the buildup time was approximately 38.43 seconds. Sending sensor telemetry and logs now.


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