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"That's supposed to be on fire" - And other stuff you can hear on the USS Thor


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Josh was quickly rethinking the decisions that led to them defusing what was essentially a live bomb in a crowded shuttle bay. Rather, he was rethinking all of his life decisions that had led him to be present when it was happening.

My work here is done.

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@Wes Greaves



Sirok: My knowledge of volcanology is limited. But from the destruction of the entire surrounding area over hundreds of kilometers to a planetary-wide climate change due to the ash. 


Wes leaned up against the back of one of the chairs in the center of the bridge and thought about it. Peri would have been helpful to have around. None of them really seemed too knowledgeable about the science behind an eruption of this kind.  


Greaves: (Grinning) Sounds like a good way to wipe out all the dinosaurs. 


Wes cracked a wide smile, which grew at the looks the non-humans gave him.  


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  • 3 weeks later...

From the narrative of Captain Aron Kells:

While it may seem like a strange destination, I was asked specifically if we would consider a leave period there by a group of insistent admirals -- and when admirals agree, they're either being controlled by neural parasites or they really want you to do what they ask.

Now I'm worried. 

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11 hours ago, Alora DeVeau said:

Now I'm worried. 

I'm so glad someone dropped this quote in. I read it on my phone and didn't wan't to try and mess with formatting like that.

Worth quoting simply for the awesome reference!

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the narrative of Anton Richards:

Lieutenant Salo Nesre and Ensign Katsim Peri entered, followed by… “Mr. I’m a Dragon and I bite Anton”. 

Watch out, this might become a Thing(tm).

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Alieth: Engage in medieval warfare. Being rammed by a war targ the size of a Sehlat. Spelunking in a semi-buried ship left out in the elements for an excessive amount of time. .... am I missing something? 

Wes stopped mid bend and a smile crept across his face. 

Greaves:  I stubbed my toe last week walking to the bathroom too, but I can forgive you for missing that detail.  

She nodded slightly. 

Alieth: Oh, of course, that too. In any case, I think you have tried a little too hard to wreck my work, have you not? 


One of the interesting things about the way simming is done here is that you have to make some guesses as to how your writing partner is going to respond.  Here, Greaves fills in an empty tag in a way that I just didn't expect, and maybe it's just a tiny thing, and maybe it's just me, but it made me laugh.  

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Greaves: (Incensed) Excuse me? What in the ever-living f…  

Wes!  Watch your language!

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Teller:  =/\= Del, I've got a little problem and I'd like your help.  Got a few minutes to discuss it in my office?  =/\=
Del Vedova: =/\= Response =/\=
Teller:  =/\= Fine fine, put the organs back in the person or whatever it is you're doing, wash your hands and then come up.  I'll get a fresh pot of coffee going.  Sounds like you need it.  =/\=


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Ever since the inspirational running squakes Anton had received from Echo he now… for the moment, has loosened up on the bite related names, and has settled with Coach. 

So glad she's moved up in his eyes. 😄

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Geoff could hear, with surprising clarity, very judgy breathing over the comm.  


Judging you SO HARD

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Anton could see these poor guys were struggling, and after the whole guns to the head and pokes to the back, Anton wasn’t going to let this end just quite yet. So he waited a half dozen long seconds, While Ted and Fred scrambled for words.


Just when he was pretty sure Fred was going to pass out, Anton stepped in. 

This made me laugh!


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Richards: Commander Sir. We have never met formally. Captain Cool Guy, Sir. Saviour of the galaxy and what have you. We don’t really have time for formalities here. Something bad has happened. I was on my mission from Admiral Peacebringer Sir, when…

Kiss butt, why don't ya?

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Richards: Commander... what Ms. Peri means to say is, “Supreme Commander Peri Protector of Good Things”.  I gave her a field promotion when she was forced to play a crucial role in negotiations with a Splurge Commander. 

*dies laughing*

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Kells: (half-joking) What if I just gave the ship over to Geoff?

Brodie: (deadpan) It’d be in pieces by the end of the week…probably along with Geoff.

HEY!  That is only mostly true! 

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  • Tony, aka Rouiancet changed the title to "That's supposed to be on fire" - And other stuff you can hear on the USS Thor

From "Commodore, If You Please"



Rahman: Are you two still an item?

Aron considered answering with a kiss, but Roshanara also would remember his habit of a friendly kiss for any of his crew who received a promotion or an award. It would not answer her question. 

Del, however, beamed and embraced Aron for a moment.

del Vedova: Space husbands!

Rahman: ::shaking head:: Naturally.


That's the most Del response I couldn't have even imagined, @Tony, aka Kells.

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Greaves: Absolutely, sir. I think if we had to reschedule again, I’d lose my mind.

It's way too late.  You already have.

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From the Captain’s chair Wes shot a look at the back of Aron’s head. Either he was having bad luck, or the Fleet Captain programmed this test to be a little extra squirrly. 

Knowing Aron, I'm going to say the second.

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Anton was wondering when the last time the Commander had slept, the search for caffeine wasn’t a good sign, Anton thought.

I think it's more that he has coffee based blood. 

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Just as Anton was settling on the “USS Notgoodira” the comm chirped with an incoming hail. 

Ah, Anton, always good for a laugh!

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On 7/16/2021 at 6:54 PM, Alora DeVeau said:

Ah, Anton, always good for a laugh!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wes nodded along with the engineer as he spoke, his eyes scanning for insight into the man. Either the Deltan was really good at bullsh*******g, or he knew his stuff well. His answer was quick and professional.  

Lolol @Wes Greaves, providing a thorough analysis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Geoff had to admit, Starfleet Command really had a knack for testing its people.  A very sadistic knack. 

You're just NOW realising this?

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Reid: Maybe she thinks the debris field is the storm and pulling a large chunk of metal through a storm isn’t going to be easy or that we are waiting there for her.

Richards: Or… if she’s going to use the large chunk of metal to shoot some type of death laser at us. 

DEATH LASER!  Totally it.

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